Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly SPONSORED BY THE ASSOCIATION FOR RESEARCH ON NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS AND VOLUNTARY ACTION Editor in Chief Book Review Editor Deputy Editors STEVEN RATHGEB SMITH JUDITH R. SAIDEL ELAINE BACKMAN University of Washington University at Albany, SUNY Harvard Business School Managing Editor Insights Editor ELEANOR BROWN Pomona College STACY HOLMES ELIZABETH T. BORIS University of Washington The Urban Institute JOSEPH J. GALASKIEWICZ University of Arizona DAVID HAMMACK Case Western Reserve University Members of the Editorial Board RIKKI ABZUG FEMIDA HANDY SUSAN A. OSTRANDER New School University York University Tufts University DEBORAH A. AUGER IRA HARKAVY FRANCIE OSTROWER University of Delaware University of Pennsylvania The Urban Institute THOMASINA BORKMAN VIRGINIA HODGKINSON ROBERT D. PUTNAM George Mason University Georgetown University Harvard University ARTHUR BROOKS ESTELLE JAMES SALLY RASKOFF Syracuse University The World Bank University of Southern California JEFFREY BRUDNEY STANLEY N. KATZ THOMAS ROTOLO University of Georgia Princeton University Washington State University SUSAN M. CHAMBRÉ KEVIN P. KEARNS LESTER M. SALAMON Bernard M. Baruch College University of Pittsburgh Johns Hopkins University SUE E. S. CRAWFORD BRUCE R. KINGMA JOHN G. SIMON Creighton University Syracuse University Yale Law School NICHOLAS DEAKIN RALPH M. KRAMER MELISSA M. STONE London School of Economics University of California, Berkeley University of Minnesota JAMES FERRIS LAURENCE E. LYNN, JR. DIANE VINOKUR-KAPLAN University of Southern University of Chicago University of Michigan California ADIL NAJAM BURTON WEISBROD KIRSTEN A. GRONBJERG Boston University Northwestern University Indiana University TERESA ODENDAHL National Network of Grantmakers Past Editors DAVID HORTON SMITH JON VAN TIL CARL MILOFSKY Boston College Rutgers University Bucknell University 1971-1977 Camden College 1992-1998 1979-1991 For Sage Publications: Jason Ward, Jim Kelly, Amy Gately, and Joe Cribben NONPROFIT and VOLUNTARY SECTOR QUARTERLY Volume 30, Number 4 December 2001 NONPROFIT and VOLUNTARY SECTOR QUARTERLY Volume 30, Number 4 December 2001 Special Issue: 2000 ARNOVA Conference CONTENTS PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS President’s State of the Field Address Dennis R. Young 645 INTRODUCTION Gil Clary, Margaret Gibelman, and Susan Ostrander 654 ARTICLES Congregations and Social Services: What They Do, How They Do It, and With Whom Mark Chaves and William Tsitsos 660 Community Variations in the Size and Scope of the Nonprofit Sector: Theory and Preliminary Findings Kirsten A. Grønbjerg and Laurie Paarlberg 684 Legitimation Issues in the State-Nonprofit Relationship Louella Moore 707 Cultural Diversity and High School Community Service: The Relationships Between Ethnicity and Students’ Perceptions Sally A. Raskoff and Richard A. Sundeen 720 RESEARCH NOTES The Place of Self and Reflexivity in Third Sector Scholarship: An Exploration Margaret Harris 747 The Civic Core in Canada: Disproportionality in Charitable Giving, Volunteering, and Civic Participation Paul B. Reed and L. Kevin Selbee 761 Introducing the Nonprofit Program Classification System: The Taxonomy We’ve Been Waiting For Linda Lampkin, Sheryl Romeo, and Emily Finnin 781 AWARDS FROM THE 29TH ANNUAL ARNOVA CONFERENCE 2000 ARNOVA Conference Awards List 794 GABRIEL G. RUDNEY AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING DISSERTATION Explaining Demise Among Nonprofit Organizations (Abstract) Mark A. Hager 795 BEST BOOK AWARD Organizing God’s Work: Challenges for Churches and Synagogues by Margaret Harris 797 Index 798 Sage Publications Thousand Oaks • London • New Delhi NONPROFIT AND VOLUNTARY SECTOR QUARTERLY, the journal of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, is an international, interdisciplinary journal that seeks to en- hance the quality of life and general welfare of humanity through effective and appropriate voluntary action by reportingon research and programsrelated to voluntarism, citizen participation, philanthropy, and nonprofit organizations in societies around the world. MANUSCRIPTS should be submitted in quadruplicate to Steven Rathgeb Smith, Daniel J. Evans School of Public Affairs, University of Washington, Box 353055, Seattle, WA98195 (e-mail: [email protected]). For specific instructions on manuscript preparation, see our Web site at http://www.evans.washington. edu/nvsq. BOOKS FOR REVIEW should be sent to Judith R. Saidel, Center for Women in Government, University at Albany, SUNY, 135 Western Ave., Albany, NY 12222 (e-mail: [email protected]). NONPROFIT AND VOLUNTARY SECTOR QUARTERLY (ISSN 0899-7640) is published four times annu- ally—in March, June, September, and December—by Sage Publications, 2455 Teller Rd., Thousand Oaks, CA 91320; e-mail: [email protected]; Web site: http://www.sagepub.com. Copyright © 2001 by Sage Publica- tions. All rights reserved. No portion of the contents may be reproduced in any form without written permis- sion of the copyright holder. Subscriptions/Inquiries: Annual subscription rates for institutions and individuals are based on the current frequency. Prices quoted are in U.S. dollars and are subject to change without notice. Canadian subscribers add 7% GST (and HST as appropriate). Outside U.S. subscription rates include shippingvia air-speeded delivery.In - stitutions: $245 (within the U.S.) / $261 (outside the U.S.) / single issue: $72 (worldwide). 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Please send the old address label alongwith the new address to ensure proper identification. Please specify name of journal. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, c/o 2455 Teller Road, Thou- sand Oaks, CA 91320. Printed on acid-free paper Presidential Address Young PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS President’s State of the Field Address1 Dennis R. Young Case Western Reserve University My presidential address to ARNOVA[Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action] last year focused on how we, as a com- munity of scholars, define our field of study. What exactly is it that we study, and how do we go about studying it? Alas, I concluded that there was no obvi- ous singular or time invariant answer to that question but that we had to con- sider characterizingour field of interest in a number of different ways and to be open and inclusive of a wide spectrum of participants and intellectual per- spectives. This year, I want to say somethingabout one of the important issues raised by this view—what is it that can hold a diverse group of scholars and professionals
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