THE| VOICE |OP MERCYHURST SCHOOL SPIRIT AD IN ACTION Published atlMercyhurst College, Erie, Pennsylvania VOL. VII APRIL, 1936 NUMBER SIX Communism Is Msgr. J Fulton || *Sheen| Visits Mercyhurst Interest Is | Discussed In as he spoke on in a very?informal Speaks Informally To Students Of way that was delightful.'His talk - Keen In Song fthe Meaning of Humor Appears Before *Erie Audience to Symposium was interspersed with stories and W •£#' Discuss Communism examples, many off them directly Contest The Faculty and Students of connectedJwith '^his lownlexperi­ Speakers Represent Seven 1B a groan off despair, fthe dying Freshman land Sophomore Catholic Colleges Mercyhurst and their friends were ences here and abroad.! He men­ gasp of a Godless civilization." It privileged to fhear* an inspiring tioned his great flove Bfor poetry is a religion t hat,insists that the Classes Win Prizes talk given by the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Sunday evening, March 29, Mer­ and quoted > several flines j from soul belongs to thelstate. It is the Fulton J. Sheen?in the Chapel of MaryfDixon Thayer and Francis What the Mardi Gras is -to New cyhurst presented the Symposium religion of the anti-Christ, of ihe Orleans and the flower carnival to Christ the King the afternoon of Thompson. 8^fejj3»SBj^-~^w | new invasion, denying the true na­ speakers of the v. Western New March 30, and afterwards, to be California, fthe song contest is to York and Pennsylvania Student With a sense of humor in work ture of man, making him a| tool, Mercyhurst. Each year sees in­ presented at an informal gather­ an economic|animal in the hands Sodalities to an Erie audience. The ing in thejBishop's| Parlor. ^ and in play — in everything that creased interest in the anticipation fifth annual Catholic Collegiate is done on earth, man will be a of his oppressors.^Communism de­ and staging of the event; and this Symposium took up the fight Msgr. Sheen was introduced by hero — not a coward on | this personalizes manSto the very core year saw enthusiasm augmented to against Communism. The speak­ our Chaplain, Father Powers, who battlefield. There is only one {ex­ of his being." the fever point. |g "Politics and Economics is the ers had as their aim "Making the praised him as an author of many ception, onejthing which must be After weeks of successful secret powder Ion the face of Commu­ World Safe for Christocracy." books, ^famous in?-philosophy and taken seriously; that is the salva­ planning and days of less success­ nism," whichjreally lis not anti- Eight enthusiastic college repre­ religion. The audience was imme­ tion of man's soul. If^this is ac­ ful secret practicing, the "Song Capitalistic, as evidenced by the sentatives performed the task ca­ diately struck with the simple, di­ complished man will look forward Contest"' was finally launched be­ concentration of ^wealth in Russia, pably and spiritedly, holding the rect style of speech which is an to Gods special gift—whichiHeJis fore a one hundred per cent at­ Germany, Mexico and other audience's attention throughout a outstanding characteristic of all saving for those possessed of a tendance on Wednesday evening, countries where it. reigns. For the two hour performance. Father Sheen's talks. Divine sense humor—God's Smile. March 25. % f. poor classes, Communism is "Cap­ Mr. Richard Spitzer of Canisius "The world is|taking itself too Msgr. Sheen was also the guest italism without any money lin its The Freshmen were the first to College introduced the subject and seriously. What we need is a Di­ speaker in a program presented pockets." Take the gun away from appear on the program. An un­ presented each of the seven speak­ vine sense of humor — to be able by the Erie Council of Catholic Stalin or Hitler and Communism usual setting for the school songs to see God through the things of was provided by| an "Alumnae ers. Miss Marjorie Scholl of Women, the evening of March 80, will crumble into utter ruin. D'Youville College spoke on "The this|world." |Dr. Sheen'sfspecial at the Public Auditorium. Four Bridge Party" whose guests lis­ philosophy of life is ythat this vocal selections were sung by^the The Church and Communism are tened in 'to a radio broadcast of Radical Doctrine of Christ." Mr. both battling for men's souls. The Joseph Cleary, St. Bonaventure's beautiful world of ours lost its Catholic Daughters' Chorus, after Mercyhurst melodies. The Alma tranparency when sin, which is whichfFather McManaman, pastor intensity of zeal displayed by each Mater Song of the class of '36 was representative, gave a most con­ of the opponents will decide the vincing exposition of Communistic seriousness, ravaged Jthe universe. of 1st. Peter's Cathedral, intro­ presented as a tribute to that Sin is like prose — matter of fact, duced Msgr. Sheen. victor. As Catholics, it is our duty class, the Freshmen having fitly propaganda methods in his sub- to assume the responsibility neces­ (Continued on Page 3) and a sense of humor is a poet's The speaker's address, "The arrayed themselves in cap, gown, song. "Humor came back one night sary to handle the problem, and and diploma. The Freshmen, :-o-: Catholic Church! and Our Times," so sway the world in the right di­ when there rang out over the still­ was divided into three main top­ (Continued on Page 3) ness? of the evening breeze the an­ rection. With Christian fortitude :-o-: Theodora Blake ics, namely: Present Condition of we can throw ourselves^ into the nouncement of the new born the Church in the World, Its * New King." And the people who heard conflict, lift the world from its J. Corson Miller Presents Talk Opposition, and How the Church is present state of mortal sin, social that cry were shepherds and wise- to Meet the Opposition. men—who possessed a Divine unrest and economic chaos. This Is Guest^At On Conversion sense of humor and who saw in Communism was the predomi­ threefold crisis is before us. Our rain "God's tears, falling from nant subject of Father Sheen's responsibility is with the most Pegasus Club "Romeward Bound'* Talk Pleases speech. It constitutes the new op­ important. The salvation of souls the skies." position and is the greatest enemy must be first! Erieites Gives Personal Philosophy of the Or. Sheen charmed his audience of the Church today. "Communism 1 i~Eleanor O'Sullivan, '37 Essentials of Poetry Miss Theodora Blake, Catholic . convert, appeared as the second SODALITY PRESIDENT f 0 F JOH*f THE LUCKY EMERALD "Last night, against the wall of speaker in the lecture course of the •iCARROL CONDUCTS the moon Miss Marks, the national secre­ ANNUAL RETREAT The Math Club's annual presen­ Erie Council/of Catholic Women, tary of the confraternity of Chris­ I heard a crowd of roses speak — in the public auditorium, Thurs­ tation of an entertainment for the If you will listen at the lips of tian Doctrine, addressed the Sodal­ During three days of each year college the night of St. Patrick's day evening, March 19. The course • June, ity March 25, and urged its mem­ the girls of Mercyhurst College was opened Thursday, March ,5 bers to participate actively and feast day has grown into a tradi­ Oh, you will hear what the by Michael Williams, editor of the put aside their books, their social tion at Mercyhurst. This year the roses seek." earnestly in Catholic Action. With obligations and engagements to Commonweal^and one of the most interesting clarity, Miss Marks Club regaled an expectant audi­ This was the invitation of the devote themselves completely to prominent CatHolic laymen of the enumeratedIand discussed various ence with the delightful play, poet, Mr. J. Corson Miller, of Buf­ prayer and meditation. These days country. ways whereby Catholic college "The Lucky Emerald,' written by falo, to the faculty and students are referred to as the annual vre- girls can render great assistance Lindsey Barbee and directed by of Mercyhurst College gathered Undaunted! by the heaviest treat. March 13, 14, and 15 of this Miss Beatrice Mulcahy, Instructor in the foyer on a Sunday evening snow in the city's history, a*capa­ to their pastors in furthering the great work which has been under­ year were put aside''for this pur­ in Dramatic Art. Each player was in March. It was with pleasure city audience enthusiastically pose. Each day was begun with excellently well cast for her part. and a bit of curiosity that we ac­ greeted Miss Blake's appearance. taken by the entire Catholic Church. The object of the Confra­ Holy Mass which was followed by The result was a flawless perfor­ cepted. Swiftly we mounted our "Romeward Bound," the subject two conferences and an examina­ mance much applauded by a waiting steed. Riding side-saddle, of; her talk, was informally, and ternity is to explain Catholic doc­ trine and to instruct the average tion of conscience. The program pleased and appreciative audience. upon the back of Pegasus, we sped effectively;, delivered following a for every afternoon was as fol­ Added features on the program to the land of the poet's imagina­ concert provided by Mercyhurst's Catholic so as to enable him to un­ : derstand, discuss, land defend his lows: Recitation of the Rosary, a were the College Orchestra's play- tion where Cathedral Bells sing orchestra, under the direction of conference, and Stations of the ing of a medley of Irish songs, and songs of the Saints, and where Professor Morelli. Miss Blake dis­ faith intelligently. Cross.
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