t / I'llHW.Mll-'. 1111WIBWB" ^ ~v 'AA" v., *3 THE WARD COUNTY INDEPENDENT This Issue 16 Pages THE INDEPENDENT HAS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY WEEKLY IN THE STATE SECOND SECTION Vol. 16; No. 50 MINOT, WARD COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA, Thursday, March 28,1918 Subscription $1.50 Per Annum TURN YOUR CLOCKS AHEAD AT Mrs. Jos. Crow at Rest. ENTHUSIASTIC LOYALTY DEMONSTRATION M. M. Powell Announces Candidacy Eight Stars in the Post Office Service 2 A. M. SUNDAY. The funeral of Mrs. Jos. Crow, who for Sheriff. Mag. died at Williston folowing an illness Commencing about 10 o'clock Monday evening, the citi­ M. M. Powell, county commissioner' The employes of the Minot postof- According to an act of Congress with typhoid fever, was held from the from the Second district, announces; fice have just secured their new ser­ standard time thruout the United Congregational church in' that city zens of Minot gathered on Main Street for the purpose of his candidacy for the republican nom-i vice flag. It contains eight stars. States will be speeded up one hour be­ Thursday afternoon, Rev. S. Hitch­ getting the latest news of the great battle. ' ination for sheriff of Ward county, ii> Five of the employes of the Minot of­ ginning at 2 a. m Sunday. This will cock conducting the services. This this issue of the Independent. | fice have enlisted and three have been not affect train schedules in the least, was one of the most largely attended The extra of the Independent was looked for about 11 Mr. Powell is going after the office; drafted. Uncle Sam's local employes the time being computed on the same funerals ever held in Williston. There in earnest because he wants it and be-; are a loyal bunch and it will not be basis as now. The only train affected were vast quantities of exquisite o'clock and the crowd was dense in front of the Independ­ cause he is convinced that if elected at all surprising if the number en­ will be No. 1 as she pulls in Sunday flowers, many remembrances being ent building. The entrance was guarded by Police Com­ he will make the county a pretty fair listing will be double the present morning. No. 1 will leave Surrey on sent by Minot friends and organiza­ sheriff. .j number if the stirring times continue. time but will pull into Minot one hour tions. Among those from Minot at­ missioner Scofield and Chief Dougherty. When Mr. Powell came out for com- j The men who are in the service late, and will continue that particular tending the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. missioner two years ago, he had some ! from the local office are as follows: run behind time one hour. The change Eldon White and MK.s Anna Olson. The Boy Scouts were out to force to handle the extra. mighty strong opposition, but he got' Aviation—Clyde S. Swigart, Melvin will affect this one train only so far John Flemming has moved from out and worked like a Trojan and roll-! Plank and L. Dow Bowman. as this section is concerned. Simply Foxholm to his home on Valley Presently a band and drum corps appeared on the scene and ed up a surprisingly large vote. He isj Medical Corps—George Christian- turn your clocks ahead one hour and street. the loyalty demonstration waxed enthusiastic. Loyalty going to work even harder for this, i son and Ray Walton. forget that any change whatever has C. P. Zook from Foxholm was in office and many friends assure him i Company A—Alfred Mostad and B. been made in Father Time's schedules. the city Saturday attending the fun­ and confidence, were the watch words. Speakers were of their support. j Foley. Don't forget. eral of Mrs. Trace. Mr. Powell for years was a farmer Company I)—William Marsh. David Gibb of Sanish visited rela­ called for and among those who responded were G. S. in Waterford township, where he still j Will Commence Shipping Steel for tives in Minot Saturday. owns and manages a farm. i Mrs. Henry Buee of Burlington was Wooledge, H. L. Halvorson, R. A. Nestos, O. B. Herigstad, Minot Firm Will Deliver Dodge Car in Viaduct in April. C. E. Smith, after fln extended visit j Boston. The following letter has been re­ shopping in Minot Saturday. B. N. Lesk and E. If. Stenvick, and their efforts were an- with realtives, departed today for| ceived concerning the material for the George Switter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bentley, Alta., to look after extensive \ The Fuller Motor Co. has sold a new steel viaduct over the Great Nor­ Frank Switter, was operated upon sewered by great applause. farming interests. j Dodge car for delivery in Boston, thern and Soo railways in this city: Monday at a local hospital for tonsil- C. H. Weed of Brady, Mont., was in 1 Mass. G. A. Porter, formerly of the St. Paul, Minn., March 22, 1918. itis. The personnel of the crowd was truly American. Men, the city today, enroute home from People's Meat and Grocery Co., has Mr. W. S. Shaw, H. J. Montgomery, of Jamestown, women and children from every walk of life, rich and poor, Park River, where he visited his; decided to move to Dartmouth, Ont., Pres. Board of Commissioners, who leaves Saturday in the draft, vis­ nephew, Dr. F. E. Weed, who is a! and has arranged with the Fuller Mo­ Minot, N. Dak. ited with his brother, H. W. Mont­ member of the Medical Reserve Corps tor Co. for a car to be delivered at strong and weak, laborer and employer, all rubbed elbows, Boston, from which place he will drive Dear Sir: gomery Saturday. and who leaves April 3 for service. j Referring to our recent conversa­ An interesting letter has been re­ slapped one another on the back and cheered in unison it to Canada. Gus Osborn of this city tion regarding steel for Ward Street ceived from Herman "Swede" Chris- Commissioners Have Done Well. will drive the car from the factory at bridge, Minot: tianson, son of Tollef Christenson, for what that assemblage represented, Loyalty and Confi­ Ward county up to Saturday night Detroit to Boston. As I advised, we have endeavored who is a corporal in training with Co. dence in pure, clean, free democracy. had delivered 100,7~>4 bushels of feed to get this steel delivered for the last D in France. He writes that the Co. oats to the farmers and 5'">,250 bushels l.ouis Sitner Will Leave Minot. year and have had the matter up con­ D boys are doing nicely. "Swede" of seed oats. The county will require Louis Sitner, who jas been con­ tinuously with the bridge company as saw service on the Mexican border. COL. OF RAINBOW DIVISION WOUNDED 27,000 more bushels of feed oats, nected with the Fair Store and with to the furnishing of it at the earliest Washington, March 25.—Colonel Douglas McArthur, which have been ordered. The neces­ Gordon Bros.' clothing store for the possible date. Under date of Febru­ Something About "Under Suspicion." sary amount of seed wheat has been past three years, will leave Sunday ary 18th, the Wisconsin Bridge & "Under Suspicion" is a brilliant chief of staff of the Rainbow division, was severely wound­ hot. Fifty cars of hay have been ship­ for New York for a visit with his par­ Iron Company, with whom the order comedy melo-drama of the type in ped in. Chairman Rohe and the other ents, after which he <vill go to Texas, was placed, advised as follows: which those favoriU co-stars, Francis ed. Colonel McArthur formerly was the war depart­ county commissioners have been on where he is interested in a ladies' fur­ "Your order B-1825. There is X. Bushman and Beverly Bayne, are the job day and night, working until nishing store with his brother. Mr. considerable material lacking on supreme. Young Gerry Simpson, a ment's censor here and recently was decorated for bravery. after midnight nearly every night. Sitner expects to enter the army which shipment is promised next millionaire, sees Virginia Blake at a They have done effective work. draft within a short time and will month. If we are not disappoint­ reception, and falls in love with her. THREE BILLION DOLLAR LIBERTY LOAN take a vacation at this time. Mr. Sit­ ed in this we should be able \to She is a reporter, and she scorns the The Park Iidilion. ner has made a host of friends in Mi­ commence shipping from here dur­ iule rich, so he goes to work as a cub Washington announces that the third Liberty Loan will Tlie Business Bulletin, a 40-page not who will sincerely regret his de­ ing April." reporter, keeping from her the knowl­ consist of three million dollars and the rate will be 4 1-2 number, is off the press. This is the parture. You understand that the steel edge of his wealth. Some jewels have Park Edition and many interesting* plates and shapes ire furnished the been stolen. Suspicion points strong­ per cent. scenes from Minot's beautiful parks Funeral of Mrs. A. li. Trace. Wisconsin Bridge & Iron Company ly to Gerry, and Virginia tries to dis­ are shown. Those interested may se­ cover the culprit. Exciting incidents The funeral of Mrs. Arthur Trace for fabrication by the Rolling Mills. cure a copy from the secretary of the of Foxholm was held from the First The Rolling Mills for sometime have follow thick and fast, progressing to uled for next weelv are equally as The water mains near the Hodgins Association of Commerce, Will E.
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