THE Serving The Township and SCOTCH PLAINS-FANWOOD The Borough since 1959 timesnj.com TIMES USPS 485200 Thursday, May 18, 2006 Published Every Thursday Since 1959 (908) 232-4407 SIXTY CENTS OUR 47TH YEAR – ISSUE NO. 20-2006 Periodical – Postage Paid at Scotch Plains, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] Superintendent Choye to Retire After 13 Years at Helm of SP-F By PAUL J. PEYTON people are, the better our nation is,” that we have had since I have fol- Specially Written for The Scotch Plains-Fanwood Times she said. lowed the administration of the dis- SCOTCH PLAINS – Dr. Carol Dr. Choye holds a special fondness trict” which he said began as a stu- Choye announced her retirement as for this year’s Scotch Plains-Fanwood dent attending a BOE meeting in 1972. superintendent of the Scotch Plains- High School senior class, which be- Dr. Choye served as Vice-Chairman Fanwood public schools after 13 gan their education with her at the of the Union Superintendents years. helm of the district. Roundtable for the 2004-2005 school Dr. Choye, who has been in educa- “This is a special class. They put a year. She served as treasurer for the tion for 46 years, joined the district in lot of effort into what they do, and I organization from 2002 to 2003. She has 1993 from the Princeton school sys- been a member of the Fanwood-Scotch tem, where she was superintendent Plains Rotary Club since 1994, and has from 1986 to 1993. Prior to that she served on the Fanwood Public Library was an associate superintendent with Board of Trustees since last year. the San Francisco United School Dis- Prior to joining the SP-F district, trict, where she began her career in she was named one of the “100 Top 1960 as an elementary school teacher. Executive Educators in North “Every educator should have the won- America” by Executive Editor, a pub- derful opportunity to work with a com- lication of the National School Boards munity that supports public education Association. She received the honor the way Scotch Plains and Fanwood in 1987 and 1990. have. It’s been an absolute joy,” she said Since joining the district she has during a phone interview Tuesday. been named “Administrator of the She said Scotch Plains-Fanwood Year” in 1997 by the Educational (SP-F) enrollment has risen from Media Association of New Jersey and 3,717 students in 1993 to more than New Jersey Superintendent of the Benjamin B. Corbin for The Scotch Plains-Fanwood Times David B. Corbin for The Times END OF DROUGHT?...The stream on the north side of Route 22 across the Park Avenue Bridge in Scotch Plains flows 5,300 today. Dr. Choye said SP-F has Dr. Carol Choye in 2005 Year by the New Jersey Association briskly after recent rains Tuesday. The rainfall was sorely need in the state. Often, this stream overflows during heavy rains, a “very supportive administration and of School Administrators in 1998. but not so with current dry weather conditions. community that supports education.” am very proud of them,” Dr. Choye Dr. Choye said the board of educa- She said staff and administrators in said. tion is working with Carole Larson, a the district are “committed to learn- Board of Education President Tom consultant with New Jersey School ing” by “helping our kids graduate Russo said, “She is going to be very Boards Association, on the process Ark. Officials Charge Convicted and go on to higher education.” difficult to replace. She has been a very for hiring a new superintendent. Whether it is programs in music, strong leader and has put the district on The board would like to have the theatric arts, sports, science or tech- the map.” He said Dr. Choye has put a schools chief by end of July, according Killer with Laurite Murder nical programs, Dr. Choye said, “We “very strong administration in place.” to Dr. Choye. She said Ms. Larson would really have got them (students) ex- A 40-year Scotch Plains and nine- work with the community, staff and By PAUL J. PEYTON body was discovered near the rest California “within days” of the release cited in many different ways.” year board member, Mr. Russo said students on the selection process. The Specially Written for The Scotch Plains-Times Times stop on August 26, 2000. She had of the Laurite case DNA findings. “The better educated our young Dr. Choye, “is the best administrator questions she will ask during the process SCOTCH PLAINS – Authorities been robbed and stabbed several times Mr. Tatum told The Scotch Plains- are those of where the district is headed; in Arkansas have officially charged a in the neck. Fanwood Times that the DNA evi- where the community wants the district convicted killer with the brutal mur- Ms. Laurite was traveling to Cali- dence will “really help the investiga- to be in five years and which qualifica- der of a 25-year-old Scotch Plains fornia for a teacher’s position. She tion a whole lot.” SP, WF Discuss Shared tions are sought in a new superintendent. resident that occurred near an Arkan- had reportedly stopped at the rest “I’m glad we had the DNA hit,” Mr. Mr. Russo emphasized that the board sas highway rest area six years ago. area to walk her dogs. According to a Tatum said. A DNA sample from evi- Use of Conservation Site is “not going to settle for someone The murder investigation has drawn press releases issued by the Circuit dence taken from Ms. Laurite matched who we don’t think is right for the job.” national headlines and appeared on Court of Conway County, Ms. Laurite that of Mr. Ward, a suspect in the By FRED T. ROSSI bid of $486,000 being below initial “America’s Most Wanted.” left her Scotch Plains home in a 1972 murder of Jackie Travis, 49, in Merced Specially Written for Scotch Plains-Fanwood Times “This is the most important pro- cost estimates for the project, which, cess a school board makes. We are not According to prosecuting attorney Volkswagon van on August 21, 2000, Calf., who was allegedly beaten to SCOTCH PLAINS — Township besides the golf facility, will include going to rush the process,” he said. Tom Tatum, Jr., Ronald James Ward and was driving at night to avoid “the death in her Merced, Calf., apartment officials are hopeful that an agree- expansion of the parking lot. The firm He said Ms. Larson would help the has been charged with first-degree extreme heat.” on December 7, 2000. ment can be reached with Westfield, was also the general contractor for district with the advertising the posi- murder of Kristin Ann Laurite. Au- She spoke to her mother via a Mr. Ward was charged in Modesto, which will allow a limited number of the development of Memorial Park tion in education publications and thorities announced last July that Ward payphone during the afternoon of Calf., in January 2001 for a third Scotch Plains residents to make use and the field expansion project at newspapers. Ms. Larson will meet was linked to the Laurite murder August 25, 2000. DNA evidence was homicide, Shela Polly, 32, in Ravalli of the Westfield Conservation Center Park Middle School. with principals, supervisors, Parent- through a DNA match. taken from Ms. Laurite’s body and County, Montana on December 30, on Lamberts Mill Road. Acknowledging the concerns ex- Teacher Association leaders begin- According to authorities, Ms. released to crime labs nationwide in 2000. Township Manager Thomas Atkins pressed by residents at a Planning ning Monday, June 5 followed by a Laurite had stopped at a rest stop July 2002. Authorities said Arkansas He was tried and convicted in 2001 told the council at its conference meet- Board hearing last month, Mayor public meeting as yet to be announced. along Interstate 40 in Conway County, State Crime Laboratory officials re- for the murder of Craig Petrich, 43, ing on Tuesday evening that he and Martin Marks said on Tuesday “we Dr. Choye’s retirement will be ef- Ark. in August of 2000. Her nude ceived the match to a murder case in who was reportedly robbed, beaten Councilwoman Nancy Malool had met can assure the people of Scotch Plains fective September 1. and shot to death in Montana on Oc- with Westfield Third Ward Council- that we’re on top of that, and that their tober 16, 2000. He is currently serv- man Mark Ciarroccaa, Town Admin- concerns will mostly be met.” ing a life sentence for that murder in istrator Jim Gildea and Town Engi- With the age-restricted housing de- FW Planning Board Rebuts Stagaard Place a Montana prison. neer Ken Marsh to discuss the possi- velopment at Heather Glen proceed- Kristin’s mother, Lynn bility of permitting township residents ing, the council will introduce an ordi- DiBenedetto, released a statement last to use the 20-acre site to dispose of nance at its meeting next Tuesday to Townhouse Expert Witness Testimony week to the press, a copy of which grass clippings, tree branches, leaves place a stop sign at the intersection of By DEBORAH MADISON sandwiched between commercial prop- use variance. The applicant also seeks was obtained by The Times from the and other biodegradable items. Johnson Street and Rolling Peaks Way. Specially Written for The Scotch Plains-Fanwood Times erties that front onto South Avenue and a D-5 variance for density in excess family. “My family and I are ex- Mr. Atkins said he thought Neighborhood residents have com- FANWOOD — The Fanwood Plan- residential properties that front onto of that allowed by ordinance.
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