First Annual Business nnd Industrial Progress Review DUtributicu Weather Today Cloudy today with u«w de- vdoptngj high, »s. Sleet or RED BANK freetlog rain today; low, Jta. 18,750 Rtln tomorrow; high, SMC. 7 Independent Daily f Partly cloudy and colder Sun- (; HONDAYTHltOVGHrillDAY-BST.im J day. See weather page 2. Dial SH 1-0010 IJIued d»W, Uon««» UiroUKll ttllUy. Stcond Clan Pojligt 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE VOL. 84, NO. 134 Pail »t Red Bank tna u AamnonU Muling OMcei. RED BANK. N. J.. FRIDAY. JANUARY 5, 1962 Benefits Seen An Editorial County Progress Clay to Meet With The Red Bank Register today proudly presents For Viet Nam its first annual Monmouth County Business and Industrial Progress Review. V. S» to Boost Assistance There are two special sections contained in today's issue which tell the magnificent progress Kennedy on Berlin With U-Point Program that is taking place in the county—as well as what to look for in the future. WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States and Both the news stories and the advertising South Viet Nam have announced a broad program are geared around the central theme of progress. Report aimed at bringing speedy improvement in the living And anyone who has been a.part of Monmouth standards of the South Vietnamese people. • County for a year, five, 10, or 20 or more knows The objects of the joint effort, announced last that progress, in its finest form, is what has taken Split On ' night by the State Depart place here, The years ahead will bring more of merit and in Saigon, is to the same. rally popular support for Where else, may we ask, does a county in the Plan Is the government of Presi- state—perhaps even in the nation—have the di- Policies dent Ngo Dinh Diem. versity that Monmouth, has? By JOHN M. I1IGI1TOWER Okayed A frequently heard claim is Here you find great residential growth. Here WASHINGTON (AP) — that Communist guerrillas oper- you find a great variety of industry, many of the 3cn. Lucius D. Clay -will ating in the Southeast Asian country owe much of their suc- firms among the largest in the nation. Here you ly here from West Berlin Addition Voted cess to reluctance of the South find agriculture, still playing an important part this week-end to confer In Marlboro Vietnamese to fight for a re in the economy. Here you find outstanding com- with President Kennedy gime they feel has done little mercial centers and business districts. Here you and Secretary of State Dean for them. MARLBORO TOWNSHIP-Atter (See PROGRESS, Page 6) Rusk on Berlin problems, two unsuccessful attempts, voters The 11-point program of eco- One purpose of the conference here yesterday approved, by 340 nomic and social measures presumably is to discuss reported to 269, the construction of a 10- means a substantial increase in Calls Views 'Negative' operational differences between room addition to the Central U.S. economic assistance, al- U. S. officials in West Berlin School, Wickatunk, The project though officials here would not and policymakers in Washington. disclose how much money is in- will cost $277,800. It was the Clay is reported to have reg- largest referendum voter turnout volved. The United States pumped $136 million in economic Case Answers His istered ait objection with Rusk here. last month against instructions In August, 1960, and last Jan- aid into South Viet Nam last year. which sharply limit the freedom uary, identical referendums call- No Improvement of action of the U. S. command Ing for a five-to-seven room ad- Young GOP Critics At the same time, U.S. offi- in Berlin in dealing with a pos- dition to the Central School at an cials reported no significant im WASHINGTON - Sen. Clifford four "yes" votes on bills gen- sible East German uprising estimated cost of $150,046 were P. Case (R-NJ) yesterday termed erally opposed by the Republi- along the East Berlin border defeated. provement in South Viet Nam as a result of the increase in "essentially negative" the views cans, and called upon the New wall. The latter was defeated with a American military assistance an- held by the Monmouth County Jersey State Federation of Young High U. S. officials claim that tie vote of 145 to 145. nounced last month. Young Republican Club—the Republican Clubs to "urge tin any differences between Clay Board of Education President These officials said the rilua- group which has charged the sen- Republican voters of the Stati BRIDGE NEARING COMPLETION — Workmen place last steel roadbed section in and the administration are rela- tively minor in comparison with Harry V. Holmes said the board (See VIET NAM, Page 2) ator with failing "to truly repre- of New Jersey to record thei place in the $1,500,000 Gooseneck Bridge, spanning Shrewsbury diver between has allocated' $20,510 from its sent his New Jersey Republican disapproval of Mr. Case's recon what they assert is basic agree- budget toward the proposed con- constituents." in the 87th Congress." Oceanport and Little Silver. The county project, on Seven Bridge Rd-, is to be ment among Clay, Kennedy and ftruction costs, bringing the total Want Views The club adopted a resolution Consistent completed in near future. Rusk on U. S. policy in Berlin. estimated expenditure to $243,510. in November and released it this Sen. Case said he feels hi; Other informed authorities con- The president added that the week after it was approved-by votes on the issues mentioned b firmed, however, that some dif- board hoped to let contracts for Of Public the executive committee. ths Monmouth County group "ar In Raritan Township ferences do exist. Specifically, the work by spring and-complete Sen. Case-»a recognized liberal consistent with votes I have pre- they say Clay feels strongly the addition by next January- —was attacked for his votes on viously cast in the past session Washington cannot anticipate all He continued: On Budget school aid, housing, aid to de- o. Congress and with position possible emergencies which may "Everything is ready. We have NEW SHREWSBURY — The pressed areas, foreign aid, mini 1 have taken in public statements arise and that authorities on the .•ctained our architect, John Mac- mayor and council want to learn mum wages and a retraining pro- and during the primary and gen- $1.9 Million School Budget scene should have some power William, Metuchen, and the plans how the community feels about gram for the unemployed. eral election campaigns in 1960. of action in such cases without RARITAN TOWNSHIP - Re- township and Is expected to be through local taxation Is ire completed." spending borough funds in the Sen. Case, in a reply to the Sen. Case defeated Robert Mor- waitings for detailed decisions The construction, in addition to coming year at the forthcoming club issued yesterday, said his flecting the tremendous popula- among the four highest school $1,239,549, an Increase of $250,000 from Washington. ris, a conservative, formerly ol tion increase here in recent district budgets in Monmouth over this year's $S89.S49. slassrooms, would include office public budget meeting, Jan. 11, votes in the 87th Congress were Point .Pleasant, in the primary (See BERLIN, page 2) Facilities, storage space and lav- Councilman W. Donald Cole said "consistent with"' the fact that years, the Board of Education County. and rolled up a more than last night tentatively adopted a More Stato Aid atories.. last night. his "first allegiance must be to 30D,OO0-vote plurality over Demo At $1,926,543, the proposed 1962 all the people of New Jersey and school budget for next year total- 63 spending schedule is $399,08 State aid for 1962-63 will be in- This meeting was called Jan. I crat Thorn Lord in the genera! ing nearly $2 million. creased from $509,114 to $576,660 and it was announced at that to the. interests of the nation as election to win his second six- higher than the current budget. Father 'Fine' a whole. It sets a new record for this The amount to be raised and the board will appropriate Due Home time that its purpose is to hear year term in the Senate. $105,334 from its 1961 $117,000 sur- TRENTON (AP) - Gov. and the voice of the people on fiscal Party Future Kenneth H. Kirgin, Holmdel, plus account, to keep the tax levy After Fourth Mrs. Robert B. Meyner are due matters, before the year's budg- "Futhermore, I am deeply con- chairman of the Monmouth down. home this evening, after a trip et is made up. vinced that the future usefulness County Young Republican Club, The board has already rebuilt to the Phillipines for the inau- Willed Comments of the Republican Party, if not said, "1 would say this group i Councilmen Oppose its surplus account, by about Child's Birth guration of President Diosdado Councilman Herbert L. Willett, its very existence, as an effective almost entirely conservative Re $75,000, during the current year, RIVER PLAZA — There's an Macapagal. 3d, stressed last night that this member — of the two-party sys publicans.." through savings effected in var- exceptionally proud father In j Meyner was President Ken- is not intended to be a "back tern, lies in a direction quite dif- School Site Proposal ious accounts, and increased fed- this neighborhood, and with and forth" discussion between the The Republican Party, he said liedy's special representative at ferent from that pointed by the 'especially in the Northeast, is eral aid.
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