Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Vol 5 No 3 Autumn 2015 incorporating Islington History Journal Bombed – but back in business The Eaglet pub, open today, was a scene of devastation after a First World War air raid Green plaque for Nina Bawden l Victorian prison could close l Listing for ‘respectable’ pubs l The suffragette who became a fascist l Bound hand and foot, and swimming in the Thames l An ornate Edwardian butcher’s shop l What next for Cally Park and Clock Tower? l Books, plus special offers l Events and exhibitions l Your local history questions About the society Our committee What we do: talks, walks and more Contribute to this and contacts heIslington journal: stories and President Archaeology&History pictures sought RtHonLordSmithof TSocietyishereto Finsbury investigate,learnandcelebrate Wewelcomearticlesonlocal Vice president: theheritagethatislefttous. history,aswellasyour MaryCosh Weorganiselectures,tours research,memoriesandold Chairman andvisits,andpublishthis photographs. AndrewGardner,andy@ quarterlyjournal.Wehold Aone-pagearticleneeds 10meetingsayear,usually about500words,andthe Membership, publications atIslingtontownhall. maximumarticlelengthis and events Thesocietywassetupin 1,000words.Welikereceiving CatherineBrighty,8 Wynyatt 1975andisrunentirelyby picturestogowitharticles, Street,EC1V7HU,0207833 volunteers.Ifyou’dliketo butpleasecheckthatwecan 1541,catherine.brighteyes@ getinvolved,pleasecontact reproducethemwithout ourchairmanAndrew infringinganyone’scopyright. Treasurer Gardner(detailsleft). Thejournalispublishedin PhilipAnderson,phlpandrsn6 printandonlineinpdfform. groups/ Deadlineforthewinter Academic adviser issueis31October. LesterHillman,former visitingprofessor,London Journal back issues and extra copies Ever wondered…? MetropolitanBusinessSchool, Doyouhaveanyqueriesabout LondonMetropolitan Journaldistributionis Islington’shistory,streetsor University overseenbyCatherine buildings?Sendtheminfor Journal editor Brighty(detailsleft). ourtirelessresearcherMichael ChristyLawrance Contactherformore Readingandotherreadersto Committee members copies,backissues,ifyou answer.Pleasenotewedonot KathleenFrenchman movehouseandabout keepanarchiveorcarryout MichaelHarper membership.Backissues familyresearch. DerekSeeley canalsobedownloaded lSeeLetters,page6 SamirSingh viaourwebsiteatwww. ZenaSullivan Copyright Copyrightofeverythingin $ (photocopiesacceptable) thisjournallieswiththe Join the Islington Archaeology & History Society creatorunlessotherwise stated.Whileitcanbedifficult Membershipperyearis:£12single;£15jointatsameaddress;concessionssingle£8/joint£10; totracecopyrightownership corporate£25;overseas£20;life:£125(renewalformssentoutwhendue) ofarchivematerials,wemake everyefforttodoso. I/Wewouldlikesingle/joint/concession/jointconcession/corporatemembershipandenclose achequepayableto“IslingtonArchaeology&HistorySociety”for....................... Contacts Editor:ChristyLawranceat Name(s)..................................................................................................................................... [email protected]. uk,c/o6Northview,Tufnell Address...................................................................................................................................... ParkRoad,N70QB .................................................................................,................................................................... The Journal of the Islington Tickheretogoonouremaillist.Emailaddress................................................................ Archaeology & History Society ispublishedfourtimesayear Telno(incaseofmembershipqueries).................................................................................. ISSN2046-8245 Pleasereturnthisform(photocopiesacceptable)to:CatherineBrighty,IslingtonArchaeology &HistorySociety,8WynyattStreet,LondonEC1V7HU PrintedbyPrintSet,15 Palmer Wewillnotgiveyourdetailstothirdpartiesunlessrequiredtobylaw Place,London, Cover: Imperial War Museum War Imperial Cover: N78DH, 2 JournaloftheIslingtonArchaeology&HistorySociety Autumn2015 Vol5 No2 JournaloftheIslingtonArchaeology&HistorySociety IncorporatingIslington History Journal Vol 5 No 3 Autumn 2015 Museum is a travesty, not an inspiration would usually welcome any new museum, but the new Jack the Ripper I “museum” is a travesty. Proposed as a Contents museum of women’s history, its content is dedicated exclusively to the 1888 Whitechapel murders and branded as such. News 4 Little is known about “Jack” – he was Pentonville prison could be closed and sold, Nina Bawden honoured with green never identified – and what evidence plaque, respectable interwar pubs listed and first civilian to win the Victoria there is covered seriously at the Museum Cross commemorated at Islington Green of London. It does not have a mock-up of what his living room “might have” looked Yourlettersandquestions 6 like. To speculate about this, frankly, is Tracking down old street names, the church bells that went to Australia and ridiculous. some strangely grim paint A museum of women’s history should surely feature Boudicca, and perhaps open Terrorfromthesky 10 with a reading of Elizabeth I’s 1588 speech Civilians came under attack from above for the first time during the First at Tilbury to her troops before they World War defeated the Spanish Armada. It should cover great works of literature, from Fromsuffragettetofascist 12 George Eliot to the Bloomsbury Set. The The women’s suffrage campaigner who became an activist for the British Union long story of the Suffragettes should be of Fascists championed, and the part women played in the struggle against fascism in Cable AdaringswimmerofThamesandsea 14 Street. In the 20th century and this one, Jules Gautier, who swam the Thames bound hand and foot there are the stories of the quest for acceptance in the male-dominated Beautyatthebutcher’s 16 workplace and the still incomplete quest An Edwardian butcher’s shop on Hornsey Road displays many rare surviving for equal pay for equal work. features and architectural styles Displays could cover Caroline Chisholm in philanthropy and Elsie Chamberlain in Publications 18 pioneering the role of women in leading Magna Carta, Smithfield’s curious columns, Victorian dogs, Shakespeare’s faith. Properly devised, such a museum Globe, the Barbican and railway architecture – and special offers could ask for the endorsement of Elizabeth II, who served in the ATS. Reviews 22 Instead, we have a freak show with Extreme footwear and exquisite photographs mutilation as the main attraction. Unsavoury parts of history should not WhatnextforCallyPark? 23 be ignored, but museums should leave Controversial plans that could see the clock tower reopen and a visitor centre visitors educated and inspired. built in the park Whether you visit this enterprise is up to you, but I’m staying away until it Eventsandexhibitions 24 fulfils its proper purpose. Lots of things to do and see, including Open House London Andy Gardner Directoryofsocieties,museumsandresources 28 Chairman Islington Archaeology & History Society IslingtonArchaeology&HistorySocietyevents 31 Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Autumn 2015 Vol 5 No 3 3 news In brief ‘Ageing’ Victorian prison could close Arts and heritage charity closes Pentonvilleprisonandother “ageingandineffective” Weweresorrytohearthat Victorianjailscouldbesold localartscharityRowanArts andtheproceedsusedto hasclosedduetofinancial buildnewprisons,justice difficulties.Itsworkincluded secretaryMichaelGovehas localhistoryprojectsthattold suggested. thestoriesofpeopleand InaspeechtothePrisoner placesinHollowayandTufnell LearningAlliance–hisfirst Park,anditwasworkingona majorspeechonprisonpolicy FirstWorldWarproject,with –MrGovesaidPentonville anexhibitionplannedfor wasthe“mostconspicuous” October.Anyorganisations and“mostdramaticexample thatcouldtakeonitsexisting offailurewithintheprison projectsshouldcontactinfo@ estate”. Pentonville prison in 1842, pictured in the Illustrated London News Thejailopenedin1842.It lSeeSuffragettetoFascist, wasintendedtohouse900 everyoneinthemand bullyingandviolence page12. prisonersbutnowholds1,300. buildingnewprisonswhich designedout. Hesaid:“Wehaveto embodyhigherstandardsin HesaidPentonvillewas“the Fascism discussed at considerclosingdownthe everywaytheyoperate.” mostdramaticexampleof Marx museum ageingandineffective Headdedthatmoneyraised failurewithintheprison Victorianprisonsinourmajor fromsellingoldjailscouldbe estate”butaddedthatits Fascism: Darkest Hour, Finest cities,reducingthecrowding investedinmodernprisons problems“whilemoreacute MomentinthecontextofEast andendingtheinefficiences thatwouldbemoresecure thananywhereelse,arevery Londonwasdiscussedatthe whichblightthelivesof andsafer,withdrug-taking, farfromunique”. recentRedStarfestivalof politics,cultureanddebateat theMarxMemorialLibrary. Interwar pubs with respectable aims listed Thisyear,theMarxMemorial Librarystartedholding LarkintheParkatBarnard regulartours:seepage26. Park–probablybuiltinthe 1920s–wasdemolishedlast Find a theatre plan yeartomakewayforluxury flats. TheTheatresTrusthas lAdisputeovertheillegal finishedcataloguingits demolitionoftheCarlton Londonarchitecturalplans, TaverninMaidaValeistobe recordingover5,000items.
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