7990 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 14, 2001 HONORING NATIONAL SCIENCE science education. As we enter our annual IN HONOR OF DAVID C. FORBES, FOUNDATION FOR 50 YEARS OF Appropriations process, I will work—along with SR. SERVICE many of my concerned colleagues—to ensure that Congressional support for significant in- HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS SPEECH OF creases to NSF’s budget continues, so that we OF NEW YORK HON. SHERWOOD L. BOEHLERT live up to the words of praise in this resolution. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I hope my colleagues who join us in sup- OF NEW YORK Monday, May 14, 2001 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES porting this resolution on the National Science Foundation’s past successes will also join in Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in honor of Tuesday, May 8, 2001 our efforts to support the NSF in its future en- Reverend Doctor David C. Forbes, Sr. on the Mr. BOEHLERT. Mr. Speaker, today, under deavors. occasion of his receipt of a doctorate in soci- the leadership of my able colleague NICK ology from the University of Virginia. SMITH, Congress is commemorating fifty years f Doctor Forbes was one of eight children worth of accomplishment by one of the gems born in Raleigh, North Carolina to a Pente- of our nation—the National Science Founda- BRONX COMMUNITY COLLEGE costal Bishop and a sainted mother. He tion. For fifty years, the National Science HALL OF FAME 10K RUN earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Shaw Foundation has represented an investment in University, a Master of Social Work degree our nation’s future, through the Foundation’s from Adelphi University and Doctor of Ministry funding for world class research across the HON. JOSE´ E. SERRANO Degree from United Theological Seminary. He gamut of scientific disciplines. This work in has also been awarded several honorary de- OF NEW YORK fundamental science has provided the building grees, including a Doctor of Divinity by the blocks for many of the technologies that we IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Richmond Virginia Seminary, Doctor of Hu- depend upon today—for example, bio- mane Letters by Shaw University and Doctor Monday, May 14, 2001 technology, the Internet, and aerospace mate- of Divinity by Shaw Divinity School. rials. We depend on this type of research to Mr. SERRANO. Mr. Speaker, it is with joy Doctor Forbes was active in the civil rights find its way into our commercial products, that I rise today to once again pay tribute to movement during the 1960’s having served as medical systems and treatments, and even Bronx Community College, which held its 23rd the North Carolina representative for the Stu- defense technologies. We also leverage this Anniversary Hall of Fame 10K Run on Satur- dent Non-Violent Coordinating Committee research for its training of our future scientific day, May 12, 2001. (SNCC). Doctor Forbes came to the gospel and technology leaders—in universities, indus- ministry after an extensive career in education, The Hall of Fame 10K Run was founded in try, and government. which included teaching at the elementary and Over the past 50 years, NSF’s reach has 1978 by Bronx Community College’s third university levels. He was also involved in extended beyond the lab and into the class- President, Dr. Roscoe C. Brown. Its mission is counseling and social program administration. room and even the home. The NSF supports to highlight the Hall of Fame for Great Ameri- In addition to the ministerial role, he was As- projects at museums, science centers, and cans, a national institution dedicated to those sistant Professor and Director of Admission, planetaria that reach about 50 million people. who have helped make America great. School of Social Work, Virginia Common- The figure doubles to 100 million for the audi- The tradition continues, first under the lead- wealth University for some twelve years. From ences of radio, television, and film programs ership of Acting President, Dr. Leo A. Corbie 1979–1984 Dr. Forbes served as Pastor of St. on science. And in our nation’s schools, NSF and now under Dr. Carolyn G. Williams, the Peter Baptist Church, Glen Allen/Richmond, has been leading the way in improving the first woman President of Bronx Community Virginia; and from 1983–1990 Senior Minister math and science education of students of all College. Both Dr. Corbie and Dr. Williams and Pastor of Martin Street Baptist Church, ages. In many innovative programs, they have have endorsed and follow the commitment Raleigh, North Carolina. Dr. Forbes currently used their unique position to bring our nation’s made by Dr. Brown to promote physical well- serves as Consultant to the President and leading scientific researchers and their discov- being as well as higher education. Dean of The Shaw Divinity School. eries into the classroom, to bring the excite- As one who has run the Hall of Fame 10K Doctor Forbes has also volunteered on nu- ment of science and learning to our children. Run, I can attest that the excitement it gen- merous committees and boards. He currently I am pleased that the President has acknowl- erates brings the entire city together. It is a serves on the Human Services Taskforce of edged their excellent work in education by celebration and an affirmation of life. It feels The North Carolina Local Government Part- naming the National Science Foundation as wonderful to enable more than 400 people to nership Council, the Board of Building To- the lead agency for the Math and Science have this experience—one that will change the gether Ministries, Board of The United Way of Partnership element of his education initiative, lives of many of them. It is an honor for me Wake County, and the South-East Raleigh Im- No Child Left Behind. to join once again the hundreds of joyful peo- provement Commission. In addition, he has a Through my work on the Science Com- ple who will run along the Grand Concourse, number of publications to his credit. In fact, he mittee, and in discussions with scientists, cor- University Avenue and West 181 Street and to is in broad demand as an evangelist, church porate technology leaders, and even my con- savor the variety of their celebrations. There’s development consultant, workshop facilitator stituents back home, I have become very fa- no better way to see our Bronx community. and keynoter. miliar with the NSF. I have come to have great Dr. Forbes is married to the former Hazel respect for the work that the NSF, its leader- For its first 20 years, Professor Henry A. Baldwin of Lake Waccamaw, North Carolina. ship and staff, and the thousands of scientists Skinner has coordinated the Bronx Community He is the father of three children, a son, Rev- and educators who are funded by the agency College Hall of Fame 10K race, a healthy erend David C. Forbes, Jr., founder and Pas- have done. Their innovative spirit and record competition which brings together runners of tor of the Columbus Christian Center, Colum- of success is extraordinary. I join with my col- all ages from the five boroughs of New York bus, Ohio, and two daughters, Mrs. Cheryl leagues in applauding the National Science City. He is also the President of Unity and Forbes Lassiter, a banker in Raleigh, and Foundation for fifty years of excellent service Strength, the organization of minority faculty, Denise Colene Forbes, a music teacher in to their Nation, and wish them well on the next staff, and administrators of Bronx Community Bronx, New York. Dr. Forbes proudly answers fifty. I hope my colleagues will join us in sup- College. Dr. Atlaw Belilgne of the Department to ‘‘Pa Pa’’ and ‘‘Grand Pa’’ to five grandsons porting this resolution, as well in our efforts to of Mathematics and Computer Science, as the and four granddaughters. support the NSF in future endeavors. 1999 Director of the race, continues this rich Mr. Speaker, Reverend Doctor David C. We must continue to support the National Bronx tradition. He is also Director of Self Forbes Sr. has devoted his life to serving his Science Foundation with more than words. In Help and Resource Exchange (S.H.A.R.E.). community, his church, and his people. As recent years, Congress has given the NSF Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me such, he is more than worthy of receiving our large increases in its budget for both research in recognizing the individuals and participants recognition today as he is awarded a truly and educational activities, enabling it to ex- who are making the Bronx Community Col- hard-earned honor. I hope that all of my col- pand on the excellent work it does in scientific lege’s 23rd annual Hall of Fame 10K Run pos- leagues will join me in honoring this truly re- discovery, public outreach, and math and sible. markable man. VerDate Aug 04 2004 10:05 Mar 21, 2005 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR01\E14MY1.000 E14MY1 May 14, 2001 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 7991 FOREIGN RELATIONS AUTHORIZA- FOREIGN RELATIONS AUTHORIZA- I wholeheartedly support this bill in its cur- TION ACT, FISCAL YEARS 2002 TION ACT, FISCAL YEARS 2002 rent form, and I commend Congresswoman AND 2003 AND 2003 LEE for her amendment repealing the global gag rule. I urge my colleagues to oppose any SPEECH OF SPEECH OF efforts to detract from the quality of the provi- HON. JOSEPH CROWLEY sions included in this bill. HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL OF NEW YORK f OF NEW YORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AUTHORIZING USE OF CAPITOL IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, May 10, 2001 GROUNDS FOR 20TH ANNUAL NA- TIONAL PEACE OFFICERS’ ME- Thursday, May 10, 2001 The House in Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union had under MORIAL SERVICE consideration the bill (H.R.
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