Agenda for the East Hanney Parish Full Council Meeting – 2nd February 2021 at 7.30pm To Members of the East Hanney Parish Council YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to attend the full Council meeting commencing at 7.30pm on Wednesday 27th January 2021 to be held VITRUALLY, via the ZOOM program/application for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business set out in the following agenda. Press and members of the public: You are welcome to attend the meeting by following the link in the meeting notification. Note: only agenda items in bold require discussion and decision. 1. To receive apologies for absence. 2. To receive statements and questions from members of the public. (Participants are restricted to 3 minutes each.) 3. Members Declarations of Interest. 4. To approve the minutes of the meetings held on the following dates: a. 27th January 2020 P97-2020 5. To consider matters arising and questions as to the progress of any item on the agenda. 6. To note the Letcombe Brook Project 2020 report. P98-2020 7. To receive an update on the solar crossing beacons near the school. P108-2020 8. To receive the amended recreation field layout and consider plans for public exposure and consultation. P99-2020 9. To receive the Parish S106 report (12.01.2020) P100-2020 10. To receive the External Audit report for 2019-20. P101-2020 11. To receive the cashbook and bank reconciliation to 31.12.2020 P102-2020 12. To note the waiving of the annual fee by Hanney News for the Council’s monthly insertion. 13. To approve the annotated Council Risk Assessment & Management plan for Financial Year 2021-2022. P103-2020 14. To note the resignation of a member of the Council and process for replacement. P111/a-2020 15. To appoint a new cheque signatory. P112-2020 16. To consider the below listed grant requests: a. Citizen’s Advice Bureau P104/a-2020 b. Wantage Independent Advice Centre P105/a-2020 17. To consider path maintenance on Parish Council owned land. P106-2020 18. To consider the contractor for gang-mowing the Parish Playing fields. P107-2020 19. To receive the accessibility report for the Council’s website P108-2020 20. To consider East Hanney Parish Council’s social media presence. P109-2020 21. To consider the provision of websites for the Preschool, War Memorial Hall and the wider community. P110-2020 G Langton, Clerk 27th January 2021. 12 Brookside, East Hanney, Wantage, Oxfordshire. OX12 0JL Phone: 01235867403 Topic: Extraordinary meeting of the Council Time: Feb 2, 2021 07:30 PM London Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87891378868?pwd=bVQwZzc1dGR6V2RoOENiRDc5cWordz09 Meeting ID: 878 9137 8868 Passcode: 918996 12 Brookside, East Hanney, Wantage, Oxfordshire. OX12 0JL Phone: 01235867403 Item 11: P102a-d, account statements 31.12.2020 Elections account: Current account: 12 Brookside, East Hanney, Wantage, Oxfordshire. OX12 0JL Phone: 01235867403 Item 15: P106-2020 To consider path maintenance on Parish Council owned land. Councillor Aram requested that this item be added to the agenda. Through the winter, regularly used paths across the village have been turned to mud. This has been exacerbated by the lockdowns imposed in response to Covid-19 limiting people to local exercise. The path alongside the allotments has recently been recovered in chipped Christmas trees. Recommendation: The Council consider the need for a more long term solution. Item 16: P107-2020 To consider the contractor for gang-mowing the Parish Playing fields. The Council has been contracting Greenscythe Ltd of Wroxton to gang mow its fields at the cost of £107.50 per cut (in 2020). This included just the land owned by the Council, not the land the Council leases (Kings Leases). A local contractor has offered to cut the fields for a charge of £150, to include both the owned and the western portion of the leased land (to the west of the planted tree whips). Other work, such a hedge cutting, or verge maintenance would be charged at £25 per hour. The portion of Kings Leases to the east of the tree whips would remain cut for hay by the neighbouring farmer. Recommendation: The Council consider whether to retain the current contractor or move to a new tender. Item 18: P109-2020 To consider East Hanney Parish Council’s social media presence. The Council’s Facebook page is a group attached to the current Clerk’s personal profile. With the Clerk’s imminent departure, consideration should be given to setting up the Council’s own Facebook page, not attached to any personal one. The Council has no Twitter or other social media presence. Recommendation: The Council agree to set up a dedicated East Hanney Parish Council Facebook page. The Council consider the need for other social media presence. 12 Brookside, East Hanney, Wantage, Oxfordshire. OX12 0JL Phone: 01235867403 Item 19: P110-2020 To consider the provision of websites for the Preschool, War Memorial Hall and the wider community. A number of years ago, East Hanney PC agreed to part fund the village website (https://thehanneys.uk/), along with West Hanney PC. This website hosts the Hanney News archive and other community wide pages. No invoices had ever been submitted, and in October 2020, East Hanney was asked to pay for the hosting. On scrutinizing the invoice, the Parish Clerk noted that the website included sub-sites for the Hanney War Memorial Hall and the Hanney Preschool. Given the relatively small amounts involved, which covered the years 2017-18 to 2020-21, the Clerk sought permission from the Chairman to pay the PC’s portion of the costs, at £274.05. The invoices cover the period to 5th Feb 2021. In the Clerk’s view, the Council should not be paying the bills of the Hanney War Memorial Hall or the Preschool. Both of these organizations receive income and grants and should be expected to meet their own costs. Recommendation: 1. From Feb 2021 HWMH should pay for part of the invoice, if it cannot be itemised then a reasonable portion of the cost. (Given their level of use of the site, with calendar, advertising and booking, it is recommended the Hall pays 50% of the whole cost. 2. The Pre School, which has been incorporated into the St James from 01.09.2020 (despite many objections), should no longer be provided with a website by any organisation other than the Vale Academy Trust once the current license ends in Feb 2021. 12 Brookside, East Hanney, Wantage, Oxfordshire. OX12 0JL Phone: 01235867403 P98-2020 Letcombe Brook Project - 2020 Year End Report Take a look at some of our work during the last year, including some of the funded projects, volunteering activities, fundraising, wildlife highlights, and looking at the year ahead. Funded Projects LBP were successful in securing funding from the Environment Agency’s WEIF (Water Environment Improvement Fund) for 2 projects. Funding paid for the Lower Mill Fish Pass which has now been completed and improves fish passage along the Letcombe Brook as well as creating some excellent habitat and improving water conveyance. Funding for the ‘Love the Letcombe Project’ has enabled us to carry out habitat improvement works at several sections along the brook. We have focused on pollarding bankside trees to allow more light to reach the brook and its banks which will encourage riparian habitat recovery which will in turn support water vole, brown trout and aquatic invertebrate populations. Volunteering Activities Activities have been heavily impacted by Covid and fewer work parties took place this year for that reason. Riverfly monitoring was also reduced and no events were held since the Volunteer thank you event in February. We did manage to hold some work parties including habitat improvement work at Letcombe (Millennium Green), Wantage (Limborough Rd and Willow Walk) Grove (Grove Green, Mably Way, Kingfishers) and East Hanney (Poughley Farm). Huge thanks to all those volunteers that come out in all weather to help us look after the brook! Many thanks to the youngsters that are continuing with river wardening surveys as part of their Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme activities. Fundraising In what has been a tough year LBP have managed to secure some additional funding which is great news. Aside from the EA funding mentioned above, Lesley has been able to secure funds from several private Trusts. This money can be used for additional project work and to purchase equipment for our volunteers. We also secured Section 106 funding for interpretation at Letcombe Regis and Councillor Priority Funding for improvement work at Willow Walk in Wantage. Wildlife Highlights I don’t need to tell you that 2020 has been a strange year but as far as the wildlife on Letcombe Brook goes, it seems to have been a pretty good year. The brook is such a rare habitat and supports some quite rare and specialised species a few of which are mentioned below. P98-2020 Water voles Water voles are still classed as Britain’s fastest declining mammal but seem to be doing OK on the brook. The population is surveyed every 3 years as part of BBOWT’s Water Vole Recovery Project and was due to be carried out this year but was cancelled, like many other things, due to Covid. I found time to get out though and do some ad-hoc surveying and the populations at Grove Green and Mary Green in Grove and Limborough Rd, Water vole feeding signs and droppings Wantage seem to be doing well. I managed to get some photos and video which was posted on Facebook and received lots of positive reaction.
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