Cayman Drama Society [J'l£1l'Ai1X FAWLTY TOWERS WALDORF SALAD WITH BASIL THE RAT at The Prospect Playhouse, Red Bay PERFORMANCES April 30 (Gala!), May 1, 2, 3, & 4 May 7, 8, 9, 10, & 11 1997 ~:··FE(·:: . G~~:tke~:tonth Lllnck.speci~I~'1 "" .. ';,;;~;";,~~ibp;.:~flJa4,:~od~ ~:Buff~~':$7~,50 ':, ., flil~i1~iif~~~r';~!;~:Sria~~r~~~!(;t,'"' ::/';:';:::;~;:::'r'(Conch:~~ew:'Cracked: Conch.:FrittersS,slad: Ba~) ,',', :TH:vR;;:Cajp~:,N~ght N~"OrJ.eaJl;s(yie<::~':"", ",' .$1~~~' :' ::",.:':<,;::(Jambaiftt'illacltenPri'ln~.Rib,:cbi];,FisbtSatadY';::,:: ,' :FRl;;"':lJobs~er;DirinerFor.J'wo'Any Style' :":, ,:$42.95: ,• •,SAT~;::.,'" Seaf6od,biavlo'(Lob~tet, Fuh,Sh~p~Sq~id):' " $13.95': " :., ':SUN~"",' Triple Shrimp 'Cmn 00: for; two' ', .. :, '$29~9S ...... (: . .:., :: .:.: :.'.: :... :: :.~.:.~. ., ..... -:.:.-: ::·::,;::::},~"::::;::';: •.• ':,:·Yeg~:&i,a~:pasta'S6.00,L",.:,~"."rr,:~~,:$9~2:~i'»blner:;;,:::',::./::'::":,r: .:':.::,:'". ,.:::,,:'~'::'~~~:,~~"~;:~'i~6:~itY',~iJh:pr()~i~::i\i'~;;4'p,erions:"::.,,, , '.', .:', ~~~t~:fn;i~MeetfngROOIII'AY'lliJabie, ,,: ,', ::;"Re:serVa:fion andtakeou. orders 947l..S217/ Message from the Chairman/Director Dear Theatre Patrons, All good things must come co an end and by rhe rremendous success ofall the Fawley Towers episodes we have staged (eleven co dare) you have rhoughr them good. In fact last years "Fawley Towers" broke all records for the Society in atren­ dances - we even rumed people away on our normal 'quid night THURSDAY! I muse say rhar I never expecred rhem ro be sc popular nor did I rhink that I would be adapting and staging all rwelve ofrhe TV scripts. It was a good friend of mine and the CDS, Ketti Kennedy (now Mrs Kerri Hulit), who in 1990 was laughing in my earshot whilsr reading a book. Upon enquiring whar was so amusing she showed me the ride "Fawley Towers". Now Kerri is American and Fawley Towers is very Brirish and I had no idea rhat it had been shown in America on rhe PBS network - in fact Kerri rold me that PBS even had Fawley Towers mararhons. A germ of an idea emered my head, and when Kerri suggested I read the book, which contained all rwelve of the Fawlty Towers TV scriprs, as she rhoughr some of them could be turned imo plays, rhe idea blos­ somed. Thank you Kerri, if ir had nor been for you Fawley Towers would nor have been staged. (See Kerri's Message). What is my favoutire episode? Basil the Rat. It was one of rhe hardest co stage but, in my opinion, the funniest. That we first performed it at the tiny Victory Theatre (above the now deceased LOtd Nelson Pub) was amazing. I have had trouble wirh it now at the large Prospect Playhouse seage which we have even enlatged for rhis production. Only one member of the otiginal casr of Basil the Rar is on stage here and rhat is Roger Carne (The Major). This is the beauey of theatre - it is never rhe same and I absolutely have forbidden my casr ro imitate the TV show. This is our imer­ pretarion and has been very freely adapted. Some roles have been expanded (especially Miss Tibbs) and rhe purisrs will probably hate me. I have [[ied always ro keep conrinuity berween the twO episodes by amalgamaring characrers and referring to incidents. Well, that's my excuse. What is my favourire memoryl Tony Rowlands as Basil doing his Hider impersonation with comb above lip in The Germans. I thought that was funnier than John Cleese. Many, many thanks to all the accors who have parricipated in Fawlty Towers. Ir became such an insrirution thar almosr eveeybody in the Socieey wamed to be in it. Almost all our leading acrors accepted tiny pans JUSt co say rhey've been in one. We have listed elsewhete in this programme all the actors who have appeared in the major roles but many, many more have appeared as guesrs. Tim Walsh once made a very memorable appearance as a dead body (after appearing in the very first episode we petformed - "A Touch of Class" as The Major). Lasdy, thank you to each and everyone of you. Your suPPOrt has been fantastic (Americans will say "Awesome") and it is wirh some sadness that I close the final currain on Fawley Towers. Colin Wilson DirectociChaitman CDS. lBest Wishes to the (9ayman <Drama Society for another successful production. Fawlty Towers WALDORF SAIAD WITH BASIL THE RAT by John Cleese and Connie Booth CAST IN ORDER OF APPEARANCE SYBIL. ........... Penny Phillips MR. CARNEGIE Phil Thomas BASIL Tony Rowlands VERAJOHNSTONE Karen Marshal MARY JOHNSTONE ... Julie Wills MAJOR GOWEN Roger Came MISS TIBBS Sue Horrocks MR. ARRAD Stephen Roy MRS. ARRAD ..••.... Pamela Graham MANUEL David Godfrey POLLY Kate Bowring ~ ~ MRS. GURKE .•.•.... Madge Tompkins Da:;~ Godfrey PAVIZ (TERRY) Shahin Nassiri MRS. HAMILTON ..... Pat Aitchinson ~ MR HAMILTON Jeffrey Bennett Shahin Nassiri Pat Aitchinson Jollier Bennert Production DIRECTOR/PRODUCER Colin Wuson STAGE MANAGER Peter Phillips FRONT OF HOUSE Peter Pasold LIGHTING/SOUND John Oliver MAKE UP Regina Oliver PROPS Bobbie Crockett, Lucy Meakins SET DESIGN Colin Wuson SET CONSTRUCTION Peter Phillips with Peter PasoJd PAINTING Anne Hedey, Bobbie Crockett, Colin Wuson BAR MANAGER Peter Pasold WAITING CO-ORDINATOR Martin Wicks, Colin Wuson, Peter Pasold WAITERS Polly, Manuel, Terry, Lucinda, Valerie Cottier, Nicki Moore, Katie Moore, etc., etc. CATERING Cracked Conch BOX OFFICE Omeria and Phillips Electrical PROGRAMME Sandra Mersinger, Penny Phillips POSTER DESIGN Sandra Mersinger PHOTOGRAPHS Valerie Cottier Synopsis Of Scenes ACT ONE WALDORF SALAD SCENE 1: Late Evening SCENE 2: Even la(er [he same evening ACT TWO BASIL THE RAT SCENE 1: Early morning the following week SCENE 2; La[er (he same morning SCENE 3: Morning [he next day SCENE 4: Lunch[ime [he same day •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Thanksl The Cayman Drama Society wishes to [hank [he following people and organisations who have helped [0 bring [his production to fruition: CITN (Cayman Interna[ional Television (Caribbean) Network L[d.), Ani[a Smith, Mike MaHin, Media Works L[d., Phillips Elecrrical L[d., Omeria Gordon, Caymanian Compass, OUI AdveHisers, And anybody else we have inadvenendy forgonen 1:0 mention. Actors Who Have Appeared in The Leading Roles Ot Fawltfj Towers BASIL Roland Stacey, Clive Munyard, Tony Rowlands SYBIL Caroline Beresford Wyle, Penny Phillips MANUEL Peter O'Sullivan, Sydney Coleman, COStas Takaas, David Godfrey POLLY Kerri Kennedy, Kate Bowring THE MAJOR Tim Walsh, Roger Carne, John Gaylor MISS TIBBS Wendy Hillman, Sue Horrocks AND Valerie Conier and Phil Thomas (who have appeared in many of the productions in a variety of roles) ...............•.........•...............................•.. Message From Kerri (Kennedfj) Hulit Hello Cayman! I'm sorry I will have to miss the Gala night and Final Episode of Fawlty Towers. The first performances at The Victory Theatre were very "cozy," especially backstage. No room to move around and Peter (Sullivan) running around preparing props. What a great Manuel. And the telephone would never ring on cue! I have some very special memories of the construction ofThe Prospect Playhouse as well. The most vivid being when our favourite director, Colin Wilson, fell through a hole in the floor. I had no idea how to get him out! I would like to thank my friends in the Cayman Drama Society and all my friends in Cayman for all the wonderful memories. Hope to see you at Pirates Week. Keni (Kennedy) Hulit Don't let this happen to your business. Consult KPMG- The Offshore Leaders. Providing audit, tax and consultancy services to the offshore financial industry. ~PeatMir.o.ti P.O.8ax493 Ger-.~ Gec<llo T""" Tel: GJand Ca}mln Fax: Euro Bank With Compliments 5th Floor, And=on Square Building, P.O. Box 1792, Grand Cayman, Cayman hIands, B.Wl Tel: 809 949 8721, Fax: 809 949 6232, Tela 4300 EUROBANK CP, CableEUROBANK Grand Cayman. Remember When ... Mr. Lloyd & Emily Hutchinson Manuel & New Polly The Original Polly The Original Colin Wilson, Miss Tibbs Director Rachel, Alan & Jean TDII~slllw 'ISll~1111 THill I(s Here To Clean-Up The Engines In Cayman! 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