t'V#-; m : r THE WEATHER Forecant by O. S. Weather Bureau. Hartford. ^Cr.V KBT p r e s s RON a v e r a g e DAILV OIBOOLATION Fair and continaed cold tonifht; for the Month of February, 1980 Sunday fair with Mowly rising tem-^ 5,503 peratures In afternoon. Memben of ibe A««»t nureaii ot Circnlatlona ____ FOUiRTEENPACiES PRICE THREE CENTS SOUTH MAKCHESTEfcCONN., SATURDAY. MARCH 22, 193Q. (Classified AdverUsing on Page 12) VOL. New B r it is h Envoy at Capital SENATE NEAR END TWO SUSPECTS I Doheny Acquitted NAVALENVOYS AREHEDIN ; On Bribery Charge TO GO AHEAD OF LONG DEBATE WITH PROGRAM (AP )— A. money was given Fall to influence ^ Washington, March 22. ON TARIFF BILL DUNN MURDER This award of the Elk Hills naval o il; I Edward L. Doheny was acquitted lease to a Doheny company. ; , 1 1> ~ today of bribing a former Cabinet I Doheny arose as the jury filed in- ; A | | | a r| ca ailCl 1)1113111 ltaV € ■3 Hoboken Police Believe They ^ ^ ^ to the court room and to its b o x.} fiU lCl Ittt OUU v iie u u . Expect Final Vote Today on I The jurymen and women remained | M YSTEY SHROUDS ^ standing while the clerk asked if j Pact Already Drawn; „ as 1 • f ' men in the District of Columbia Su- they had arrived at a verdict. j Hawley-Smoot Measure; H 3 V6 Macuinc uunncrs 1 preme court sustained Doheny s “ Yes,” replied the foreman. Iplea that the $100,000 he gave to “What is your verdict?” asked' Awaits Japan’ s Signature Albert B. Fall, Harding’s secretary Discussed for Almost Sev­ Who Killed of the interior, as a loan and set him the clerk. ^r66* for a Three Power Accord aire Beef King Recently. The government charged that the (Continued on Page Two.) Found Unconscious In Road en Months; Many Changes j London, March 22.— (AP) Pend- I ing word from the Japanese gov- Made In Original Struc- Hoboken. N. J-, March 22.— (AP) At Love Lane Last Night; I ernment regarding the tentative __John J. McGlone, of New York, POLICE TELL CAPONE I naval agreement worked out be- ture— Highest Protection and Alexander Martin of Hoboken, Keeps Story Secret. ! tween toe American and Japanese I were booked today at police head­ ■delegations, the Americans and quarters on charges of having mur­ In History for Agriculture TO GET OUT OF CITY Brftish, it was said in authoritative Picked up unconscious on toe east dered Frankie Dunn, 32 year old i side of toe Love Lane switch by a i ..multi-millionaire beer king, on I circles, wiU go ahead in toe prepa- passing motorist at 9:8Q o’clock last I Washington, March 23— (AP) — NLsircli 7. ; ration of a draft conference pact, In Washington to assume his duties as British Ana^sador ^® ^ght, Mtes Florence F. Custer, 21' Chief of Police Edward J. Mc- 1 This is op toe assumption that no year old Manchester woman, is a t ! The Hawley Smoot tariff bill, carry- Feelcy and Inspector of Detectives Chicago Has No C h a r g e MISSIONARIES united States, Sir Ronald Undsay here is Picti^®^ at ^ toe Memorial hospital today, where 1 ing the highest protection in his- I break in the Franco-Italian parity respects to Acting Secretary of State Joseph P. Cotton. At Daniel Kiely questioned the men, alxe refuses to disclose what hap- j for agriculture, increased sugar I deadlock develops. riew, as is customary with newly arrived envoys, Sir Ronald,made who were arrested last S i^ m e n ts to present his credentials to President Hoover. rates, and a general revision of Passaic barber shop for several Against Him But He Will ^ £ 10 BY CHINESE The Americans and British plan amination by doctors failed to reveal to go ahead with toe drafting and any injury aside from slight bruises. nearly the whole tariff structqre McGlone was booked as 25 ' Be Arrested Every Time 1 leave blank spaces where necessary Her genel^ condition is described neared a final vote today in toe old, alias Edward J. Collins, New 1 n. 1 11 A>CL r Th 1 for the Japanese to fill in later. ]^e- Senate. as “good.” Only a few more amendments and York aty. Martin was booked as REBEL PAYMASTER , Found by Local Men. 25 years old. alias William Ryan, j He Is Seen by Sleuths. Bishop J. A .,0’Shea, of D e e p ] « j r ^ ^ TAX COLLECTIONS The young woman was taken to a batch of explanatory speeches were ahead as the worn out Sena- Hoboken. ! 2S*PeTH**^reet ^ h o ^ ^ t o assembled for what tea^ws Was In Hoboken. River, This State Isi r d STEALS ARMY FUNDS 23 Peari street, ^ould be the last day of al- McFeeley and Kiely saW McGlone | Chicago, March 22. (AP) I be virtually a three-power agree­ CONTINUE TO DROP Bendall, > Leslie admitted he was Hoboken toe “ Scarface Al” Capone today had the ment. It is understood that it would Mcciuskev all Manchester young most seven monmbmonths ujof. ucuauc.debate. M qcm sK ey,^^ Nearly on- The bill is a measure which Presi- afternoon, two weeks yf*-erday, choice of leaving Chicago or being Among Them. follow toe general lines of the men.'were.passliighy._Nearly_op_|^^^^ initiated upon his in- Washington treaty.' , ;;^)sTte"toV Lm e L^e'Fi^^ station I dent Hoover imtiated upon his in- when Dunn walked arrested every time a policeman ____ ___ plea for into toe marble-lined lobby of his America’s Program office building at 68 Hudson street S66S liim. Marchti) Receipts 90 Mil-iMexican Is Now In Spain i.iac , a “limited revision with speciM at- His call at detective headquarters Washington, March 22.— (A P )— Thus far it . has been kept a se­ to be a woman’s coat lying on the to be greeted by machine gun and t right hand side of toe road, near the tentlon to helping toe farmers.’’ The ■ cret, but it can now be said that Senate has added two provisions revolver volleys from three execu- yesterday resulted The State Department today await­ tracks. A premonition of someUung the Americans brought a draft five- Eons Less Than the Same j With $750,000 IJe Took over the expressed opposition of the advice—advice from- . Deputy— tnat ed advices from China regarding re­ wrong led him to turn hack after Commissioner John Stege power agreemeut to toe conference President — the export debenture Chie of the trio, Frank DugM, ports that 11 Catholic missionaries with them. It is imlikely that this driving a and a substitute for the seven year shot himself through the head on toe “ Chicago would not be a safe place Out of Country. were beseiged .in Kangchow by . will see the light of day in its pres- D i^ p f Last Year. Simultaneously old fiexible tariff policy, which gives fifth floor of a tenement house a j for you Al”. , . came from the filling station, havm ' ent form owing to toe Franco-Ital- the chief executive power to change block away where he was trapped The police said they didn t want Chinese Communists. been told by an unidentified woman him. the state attorney and Federal ' ian imbroglio, but it is said many rates on recommendation of the by pursuing police. The other t ^ In response to an appeal from the parts of it will be useful in draftmg Tucson, Ariz.„ March 22.— (AP)— that an accident of some sort had e^aped in a stolen car after a pistol prosecutor said toe same thing. Rev. John J. Burke, general secre­ Washington, March 22.— (AP.) — taken place. The unconscious girl tariff commission. Capone, coming out of seculsion for another pact, c Income,tax receipts as of March 20 i Salvador;Atec^', .,^®. pX ® President to Sign fight with police in which P^rolman tary of the National Catholic Wel­ The drafting work is mainly a was placed in Glermey’s car and John O’Toole was shot in the hand. the first time since his release made fare Conference, the department ad­ brought toe total for the month u[fj indicted here rushed to. toe hospital ^rgeant Whether the many changes made from a Philadelphia prison, called job for legal minds and it is xmder- vised that all missionaries' be with­ to $462,328,715, a sum about $90,-ling to smuggleMexico John Crockett of toe local police in rates by both toe Senate and on them all. stood that Ambassador Morrow and House met with Mr. Hoover’s ap- drawn at once from southern George Rublee, adviser on toe 000,000 less than the Expected r c -; from Arizona during last year s rev- was assigned to the case. | Have No Charge Klangsi, the province in which livin g in Hartford. nroval has not been disclosed, but* Stege who had accompamed American delegation, are likely to ’ ' olution, is reported to be in Madrid, _ ... — believe that EGGLESTON SILENT Kangshow is located, and stay away be prominent among toe Americans ceipts for toe entire month. | TUTiao Pimter formerly boarded 1 Republican chieftains Capone on his tour, told him that “ until safe conditions are restored.” The receipts for March 20 shown | Spain, where h^^,wie^ a ft^ ugsuc- « H S r ? id W volmarA.T3iorn-!if the two administrative features had no charges to bring on toe drafting committee. There S ? o ?9 7 Cambridge street, but has j added by toe Senate ar® ^emoyed, The Kangchow mission was es-1 also, in all likelihood, wUl be naval in toe iTreasury statement were j cessful efforts of'the Mexican gov­ Sgainst him, but would ne/ertheless tablished by toe Vincentian Order, j $75,475,289.
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