United States Patent (19) 11 4,290,415 Tatsumi 45 Sep. 22, 1981 (54) BUILDING FOR COLD DISTRICTS Primary Examiner-James C. Yeung 76 Inventor: Tadao Tatsumi, No. 7, Higashi 6-jo Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Oblon, Fisher, Spivak, 6-chome, Asahikawa-shi, Hokkaido, McClelland & Maier Japan 57 ABSTRACT (21) Appl. No.: 98,745 A building for cold districts, the building having a semi 22 Filed: Nov.30, 1979 basement and a roof including a room heater unit pro 30 Foreign Application Priority Data vided within the semi-basement, heat insulation materi als provided on the outer side walls and bottom of the Mar. 17, 1979 JP Japan ............... ... 54-34455U building and also a bottom portion of a narrow space May 14, 1979 JP Japan .................................. 54-59480 under the roof of the building for heat insulating the Aug. 14, 1979 JP Japan ................................ 54-103811 interior of the building from external atmosphere, pas 51) Int. Cl. ................................................. F24J 3/02 sage members each provided under a floor of each room 52 U.S. Cl. .................................... 126/429; 126/431; of the building and communicating with the semi-base 126/435; 126/438; 126/450 ment such that warm air produced from the room 58 Field of Search ................................ 126/428-432, heater unit is supplied through each of the passage 126/435, 438, 450, 419, 427 members and to each room through the floor thereof (56) References Cited and a solar heat absorption system provided on a sunny side outer wall of the building, the warm air supplied to U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS each of the rooms and/or air within each room being 2,559,871 7/1951 Gay ..................................... 26/429 introduced into the solar heat adsorption system, heated 2,907,318 10/1959 Awot ................................... 126/438 therein by use of solar heat and returned to each of the 3,832,992 9/1974 Trombe et al. 126/429 rooms for heating the rooms. 3,902,474 9/1975 Pyle ..................................... 126/429 3,994,276. 1 1/1976 Pulver ................................. 126/429 4,051,999 10/1977 Granger et al. ..................... 126/431 10 Claims, 6 Drawing Figures U.S. Patent Sep. 22, 1981 Sheet 2 of 6 4,290,415 U.S. Patent Sep. 22, 1981 Sheet 3 of 6 4,290,415 | %.4%. 24.24.42 ZZ.7%.2 III R? H DITITI] †? ŒTTII] |N791?IOGI U.S. Patent Sep. 22, 1981 Sheet 4 of 6 4,290,415 F. G. 4 O9 Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. 2 B - U.S. Patent Sep. 22, 1981 Sheet 5 of 6 4,290,415 U.S. Patent Sep. 22, 1981 Sheet 6 of 6 4,290,415 [] palaeagazzera as TNN zezzzzzzzersR *-g?iÎNo.zzzzzzzzzz 4,290,415 2 independently designed and provided, or the water BUILDING FOR COLD DISTRICTS Supply system and/or snow melting system may, if nec essary, be appropriately combined with the room heat BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION ing System in design and construction. 1. Field of the Invention BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The present invention is directed to the combination of structural elements utilized in a building for cold Various other objects, features and attendant advan districts. tages of the present invention will be more fully appre 2. Description of the Prior Art ciated as the same becomes better understood from the Hitherto, room heating of houses and other buildings 10 following detailed description when considered in con has been practiced by installing a room heater or the nection with the accompanying drawings in which like like for each room or installing a room heating system reference characters designate like or corresponding for collectively heating rooms. Hot water supply sys parts throughout the several views, and wherein: tens are similarly installed in rooms where they are FIG. 1 is a side view, partly in section, showing a required, and it has also been practiced to lead water 5 building for cold districts according to the invention; heated by utilizing solar heat to the water supply system FIG. 2 is an elevational view, partly broken away, for supplementing the supply of water. showing the same building; Particularly in cold districts, the hot water supply FIG. 3 is a plan sectional view of the same building; duct led from the water supply system is likely to be FIG. 4 is an elevational view, partly broken away, broken due to freezing, and, for preventing this, it is 20 showing modifications of solar heat absorption system covered with heat insulation material. In this case, the and water supply system; water temperature does not rise soon and the rate of F.G. 5 is a fragmentary perspective view of the same; output of hot water is very low so that it is difficult to and supply a great quantity of hot water in a short period of FIG. 6 is a view similar to FIG. 1 but showing a time. Further, in a snowy area of a cold district, snow 25 building incorporating a modification of the snow melt which has drifted on the roof freezes to form icicles ing system. hanging from the eves and such is also likely to present a danger of spontaneously falling in large masses. When DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE a great quantity of Snow is accumulated, therefore, it is PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS necessary to drop snow from the roof and clear it away. 30 Referring now to FIGS. 1 to 3, designated at A is a in addition, if the dropped snow is not removed but is building, and at C is a semi-basement immediately there accumulated on Snow drifted on the area surrounding beneath. In the semi-basement C, a small room heater 1 the building, the resultant mass of snow not only ob requiring little fuel cost and a water storage tank 2 structs traffic but is also likely to cause damage to the capable of supplying water without the possibility of building and sometimes present a hazard to human life. 35 freezing of water are provided. A drain duct 8 extends The removal of accumulated snow requires consider from the roof d through the building and semi-basement able labor and expense which is very uneconomical. into the ground for draining water resulting from melt SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION ing of snow into the ground without causing its freez This invention has been developed in the light of the 40 ing. The ceilinge of the semi-basement C is provided above features of the prior art, and its primary object is with an air supply opening or port 11 for supplying to provide a building for cold districts, the inside of heated air into the interior of the building A. which is perfectly heat insulated from its outside to Between the ceilinge and a floorb of the building A increase its heat insulation property, and which also a space f is provided to permit air heated by the small air incorporates a combination of a hot air circulation sys 45 heater 1 to be supplied to the interior of the building A, ten using a small room heater and a solar heat absorp guide members 9 are provided in the space f to form a tion system to permit effective room heating to be ob labyrinth-like warm air guide path 10, which communi tained. cates at one end with the warm air supply port 11 A second object of the invention is to provide the formed in the ceilinge of the semi-basement C and at aforesaid building for cold districts with a hot water 50 the other end with ventilating ports 12 formed in the supply system, with which hot water is obtained from floorb of a building Aso as to supply the warm air from heat stored in the solar heat absorption system and is the small room heater 1 provided in the semi-basement Supplied to various units installed in rooms through C uniformly to the interior A" of the building. In the respective water supply ducts, and which is efficient interior A" of the building, a circulation path 3 for circu and free from freezing. 55 lating warm air is vertically extended. The drain duct 8 A third object of the invention is to provide the afore extends through the circulation path 3, and a suction fan said building for cold districts, which is provided with a 29 for circulating warm air is provided in the path 3. Snow melting System for melting Snow accumulated on The sunny side a' of the building A is provided with its roof by making use of the heat of warm air produced a solar heat absorption system B communicating with from the room heater and also heat obtained from the 60 upper and lower outlet and inlet ports 13 and 14. Warm Solar heat absorption system, so that it is free from spon air from the small room heater 1 is directly led to the taneous falling of snow accumulated on its roof. circulation path 3 and is also supplied through the warm The building structure according to the invention air supply port 11, warm air guide path 10 and ventilat may be applied not only to residential buildings but also ing ports 12 to the interior A' of the building, and to to buildings with various other purposes through appro 65 gether with warm air led through the inlet ports 14 and priate design and construction. Of the room heating, heat collection paths 23 in the solar heat absorption water supply and snow melting systems mentioned system Band, blown out from the outlet ports 13, warm above, either the room heating system alone may be air at a high temperature is supplied to the interior A" of 4,290,415 3 4.
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