
Cah. Biol. Mar. (2002) 43 : 17-26 Review of the literature on bivalve cytogenetics in the last ten years Catherine THIRIOT-QUIEVREUX Observatoire Océanologique, Université P. et M. Curie – CNRS - INSU, BP 28, 06230 Villefranche-sur-Mer, France Fax: (33) 4 93 76 38 48; E-mail: [email protected] Abstract: This paper provides a review of the studies on bivalve chromosomes since 1992, in order to gather available data and to highlight the recent progress in different fields of cytogenetics: karyotype and chromosome markers, genome size, aneuploidy, natural and induced polyploidy, and hybridization. Résumé: Revue des travaux des dix dernières années sur l’étude cytogénétique des bivalves. Cet article présente une revue sur l’étude des chromosomes des bivalves depuis 1992 afin de rassembler les données disponibles et de souligner les pro- grès récents dans les différents domaines de la cytogénétique : caryotype et marqueurs chromosomiques, taille du génome, aneuploïdie, polyploïdie naturelle et induite, et hydridisation. Keywords: Bivalvia, Chromosomes, Cytogenetics Introduction review, 1985). Later, the development of banding techniques which allowed chromosome identification in Cytogenetic studies encompass different levels of biological karyotypes began to be applied in bivalves (see Thiriot- organization ranging from the morphological to the Quiévreux review, 1994). Since these reviews, the study of molecular, depending on the applicable technology. bivalve chromosomes has greatly progressed in Chromosomes can be studied as a morphological karyological as well as molecular information, as a result of manifestation of the genome in terms of their routine application of several banding techniques and the microscopically visible size, shape, number and behaviour development of techniques for in situ hybridization. during meiosis and mitosis. At another level, banding The aim of this paper is to provide a review of the studies studies reveal finer details of chromosomal morphology. on bivalve chromosomes since 1992, in order to gather Studies of natural or induced deviation from the diploid available data and to highlight the recent progress in the chromosome number also contribute significant cytogenetic different fields of bivalve cytogenetics. data. Among bivalves, the first investigations concerned the chromosome number (see Patterson review, 1969). Then, Karyotypes and Chromosome markers pre-treatment with colchicine and hypotonic treatment, combined with the air drying technique, permitted accurate Data on standard karyotypes, banding techniques and FISH assessments of chromosome morphology (see Nakamura are given in Table 1, in which bivalve classification follows that of Boss (1982). Since 1992, new karyological data have been added for 65 bivalve species among which the first Reçu le 1er juin 2001; accepté après révision le 20 septembre 2001. karyotype data are given for 49 species. Within the bivalve Received 1st June 2001; accepted in revised form 20 September 2001. class, the most frequent chromosome number of 2n=38, Table 1. Recent data on bivalve chromosomes: standard karyotype, banding techniques and FISH. 18 CYTOGENETICS REVIEWONBIVALVE ° : species with first karyotype description; * : species without known commercial importance NORs: silver staining, C: C-banding, Fluo: fluorochrome staining, RE: restriction enzyme treatment, G: G-banding; N: N-banding, RB: replication pattern FISH: fluorescence in situ hybridization, rDNA: ribosomal genes, sat DNA: satellites DNA, T: telomere sequences; ( ): in situ hybridization only m: metacentric, sm: submetacentric, st: subtelocentric, t: telocentric Tableau 1 : Données récentes sur les chromosomes de bivalves : caryotype standard, techniques de marquages et FISH. Family/Species Origin 2n Karyotype NORs C Fluo RE G N RB FISH References Nuculidae Acilia insignis ° * Japan 24 9 m, 1 sm/m, 2 sm Ieyama, 1992 Nuculanidae Yoldia notabilis ° * Japan 38 9 m, 5 sm, 5 st Ieyama, 1992 Mytilidae Brachidontes minimus ° * W Mediterranean 28 5 m, 9 st Thiriot-Quiévreux, unpublished Brachidontes pharaonis ° * Sicily, Mediterranean 28 6 m/sm, 8 st + + rDNA Vitturi et al., 2000 Brachidontes rodriguezi ° * Argentina 32 2 m, 12 st, 2 t + + + rDNA Torreiro et al., 1999 Choromytilus chorus ° Chile 30 10 m, 5 sm Palma-Rojas et al., 1997 Limnoperna fortunei ° * Japan 30 10 m, 4 sm, 1 st Ieyama, 1996 Mytilaster lineatus ° * North East Italy 26 6 m, 4 sm, 1 st, 2 t Libertini et al., 1996 Mytilaster solidus ° * North East Italy 28 5 m, 3 sm, 2 st, 2 t Libertini et al., 1996 Mytilus californianus Canadian Pacific 28 7 m, 7 sm + Martinez-Lage et al., 1997 Canadian Pacific 28 rDNA Gonzalez-Tizon et al., 2000 b Mytilus edulis French Atlantic coast 28 6 m, 6 sm,2 st + Cornet, 1993 North West Europe 28 6 m, 8 sm/st + Insua et al., 1994 North sea 28 6 m, 8 sm/st + + + Martinez-Lage et al., 1995 North Sea 28 6 m, 8 sm/st + + + Martinez-Lage et al., 1996 Mytilus galloprovincialis French Mediterranean 28 5 m, 9 sm/st + Insua et al., 1994 Galicia, Spain 28 6 m, 8 sm/st + + + + Martinez-Lage et al., 1994 Galicia, Spain 28 + Martinez-Exposito et al., 1994 a Galicia, Spain 28 + Martinez-Exposito et al., 1994 b Galicia, Spain 28 + + + Martinez-Lage et al., 1995 Iberian peninsula 28 6 m, 8 sm/st + + + + Martinez-Lage et al., 1996 or 5 m, 9 sm/st NW Iberian peninsula 28 + Pasantes et al., 1996 a Galicia, Spain 28 + Pasantes et al., 1996 b Galicia, Spain 28 + + + + (rDNA,T) Martinez-Exposito et al., 1997 Galicia, Spain 28 + rDNA Insua & Mendez, 1998 Mytilus trossulus ° Gdansk Bay, Baltic Sea 28 6 m, 8 sm/st + Insua et al., 1994 Dahme, Baltic Sea 28 6 m, 8 sm/st + + + Martinez-Lage et al., 1995 Dahme, Baltic Sea 28 6 m, 8 sm/st + + + Martinez-Lage et al., 1996 Canadian Pacific 28 7 m, 7 sm + Martinez-Lage et al., 1997 Canadian Pacific 28 rDNA Gonzalez-Tizon et al., 2000 b Perna canaliculus ° New Zealand 30 1 m, 3 sm, 9 st, 2 t Libertini et al., 1996 Perna perna NW Gulf Mexico 28 10 m/sm, 4 st Holland et al., 1999 Hormomya mutabilis ° * Japan 30 1 m, 6 sm, 7 st, 1 t Ieyama et al., 1994 Modiolus arcuatulus ° * Egypt 24 5 m, 7 sm Ghobashy et al., 1995 Modiolus barbatus ° North East Italy 32 6 m, 8 sm, 2 st Libertini et al., 1996 Table 1. Continued 1. Tableau 1 : suite 1. Family/Species Origin 2n Karyotype NORs C Fluo RE G N RB FISH References Arcidae Barbatia fusca ° * Egypt 38 2 m, 17 t Ebied, 1999 Barbatia tenella ° * Egypt 36 4 m, 14 t Ebied, 1999 Scapharca subcrenata Haiyang, China 38 9 m, 8 sm, 1 st, 1 t Wang et al., 1998 b Pteriidae Pinctada imbricata Venezuela 28 9 m, 4 sm, 1 t Marquez, 1992 Pinctada margaritifera Egypt 28 5 m, 2 sm, 3 st, 4 t Ebied, 1999 Pinctada radiata ° Egypt 26 5 m, 2 sm, 2 st, 4 t Ebied, 1999 Ostreidae Ostrea angasi ° South Australia 20 5 m, 3 sm, 2 st + + Li & Havenhand, 1997 Ostrea cucullata ° Quingdao, China 20 10 m Wang et al., 1998 a Ostrea edulis La Tremblade, France 20 + Thiriot-Quiévreux & Insua, 1992 Ostrea puelchana ° Argentina 20 4 m, 5 sm, 1 st + Insua & Thiriot-Quiévreux, 1993 C. THIRIOT-QUIEVREUX 19 Tiostrea chilensis ° Chile 20 7 m, 3 sm + Ladron de Guevara et al., 1994 Crassotrea angulata Portugal 20 9 m, 1 sm + + Leitao et al., 1999 a, b Crassostrea ariakensis ° New Jersey, USA 20 8 m, 2 sm + Leitao et al., 1999 a Crassotrea gasar ° Senegal 20 6 m, 4 sm + Leitao et al., 1999 a Crassostrea gigas La Tremblade, France 20 + Thiriot-Quiévreux & Insua, 1992 La Tremblade, France 20 10 m + Leitao et al., 1999 b Galway, Ireland 20 sat.DNA Clabby et al., 1996 Rutgers, USA 20 T Guo & Allen, 1997 a Rutgers, USA 20 10 m rDNA Xu et al., 2001 Crassostrea rhizophorae Venezuela 20 8 m, 2 sm Marquez, 1992 Crassostrea virginica Venezuela 20 6 m, 4 sm Marquez, 1992 Louisiana, USA 20 7 m, 3 sm Zhang et al., 1999 a Louisiana, USA 20 rDNA Zhang et al., 1999 b New Brunswick, Can. 20 8 m, 2 sm + + Leitao et al., 1999 a,b Rutgers, USA 20 9 m, 1 sm rDNA Xu et al., 2001 Saccostrea commercialis ° Australia 20 8 m, 2 sm + Leitao et al., 1999 a Saccostrea cucullata ° West Pakistan 20 10 m Goswamy, 1992 Pectinidae Aequipecten opercularis ° Galicia, Spain 26 6 m, 7 t + + rDNA Insua et al., 1998 Argopecten purpuratus ° Chile 32 2 m, 14 st or t Alvarez & Lozada, 1992 Euvola ziczac ° Venezuela 38 5 m, 6 sm, 7 st, 1 t Basoa et al., 2000 Nodipecten nodosus ° Brazil 38 6 m, 6 sm, 7 st + + Pauls & Affonso, 2000 Venezuela 38 4 m, 5 sm, 7 st, 3 t Basoa et al., 2000 Placopecten magellanicus ° St Lawrence R., Can 38 5 sm, 10 st, 4 t Xiang et al., 1993 Table 1. Continued 2. 20 CYTOGENETICS REVIEWONBIVALVE Tableau 1 : suite 2. Family/Species Origin 2n Karyotype NORs C Fluo RE G N RB FISH References Anomiidae Anomia ephippium ° * W Mediterranean 12 1 m, 2 sm, 3 st Thiriot-Quiévreux, unpublished Unionidae Hyriopsis cumingii ° China 38 12 m, 5 sm, 2 st + Wang et al., 2000 Unio conus ° * Ukraine 38 11 m, 7 sm, 1 st Melnychenko, 2000 Unio elongatus ° * Egypt 28 10 m, 4 sm Ebied, 1998 Unio pictorum * Ukraine 38 13 m, 6 sm Melnychenko, 2000 Mutelidae Mutela rostrata ° * Egypt 20 2 m, 2 sm, 6 t Ebied, 1998 Laseidae Lasaea australis ° * Australia 36 4 m, 6 sm, 3 st, 5 t Thiriot-Quiévreux, 1992 Lasaea colmani ° * Australia 40 5 m, 9 sm, 5 st, 1 t O Foighil & Thiriot-Quiévreux, 1999 Cardiidae Cerastoderma edule Galicia, Spain 38 12 sm, 4 st, 3 t Insua & Thiriot-Quiévreux, 1992 Galicia, Spain rDNA Insua et al., 1999 Cerastoderma glaucum ° Baltic Sea 38 3 m, 10 sm, 6 st + Thiriot-Quiévreux & Wolowicz, Sète, Mediterranean 4 m, 9 sm, 6 st + 1996 a Thiriot-Quiévreux & Wolowicz, 1996 a Mactridae Mactra chinensis ° Japan 38 9 sm, 9 st Wada & Komaru, 1993 Spisula solidissima ° Magdalen Islands, Can.
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