J ATcrane Dfiily Net Pr*M Ran The Weather^ For the tYt>ek Bntled rorecnet of 0^ «. Weutlier Bv m » »U y tSrd, 1959 Moetly rlondjr. no! ao twol Uh nlcht. i/ttw tff-lio. Mnotly cloiidjr 12,925 tomorrow nemnlnhnl ' IlKbf rulJl V Mid little rhnnire In temperutnre. Member of the Audit H lchm t AV7A. Bnreun of CIrealutloa Manchester—^4 City of V illage Charrh VOL. LX X V III, NO. 2M (rOLlRTEEN PAOE8) MANCHESTERi CONN., MONDAY; 8EPTEMRER 14, 19.i9 (t-laeeUled Advertfatug on Puge 12) PRICE FIVE CENT8 Civil Rights Ike, Aides Discuss Stalls End Khrushchev’s Visit To Keynote Red Shot Gets Praise UN Session Of Session Washington, Sept. 14 (fP)—^Hagerty described today’s meet- ■ Ipg as a general type of aea.sion Washington, Sept. 14 (/P)— President Eisenhower and “that the president and the people L'niletl Nations, N. Y., Sept. Congress edges its way, to­ other top government officiaja in the government have prior to 14 (/Pj—The U.N. General Aa- ward possible adjournment today discussed all aspect* of the visit of any foreign official." .sembly convening tomorrow today with friends arid foes the historic talks Eisenhower Hagerty added that' the diaciia- looks to a speech by Nikita S. On Eve of E. S. Tour will start tomorrow with sion ’’included all 'aapects of the already appraising its legisla­ upcoming visit, not only precedur- Khru.ahchev fo,r an indication tive record. Soviet Premi^" Nikita S. al but topics to be discussed by whether it will be “cold war” If Southern opponente halt their Khrushchev, our side," - / or “reconciliation” ac.ssion. attack on a rider extending the life The present conferred for 75 While American scienttsts con­ The 82-nation body, meeting on of the Civil Rights Commiseion, minutes the White House with gratulated /Kussia on its apparent the very day that the Soviet Pre-1 Hope Held the Senate may be able, to com­ Secretary of State Christian A. spectacular success in landing a inier arrives in Washington for hia' plete action on a $3,281,813,000 .efter. Secretary of the Treasury apace capkule on the Moon, official 13-day visit to the United States,! Foreign Aid bill - it approved In^ obert B. Anderson and Llewel­ Washington .seemed unpertuihed has'on its schedule a speech hyj For Shkring Bubatance Saturday. lyn Thompson, U.S. Ambaaaad'X by the event. The space shot was Krnachchev Friday. A visit to’ But there was no terminal-hour, to the Soviet Union. clearly timed to glorify Soviet the as.sembly by President Eisen­ APER on the Dixie verbal onslaught .Several other state dejlartment scientific, and industrial prowess hower will follow later in the year. against the commisaloh, nor on officials also sat in. * for Khnulhchev on the eve of hiS The prospective agenda of more Moon Dftta the potential courjter-threat that Meeting about 24 hours in ad­ American trip. than 70 subjects includes an In­ ERS Nortkemers mlgkt push for vance of Khrushchev's scheduled Nevertheless this new ''first" dian drive to seat Uomniunist Ghl- stronger Civil' Rights legislation arrival in Washington, the group for Soviet science in the space na, the Algerians' fight for Inde­ iMosenw. Sept. 14 (IP)—Pre- this year. thoroughly explored strategy for race seemed certain to get some pendence frrtni France, the future j mier Nikita S. Khrushchev is The House, standing byr was the Risenhower talks with the attention in Eisenhower's meet­ of a million Palestine Arab refu­ I flying to Washing’ton toriior- readv for efforts to compromise Krenilin leader. ing with Herter and Under Secre­ gees and que.stions of nuclear and I row amid worldwide acclaim the bill with its own »3,186,,"i00,000 ‘ conventional disarmament. | Ei.senhower and Khrushchev are tary Douglas Dillon on plans and for the Soviet feat of landing version of overseas assistance. preparations for Khrushchev'.s The body is all set to elect Vic- j j Once this was done-the weary leg­ .scheduled to meet at the White a rocket on the moon. House tomorrow afternoon for visit. I tor Andies Belaunde. 77-,vear-old islators could go home. i Peruvian lawyer-teacher-drploniat,' I Congratulations streamed In to- their first discussion, for which PO I At the capitol meanwhile mem- ' day from the six continents for Money itemi for foreign, aid and minutes has been set aside. ■ bers of the Senate Foreigij Rela- ; as its president soon after starting! for miscellaneous unrelated items , its 14lh annual .session which is! I this development in the conquest That will be shortly after-^the j Unns committee were working on of space. already have been tehlatively de­ Communist chieftain arrivea, their own preparations for enter­ I expected to continue for three I cided by the Sedate. It rejected months. ' Amencan arienflsta were among packing the prestige of R u ssia's | taining Khrushchev, at an hour , the first to halt the handling of the Saturday night all efforts to' new scientific achievement, the I long tea party Wedne.sday after­ I After speaking to the assembly change the appropriations recom­ , at 2 p.m. EST Friday. Khrushchev ! 860-pound lunar probe' as a re- weekend bulls-eye shoot to the* noon. They want'to find out "what ' markable job of scientific reckon- mended by its committee. Moon. ; kind, of man he is," said Chairman ! will h# .Secretary General Dag Put Kffort Defeated I Hammar.skjold's- guest of honor ^ ing and markamanship. Two efforts by Sen, Allen .1. Bi- In response to questions. White j ------- The official reaction of the U1 House Press Secretary James C. I (t-kintlnued on Page Seven) that night at an official dinner for lender (D-L*) to trim foreign aid I about 160 peraons. ■ At tlie dinner I National Aeronautica and Bpa^'e funds were defeated. A .’13-37 roll j will be heads of permanent U.N. Adminlalration Was summed call vote rejected a proposed $100 delegations and cabinet ministers Washington by its deputy million cut . in military aid j here for the a.ssembly. jatralor, Dr. Hugh Dryden: , funds, and a voice vote beat a $,70 I Diplomats are looking to his ”We have followed with/inter­ million cut he proposed in econom­ Army Seen Backing addre.ss on hints on how far-lie est the travel of the Sovi^ lunar ic help for nations maintaining I may go toward reaching an agree­ probe to its impact yith the large defense forces. ment with the VVest. and what moon. ' / Also defeated, by a standing I he might do toward inducing Com- "\5'e wish to congnttiilate our vote, was a proposal by Sen. Jacob ! munist China to settle her border I Russian i fellow- acientisU and K. Javlts (R-NY) to vot« this year De Gaulle on Algeria dispute with India. ,People stood .pn Moscow's Dershinsky Square yesterday and read newspapers telling of the progress engineers on their stircess In this 'of the Soviet t^ket which the Russians later-gaid landed on the moon. (AP W.irephoto via radio The first debate on world is­ forward step In the/exploratl<m of (OontiBaed on Page Seven) sues is expected in the 21-nation from Moscow.) space. / Algiers. Sept. 14 (.Sh—The great,^pressed by recent French military steering committee, which will "We hope that Ahe •cientlfic da­ majority of French Army officers succesaes and by the Army's loy­ meet probably Wednesday to ta obtained ity this flight will choose llems from the prospec­ soon tie availaM e for stud.V by the in Algeria apparently are ready alty to Him. * Labor (k>nlrol scientists of a/l countries." Dodd Trad es to accept French President Hence, these sources said, no' tive agenda to recommend for the Typical of/the reaction among Charles de Gaulle's plan for ending radical, change in his Algerian pol­ j Akaembly'8 consideration. World Hails Flight, the Soviet/ Union'a Cbmmunlst the Algerian war whatever it may icy Is expected. It probably will ; De.spite the Chinese-ln- Law S i n e d neighbors yWaa a declaration in Insults wi th be. renew a peace offer .to the rebels j d 1 a n frontier squabble. India I dia has pressed her July 13 re-- Prague n y the Czechoslovak news­ De Gaulle has secretly prepared and promise the. nine million Al­ paper R^de Pravo: a new approach tq settling the gerians the right to choose their quest that the Assembly take Up By President Sen. Fulbright Sees Political Aim "We /shake the hand of our costly nationalist rebellion. He is own politics! future once peace brothi^s. comraiTei, our Soviet to disclose his plan in a nation­ has returned. (Continued on Page Pour) W'ashington. Sept. If (A7—A bit­ Washington. Sepf. 14 lAh frien^, sharing their joy with wide radio and televiaion broad­ This would not result in any im­ I^ndon, Sept. 14 (Ah Much of* Mail headline. "Bang on Lunik, " th e r /" ter verbal exchange between Sens. cast Wednesday. Officially, all President Eisenhower today mediate change in the situation! the World today hailed the Soviet exclaimed the Dally Express le Soviet news agency Tsis Thomas J. Dodd (D-Conn) and J. that is known is that it will "af­ The term "self-determination" But British Foreign Secretary signed into law the bill regulating William Fulbright (b-Ark) has Union'B announcement of a moon phwed up a British Btory quoting firm the principle of self-deter­ used by De Gaulle last month has hit as a great ecientlfic achieve­ Selwyn Lloyd said: internal affairs of labor unions, been expunged from the Senate Mi«s America reinz, Kaminak.v, director of the mination” for the Algerians.
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