HABITAT STUDIES Forty-eighth Breeding Bird Census Edited by Willet T. and Aldeen C. Van Velzen HISYEAR, 127 Breeding Bird Cen- age size of censusblocks was 12.6 hec- List of Participants suseswere submitted, representing tares, with a range of from 2.6 to 64.8. Fred Abbott, R. Carroll Abbott, David thirty-one states and provinces, with The numberof pairscensused per square L. Alles, David A. Anderson, Ken An- Pennsylvania(26), California (10), and kilometerranged from 36 to 3213, and derson, Robert A. Askins, Harriette Colorado(10) having the highestnum- averaged574. The total numberof spe- Barker. Leon L. Barkman, Frederick M. bers. Of the censuses listed here, 32 ciesfound per censusranged from three Baumgartner,Seth Benz, Michael Bet- (25.2%) are new, and the longest-stand- to 48, averaging21.1. dine, Kris Billing, Dale E. Birkenholz, ing censuswas that of A. H. Claugus,of The datacompiled in the censuseslist- Shirley A. Briggs, J. Bristow, N. Bris- Licking County, Ohio (CensusNo. 70), ed in thetable below are being stored in a tow, Allison Brady, DorothyBroemsen, now in its 46th year. computerat the Laboratoryof Ornithol- ElizabethW. Brooks, Brooks Bird Club, A total of 168 observers.spending ogy at Cornell University. Requestsfor Lori Bross, J. Brotherton, Norman L. 4125 hours in the field, censused 1611.3 information on how to obtain these data Brunswig,A. R. Buckelew,Kyle Bush, hectares (3981.5 acres). The highest shouldbe directedto: GregoryS. Butch- DeborahByers, Victoria J. Byre, Antho- numberof hoursspent on any onecensus er, CooperativeResearch Program, Cor- ny C. Caprio, EugeneA. Cardiff, Hart- was 390, althoughapparently this total nell Laboratoryof Ornithology,159 Sap- sell Cash, E. D. Chandler, E. R. Chan- includeda largeblock of time not actual- sucker Woods Road, Ithaca, New York dler, A. H. Claugus, Carolyn Conrad, ly within the breedingseason. The aver- 14850 (Tel. 607/256-4999). RolandCowget, H. Creasy, Joan Cris- THE COMPLETECHECKLIST OF BIRDS OF THE NORTH AMERICANCONTINENT is the perfectcompanion for yourwalks in the field.The list mayalso serve as a logfor birds thatvisit your feeders. Youwill findit extremelyeasy and enjoyable to use.The list is brokendown into catagoriesby species,and in somecases, broken down into sub-catagories by sub-species.It uses common names for each bird, all in alphabetical order for easy location. THE COMPLETE CHECKLIST OF BIRDS OF THE NORTH AMERICAN CONTINENT lists 701 individualbirds, both common and uncommon as wellas a few casualvisitors you mayobserve. The 48 pagebook consists of 12 completelists, each 4 pageslong, and is flip boundfor easyuse. It fits in yourback pocket to freeyour hands. Youwill no longer have to tq/to rememberwhat birds you saw on yourearly morning birdwalks. It willbe recordedin yourchecklist for youto referback to at anytime. It also makesa wondedulgift for a friendwho may also be a birdwatcher. You can compare birdsseen in yourlocal area or distancesaway. So why notorder some today! OFBIRDS OF THE NORTH AMERICAN CONTINENT to me today! Enclosedis: [] Check[] MoneyOrder for the sumof $4.95 per bookplus $1.50 shippingand handling. Canadianresidents add 30• for currencyexchange and handling. Ir - - __@•'=yE•'! s•nd-- $4.95--per:.__.plus_=•opy•es•'of •'E'•M'•E•=C•'C•LIS•=$1.50= --iI I QTY TOTALSHIPPING TOTAL ENCLOSED PLEASE I I PRINT: NAME ! .. MAILTO: I ";,-.•2• COOK & COOK, LTD. PUBLISHING DIVISION i ADDRESS 419 Main Street ß P.O. Box G-101 I CITY Wakefield,Massachusetts 01880 Pleasemake checks payable to: Cook& Cook,Ltd. L STATE ZIP Volume 39, Number I 109 well, Franme Cross, David Czaplak, AVICULTURAL BOOK CLUB TM William E. Davis, Jr., Vera DeMarco, CHARTER MEMBERSHIP OFFER Chris Depkin, Bridget K. Dietz, Mary D'Imperio, Sam Droege, A. Eddy, Er- Jointhe ALL NEW AviculturalBook Club TM and saveup to 30% on originalpub- lishers'editions. 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Wright 30ak--Ridgctop Forest Ulster, NY 32.2 212 16 32 S., Wright 4 SuburbanBird Sanctuary Nassau, NY 4.3 886 19 21 Kolodnicki 5 Aspen(Cut 1980-81) Centre,PA 4.2 204 6 13 Yahnet 6 Aspen(Cut 1976-77) Centre, PA 4.0 709 6 12 Yahnet 7 Aspen(Cut 1976-77) Centre,PA 3.3 345 5 11 Yahnet 8 Mature Aspen(Treated Centre, PA 2.6 383 5 13 Yahnet Sector) 9 Mature Mixed Oak Centre, PA 3.2 293 4 14 Yahnet (Treated Sector) 10 Mature Aspen Centre, PA 3.0 250 5 11 Yahher (Untreatcd Sector) 11 Red Maplc•ak Forest Centre, PA 15.0 460 12 18 Yahnet H.
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