START IS NIAR FOR NEW HIGH SCHOOL Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Machebeuf Project Shrine Honors Our Lady of Highway ConUnto Copyright by th« Catholic Prew Society, Inc., 1967— Permiaiion to Reproduce, Except On Article Otherwiee Merked, Giren After 12 M. Friday Following Issue Contracts W ill Be DENVER C ATH aiC Signed This Week Contracts are to be signed this week for con- sTraction o f the hew Machebeuf High School in Blessed Sacrament Parish, Denver. Bids re­ ceived for general construction and mechanical REGISTERTHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1957 DENVER, COLORADO VOL. U l. No. 4. work total $523,080. Excavation is to start within two w«lc$. The Re Rev. Monsignor Har­ old V. Campbell, pastor, pointed out chat concentration of efforts Dedication Rite on October 21 was made to keep the cost at the unusually low price o f 1 10.80 per square foot. Similar current school construction usu­ For St. Francis de Sales’ High ally averages in cost-about |14 wr square foot The lowest o f eight bidders for general construction and Archbishop Will Bless electrical inscallarion was Brown- Schrepferman Sc Co. of Den­ ver, $416,890. McCarty-John- New $400,000 Edifice son, Inc, o f Denver was the lowest o f four bidders for die Archbishop Urban J. Vehr will dedicate mechanical, plumbing, and heat­ St. Francis de Sales High School, Denver at a cost in excess o f 6400,000 ing, $106,190. The building will be ready for occupancy in one The Shrine io Marv pietored o f St. Elizabeth’s made the I Mass will continue to be of­ — on Monday, O ct 21, at 4:SD •hove and ererled on the shrine possible, said Monsignor fered on Sundays o f Septem- p.m. The dedication will climax and one-balf years. around* o f St. Elizabeth'* in K o lk s . I her in Buffalo at 10 a.m. the S t Francis de Sales 1967 Buffalo yiut zoleinnlr blnsed, homecoming celebrstion, the L argest P ro/«ef vtilh the permisfion of Arch- Rt. Rev. Monsignor Gregory Of Campoign bithop I'rban J. Vehr, b^ the Smith, V.G., pastor, announced. Very Rev. MonziKnor Elmer J. N ew Pastor Is A ppointed The greater St. Francis de Machebeuf High School, Kolka on Sep’u I after the reg­ Sales' High School, which can named in honor o f the first be adapted to aecommodato ular M aa*. He waa aaaiated by Bishop of Denver, the Most Rev. the Rev. Rerard Giblin, O.F.M. between 600 and 700 stu­ dents, will be ready for oso Joseph P. Machebeuf (died, About 200 p 0 r a 0 n a were To St. D om inic's Parish preaenl. Sopt. 11— only one week fol­ 1889), is the largest project lowing the official data for made possible by the Arch- The aloiiri for the ahrine The Very Rev. Patrick school opening— though work are arrapa o f material from the W. Roney, O.P., has been was begun only late in Jan­ bi^op's High &hools Cam­ Gheetman Dam and ihua go appointed pastor of St. uary this year. The new unit paign. The building will serve bark to the turn o f the eea- s Dominic’s Parish and su­ was made possible by the pupils of Denver parishes east lury. The atone had been uaed Archbishop’s High School formerly in a building that wa* perior of the Dominican Fund Campaign. o f Colorado Boulevard. loeated on property purchaaed Fathers in the Denver area. Monsignor Campbell said the laal year for ehurrh uae. When Father Roney succeeds the New Feotures two-story structure, with a gar­ the building waa torn down it Very Rev. George Forquer, Added to Pfons den-level basement half above was derided to uae the atones O.P., who completed his sec­ Several new features, not In ond term as pastor and su­ the ground, will accommodate fur a ahrine. the original plans, were added The statue o f the Blessed V- perior this summer. to the project as construction 430 seniors, juniors, and sopho­ Virgin and Babe was earved in • V A native o f Sioux Falls, progressed. Among these were mores. About 150 freshmen, be­ i S. Dak., Father Roney entered Italy from white marble. It the providing of a new 40x40- ginning in the fall o f 1958, will stands five feel high including the Dommican novitiate o f St. foot library in the old building, ment regulations and provides ample access to be in the first unit of the high the hexagon base. It was set Rose’s Priory, Springfield, Ky., the moving of the biology lab­ The New Stone Entrance \\ J f both floors of both buildings. At the extreme in place Aug. 26. on Aug. 16, 1931, and after oratory from the old unit to the connecting link, between the old and new left in the photo can be seen an additional stone school plane, already built by The shrine, adjacent to the bis profession of vows pursued more ample space in the new, sections of St. Francis de Sales’ High School, entrance, at the south end of the new unit and the parish. studies at the Dominican ehurrh, fares the east and the outfitting of a larger chem­ Denver. The stair tower immediately inside the facing east. Long-range plans call for a gym­ T o be erected in the 1900 Golorado Highway 126, and' House of Study in River For­ istry laboratory in a space for­ entrance is in strict accord with fire depart­ nasium at the south end of the building. ran be seen a quarter of a mile est, 111.; Somerset. 0.; and merly devoted to both chemis­ block on Elm Street, the school away as ears travel down the Washington, D. C. He was or­ try arid physics, and the mov­ NATIOHAL LEADER VISITS will measure 274 by 64 feet, hill. At night the shrine is dained in St. Dominic’s Church, ing of the physics laboratory to with a projecekm of 26 feet lighted with a time clock that Washington, D. C., on June 11, the room formerly used fo r bi­ on the north end. John F. keeps the lights on till 2 in 1937. ology. Much new scientific Health Forces the morning. The illuminated Since his ordination Father equipment has been purchased Area Takes Leading Role Connell is the archiiecc The ehrine makes an impressive Roney has held the positions for aU science departments. building will be of li^ brick scene in the darkness o f night. Vary Rav. Patrick W. of director of the Shrine of St. Other new features are.the Resignation of and stone, to harmonize with the Roney, O.P. spacious shower and locker Bal Swan, a noted benefactor Joseph, Somerset, 0.; profess present Machebeuf unit. sor of sacred eloquence at the room in the new building, the In Liturgical Movement Blessed Sacrament Parish has SPACE, TEACHERS LACKING Dominican Studium of Somer­ providing of a photography set and River Forest, preacher darkroom in the old unit, and By F rank Morriss THE CFM AND CANA work, Father Buckley paid $401,856.13 o f its own of parish missiona in the Min­ the addition of a large choral DENVER IS ONE o f the that are gaining so strongly in funds toward the high school neapolis area, assistant master room. The commercial depart­ most active cities in the United Denver, help do that, Father Father Charles Buckley, ment has been moved to the sec­ Sheehan explained. ‘They are plant. O f the parish's contribu­ of the Dominican studente at States in the family phases of C.SS.R., pastor at St. Jo­ Catholic Schools Forced ond floor of the old building, the liturgical movement, ac­ helping families to develop the tions to the Archbishop's High River Forest, and pastor of St. s e p h ’ s Redemptorist John Chrysostom’s Parish in where more adequate space Is cording to Father Shawn G. practice of Christian charity in Schools Campaign, some $20,- available. CantoHj S. Dak. He will take S h eeh a n , president of the their neighborhoods. These Church, Denver, since 000 has been expended for ar­ (Turn to Page t — Column i) movements are teaching the To Deny Many Admission over his duties at St. Dominic’s nation-wide Liturgical Confer­ June, 1953, has resigned chitect’s fees. this comihg Friday, Sept. 6. ence. meaning o f Matrimony as a for reasons o f health. He will Nurse Groduatien sacrament. ^In bringing liturgy One-half block o f property Father Sheehan, in Denver leave Denver next week for mg fc St. Francis de Sales’ High Father Forquer into the home — through such Set for Sept. 19 to visit his sister, Mrs. John Houston, Tex., to serve at Holy was secured by the parish over die education for theiv'children School, Denver, which—like Ca­ Moved to Chicogo were disappointed in dozens of thedral High— has added class­ Downs o f S t Anne's Parish, Ghost Parish. a period o f years on the east Father Forquer, who has cases because of a lack of fa­ room space, has been unable to The combined graduation Arvada, explained that as far In Father Buckley's term as side of Elm Street in the 1900 been stationed in Denver since exercises for the schools of pastor, St. Joseph’s Church and cilities or teachers in the Arch­ accommodate all the applicants, as Cana Conference work and block.
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