Spiritual Fello\YshipJournal for Students & Believers in the Revelstion of the (Jrantiu Papers Volume12, Number 1 Spring& Summer,2002 The Inner Life Challenge JoanBatson Mullins The PricelessOpportunit] ... The Joy that Knows No Bounds Tom Choquette More Lessonsfrom the Birds and Bees (and other Living Things... Such us How Dee Hock's "Revolutionary" Organizational Model was Inspired by Nature) Merlvn Cox The ScientificIntegrity of The Ursntia Book DenverPearson The Infinity of God an Astronomical Approach BudBromley The Real Gospel Norm Du Val The TurningPoint - Part II Arthur Nash Creative Outreach . Great Urantians ' Lest We Forget : PeggyJohnson' Interface TheSpiritual Fellowship. "Can we really imaginea churchwhere authorityand power are sharedby all the participants,where neither financial gain, nor power,nor prestigeare of any real importance;where human resourcesare valued above all else; where,at times,anyone might be the leader,regardless of their title; where peopleare so bound by a clearpurpose that they are held togetherdespite all their obviousdisparities and differentneeds, and march,as it were, in the samedirection, toward the samegoal, eventhough everyoneknows it cannotpossibly be achievedin our lifetime?" MERLYN COX The provocativequestion proposed above by Merlyn Cox in his article,More Lessons from the Birds and Beesin this edition of TheFellowship Journal. Merlyn's vision is one of a religiousorganization such as the world hasnever seen.Meredith Sprungerin his "Creative Outreach" column likewise suggestsa religious organizationthat has neverbeen seenbefore ... one basedupon the teachingsof the Urantia Papers. Each of theseUrantians has a unique vision of what this religious organizationwill look like, what it will do, andhow it will serve.The meldingof ideassuch as these will form the sharedvision that will unite Urantians,because creeds divide, and goalsunite. To this end, the directorsof The Spiritual Fellowship, and the Urantianswho have takenearly roles in this greatenterprise, ask for your prayers.We aisoneed your ideas and your energy.The challengesof forming a religiousorganization such as the world has never seenare formidable. And thosewho affemptthis momentoustask with us "will doubtlesslive and die without realizing [theyJ are participating in the birth of a new age of religion on this world. " Even so, if you feel the call to join us, pleasedo so. You may be one of the new Urantianleaders who have somethingto say that this day and this generationneeds to hear. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Nancy Long [email protected] The SpiritualFellowship Journal Spiritual Fellowship Editorials 4 The Greatest Thing Richard Feynman Ever Wrote Journal Ordination at Boulder... a Day to Remember For Students & Believers in the Revelation of the Urantia Papers Interfuce Founded by The Mix of Joy and Discouragement Merlyncox 6 Dr Meredith Justin Sprunger "So it is thismix of joy anddiscouragement that seems to bethe lot of those SPRING & SUMMER 2OO2 blessedwith finding The Urantia Book andbound by honestyand goodwill, if not Volume 12.No.l a clearsense of calling, to seekto shareit with others." Editor Larry Mullins Articles AssociateEditor The Inner Life Challenge Josn Butson Mullins 9 JoanBatson Mullins "The great battle is more often won or lost, day by day and minute by minute in Editorial Consultants the arenaof the human mind. And it is here, in the present momentsof our daily Meredith Sprunger living, wherewe are most challengedin our inner lives." Merlyn Cox The PricelessOpportunity ... The Joy that KnowsNo Bounds Merritt Horn Tbm Choquette 16 Eric Cosh RoseyLiesky "Seryiceor ministry is the essenceor fragranceof the Spirit. Sheis a wonderful Andre Radatus lady andthe sparkof all that is life. Sheis representedon this planetby our local Universe Mother Spirit, and Her energy and nurturing are everywhere. To me Sherepresents the way of Joy. It is throughHer, and Her needsthat I havebeen ResourceConsultants blessedwith unlimited oppornrnitiesto serve.." David Biggs David Kantor More Lessonsfrom the Birds and Bees Victor McGonesal (and other Living Things... Such as How Dee Hock's "Revolutionary" Angel F. Sinchez-Eicobar Organizationul Model was Inspired by Nature) Merlyn Cox 20 "In nature Dee Hock found there are countlessexamples where organismsadapt The Spiritual Fellowship quickly to their surroundings,work with others, even those they compete with, Journal is an ecumenical in a kind of symbiotic relationship,not necessarilyknowing what everything publicationpublished twice elsein the systemis doing and not needingto know-a kind of blendingof self- interest and other interest at the sametime." yearly by the Religious PublicationsDivision of The Scientific Integrity of The Urantia Book DenverPearson 24 PenumbraPress. "lt doesn'tstand to reasonthat the revelatorymandates encouraged the placing The publicationis non-political of inaccuratescience and cosmologyin a revelationthat was designedto 'reduce and unaffrliated with any other confusionby authoritativeelimination of error"' organization.Unless otherwise The Infinity of God - an Astronomical Approach Bud Bromley 28 noted,allmaterial published in "Incrediblyhuge as this known universe is, Godcreated it, Godsustains it, God the SpiritualFellowship Journal fills it, inhabitsall of it; andyet, God is probablyincomprehensibly greater than is @ Copyright2002by eventhis immensechunk of whichwe know." PenumbraPress, Boulder CO, and all rights are reserved. The Real Gospel NormDu Val 30 "The gospelthat Jesustaught was that informationwhich would satisfoour Subscriptions,donations, deepestspiritual hopes, needs and desires..." changesofaddress, articles and - editorial correspondence The Tlrrning Point Part ll Arthur Nash 33 "If nations,communities, individuals, were only living by the greatprinciple shouldbe sentto: which,glibly enough,has come to be calledthe GoldenRule, what a different PENUMBRAPRESS worldthis earth would be!" SpiritualFellowship Journal Features BOX 11248 BOULDER,CO Great Urantians - Lest We Forget: Peggyfohnson f, 80301 Creative Outreach - Dn Meredith Sprunger 6 Suggestedannual donation: $10. Pleasemake checks payable to Living the TeachingsGroups 8 PenumbraPress. Spring& Summer,2002 J universe-and they know that God is love." [648] Editorisls I find this idea a reminding factor to help me keepthings in proportion.Of all the spiritualvalues, The GreatestThing Goodnessis the only one that cannotbe practicedin Richard Feynman Bver Wrote a vacuum. One can live integrity and Truth apart from the world. One can practice excellenceor Unlessyou area sciencebuff, the nameRichard beauty in isolation ... but not Goodnessor Love. Feynman(1918 - 1988 may not ring a bell. He was ) While it would be an oxymoron to say: "Jane (or one of the great physicists of all time. Feynman's Bill, or whomever) is not important-love is, it is passionfor physicswas legendary;his tapedlectures completelycorrect to weigh any material object,or aresold today in popularbookstore chains. Feynman concept,or concernagainst Love and find it to be was one of the key scientists involved with the relatively unimportant. Manhattan Atomic Project, and his theory of quantum electrodynamics (QED) is generally Paul referred to this same principle in his considered the most successful and accurate eloquentcomments in I Corinthians: scientifictheory ever developed. "Though I speakwith the tonguesof men and of Feynman wrote several books that remain in angels,and have not Love, I am becomeas sounding print. His best for the lay personis usually regarded brass,or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the as: Six Easy Pieces, a primer on quantumphysics. gift of prophecy,and understandall mysteries,and Yet, his greatest written pronouncement,in my all knowledge;and though I have all faith, so that I judgment, has rarely been noted. Passionate could move mountains,and have not Love, I am Urantiansshould pay it heed. nothing.And though I bestow all my goodsto feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, JohnGribbon tells the story in his brilliant book, and havenot Love, it profitieth me nothing." Schrddinger's Kittens and the Searchfor Reality. (See "Books of Significance" in this issue). A Did someone say, "Ah, but my life is so colleagueof Gribbon,Marcus Chown,was a student mundane,my opportunitiesto bestowmy love areso of Feynman at CalTech. He asked Feynman to limited. If only I could go where great things are explain to his (Chown's) mother why physics is beingdone?" important. Feynman wrote her a leffer to put things I saw a movie severalyears ago which featured into perspective.Feynman told Chown's mothernot a greatwoman. She is gone now. She was an old to worry about the significanceof her son's work. lady even then. In one sceneshe stood among the "Physics is not important," Feynman wrote, "love elite of the planet to receive the Nobel Prize. is." Stoopedand clothed in a faded blue sari and worn In our own passion for advocating the Urantia sandals,she looked fragile among the grandiose Papers, this statement should be our guiding sunoundings.What did this servant-leadersay to us? principle.When we can say: "the Urantia Papersare Mother Teresasaid on that day: not important-love is," we will have reachedthe "We cannot do great things. We can only do operativelevel of understandingthe gospelof Jesus. ordinarythings with greatlove." Obviouslythe issuessurrounding the UrantiaPapers Peacewill surely come to the world when a are not important (in relative terms) either,love
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