THURSDAY, MAY 13, 2021 Intelligent . In-depth . Independent Issue Number 3662 / 4000 RIEL FORMER TV HOST EXPORT OF CASSAVA, LATE INCENTIVES IN ACCUSES TYCOON CASHEW, MANGO TO INDONESIA TORMENT OF RAPE ATTEMPT VIETNAM RISES 149% FRONT-LINE WORKERS NATIONAL – page 5 BUSINESS – page 6 WORLD – page 10 Sustainable local firms get avenue for tie-ups May Kunmakara Delivering the event’s open- ing remarks, CDC secretary- AMBODIA, with sup- general Sok Chenda Sophea port from the World said SD2 will better equip in- Economic Forum ternational investors to seize (WEF), on May 12 investment opportunities and launchedC the Supplier Data- strike partnerships with suit- base with Sustainability able domestic companies. Dimensions (SD2) database, “We hope that investors and the first of its kind, to provide foreign firms will see that Cam- information on the sustaina- bodia is creating a welcoming bility operations of domestic investment climate, while be- companies. SD2 will serve as a ing committed to responsible key platform linking interna- and sustainable business. tional and domestic firms that “As a relatively small coun- invest in the Kingdom or are try, Cambodia can set itself seeking new partnerships. apart by being a pioneer in fa- An in-person and virtual cilitating sustainable invest- ceremony was hosted by the ment,” he said. “We invite all Council for the Development investors to use SD2 and find of Cambodia (CDC) and WEF qualified domestic partners.” Power boost to commemorate the launch, Matthew Stephenson, a Electricite du Cambodge (EdC) engineers on a boom lift perform service checks on a utility pole in a red zone of Meanchey STORY > 4 district’s Stung Meanchey commune on Tuesday. YOUSOS APDOULRASHIM which CDC noted will be es- policy and community lead pecially advantageous for for International Trade and domestic suppliers that can Investment at WEF, said at provide quality goods and the launch that the database services. will be a tool for international “The database aims to both firms that wish to invest or do Gov’t concerned over variants facilitate investment and business in Cambodia. contribute to significant de- “Foreign firms that seek to Mom Kunthear tion in Cambodia is now differ- variant – also known as SARS- When the 20 February out- velopment impact. Domestic follow ESG [environmental, ent than it was last year because CoV-2 B.1.1.7. The UK variants break began, the situation suppliers can register their social and corporate gover- A TOTAL of 122 cases of the the variant mutations are more were originally detected just escalated and the ministry was companies on the database, nance] principles can con- UK and Indian Covid-19 var- virulent and spread quickly. five days before the February worried and suspected that the thus promoting their busi- tract more with Cambodian iants have been detected in They are also reportedly more 20 community outbreak. new situation was triggered by nesses with potential inves- firms that operate sustainably, Cambodia, according to deadly than the original strain. On April 25, the highly trans- the new variants, she said. tors who regularly visit [the] and other Cambodian firms Ministry of Health spokes- She noted that from Febru- missible Indian variant B.1.617 “Through laboratory testing CDC website,” CDC said in an woman Or Vandine. ary 14 to May 9, Cambodia had was detected on a passenger announcement. CONTINUED – page 6 Therefore, she said, the situa- detected 121 cases of the UK inbound to Cambodia. CONTINUED – page 3 2 THE PHNOM PENH POST May 13, 2021 WWW.phnompenhpost.COM National Authorities seize and destroy 12 tonnes of fake alcohol sanitiser Voun Dara found and seized by officials from warehouses and phar- A HAUL of nearly 12 tonnes macies in Phnom Penh from of fake alcohol sanitisers were April 15 to May 5,” Oun said, destroyed on May 12 after offi- adding that opportunists pro- cials from the Ministry of Com- duced the fake items to sell as merce’s General Directorate of public demand was high. Consumer Protection, Com- Oun continued that fake petition and Fraud Repression sanitisers made with metha- (CCF) raided a number of mar- nol are toxic. Methanol not kets in Phnom Penh. only killed the virus, but also CCF director-general Phan affected the health of users Oun said commerce minister such as skin and eye irrita- Pan Sorasak had instructed all tion, headaches and death officials to increase quality con- when mixed with ethanol. trol of alcohol sanitisers sold The directorate called on all and distributed nationwide. wholesale and retail sellers, Oun said that on May 11, offi- owners of pharmacies and cials destroyed fake alcohol and markets and importers of alco- methanol sanitisers at a dump- hol sanitisers to conduct busi- The municipality will retain the three-colour-coded system that determines to what extent coronavirus restrictions are placed. INFORMATION MINISTRY site in Phnom Penh’s Dangkor ness ethically and put consum- district. The operation came ers’ health first before profits. with the approval of the mu- It also reminded the public nicipal court prosecutor. to check sanitisers for a trade- Colour-zone map till May 19 “These fake products were mark before purchasing. Mom Kunthear Russey Keo and Meanchey Kang and Prek Pnov are entire- zones, the capital’s 14 district districts contain red zones, ac- ly designated as yellow zones. administrations and municipal HE Phnom Penh Mu- cording to an announcement Restrictions for each colour- health department must imme- nicipal Administration signed by municipal governor coded zone remain the same diately cordon off the location, will retain through Khuong Sreng on May 12. as outlined in the previous bloc or business where cases May 19 the capital’s Some communes, villages decision dated May 5, accord- are found and collect samples Tthree-colour-coded system or even just blocs of buildings ing to the announcement. for Covid-19 testing. that determines to what extent in Dankgor, Kambol, Pram- Authorities reserve the right Anyone who suspects that coronavirus restrictions are pi Makara, Chbar Ampov, to close buildings where new they have Covid-19 or has placed on parts of the city. Tuol Kork, Por Sen Chey and coronavirus infections are de- been in contact with a prob- As more areas are down- Russey Keo districts retain tected in orange zones, and able or confirmed case of graded to the less-stringent their orange-zone status. collect specimens from people infection is required to un- yellow or orange categories, On the other hand, Cham- in the area for testing, it added. dergo quarantine, in accor- out of the capital’s 14 districts, karmon, Daun Penh, Sen Sok, Sreng also noted that if Covid- dance with the Ministry of only Tuol Kork, Por Sen Chey, Chroy Changvar, Boeung Keng 19 cases are detected in yellow Health’s guidelines. Officers prepare to destroy fake alcohol sanitisers. CCF I NVI TATION TO BID Cambodia Climate Change Alliance - Phase 3 Zhen Tai garment factory workers The Cambodia Climate Change Alliance - Phase 3 (CCCA3) is a multi-donor initiative funded by EU, Sweden, and UNDP with a comprehensive and innovative approach to address climate change claim non-payment of April wages in Cambodia. The overall objective is to strengthen national systems Long Kimmarita factory, enterprise and company two and a half weeks due to the age amounting to between and capacities to support the coordination and implementation of Cambodia’s climate change response, contributing to a greener, low owners to pay the wages for their pandemic. $200 and $300 a month. carbon, climate-resilient, equitable, sustainable and knowledge-based GARMENT factory workers have workers from April 1-4 and pro- When the factory reopened, He said that the workers had society. The specific objective is to contribute to the implementation of demanded that their employer, vide allowances to their workers the workers and their union received only $100 for their the Cambodia Climate Change Strategic Plan 2014-2023. Zhen Tai garment factory, pay during the lockdown. submitted a joint letter to the work in the first two weeks of them a portion of their monthly The owners were also factory on May 11 to ask that April and salaries for week three The CCCA3 now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidder for: wages and their Khmer New encouraged to provide addi- the factory pay them their sala- and four of April – during which Year holiday bonus for the peri- tional assistance to their work- ries for April 1-13 and pay them the factory was suspended – will Qty od when Phnom Penh and Kan- ers to the best of their ability their Khmer New Year holiday be paid on May 14. No. Item Description (Set) dal province’s Takmao town had on a humanitarian basis to bonus and benefits during the “The labour ministry called 1 Solar power system for referral hospital and 10-11 been in lockdown. show solidarity and a commit- April 15-30 lockdown. on the factory to pay the money health centers The workers say they have ment to social responsibility Kim Sokhen, the president of according to the best of its abil- Solar PV size: 10kWp been paid less than 50 per during a difficult period. the Cambodian Workers’ Spirit ity. But during this lockdown Deep cycle battery size: 19.2kWh cent of their total salaries for However, the 1,700 workers Union, told The Post on May 12 our workers experienced great Inverter off grid hybrid MPP, Electric box, their work in the first two of Zhen Tai garment factory in that in mid-April the workers difficulties. When receiving their ATS-63A-2P weeks of April.
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