Optimum fuel loadings should be guided by the indicate that a new profile would improve resource following photo series. management programs. Special Uses PP LP MGMH M18-37 Special Use permits will be allowed If they are compatible with other uses in the area. Thinning 1-MC-3-PC 1-MC-3-PC I-MC-3-PC Improvements must be located, designed and 4-PP-1-TH I-PP-1-TH 1-PP-I-TH maintained to remain visually subordinate to the overall character of the landscape, as viewed Partial 4-TF-4-RC 2-LP3-PC 2-MC-4-PC from significant viewer locations Cut 2-LP-3-PC 2-TF4-RC Clear 2-MC-4-RC 1-LP-3-CC 3-TF-4-RC Forest Health Cut 1-LP-3-PC 2-MC-4-RC MI8-38 The emphasis of monitoring and vegetative management will be preventing damage or diminished productivity because of pests. Immedi- These are found in 'Photo Series for Quantifying ate suppression action will be taken utilizing Forest Residues,' a cooperative publication by principles and techniques that reduce damage the Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment and losses and prevent future pest problems Station, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest (Follow Forest-wide standards/guidelines for Forest Service, Portland, Oregon. These fuel loadings Health.) will be revised when new data, methods or research Forest Plan 4 - 163 . .~ Metolius Conservation Area The Metolius Basin is truly unique in the qualty lines written for each management area support and diversty of Its natural resource and spiritual the goal and theme. Any project or inltiative values. The River's headwaters well from the ground undertaken in the Metolius Conservation Area in scenic springs, ensuring pristine water quality must conform in design and application to the and excellent fisheries. Abundant rainfall and rich appropriate standards and guidelines. soils have combined to produce luxuriant forests of fir, cedar, larch and Ponderosa pine which It is of utmost importance that the Metolius have contributed greatly to the demand for forest 'community' participate wIth the Forest Service in products locally and regionally. Big, yellow-barked every aspect of plan implementation. Community Ponderosa pine trees are a highlight of the Basin participation involves intensive, continuous commu- The Metolius ecosystem provides habttat for a nication on a local and regional level. A partnership wide variety of plant and animal species. of mutual communication, teamwork, and respect, with joint expectations of successful results, is The upper basin of the Metolius River is an inspiring necessary to successfully implement the direction forest setting. For decades people have found the that has been established. Metolius to be a special place where they are relieved from the stresses of everyday life amidst Standards and guidelines cannot be written to a unique natural beauty that exists in few other cover all possible interpretations or circumstances places. In many families, a tradition of recreation which may arise. Thus, a very important part of use and love of the Metolius has been handed implementation will be to promote mutual under- down over several generations. standing of the standards and guidelines where they are not clear. This clarifies and sets the stage Outstanding natural scenery exists throughout the for mutual support as the project proposal makes Basin and attracts visitors who seek a variety of its way through the NEPA process and is imple- recreation pursuits. Black Butte has been a mented Communty participation also encourages landmark since the first settlers arrived and more active volunteerism by individuals and groups continues today as a scenic beacon to travelers to propose, fund and participate in the implementa- and residents. The Metolius is outstanding in the tion of projects abundance of Its resources and depth of feeling wlth which they are held by all who visit this special Management of the Metolius Conservation Area place will require a unique blend of arts and sciences applied with creativity. Often, classic silviculture, Rqcognizing these special qualities of the Metolius, landscape architecture, or recreation management and wishing to preserve its outstanding values for is found lacking in addressing the sensitive future generations, the Metolius Conservation resource and social issues found here. New Area is established in this plan This 86,000 acre techniques and applications must be developed area encompasses Black Butte, the Metolius Basin which are speclfic to the Metolius. Forest Service between the wilderness boundary on the west managers and specialists must be creative and and Green Ridge on the east, and the 'Horn of open to designing solutions which deviate from the Metolius'. the standard approach or process Forest Service Research scientists should be enlisted to explore This part of the Deschutes National Forest is set possibilities for a Research, Development and apart and will be managed differently from other Application Program for the Metolius Conservation lands. The Metolius Conservation Area contains Area similar to that recently established in the ten management areas, many of which are unique, Blue Mountains. each having a specific goal and theme which describes the direction for management in the Another Conservation Area-wide initiative to be foreseeable future. Detailed standards and guide- undertaken as soon as priorities permit is the Forest Plan 4 - 164 inventory of all dispersed camp stes and camping spots used regularly. Good inventory data will Management Area 19 provide a much clearer picture of the total recreation use than is currently available, and will permit Metolius Heritage Area integration of this data into planning for total recreation needs. Goal Existing activities which support the philosophy of To perpetuate a unique ecosystem represented the Metolius Conservation Area will continue. The by large yellow-belly Ponderosa pine and spring-fed Water Resource Monitoring Plan for the Metolius streams, one that is part of Oregon’s herltage. Basin is a comprehensive water quality monitoring Significant historical character is found in this effort which encompasses most management area and should be perpetuated. This ecosystem areas in the Metolius Conservation Area. The is an integral part of the Metolius Basin as a whole, monitoring methods are continuous long-term and should be managed wlth that consideration. activities supplemented wth site specific evalua- tions when needed. The Montoring Plan’s ObjeC- tives are to evaluate the existing condition of water General Theme and Objectives resources and to monitor the effects of manage- The goal of this Management Area is to perpetuate ment activities on water resources. Baseline data peaceful, park-like forests of Ponderosa pine and from this study will be an important foundation to western larch Generations of families have come use to evaluate changes in the Metolius Basin here in search of the peace and solitude afforded by the forest beauty, to watch wildlife, and to The creation of the Metolius Conservation Area participate in recreation activities. This historical and adoption of the Management Area standards experience will be perpetuated. and guidelines signal a signlficant change in Forest Service posture. A smaller quantity of commercial The visitor will see mature and overmature forests wood products will be removed than has been having large trees, snags, and dead downed past practice. Commensurate reductions in plant- material Stands wlth two or more canopy levels ing, site preparation, and slash burning will be will be seen, but will highlight the largest trees in noticeable as well. An increase in prescribed the stands. burning to simulate natural ecosystem function Recreational activities have generally been of a will be seen Forest observers will be left with the dispersed nature Opportunities for participation impression of natural forests, with large trees in a broad range of outdoor recreation activities growing in a healthy conditions will be available. Support facilbies for dispersed recreation activities, such as developed camp- There will be a slower pace of all resource grounds and day use areas, may be located here development. Restrictions will be placed on land in order to sustain the overall integrity of the basin area available to geothermal leasing and use of off-highway vehicles. Scenery and visual quality This Management Area contains a total of 24 3 M will be perpetuated on Black Butte and other acres 1 5 M acres were identified as not suitable visually sensitive landscapes Recreation develop- for timber production during the analysis of the management situation in accordance with CFR ment will be carefully planned, with consideration 219 14(a). During the analysis of alternatives using of the recreation resource on a Basin-wide basis the criteria in 36 CFR 219.14(c), 24.3 M acres in addition to site-specific concerns. The overall were identified as not appropriate for timber effect will be to maintain the Metolius Conservation production for this Management Area. Review and Area in a more natural-appearing condition for the reconsideration of these findings must be done in future. accordance with CFR 219.14(d). Forest Plan 4 - 165 ~~ .Standards and Guidelines M19-7 The Metolius Windigo National Recreation Trail is located wlthin this Management Area and is used primarily by horses. Additional horse trails may be constructed within this Management Area, Recreation and should be located in a manner which will minimize conflicts wlth hikers. M19-1 Visltor use and activities will be managed to prevent degredation of the Herltage resource. MI9-8 Off-highway vehicles will not be permitted. Over-the-snow vehicles may be permitted when ROS Category the depth of continuous snow cover is adequate to protect other resources from adverse impacts. M19-2 The recreation setting and opportunities Some roads or trails may be designated for provided include the Recreation Opportunity nonmotorized winter activlties such as cross Spectrum Categories of Roaded Natural, Semi- country skiing.
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