Vol. 78 – No. 2 ® 9 May 2018 2018 represents a critical year for forming Los Angeles’ commercial Teamsters across the country. We waste and recycling system to pro- must exercise our civic duty to vote vide recycling to all Angelenos and in crucial elections at the local, state ensure that thousands of sanitation and federal levels. These elections workers across Los Angeles had safe will determine many things includ- jobs and could provide a better liv- ing the health of our economy and ing for their families. the creation of good jobs. Antonio Villaraigosa also updated One of the most important races critical infrastructure by leading the that Teamster families and working passage of several key project labor people face in California is the Gov- agreements that helped to create ernor’s race. It is essential, particu- good, Union construction jobs that larly during current times, to elect put money back into our communi- a candidate with proven leadership ties. who will continue to guide our state He is also renowned for his fight on a path that prioritizes creating for a cleaner environment and good good jobs that strengthen our mid- jobs by passing the Clean Trucks Pro- dle class. Antonio Villaraigosa is a gram, which helped to clean our air candidate that will fight for Team- and improve our environment. sters across California because of As Teamsters, it is crucial to sup- his proven track record. That is why port a candidate who stands up for Teamsters Joint Council 42 has un- the rights of working people regard- equivocally endorsed Antonio Vil- less of their background, to organize laraigosa for Governor of California and improve their standard of living. Villaraigosa is no stranger to a As the old saying goes, actions speak Teamster picket line. For his entire louder than words. Based on the ac- adult life, he has been an activist, tions taken by Antonio Villaraigosa, championing the rights of working we are confident that he will be an people which inspired him to first excellent Governor, fighting for run and get elected to public office. thousands of Teamsters across Cali- He stood shoulder-to-shoulder with fornia, the backbone of vital indus- Teamsters when we needed him the tries that keep our state’s economy Teamster California governor choice Antonio Villaraigosa has always supported the Team- most. strong. We encourage all Teamster sters’ efforts to organize port drivers in the Los Angeles Long Beach harbors. Behind the for- As L.A. Mayor he championed families in California to do all possi- the rights of truckers to combat the ble to help get out the vote for An- mer L.A. Mayor are (from right) Teamsters Joint Council 42 President Randy Cammack, Local illegal misclassification of port truck tonio Villaraigosa to secure a bright 572 Secretary-treasurer Rick Middleton and Local 848 Secretary-treasurer Eric Tate. drivers as independent contractors. future for ourselves and future gen- He also began the process of trans- erations of Teamsters. CALIFORNIA NEVADA Susan Martinez, a Teamsters Un- fast-increasing rate. ELECTION ion shop steward at the Flamingo Martinez is joining the polit- ENDORSEMENTS Hotel in Las Vegas, is a candidate ical contest because she wants Pages 2 - 3 for State Assembly in Nevada’s change. Facing eight challengers June 12 Primary. She is a member in the June 12 primary, Martinez of Local 986. has gathered community support, “Local 986 could not be prouder excelled at fund-raising, and is that Susan Martinez is not only an criss-crossing the 12th district cam- activist shop steward, advocating paigning. A single mom, she makes for her fellow Teamsters day in sure to spend quality time with her and day out at the Flamingo, but teenage daughter, Victoria, no mat- is willing to run for statewide of- ter how busy her days get with the fice to positively impact Nevadans campaign. statewide,” 986 Secretary-treasurer Martinez, known to her friends as Chris Griswold said. Suzie, has a history of involvement. Martinez first got the idea of run- “For more than ten years she has ning for political office at a Local been one of the most active and 986 shop stewards training session effective shop stewards,” reported late last year. A speaker warned of 986 Business Agent Beverly Wil- dangers facing Union members if liams. “She knows her contract and anti-worker politicians gain power is available from early morning to in the Carson City state legislature. late at night to answer members’ She feared they would move to take questions and resolve their issues.” away workers’ ability to strike, pen- The 12th District is a diverse sion protection, job security, and working-class area on the east SUPPORT: Las Vegas Teamsters Local 986 business agent Bev- quality medical benefits – crucial side of Las Vegas. She has been erly Williams (left) and President Sean Harren (right) present issues that Unions have spent dec- endorsed unanimously by the AFL- Nevada Assembly candidate Susan Martinez a campaign con- ades fighting to preserve for their CIO Central Labor Council along tribution. See story on the Teamster steward’s campaign members. with the Teamsters. In a mailing to “I was incensed,” said Martinez, a all Union members in her district, something about it.” about the ways politicians can lash 30-year desk clerk at the Flamingo, the Union announced: “She is one It is a difficult time for working out to weaken Unions. Conservative “and after carefully considering the of us. She will stand by us.” men and women. Fortunately, un- politicians are determined to take challenge, I decided to answer the “My Teamster experience is ex- ion contracts protect the members away the gains that Unions have call and run for the Nevada State cellent preparation for this jour- with quality medical benefits and fought so hard for, over decades. Assembly.” She joins a growing ney,” Martinez says. “I have always secure pensions. But Martinez is “It’s time to give back.” For Mar- number of women who are en- cared for people, but being active concerned about those who do not tinez, a committed supporter of La- tering races for political office at a in the Union taught me how to do have Unions behind them —and bor Unions, that is a real promise. 005610_MAY.News 2018.indd 1 5/9/18 12:27 PM The Southern California Teamster (ISSN 0038-3953) is published uarterly February, May, August and US Senator State Senate October by Teamsters Joint Council 42: 981 Kevin de Leon (D) SD 16 Ruth Mosser-Lopez (D) Corporate Center Dr., Ste. 200, Pomona, CA 91768. Governor SD 18 Bob Hertzberg (D) Two dollars of membership dues goes towards a Antonio Villaraigosa (D) SD 20 Connie Leyva (D) subscription to the Southern California Teamster Lieutenant Governor SD 22 Mike Eng (D) for one year. Periodicals postage paid at Covina, CA Ed Hernandez (D) SD 24 Maria Elena Durazo (D) and at additional mailing offices. Secretary of State SD 26 Ben Allen (D) POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Southern Alex Padilla (D) SD 28 Joy Silver (D) California Teamster, 981 Corporate Center Dr., Ste. Controller SD 30 Holly Mitchell (D) 200, Pomona, CA 91768. SD 32 Open Betty Yee (D) Please address all communications to: Treasurer SD 34 Tom Umberg (D) Editor: Paul Mihalow Fiona Ma (D) SD 36 No endorsement Attorney General SD 38 No endorsement Email: JCT42aol.com Xavier Becerra (D) SD 40 Ben Hueso (D) News service by Press Associates, Inc. (PAI). Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara (D) U.S. Congress Superintendent of Public CD 8 No endorsement Instruction CD 23 Tatiana Matta (D) Tony Thurmond (D) CD 24 Salud Carbajal (D) CD 25 Bryan Caforio (D) Board of Equalization CD 26 Julia Brownley (D) CD 27 Judy Chu (D) District 1 Tom Hallinan (D) U.S. Senate Assembly Dist. 8 District 2 Malia Cohen (D) CD 28 Adam Schiff (D) District 3 Scott Svonkin (D) CD 29 Tony Cardenas (D) Jacky Rosen Jason Frierson U.S. House Dist. 1 Assembly Dist. 9 District 4 Ken Lopez-Maddox (D) CD 30 Brad Sherman (D) CD 31 Pete Aguilar (D) Dina Titus Steve Yeager State Ballot Measures CD 32 Grace Napolitano (D) U.S. House Dist. 2 Assembly Dist. 10 Proposition 68 YES CD 33 Ted Lieu (D) No Endorsement Chris Brooks Proposition 69 YES CD 34 Jimmy Gomez (D) U.S. House Dist. 3 Assembly Dist. 11 Proposition 70 NO CD 35 Joe Baca (D) Susie Lee Olivia Diaz Proposition 71 YES CD 36 Raul Ruiz (D) U.S. House Dist. 4 Assembly District 12 Proposition 72 YES CD 37 No endorsement Steven Horsford Susan Martinez CD 38 No endorsement Pat Spearman Assembly District 13 State Assembly CD 39 No endorsement CD 40 Lucille Roybal-Allard (D) Thomas Roberts AD 33 No endorsement Governor Assembly District 14 AD 34 No endorsement CD 41 Mark Takano (D) CD 42 No endorsement Chris Giunchigliani Maggie Carlton AD 35 No endorsement Assembly District 15 AD 36 No endorsement CD 43 Maxine Waters (D) Steve Sisolak Lt. Governor AD 37 Monique Limon (D) CD 44 Nanette Barragan (D) No Endorsement AD 38 Christy Smith (D) CD 45 Dave Min (D) Kate Marshall Assembly District 16 AD 39 Antonio Sanchez (D) CD 46 No endorsement Attorney General Heidi Swank AD 40 No endorsement CD 47 Alan Lowenthal (D) Aaron Ford Assembly District 17 AD 41 Chris Holden (D) CD 48 Hans Kierstead (D) Secretary of State Tyrone Thompson AD 42 No endorsement CD 49 Douglas Applegate (D) Nelson Araujo Assembly District 18 AD 43 Laura Friedman (D) CD 50 Open Treasurer Richard Carillo AD 44 Jacqui Irwin (D) CD 51 Juan Vargas (D) Zach Conine Assembly Dist.
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