Environmental Aloha Festivals Inside Concerns hit Waikiki Hispanic Heritage A-7 Marine Forces Pacific Marines are stewards of the Show Band plays to the Respect and tradition A-2 land even when they train. masses during Madman's Picks B-2 See Environmental Ho'oalaule'a. See Block needs, A-4 Party, B-1 Beach Clean-up V B-1 Vol. 24 No. 3.t; Ni- 1r NiCri 1-44.1,:41.11 III MEF Hor...-oi; .111:1 1st '1C1IfF=IillICZI 1:0 1 4,4)0 Federal Voting Assistance Program New career-level PME course In 1992, n percent of our Marines were unable to vote because they did prepares Marines for future how to not know obtain an absentee Communications for Sergeants." ballot, and another four percent were Cpl. Timothy Hodge It covers grammar, punctuation discouraged by past attempts Marine Barracks Public Affairs Sergeants' Nonresident Program to vote and effective writing skills. absentee. To aSS` is t voters, the Federal 40 WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Leadership covers recognizing, Voting Assistance Progain office has Marine Corps Institute has Geared toward sergeants and corporals displaying and teaching leader- established toll-free help lines in over completed the validation of the ship. 49 countries that can be used to Requires 64 hours of work new Sergeants' Nonresident Military studies provides a address various issiu. Voting officers 4,/ Includes six areas of study Program or 8000 series. The basic knowledge of subjects can phone 1-800-438-8683 for further Professional Military Education Prepares NCOs for future in Corps unique to the military and the information on toll free numbers, or Department, MCI released the Marine Corps. The course cov- view any edition of "Voting course for enrollment Sept. 1. sergeants can enroll in the new cations skills, leadership, mili- ers the procedures for conduct- Information News" for a complete list The new Sergeants' course; lance corporals and tary studies, training manage- ing nonjudicial punishment, of countries and phone numbers. Nonresident Program is a series below are not authorized to ment, battle skills and drill, uniforms and inspections, FVAP also sponsors the Department of MCI courses geared specifi- enroll. weapons. The course requires physical fitness training, of Defense '.`Voting Information cally toward providing career- Initiated in August 1992, this 64 hours of student effort. Marine Corps history and cus- Center," which proNides information level PME for Marine program includes six areas of Communications Skills uses on gubernatorial and congressional sergeants. Corporals and study, which include communi- the self-paced text "Written incumbents for every state and territo- See PME, A-9 ry as well as the opportunity to leave a message fbr theee candidates.. The VIC (DSN 22865A or (703) 693 - Buyers 6500! also offers a direct line to the PTA 1-97 Marine Corps Service Voting Action need to Officer. Corporal's ( `ourse be aware continues ifruluat Capt. Steven Logan Legal Assistance Ail Marines and civilian persennel on 'Big are invited to the Corporals Course 12- Recently, we have had a lot of ser- ;,,;.-aioleeition, Cet, .1 at 2- p.m. in the vice and family members coming base theater. The uniform of the day into the Legal Assistance Office is appropriate attire for railiatry, and complaining about being "ripped off' Island a aloha attire for civilians. For more by a car dealership or other business information. call 257 2688. that finances large purchases. Sgt. William Poff The person has usually just pur- Sta-ff writer Have at chased a new or used vehicle and little fun - POHAKULOA TRAINING after finalizing the contract and sub- go on a cheap (h114' AREA, Hawaii Law enforce- sequently driving the vehicle off the - ment and security for exercise PTA lot, they realize they cannot afford Put a little fun in your life. Take your 1 -97 is the job of a 12-Marine the purchase. spouse or a date to the moVies. Free detachment of military policemen Chances are, showings of two movies will be offered from Kaneohe Bay. you have not at the bachelor of quarters con- The Department of Defense police been "ripped a ference room Oct. ..9.4 and Oct. 30. free at PTA are typically augmented by off," but have inexpensive child- Marine MPs during this bi-annual refreshments and made an care will be available. For more infor- deployment the Big Island. extremely poor mation call 257-3655. "Most of my detachment volun- business deci- teered and want to be here," said sion. Spouses SSgt. John P. Salvetti, staff non- All-Enlisted Every day a commissioned officer in charge, MP Club Fashion Expo member of the detachment, PTA, Military Police uniformed ser- Logan Department. "The motivation is The All-Enlisted Spouses Club vices or their family members are really high and most consider this a' invites you to the 1996 Fashion Expo ripped off by liars and thieves who break from their routine in K -Bay. Saturday at the Pacific Hideaway call themselves business people. In They'll work in 12-hour shifts of Come see new fashions and new col- the majority of these cases, the vic- three MPs performing driving and ors. Free admission, free food, and tims are young servicemembers, walking patrols to enforce traffic door prizes. For more information, call especially the clever ones who think safety, which is our primary con- 254-3464 or 254-9176. consumer education is for someone cern." else and not for them. Sgt. William Poff Because of past accidents at PTA, Most often, the problems arise Cpl. Samuel Nassin, center, and LCpls. Holly Rooker, left, and Michael Tice, vehicle safety is paramount. The I)oniesti violence with complex contracts such as right, MPD, carry out the plan of the day in their new environement. MPs enforce speed limits and the insurance, warranties, financing, help numbers use of chock blocks to prevent includes the training areas, and Support Vessel," said Sgt. Lloyd R. leasing and long-term purchases. parked vehicles from moving, said their duties include enforcing envi- Crickenberger, game warden, MPD. These problems include the adver- shelter 533-7125 Salvetti . ronmental regulations which pro- "We have also escorted 29 ammuni- Military tising and sales techniques which "The mixture of military and civil- tect endangered plants indigenous tion trailers from Kawaihae Pier to MPD 257-7114 are specifically designed to attract ian personnel and the proximity of to PTA, said Salvetti. the ammunition supply point." young men and women who don't Crisis Hotline 521-4555 Saddle Road to the training areas The small detachment is also Security is not typically a prob- make much money. makes for a large number of acci- responsible for the security of the lem at PTA. However, the pres- Child Protective Serv. 832-5282 Often, command representatives dents," said Salvetti, a 12-year Maritime Prepositioning Force ence of MPs may provide enough ask the LAO to provide the "inside Marine. "This is particularly why exercise and ammunition convoys of a deterrent to make people scoop" on tricks to look out for and we brought an accident investigator from the ship to PTA, said Salvetti. think twice about doing some- businesses to avoid; the great secret with the detachment." "We provide security for the thing unauthorized and getting Index See Buying, A-5 Part of the IVIP's patrol route unloading of the Army's Logistical someone hurt. Briefs A-8 Ads B-4 Impact Area A-3 :ospit ang Single Marine Program 8-4 Douglas Gilbert Ask the Commanding General questions via E-Mail: WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Starting Oct, 1, parents will have to pay for newborn care at Depa_rthient of Defense hospitals S.6121 the time of birth BICE@CG@MCBH KBAY whether or not they colt v health insurance, DoD currently charges the standard family mei-fiber rate for the mother Internet: and nothing for the baby, pppvided both are DoD-eligible beneficiaries and [email protected] go home together.- The same rate is charged for DoD-eligible babies requir- ing hospitalization after the mother is discharged. If the family has health insurance. DoD currently bills the insurer to ecover foll costs from the tirr.e., of birth. Beginning Oct. 1, however, DoD The Base Action Committee will bill for all from Sgt. Timothy Yanez parent without health insurance newborn care the can be reached via E-mail: time of birth. Japanese Defense Minister visits MCB Hawaii In most cases. OITIC' al said they don't see the policy having a major BGen. Emil R. Bedard, deputy commander, MarForPac, right, escorts Hideo a BAC @CG @MCBH. KBAY Usui, Japanese Defense Minister, during a tour of the base Sept. 77. ee Changes, 4-2 September 26, 1996 Hawaii Marine This weed ar Corps returns Marine's salute after 28 years retired and retired MSgt. Al R. Rivera, to LCpI. D. Clare receive the award in a "fitting manner," at Marine Corps Air Station, El Toro Public ARaio Marine Fighter Attack Training Squadron MARINE CORPS AM STATION, El Toro, 101's hangar here. Calif. - Lance Cpl. Marvin L. McDonald Jr. "I was talking to Rivera and he told me how was halfway through his first tour in Vietnam McDonald still felt. They both lived around in 1968 when, to his surprise, he was told to here, so I said 'Hey, let's do this right,'" get on a truck and go home. Zimmermann said. He was processed out of the Marine Corps, Zimmermann's son, lstLt. David B. he would later find out, because his father was Zimmermann, is an aviator with VMFAT-101 dying of cancer, making him a "sole surviving here.
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