John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 5-21-1942 The aC rroll News- Vol. 22, No. 16 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 22, No. 16" (1942). The Carroll News. 191. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/191 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. OH YES! OPTIMISM ''Things are looking up,'' the old There will be no Mass Friday man said, "yes, everything seelllS to morning... THE (ARROLL -NEWS be just dandy! You see," he conti­ Be sure to read article on muses nued, "the world's in such a gawd­ awful mess that it can't help but at. bottom of this column. EDITED BY AND FOR THE STUDENTS OF JOHN CARROLL UNIVERSITY improve." VOL. XXII THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 21, 1942 NO. 16 Frosh Prom Climaxes Banner Year At JCU LTS,Band,GieeCiub Yearlings Pick Acacia Club, Hosless for Friday's Dance • • • Plan Mammot:h Show Anthony for Final Dance Plans are being made for a "super colossal, mammoth" production to be The Annual Freshman Country Club Dance wiJ1 climax the Carroll social sea­ held early in the fall, according to Jack son Friday night, when popular Ray Anthony and his orchestra play at the Corrigan, president of the Carroll Union. Acacia Country Club. The lads and lassies are headed for a grand evening The show, which will feature the Glee with Ray, who plays a red-hot trumpet and, who was formerly with Glenn Club, the Band, and the Little Theatre Miller. The Acacia is an ideal setting for the post-exam dance. Society, will be another Carroll contri­ To the graduating seniors and the bution to the national war effort. It freshman basketball players go the will be held for the benefit of some pa­ Saker Accepts honors of the evening. The dance will triotic organization. be dedicated to the seniors by the freshman class. Presentation of the A faculty committee composed of Fa­ Guild Award freshman numerals by Jack Hunt, ther William J. Murphy, S. J., Father frosh basketball mentor, will top off Francis B. Murphy, S. J., Doctor Louis for Newstaff the evening. L. Balough, Mr. Frank J. Weiss and Mr. John J. Hearns is working on the Ted Saker, editor of the Carroll News, Committee members have expended production which includes their respec was one of the guests of the Cleveland every effort toward making the dance tive organizations. Newspaper G u i I d, at their annual the most successful one of the year, The student committee for the affair awards banquet at the Hollenden, Mon­ From the interest aroused by the ad­ as announced by Jack Corrigan con­ day afternoon. He received, on behalf vance publicity, this end will be rea­ of the 1942 staff, the guild's citation lized, if the weather permits. sists of Bob Wolf, Bruce Thomson, Loretta Kelleher Ruth Munnan Mitch Shaker, Tom Daly, Jim Laughlin, for "outstanding professional achieve­ In the role of hosts and hostesses will--- -· - ----- ------------------------ Vic Walsh, Bernie Brysh, Jerry Hig­ ment during 1942." be Tom Olmstead, committeee chair­ gins and Bob Persche. Phillip Murray, president of CIO, man, and Jim Mayer, frosh class pres­ was the guest speaker. His remarks Don Bil1ings, Director of the Catho­ ident, honorary chairman, with Ruth Summer Session Sched: were "off the record." Jack Raper, lic Youth Organization Dramatic Guild Murman and Loretta Kelleher respect.. Cleveland Press columnist, was toast- and a sophomore at Carroll is now at ively. master. • work on the script of the production. Assisting Olmstead on the committee ~nroll Now in War Program! are Bob Grthler, Vic \Valsh, Glenn The designations, senior, junior, sophomore signify those who are going into Williams, J~ck Corrigan, Ed Hurle , ~nior, junior or sophomore years upon the completion of this semester. Jack Moran, Chari s Miller, Jim Cun­ Honn lo Gradua~e E.-B: A. Collects 15c ningham, Joe Sedlak, Dick Allanson, Summa Cum Laude Lee Schumache". Jack Webb, Bill Fay­ Corrigan Starts W~rk Seniors take en, Neil Egan, Ed Cuneen, and Charles by Dan Vance B. A. 171-172 9:00 on the Muses Codol. as New Union Head "No one has ever approached Frank's Phil. 107-108 10:30 record." That was what tliis reporter Chaperones for the evening are Mr. The Carroll Union schedule of events Many people have said that a Jist of heard in the registrar's office when in­ and Mrs. Thomas A. Conley, Dr. and for the next school year promises to be Juniors the muses wouldn't---couldn't--appear quiring of Frank Honn's scholastic re­ Mrs. Josejh L. Hunter, and Mr. Her­ a difficult one to plan, Jack Corrigan, B. A. 171-172 9:00 bert H. Petit. in the Carroll News. We have resolved cord. A perfect record of all A's is the president, is hard at work trying to PhiL 103-104 10:30 beast of the senior science major. His figure out a tentative date schedule. B. A. 161 to blast that supposition once and for 12:15 cumulative 3, average will entitle him Due to the fact that seniors who at- all by presenting herewith an official graduation summa cum laude with a Sophomores " Glenn Williams Wins tend the summer session will graduate lineup of the muses. full .1 to spare. B. A. 1-2 9:00 in February a different set-up will have Phil 1-2 Managing the club for the past 2,000 Majoring in both Chemistry and Frosh Ora~ory Key 10:30 years is Calliope who is giving Connie Math, he has had time to spare to be t o be made regarding the Senior Prom. B. A. 161 12:15 Mack of the Athletics a run for the en­ a laboratory assistant in the quantita­ Glenn Williams won the freshman It is planned that a Senior Ball with a dur&nce title. She also handles the left tive and explosives' lab with his office oratorical contest which was held May name band and all the regular features B.S.* Field slot as well as dabbling in the located at 211 Cbem bldg. 12 in the auditorium before the frosb of a prom would be held late in De- Seniors take management of eloquence and epic And what an office it is. As I en- class. No other places were announced. cember. If such a plan were adopted, Science poetry. tered to interview the genius, six men Williams won the oratory key which and everything is purely tentative con­ Major Chief scorekeeper is Clio who runs were asking technical questions on will be presented at baccalaureate ser­ 9:00 cerning this, the usual prom in the Chemistry 112, 113 the History department, as well as pro­ their work. Needless to say, they re- vices. spring would become a Junior Prom. Biology 111, 112 viding pre-game entertainment on thE' ceived the desired information. He was also co-winner of the frosh L a-s t week Corrigan interviewed Phil. 107-108 10:30 lyre. Frank possesses a biting sense of debate tournament with Joe· Shaker, Pinky Hunter, program director of is humor, and proceeded to refer to this and is at Carroll on a two-year scholar­ Erato the problem child of the WHK-WCLE, and Roy Scott, assistant Juniors writer as a "fourth estater". ship won by scholastic competition last club but we wouldn't trade him for the United States District Attorney, and world .... Science 9:00 When asked when he does his stu- spring. director of the War Bonds and Stamps Math Assisting Clio is Euterpe who is no dying he replied, "OceasionaUy I burn Those participating in the contest Program. There is a strong possibility Chemistry 6-7 relation to the reader, Utwerp. the midnight oil and sometimes I won- were Joe Shaker, Joe Sedlak, Joe Pres- that representatives from the Glee Club, Biolo!fY 111, 112 Melpomene hasn't played a game yet der how I get along so well on so little." cott, Joe Schuster, John Kralik and Band, Little Theatre Society and Ora- Phil. 103-104 10:30 without at least six errors; she's really Perhaps it was during a "so little" per- Tom Durkin. torical Society will appear on one of Tragic. iod that Mr. Wiess gave him his sole Judges were Messrs. Herbert H. Pe- these programs when the series is re- Sophomores " Director for the singing of •·The uB" at his first quarter. I tit, Arthur Noetzel and Father Rich- sumed later in the year. Physics 1-2 9:00 Star Spangled Banner" before the (Continued on page 5) ard T. Malloy, S. J. Phil. 1-2 10:30 game, and for any other hymns, is Po­ A. B. and Ph. B. lyhymnia who is also available for par­ Whelan Elec~e d tics. dances, etc. 1-1 • S • W k p In charge of the training, calisthen­ ere IS en1or ee rogram ASN Presiden ~ Seniors take Elective ( 6hrs) ics, close-order drills, etc., is Terpsi­ The Annual Senior week of the Class of 1942 will begin on Friday May 29 9:00 or 12:15 John Whelan, '43, was elected pres­ Phil. 107-108 chore, sister of Mayris Cheney, both with a picnic at Grantwood Coutnry Club, according to Francis J.
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