
WüNScH, R (1943): Verzeichniss der bis jetz bei Gablonz an der Neisse festgestellten Orthoo- 1999 14(2): 177 -'184 FAUNISTIK teren und Odonaten. In: MrcHFL, J: Jahresbericht des Sudetendeutschen Entomolo- ARTICULATA genbundes fur das Jahr 1942. Ent. Ztsch. 57(1 5): 1 1 5-1 1 6. ZAIH,P., PAToöKA, J., KULFAN, J., KRrsriN, A. & SuSr-ir<, V. (1995): Forestzonation and faunal Check-list of Blattaria, Mantodea, Orthoptera and Dermaptera assemblages of the Pol'ana biosphere reserve UNESCO. Ekolögia (Bratislava) 14: 353 - 365. of the Czech and Slovak Republics ZACHER, F. (1907): Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Orthopteren Schlesiens. Ztsch. Wiss. Insektenbiol. Petr Koöärek. Jaroslav HoluSa & t-ubomir Vidliöka 3(6): 179-1 85, 3(7)'. 211-217. ZACHER, F. (1907): Mitteilungen über schlesische Orthopteren. Ztsch. Entomol., N. F. 32. ZACHER, F. (1909): Die Nordgrenze des Verbreitungsgebietes der Mantodea in Europa. Ztsch. Abstract Wiss. Insektenbiol 5: 134-135. The list of all 14 Blattaria, 1 Mantodea, 124 Orthoptera andT Dermaptera recognized ZACHER, F. (1909): Fang von Isophya camptoxypha an der Marchquelle. Jahresheft Ver. f. of the Czech and Slovak Republics is presented including the information Schles. Insektenkunde 2. species about their presence tn the individual historical countries. ZACHER, F. (1909): lsophya camptoxypha und Collembolen von Glaiizer Schneeberge. Breslau, Ztsch. f. Entomol. In the territory of the Czech Republic the first works about orthopteroid insects were ZACHER, F. (1910): Entomologisches aus lstrien und Ungarn. Entomol. Jb. 19. 122 - 124. published in the middle of the 19'n century (SEIDL 1836, FTEBER 1853). These studies were followed by several studies dated around the beginning of the 20'n century (KREJÖI ZACHER, F (1913): Nachtrag zur Kenntnis der schlesischen Orthoptera. Ztsch. Wiss. Insek- tenbiol.9:161-163. 1896, 1903, HAURY & NTCKERL 1905, CZTZEK 1905, 1915, 1917, ZACHER 1907, 19'13). In Slovakia orthopteroid insects were studied initially by Austria-Hungarian authors ZAcHER, F. (1915): Die Verbreitung derdeutschen Geradflügler, ihre Beziehungen zu den (FRTWALDSKY '1867, PUNGUR 1891, 1899, CHyzER 1897 and EBNER 1914). After the Pflanzengesellschaften und ihre Abänderungen in Form und Farbe. Ztsch. Entomol. comprehensive monograph (Oerlteencen 1926) the research of orthopteroid insects Frankfurt am Main. 29. increased and till 1998 nearly 500 works were published. The only check-list was ZACHER, F. (1917): Die Geradflügler Deutschlands und ihre Verbreitung. Systematisches und completed by MnnnN & Ce'rcHnn (1977). synonimisches Verzeichnis der im Gebiet des Deutschen Reiches bisher aufgefunde- From that time the number of species increased, which is based partly on the discovery nen Orthopteren-Arten (Dermaptera, Oothecaria, Saltatoria). Fischer, Jena; 287 S. of new species and partly on the inclusion of species that were previously overlooked. ZÄnuee, P. (1988): Fauna a flöra Jezera v Mnichovicich - Boikovö. Fauna und Flora des Sees Beside that several species were described and there were some taxonomic and no- in Mnichovice - BoZkov. Bohemia centralis 17:29-38 (in Czech, German abstr.). menclatoric changes. On the other hand some species have probably extinct. The Check-list is based especially on recent findings and on the revision of specimens ZAtKo, l. (1987): K problematike ochrany oblasti Kna2ieho stola. [To the problems of the Kna2i stöl protectionl. Chränen6 üzemie Slovenska 8: 25-27 (in Slovak). deposed in the majority of important museums and private collections. Old data from the literature were accepted only in species, which occurrence is possible regarding to ZÄvADSKV, K. (1920): Kudlanka näbo2nä (Mantis religiosa). Jeji rozSiieni v Evropö. their known geographic distribution. Species not documented with relevant collection of Mantis religiosa in Europe]. Piiroda 14(1919-1920):2O7-212(in [Distribution specimens are specimens not found after'1965 are marked by Within Czech). marked by ?, f. each families and subfamilies, the names are listed alphabetically. ZÄvADSKV, K. (1927): Kudlanka näbo2nä. lMantis retigiosal. Vesmir 6: '162-163 (in Czech). The Czech Republic is traditionally divided into two main countries (Fig. 1): Bohemia ZBoRlL, J. (1934): Entomologick6 zajimavosti Slovenska. IEntomological interestings of Slova- and Moravia (including the Czech part of Sllesia). We have accepted this division kial. Vesmir 13: 19-20 (in Czech). commonly used in the Czech faunistic and floristic works. The classification of Orthoptera has been based on the recent European Check-list ZeuanovÄ, A. (ed.) (1996): Cerven6 zoznamy flöry a fauny Närodnej prirodnej rezerväcie Sür. (HELLER '1 has adopted from Pntructs [Red lists of flora and fauna of National nature reserye Sür]. Bratislava, Litera s.r.o. et al. 998), ihe classification of Blattaria been ('1960) pre APOP, 32s. (in Slovak). and the classification of Dermaptera from SrerNuRNru (1989). Abbreviations: ZEUNER, F. (1930): postglacialen Der Einfluss der Klimaschwankungen auf die Verbreitung von B - Bohemia Ephippigera vitium SeN. Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin 1 5: 85 - 106. M - Moravia S - Slovakia - old data, species not recorded after 1965 ' - disputed data, the occurrence is necessary to confirm Introduced species "-- synantropic species ARTTCULATA ARTTCULATA 1999 14(2) 1999 14(2) List of References ZAcrER, F. (1907): Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Orthopteren Schlesiens. Ztsch. Wiss. Insektenbiol. 3(6): 179-185, 3(7): 211-217. CztzEK, K. (1905): Die Heuschrecken Mährens. Vl. Ber. Abh. Klubs Naturk. Brünn 6(1903- 1904):79-83. ZA}HER, F. (1913): Nachtrag zur Kenntnis der schlesischen Orthoptera. Ztsch. Wiss. Insek- tenbiol. 9: 161-163 CztzEK,K. (1915): Geradflügler, Orthoptera. X. Ber. Lehrerklubs Naturk. Brünn (Sektion des Brünner Lehrervereines) 10(1909-191a): 1-3. CztzEK, K. (1917): Beiträge zur Kenntnis und Verbreitung der Heuschrecken Mährens L Verh. Naturf. Ver. Brünn 15: 129-133. CHYZER, K. (1897): Zempl6nvärmegye Orthopteräi. [Orthoptera of the Zempl6n (=Zemplin) districtl. Rovart. Lap. 4: 99 - 10'1 [in Hungarian]. EBNER, R. (1914): Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Orthopteren-Fauna von Oesterreich-Ungarn. lnt. Entomol. Ztschr,, Guben 7: 309 - 312. FTEBER, F. X. (1853): Synopsis der europäischen Orthopteren mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die in Böhmen vorkommenden Arten als Auszug aus dem zum Drucke vorliegenden Werke "Die europäischen Orthoptera". Lotos 3: 90-104, 115-129, 138-154, '168-176, 1 84-1 88, 201-207, 232-238, 252-261. FRrvALDSzKy, J. (1867): A magyarorszägi egyenesröpüek magänrajza (Monographia Ortho- pterorum Hungariae). Eggenberger. Pest. 201 S. [in Hungarian]. HAURY, C. & NToKERL, O. (1905): Veeeichnis der Insekten Böhmens Vll. Geradflügler Fig. Map showing the borders of the regions mentioned in the check-list (Orthoptera). Verl. Gesell. Physiokratie Böhm. Praha. 20 S. 1.: HELLER, K,-G., KoRSUNoVSKAYA, O., RAGGE, D.R., VEDENINA, V., WILLEMSE, F., ZHANTIEV, R. Authors: (1998): D. & FRANrsEVrcH, L. Check-list of European Odhoptera. Articulata, Beiheft 7: Mgr. Petr Koöärek 1-61. Department of Ecology KREJci, A. (1896): Piehled öesk1i'ch Orthopter. [A survey of Bohemian Orthoptera]. Vöstnik Palackf University Krä|. Öesk6 spoleö. Nauk., Tiida ll. 1896: 9 S. [in Czech]. Svobody 26 KREJöi, A. (1903): DoplÄky k,,Piehledu öeskfch Orthoptef'z r. 1896. [Additions to pA survey of CZ-77146 Olomouc Bohemian Orthoptera" from 18961. Vöstnik Krä|. Öesk6 spoleö. Nauk, Tiida ll. 1903: 2 email: [email protected] S. [in Czech]. Ing. MARAN, J. & ÖeJcunru, A. (1977): Enumeratio Insectorum Bohemoslovakiae Blattoptera - Man- Jaroslav HoluSa toptera - Dermaptera - Orthoptera. Acta Faun. Ent. Mus. Nat. Pragae 1S(Suppl.4): 35 Forestry and Game Management Research Institute Jilovi5tÖ-Strnady - 39 [in German]. Office Frlidek-Mistek Pionf rü 1758 OBENBERGER, J, (1926): Rovnokiidlf hmyz (Orthoptera a Dermaptera) republiky Öeskosloven- CZ-7 3eO2 Frf dek-M istek sk6. [Orthoptera and Dermaptera of the Czechoslovak republic]. Fauna et Flora email: [email protected] Cechoslovenica l. Ceskä akademie vöd a umäni. Praha.234 S. [in Czech]. (1960): PRtNcts, K. Zur Systematik der Blattarien. Eos, Revista Esparlola de Entomologia, RNDr. Lubomir Vidliöka, CSc. 36(4):427-449. Institute of Zoology PUNGUR, G. (1891): A Magyarorszägi tücskökf6l6k term€szetrajza (Histoire naturelle des Gryl- Slovak Academy of Sciences lides de Hongrie). Magyar term6szetttudomänyi tärsulat. Budapest. Kir. 95 S. [in Hun- Dübravskä cesta | I gqrror^^.;^^ I or^^l ru Lour-ri-l r.l. SK-84206 Braiislava PUNGUR, J. (1899): Ordo Orthoptera. Fauna Regni Hungariae - A Magyar birodalom ällatviläga, email: vidlicka@usaebu. sk Regia Societas scientiarum naturalium hungarica. Budapest. 16 S. [in Hungarian and Latinl. SE|DL, W, (1836): Die Orthopteren Böhmens. Weitenwebers Beiträge zur gesammten Naturk. u. Heilwissensch 1(8): 205-223. BLATTARlA STETNL4ANN, H. (1989): World Catalogue of Dermaptera. Akad6miai Kiadö, Budapest & Kluwer Blattidae Academic Publishers. Dordrecht. Boston & London. 934 S. Blafta oientalrs Linnaeus, 1758 B",i Ms,i Ss,i Peiplaneta ameicana (Linnaeus, 1 758) B",i Ms,i Ss,l ARTTCULATA 1999 14(21: ARTTCULATA 1999 14(2): 179 Periplaneta australasiae (Fabricius, 1 775) B",i Ms,i Ss,i Conocephalinae Peiplaneta brunnea Burmeister, 'l 838 B",i Conocephalus fuscus (Fabricius, 1 793) BMS p Blattelidae C o n o c e h al us dorsa/rs dorsa/is (Latrei I le, 1 804) BMS gs,i Blatella germanica (Linnaeus, 1 767) B",i 14s,i Ruspolia nitidula (Scopoli, 1786) MIS Supella longipalpa (Fabricius, 1 798) B''i Tettigoniinae
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