- - - iraerml - : . - - nnsr rl a. e Ml.. I., NO. M67. HONOLULU, HAWAII I9(M) TKRRITORx, SATURDAY, SBJTKMHKB v2 SIXTEEN PAOB8. PRICE FIVE 0 flOFESS!ONAL CARDS. Eighty-fiv- e passengers on a train near Beaumont were lost. ATP HNCTS. AWFUL WORK A Clara Barton of the National Red OF Cross Society has arrived here. ISENBERG IS OUT . unmn - fHSee Ma M Wo GALVESTON. Tex., Sept. 15.-- 841 much progress baa, been made, here toward the it !ai,;litatih of Galveston and- - so har-i- : aad MM Hts GULF y arc i1.,. v.uiou.H 1.-- : - working. twit 7J COAST STORM that Ueltora JieKibbeii, who was ortivr- - THE PRINCE IS IN i lu re with his staff to assist the co jfNO w turner ry rub-- as soon as the storm disaster bt irl Galveston, has decided that his i -- trim' is no longer necessary and he tias made arrangements to leave for Thousands Houston. After having- - laruelv assisted Of Lives Swept Away In the restoration of local confidence, the Kaleidoscopic N It withdrawal of Genera McKlbben is tak- Change In Hawaii's en to mean, that little is to be done here At Galveston. ! 'it u care for the distressed, until nor- mal business conditions have been re- Politics. st rr.td. In this connection the Informa- I' H. Horn pifcthlo tion was n to 'made public through the local ui 'ntlori Federal authorities that ,the War .Depart- 'tffli and ment will undertake as sOon as possible rlv opp the restoration of its property U) 13 a, m . THE ESTIMATED at this ra. to I to LOSS TO PROPERTY point. SAM PARKER DENIES THAT HE WILL Associated Press dispatches quoting m . Tat, a OVER FIFTEEN MILLION DOLLARS Kastern financiers on the future of Gal-wto- n were read with much interest. WITHDRAW FROM THE CAMPAIGN The idea, However, that the status of the x cira, I to U city will be changed ftnds'no local adher- Tal ml'. es The various railroads entering here Have i.etermtned to assist the citizens of ' : ; i - f :! f then-a- , mi m. Most of the Soldiers in the Forts Killed- Appalling Death " xt nt mi Aim In Col. McCarthy Hints That Isenberg Wasn't aw ana. if. rebuilaing the city. Wanted Except as I ' ' "'1 M J. Polk, of the b 1 to aooavif....RliF rAkrl Frcm tKo rMir.irx.....r.r.v,rr. Santa Fe. I miv nil "uim JVTVI II received a very enthusiastic and encour- Second ChoiceDelegates Coming to Town Discuss aging message ment Its from the headquarters of Giving Aid. 1.1s roatL declaring confidence In Galves- the Chairmanship of Convention. A w. ion-of- le w ron si. ton, urging the business community to . ii : i mm r ed at once with the work of recon- . 1 w a. a. ; UI. miIM. struction and promising every help in tl tlr power. As a result of the receipt - IUU'STi .N. T. x S. pt. 10. One of the following telegrams passed the of the message ITmFWA letween Colonel Polk said to the Prince David Kawananakoa yester- T to-da- y: representative ers searched for Prince David; he could i. Whltt IH: Jloaotfri thai has occurred In hlte House and Texas of the Associated Press: ... J rratel day not be .ftl. 10.-n- "The railroad Interests have decided to announced himself as a found. He dropped into the h.eirs thlo country sin. e "H it'ST' N, (Tex.). September oo,l candidate J to I to p m. the Johnstown IM.. eombie their forces in Order to rebuild Achi meeting I a. end WlMMMI of for Congress on the Democratic ticket. and then vanished in a In IM!) wh.r. 1 McKinley. President the as quickly as possible a bridge from Vir- - iti ,. hack. rnti l Sl:itci: I have necn flennt izel eiroa I'nlnt in la u .,nnn i Following closely upon this surprise thlr Uvea, la that fr.m th. ,,y of men will go McCarthy says. Kino St.. soar Alapal m th( Aayor and citizens' committee to work in the morning came the positive statement in an even- what west India you witht thjs end In view. You mav sav to Col. McCarthy was I to II a av; I to I aai T to I hurricane which sweot Tex of Oalvestcn to inform that the ing paper that Samuel seen at his home Is cer- - the country that In six days a bridge Parker would on Beretania street Inst AVAninc onrt of In 1 ri. mm aa on Saturday. elty Galveston ruins and Will have. I., .in K, ,11, l 1 If withdraw from the race for Congress admitted Th entire city of Galveston is tainly many hundreds not a thousand , at once that a letter had been but of regard for j firiSHlNART UtTHOBOfta are dead. The tragedy is one of the the rtjwSbprom-mo- st Prince David. received from Prince David in which wracked, nno wharf Interests and they have perhaps people lost their ne re-o- ne at CLAFMAM - Veterinary Rurtena frightful in recent times. Help lsed us that they will be prepared to han-mu- st These two announcements coming on nad announced that he was a PaattM. MM Kmc Kt. Mttio. Uvea, and many millions worth of prop- be given by the State and Nation fll ingoing and outgoing shipments by cept!ve candidate for the Democratic ... ... Vi . ... ; i. i , day were enough to keep the lead- - time t - IM sails toy or nloht promptly erty was destroyed. or the sufTerlng will tie appalling, r oou, t., ' ,H ""-- e oi iuk' nomination for Delegate for Congress, we ahall build will be ers talking, and yesterday town I thing money will be needed of substantial but the ..The jetter came to me this morn- - cities on the Texas coast shar- and at ibmporary character. We subse- othr once. shall fairly hummed with politics. On every ing," said Col. McCarthy, "and with At ed a similar fate, but the loss of life in quently replace It with a more enduring The whole south side of the city for structure. There Is no reason Gal- - street corner men stood in groups and was a request that it be not given out r tTSCNtrMA-OMe- e. Club Hto. whv thm aaa not so appalling. three blocks In front of the gulf Is vston ought not commercially to resume to one nress. 80 1 am not at liberty to stare, 1 1 io I p. , Tel. 4T7 related another the startling I pt i lear of every building, the normal conditions in ten days.' show it to you. Its substance, how- - Estimates of the number of dead are news- - 0 president of the Board Jt was not a matter of erat ever, is been - pla. d l n 3000 and 6000. The wholfl Wharf front Is a wreck and but that David has conslder- tet ttm houses In the city are really habit- - a'd CotewBlikenHdST1 SUrpHse that DavId finally came out as nS the offer of the nomination which Mommas, nr ua si. property I. .a Is Incalculable. Oalveston a0"''! 11 i a was to Soars abnva Maoonlo Ho-- able. The water supply is cut off and the board, were amonc the candidate for has been believed all tendered him and that while la In ibarrlvals. ac-A- ll t a. m. to p. as. practically ruins. The State of ItM food stock damaged by salt water. Tl ey met General McKibtx n and were along that he had an itching to get into before he was not in a position to ...ira J Texas will through person bridges washed away, and ven to the institution. , . - cept it, obstacles to his acceptance act the of are I,, n&ni ana Wds on,y Kepi out OI steamers the bay. When Tt" ""' the i..MIdlngf In a badly bat- - " have been removed and he is now will-- I miiy Governor Payers, but the tragedy Is so stranded litter by loteJ ota t to 1 l. fi this morning the search for but tn1' return it personal matters that tied his hands, ing to take the nomination if it is of- - appalling. Its money loss so great, that bndlcs had begun. Corpses were every- - ,nmcd Particularly surprising that fered to him. n -- I M IV the aid of the people of all the Union vthi re. The blew eighty-fou- r 'aeriptlon. if the State was unable to bear the Democrats should so immediately I 'x first learned yesterday of Prince saay bo needed. It Is estimated that miles an hour and then t arried G. David's intention to accept the nomin- - rang cl,n,-n,- at, Tat rnKoro. 4000 boon, In ernment Instrunienta away. At the tri'f have been at work in the ation, but the letter did not come to me v betwron. nd bolldinars Gal I , ... cm O B WAI.I. b igness ot. prosnossa v... 1 ls t .ti it- rs .f the gulf wre let and splendic u.v. Unt this mornintr. It will necessitate o na to p. m deolroyod. ; , a.ntro veston have been Of those over city, Having in aWiring away debris. The week to tender the nomination. All owr making some changes in our plans the whole risen ' Ml ' Ml I mpany a large rtWn M that ir many will have to be torn suV)- - has force of go ar- - " twelve feet. The water has now iii Work c itiitar wires, removing obstruc- - along Prince David was the first choice but they will on about a3 before MuaiciAjta down aa a matter of safety.
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