THE LONDON GAZETTE, FEBBUARY 24, 1891. 1007 . Lieutenant-Colonel John L. Rose, from balf- 4th Battalion, the Suffolk Regiment, Herbert .pay, retires on retired pay. Dated 25th Feb- Edward Olivey, Gent., to be Second Lieutenant. ruary 1891. Dated ,25th Februaiy, 1891. INDIAN STAFF CORPS. 4th Battalion, the Prince of Wales's Own Lieu tenant-General Thomas Gilbert Kennedy, {West Yorkshire Regiment), Lieutenant B. C.B., is transferred to the Unemployed Super- Metcalfe Smith resigns his Commission. Dated • numerary List. Dated 6th February, 1891. 25th February, 1891. •Major-General George Julius Melliss to be Lieu- 3rd Battalion, the Bedfordshire Regiment, Frede- tenant-General. Dated Gtb February, 1891. rick Edward Bishop, Gent., to be Second Major - General Richard Barter, C.B., to be Lieutenant. Dated 25th February, 1891. Lieutenant-General on the Unemployed Super- 4th Battalion, the Bedfordshire Regiment, Lieu- numerary List. Dated 6th February, 1891. tenant F. G. Burroughes resigns his Commis- Colonel Horace Searle Anderson, C.B., to be sion. Dated 25th February, 1891.- . Major-General. Dated 6th February, 1891. INDIAN ARMY. 3rd Battalion, the Royal Welsh Fusiliers, Second 'Colonel Robert Augustus Carew Hunt, Bombay Lieutenant R. O. Campbell to be Lieutenant. Infantry, to be Major-General. Dated 6th Dated 25th February, 1891. : 'February, 1891. 4th Battalion, the South Wales Borderers, Arthur ' ARMY MEDICAL RESERVE OF Howai'th Pryce Harrison, Gent., to be Second OFFICERS. Lieutenant. Dated 25th February, 1891. Surgeon C. E. Douglas, M.B., resigns his Com- mission. Dated 25th February, 1891. 3rd Battalion, the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Captain C. C. D'Arcy-Irvine resigns his Com- mission? Dated 25th February, 1891. War Office, 24lh February, 1891. 3rd Battalion, the Border Regiment, John Nor- MILITIA. man, Gent., to be Second Lieutenant. Dated 4th February, 1891. ROXAL ARTILLERY. *• f ' 3r'd Battalion, the Royal Sussex Regiment, Cap- .the Antrim Artillery {Southern Division'), Charles tain and Honorary Major H.' C. Young Elrington Duncan Davidson-Houston, Gent., resigns his Commission ; also is permitted to • to be Second Lieutenant. Dated 13th Feb- retain his rank, and to wear the prescribed ruary, 1891. uniform on his retirement. Dated 25th Feb- The Haddington Artillery (Southern Division), ruary, 1891. Colonel Archibald Dickson, retired, lately 3rd Battalion, the Prince of Wales's Volunteers Commanding, is appointed to the Honorary , {South Lancashire Regiment}, John Douglas Colonelcy. Dated 25th February, 1891. Anderson, Gent, to be Second Lieutenant. The Donegal Artillery {Southern Division), Dated 25th February, 1891. Louis Morgan Dyson, Gent., to be Second •Lieutenant. Dated 25th February, 1891. 5th Battalion, the Sherwood Foresters (Derby- shire Regiment), Lieutenant B. E. Smith The Mid Ulster Artillery (Southern Division), resigns bis Commission. Dated 25th February, Augustiu James Digan, Gent., to be Second 1891. Lieutenant. Dated 6th February, 1891. 3rd and 4th Battalions, the Queen's Own (Royal The Glamorgan Artillery {Western Division), West Kent Regiment), Second Lieutenant P. Second Lieutenant C. H. Brass to be Lieu-' Pedley resigns his Commission. Dated 25th . tenant. Dated 25th February, 1891. February, 1891. The Northumberland Artillery ( Western Division"), Second Lieutenant A. H. Mitchell Innes to be 3rd Battalion, the Duke of Cambridge's Own (Mid- Lieutenant.. Dated 25th February, 1891. dlesex Regiment), Lieutenant A. W. Robinson, from the 3rd Battalion, the Lancashire Fusi- • The Carmarthen Artillery (Western Division)-! liers, to be Lieutenant. Dated 25th February, Lieutenant-General Sir James Hills-Johnes» 1891. V.C., K.C.B., retired pay, Royal Artillery, is appointed to the Honorary Colonelcy. Dated 4th Battalion, the Duke of Cambridge's Own 25th February, 1891. (Middlesex Regiment), Second Lieutenant N. 'Captain H. V. Macnamara resigns his Commis- E. G. Willoughby to be Lieutenant. Dated • sion. Dated 25th February, 1891. 25th February, 1891. .The Pembroke Artillery (Western Division), 3rd Battalion, the Durham Light Infantry, The • Second Lieutenant F. W. Green to be Lieu- undermentioned Gentlemen to be Second Lieu- ' tenant. Dated 25th February, 1891. tenants :— ENGINEER. William Hilton Briggs. Dated 25th Feb- Submarine Miners. ruary, 1891. ROYAL ENGINEERS. John Dry den Mather. Dated 2oth Feb- -The Plymouth Division, Lieutenant C. Smith ruary, 1891. • resigns his Commission. Dated 25th Februaiy, 4th Battalion, the Royal Munsier Fusiliers, Lieu- 1891. tenant A. A. MacLaughlin to be Captain. INFANTRY. Dated 25th February, 1891. '3rd and 4th Battalions, the King's Own {Royal 5th Battalion, the Royal Munster Fusiliers, William Lancaster Regiment), John Fletcher Mossop, Benry Edmond de Vere Sheaffe, Viscount , " Gent., to be Second Lieutenant. Dated 25th Glentworth, late Lieutenant, 4th Battalion, the February, 1891. Rifle Brigade, to be Captain. Dated 25th 3rd Battalion, the Lincolnshire Regiment, February, 1891. Edward Mason Grantham, Gent., to be Second Second Lieutenant R. R. Kinimitt to be Lieu- Lieutenant. Dated 25th February, 1891. tenant. Dated 25th February, 1891..
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