DOLENTIUM HOMINUM No. 90 – year XXXI – No. 1, 2016 JOURNAL OF THE PONTIFICAL COUNCIL FOR HEALTH CARE WORKERS (FOR HEALTH PASTORAL CARE) Editor-in-Chief ARCHBISHOP ZYGMUNT ZIMOWSKI Executive Editor MONSIGNOR JEAN-MARIE MUPENDAWATU Editorial Board DR. ANTONINO BAGNATO DON MARCO BELLADELLI DR. DANIEL A. CABEZAS GÓMEZ SR. ANNA ANTIDA CASOLINO PROF. MAURIZIO EVANGELISTA REV. BONIFACIO HONINGS DR. BEATRICE LUCCARDI DR. ROSA MEROLA MR. LUIGI NARDELLI MSGR. JACQUES SUAUDEAU Editorial and Business Offices: PONTIFICAL COUNCIL FOR HEALTH CARE WORKERS (FOR HEALTH PASTORAL CARE) 00120 VATICAN CITY; TEL. 06.698.83138, 06.698.84720, 06.698.84799 - FAX: 06.698.83139 e-mail: [email protected] www.holyseeforhealth.net Published three times a year. Subscription rate: 32 € postage included Printed by Editrice VELAR, Gorle (BG) Cover: Glass window Rev. Costantino Ruggeri Poste Italiane s.p.a. Spedizione in Abbonamento Postale - D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 nº 46) art. 1, comma 2, DCB Roma 2 DOLENTIUM HOMINUM N. 90-2016 Contents 3 On 12 July 2016 the Lord Called unto SECOND SESSION Himself Archbishop Zygmunt Zimowski ASPECTS OF HUMAN RIGHTS 4 Telegram of the Holy Father 31 1. Dignity and the Right to Protection of Health of People with Leprosy 5 Personal Memories of H.E. Ms. Barbara A. Frey Msgr. Zygmunt Zimowski Father Ján Ďačok SJ 34 2. Stigma and Prejudice: the Role of the Nippon Foundation 6 Remembering H.E. Msgr. Zimowski in Tackling Leprosy Discrimination Prof. Domenico Arduini Mr. Tatsuya Tanami 9 The Last President 35 3. Stigma and Toxic Imagery H.E. Msgr. Zygmunt Zimowski Mr. José Ramirez, Jr Ms. Marisol Carpintero 38 4. Access to Education, Work and Marriage INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM Prof. Yozo Yokota Towards Holistic Care for People with Hansen’s Disease, Respectful of their Dignity FRIDAY 10 JUNE THURSDAY 9 JUNE ROUND TABLE The Contribution of the Church 10 Message of H.E. Msgr. Zimowski and Other Faith Communities H.E. Msgr. Zygmunt Zimowski 41 1. The Catholic Church: the Results 11 Introduction of the Survey of ‘The Good Samaritan’ Mr. Yohey Sasakawa Foundation on the Activities and the 12 Message of the Right Honourable Projects of the Catholic Church for Beatrice Lorenzin Care of People with Hansen’s disease Rt. Hon. Beatrice Lorenzin Dr. Claudia Di Lorenzi 13 Speech of Mr. Récipon 43 2. The Contribution of Hinduism Mr. Michel Récipon Dr. P.K. Gopal 14 Speech of Mr. Narsappa 45 3. Hansen’s Disease: the Contribution Mr. Vagavathali Narsappa of Buddhist Communities Dr. Phramaha Boonchuay Doojai 16 PROLUSION Care for People with Leprosy: a History of Mercy and Holiness THIRD SESSION His Eminence Cardinal Robert Sarah GOOD PRACTICES AND TESTIMONIES 20 Hansen’s Disease: Epidemiological Data 50 1. The Current Status of Leprosy in India and Future Scenarios and the Role of the Indian Catholic Church Dr. Erwin Cooreman in Reaching out to Socially Excluded People Affected by Leprosy Father Arputham Arulsamy FIRST SESSION MEDICAL-SCIENTIFIC ASPECTS: 56 2. The Pastoral Project for People with Leprosy in the Diocese of Bunia 25 1. The Fight against Leprosy: in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Current Challenges and Strategies Sister Jeanne Cécile Nyamungu Atimnedi Dr. Marcos Virmond 60 3. Testimony about Leprosy 28 2. The Elimination of Leprosy and Father Giorgio Abram, ofm Conv Neglected Diseases as a Problem of Public Health Care 62 Conclusions and Recommendations Dr. Francesco Maraglino Father Michele Aramini 30 3. The Modern Challenge of an Ancient Disease Dr. Ann Aerts DOLENTIUM HOMINUM N. 90-2016 3 On 12 July 2016 the Lord Called unto Himself Archbishop Zygmunt Zimowski ARCHBISHOP ZYGMUNT ZIMOWSKI • Born in Kupienin in Poland on • President of the Polish Episco- • Member of the Congregation 7 April 1949 pal Commission for the Doc- for Bishops • Ordained a priest on 27 May trine of the Faith • Knight’s Cross of the Order of 1973 in Tarnów • Member of the Polish Episcopal the Restored Poland • Licence in theology at the Cath- Commission for Ecumenism • Commander with Plaque of the olic University of Lublin • Delegate of the Polish Bishops’ Equestrian Order of the Holy • Doctorate in theology at the Conference for Pastoral Care Sepulchre of Jerusalem University of Innsbruck in Aus- for Migrants • Commander’s cross with plaque tria • Appointed President of the of the Order of the Restored Po- • Official of the Congregation for Pontifical Council for Health land the Doctrine of the Faith 1 Feb- Care Workers and raised to • Honoris Causa degree in the- ruary 1983 the office of Archbishop on 18 ology of the Christian Theo- • Appointed Bishop of Radom in April 2009 logical Academy of Warsaw 30 Poland on 28 March 2002 • President of the ‘Good Samari- June 2008 • Consecrated a Bishop by Cardi- tan’ Foundation • President of the Ethics Commit- nal Joseph Ratzinger on 25 May • Member of the Congregation tee of the St. Lucia Foundation 2002 for the Causes of Saints IRCCS in Rome 4 DOLENTIUM HOMINUM N. 90-2016 TO THE MOST REVEREND GENTLEMAN MSGR. JEAN-MARIE MATE MUSIVI MUPENDAWATU SECRETARY OF THE PONTIFICAL COUNCIL FOR HEALTH CARE WORKERS 00120 VATICAN CITY I HAVE LEARNT OF THE SAD NEWS OF THE DEATH OF HIS EXCELLENCY THE MOST REVEREND MSGR. ZYGMUNT ZIMOWSKI, THE PRESIDENT OF THE PONTIFICAL COUNCIL, AFTER A LONG AND PAINFUL ILLNESS WHICH HE LIVED IN A SPIRIT OF FAITH AND CHRISTIAN WITNESS. I WISH TO EXPRESS MY SPIRITUAL PARTICIPATION IN THE MOURNING THAT AFFLICTS THE DICASTERY AND, WHILE REMEMBERING HIS GENEROUS MINISTRY EXERCISED FIRST AS A PASTOR IN THE DIOCESE OF RANDOM AND THEN AT THE SERVICE OF THE HOLY FATHER, I RAISE UP FERVID PRAYERS OF SUFFRAGE TO THE LORD FOR HIS SOUL, ENTRUSTING HIM TO THE MATERNAL INTERCESSION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, QUEEN OF POLAND. WITH THESE SENTIMENTS, I INVOKE FOR OUR MUCH LAMENTED FELLOW WORKER THE ETERNAL PRIZE PROMISED TO THE FAITHFUL SERVANTS OF THE GOSPEL AND I WILLINGLY BESTOW ON YOU, THE OFFICIALS AND WORKERS OF THE PONTIFICAL COUNCIL, AND ON THE FAMILY RELATIVES OF THE MUCH LAMENTED PRELATE, MY CONSOLING APOSTOLIC BLESSING. FRANCISCUS PP. From the Vatican, 13 July 2016 DOLENTIUM HOMINUM N. 90-2016 5 Personal Memories of H.E. Msgr. Zygmunt Zimowski FATHER JÁN Dˇ ACˇ OK SJ emn academic meeting of the Fac- of the University of P.J. Šafárik in Prelate Theologian ulty of Theology of the University Košice in Eastern Slovakia where of the Apostolic Penitentiary, of Trnava in Bratislava when he he met the dean of the Faculty and the Holy See gave the keynote magisterial pa- his colleagues, gave a lectio mag- per entitled ‘The Current Trends istralis for the medical doctors, in Pastoral Care for Health-Care health-care workers and students met His Excellency Msgr. Zyg- workers and the Role of Bishops’ of the faculty, and visited the uni- I munt Zimowski for the first Conference in the Achievement of versity hospital, the centre for time in February 2010 in St. the Culture of Life’; his laudatio; heart disease, and the chapels. Clement’s Basilica in Rome. We and the award of the medal of the Because of other engagements were celebrating the feast day of Pontifical Council of Health Care I was not able to accept his invi- St. Cyril and St. Methodius, the Workers to H.E. Msgr. František tations to accompany him on his patron saints of Europe. After the Tondra, the Bishop of Spiš, the trips to Croatia and the Czech Re- solemn celebration, I asked who President Emeritus of the Bish- public. one of the concelebrants was be- ops’ Conference of Slovakia and I am deeply grateful to Msgr. cause I had never met him. That the first chairman of the sub-com- Zimowski and those who worked person was Zygmunt Zimowski, mittee of bioethics of the Bishops’ with him for being able to rep- the new President of the Pontifical Conference of Slovakia (BCS), on resent the Pontifical Council for Council for Health Care Workers. the occasion of this last’s seventy- Health Care Workers, togeth- After being introduced to him, he fifth birthday, because of his dis- er with Msgr. Dariusz Giers, an invited me to visit him in his of- tinguished contribution to the de- Official of the dicastery, at the fice. Thus was born our coopera- velopment of the culture of life and conference on pastoral care in tion and our friendship which of- the protection of human dignity health organised by the Ecumen- fered numerous opportunities for and human life. Msgr. Zimowski ical Patriarchate of the Orthodox us to get to know each other well. greatly appreciated that occasion Churches in Rhodes, Greece, in In this paper, I will take the liberty and the giving of that award be- October 2011. From my point of of referring to some of those op- cause Msgr. F. Tondra was to die view, I am able to state that gradu- portunities. the following year. After receiv- ally good and promising coopera- On the occasion of my first visit ing the news of his death, Msgr. tion was established between the to the Pontifical Council, he sug- Zimowski repeated: “We did well, two institutions. I was able to get gested that I accompany him on we did well!” His visit was a great to know Msgr. Zimowski better his trip to Vitebsk, in Byelorussia, enrichment and encouragement thanks to two visits to the Holy in May 2010, a trip he was mak- for the priests, religious and lay Land in October 2013 and in par- ing in response to an invitation of faithful who worked in the field of ticular in February 2016 when the H.E.
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