
|_^-.4.A.M.-EdilIon " t o e ONLY AASSOCIATED PR ksS NE\lEWSPAPER m TW lk FAL,[LIS COUNTY 1UPAT.: F air^ E T\SVTN FALI; E T S D AIL1^ NEw m r VOL. 13. NO. 101 \ TWIN FALLS, IDAHO. SUNDSD AY MORNING. AUGUST S, 10;1930 __________ Of cincuuTiOHa_________' •1 6 p a g e s - B ,CENTS- ] ^ , Former Splon lll First Woman Expi:plorer To Reach M K wes "iMSWElES lURESyPES ID Canadian Prem ier 1 IIBSWlGi • Frozen Arctic Wcbonders Why Own . HlDFIFTIETl I M FROM1 Sex Shouldn’t; IEmulate Brothers. FORCE FIEIGNER8 GROBlK In pnrrojop h an 8I3« l a n d (for-jv -i' MuftKd to her ears In thicK tur suyiiinnai I FEDERrCOFFERS' merly P ra m Joieph Land*. Union ofifKlnn.ofi ihlii intrepid woman, who ,Is 10 OBEY ROM Li COOPEBfEli aovlet Soclallille nepubllo, Aug. 3 1j lhe (tn t ol her lex to put foot on thele . _____ . i<Tv-In a tiny lent on the northern-!■n-! to^> cf the world, looked every Uichh H United States Departmente n t i>no»t fringe of IhU remote .and des-1es-1 en explorer. She U iturdy, strong|< R e -O rg a n iz e d E n fo rc e m e n t Refiners and Producers Join, • • ■ Reputed Plotter ol Assa;sas* olato Arctic Island.''whieh may al*.al- and wlf-eonlldent. and apparently Ifl moet be called the roof ot the world.■Id. |I fean notiilcig. She U « graduateI; Bureau Plans Campaign to In First Organization of sinatlon of Chicago New: M Of Agriculture Plans lo today u t the world's first womanail of the Leningrad Oeographlcal and - i n Arctic explorer. Topojtaphlcftl Inslllute, and by the i; Convict and Deport Alien Kind In Industry to Pro­ , paper Reporter Goes WaiVay g . Spend $1,000,000 More® in , Bhe Is M lu Nina Prlrovna Dem-m- brilliance of her atudlei thoroughly nrn nev. Lenlnirad. and she is Just 2839 earned the right to acoompany the |:^=^0fg!anglaSC E:O ffciideiders p ; -=ldaho^iia9ai4haivBefof« ttnr rxpedlMon as second In command.. " Violators of Prohibition mote Mutual _ Welfare E I " ^ n s the ,50 men comprising thel e -------•; ! ~~ ’ ed Inre today from Archangel abo&rdird crew o( lhe Sebov and the expedition.n. -------- J Tlie Auoclated Preu) H <By 'Hie Associate Press) 'the Soviet Ice-bredKer Sebov. •he Is lhe only woman but ane (IndsIs (Dy The Associated Press) . (By Tbe AssocUted Preu) ns> It most natural that women>*hould ' 1 ■ C H IC A G O . Aug, S-*“ JftcJa d c j o is e , A ugust 2—ExpeU'len-l M iu Demney. Ignoring wamlns^ tttASHINGTON, Aujt. 2 r e e l e y . Coio., Aug. 2- Itcd that no woman could eurvlve Ihethe undertaKe the heavy labor a nd\xer- J \ 1 ZuUi lired-. pn exttx tra dltures of th e United y y _A campaiRn atruihstt R. B. BENNETT, Cnlftary Refiners and producers B rigors and privations of life In ttiettic tlonot exploring. V G of canc and beet BUgar ^ m onth. Hia slay o f ffanjanff- — States departm*•*' entfrown o f Arctic.c f Insisted upon bravingIng "Why shouldn't women emuJK^ ’ ' alien vioiutors of tiie® lawyer, was eiected prime ; _ - Iand’8 Bontcnco e n d e d Ini . ricuiture for 1931 in Idnhcnho the perlU of the polar regions wllh'Hh the example of Amundsen. Nansen,n. proiiibition Ktntutes nnd the mlhlRtor of Canada in a ‘organized here today for the JAMES D. PHELAN, for- im- Seolt. Byrd and other AtcUe explor- night w hen & squad o f cxcci Of' hnve i.ocn budgeted a t $5,$5,- the veteran male explorer* who com* invocalion of the Jonea inw to0 smashlnjr victory that re- ’first timo in tho history of 1^“' mcr senator from Califo^‘0^ ,<38,929, nn increase of nenrijirlv P«« lhe present expedition le d •by-by crs?" she afkcd. J. brinR about felony convictions th6 American sugar industry ; tioncrs drove up to n 8umm( llto "Women owe as mueh to polar re­ 8 . turned the conservative ' lhe welNknown profesior. Olto with the announced purposea I resort a t Delaficld, Wisconsiiisin.. nia, Is seriously ill at hia $1,000,000 over expenditurct SehmldL- search work as mch. and are lust as and- dc|>ortntion hold a nmjorr sparty to power for tho ' (■ for him. Now "Biigs” Morajran. Jn Sflratoim. ^ (JF) of t)}e. ifl.st j'Cflr, a rep o rt: of.ol Whltw thl< dLtnstfh snnouHdngtng I well fflulpperi mental))' and physical-'i*lr)tnf<» m iho nrnprnm of thr>C- -fir*t4fme-6{ne6-(-JiftHVorW- iWTlqiartmcnt received hontore ilieir arrival w u belits transmittedled ly 10 undertaKe It." : , re-orRanizcd enforcctnent bu­ between farmer and m anilfa^' T a'nd Joe Aiello' mu.st looK forfc Jphoto. f„r by wireless from the tce-breaKrrKrr Not far Irom Mlts Demney's tent I* w ar.—W) I’hoto;. _ ‘ | ) ft now coliection manager' f(fo r I___________ ^_______________ snid today. Kxpenditurcs foi liar polar bean, seals and penguinsns turer nnd presenting them­ ------- ‘he fiscal K ar of 1530 were «.•... acrojs the Icy wa>tM of.the'polar selves u an assoclaUon Ui the fri* : thclr North Side liquor trade. H iey. roamed around the Hedov In tearch The plan (Its In smoothly with tho.0 . 1——^— « • ' ' ---------------------- ■ 591.028. - ■ ocean to Archangel, M l» Demney. eral tarm board. • death mode s«n(tlan<l cut Uie (ttt the o( (ood. WL«a Demney will remainin seneral polley ot concenlratlnB upon n n Th_e Itrsest Individual expendllurtiurri la second in command of the (3 the big operalors In an e((ort lo sliut Tha new organltaUon U the Na­ i eth notch in IU 1030 collective pn for «i>edltlon, was giving orders to iHo hero with her male colleagues j clock u tffsliut iS all l u t jrear. IL were for lhe forAl MH'lee and foi r). off the supply ol Intoxicating bev- tional Beet Orowen' AsaoclaUon ot I I J road*. To foreji senlce adlmlnitn-t„ . men ot a party tiiat i.< to restore the throughout lhe autumn and tlw wln- ZutA, deierted from the Capoi ter. mapping, exploring and ttudy*y. erages a t IU sourcc. which Ralph ClarK. Eaton. Oolo* CiDMPDHiS tlon for IMI lhe depsrtm int budsei-- l u ' hul on Cape Flor lefi 33 j^ears ngo ^^EIGHIiNPEii irado. w u elected president. Tha nnKs and reputed plotter ot tl nt- Ing the h«M archipelago of Prltdjolof Although reluctlinl to estimate the r a i l *** *1350.000, compared wllh Jl.-j l - 'b y FredericK O. JneK.'on. first Enf- home offices wU; be in Oreeley and death of “J»Ke” Llnjle, Trllwne r ruc. nish explorer lo chart the formera v Nanrenland.lylngwlthlntheshadow•w proportion of immigration oKenders. poTtCT and friend ot Al Capon I l l 150,000 for 1030. Por road construe. a sub-oftlce wUl be estabUshed a t l U n tlon In the national foresU In lh<u,,.Pranr Joseph land, : of the north pole, the directing ofdcers o( the war on knew hla time was comlas.-lle u ror! MiM Demney will placc near-ttwthe -M LttDcm cey Is an active memberer. uuelt-llquor-are (Irmly of-the opln-^ ao & m onth aso vhen he waaiilflRlSTSi-UTIl dl I n i l JU te JI.G50.000 w u le fa s ld e foi iJRfllLiWECKi A sugar advisory commltUe repre­ 1931 compared with Jl,1114,000 foi<fl-!jacks<>n h u t ,'u a memorial of tl* of the Communltt party and secre*c* lon that aliens provide the leader*r* ' chirRed from the detective burt#ireau. ------- 1030. present expedition's visit, a red (lotItti tary of the northernmost Commun* ship, and tho ranK and (Ile u well,II, -------- ‘senting boUi e u e and beet produc­ .) and aeked for an escort tcroM U ■tth 1st nucleus In the world, which w u en and t&anufaeturen w u organ* Rain ^ "W espcndltures wen...m of lhe SovleU. whleh she mado wllh u of a majority of the big rum'Hin* loop. .At SUt« and J tc K u n streeneu Nearly Two Incites of Rail )33,. her own hand* recenlly established here. nlng gangs. '■ Head-On Collision of Two' Uedi to maKe recommendations to h it enemies overtooK the squad c budge'.cd a t J1J5W23 against 1033,- 003 for 1030. = In proof o( this contention, they Uie farm board aa well u to gtve ad­ and showered U with lead. Twoi s ti r Falls In Less Than On i; Freight Trains in Arkan-1vice to the grower. , . noeent bystanderi were hit; oi VUB The appropriation of lU.OOO foi . point to Ciilcago end other cltlea In kilted, while Zuta slunK out of sl|4 “ Hour and Floods Zion Clt:r>\tu *0^'' the sugar beet leaf, • which a (oreign eiement controls the." sas Claims Heavy. Toll, A limit of 1 ceht per ton ot beeU unhurt. o u y hopper w u continued u was thi I activities o( the under-world. w u adopted as a levy upon local J17.500 for bark-beetlo control work associations( by Uw' naUonal, to de» That w u July I. On August. 1l,h ! e . _____ lillilllRIGIBLE’S rointe<l Ont By Coolldge BltsUr rusi control appropriation:lliGCOm'8 had no chance. Ho had rcRlster -------- freyI expenses. The by-laws provide ) four days ago a t one DelsHeld ‘IfiShol l s a l t la k e c it y , Aug.
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