Tenth Series, Vol. XXXV, No. 21 Tuesday, August 23, 1994 llhadrol I, 1916 (Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Eleventh Session (fcnth Lok Sabha) (Vol. XXXV contaills Nos. 21 to 24) LOK SABHA SECRETAIUAT NEWDEun Price: Rs. 50.00 [ORIGINAL ENGLISH PROCEEDINGS INCLUDED IN ENGLISH VERSION AND ORIGINAL HINDI PROCEEDINGS INCLUDED IN HINDI VERSION WILL BE TREATED PS AUTHORITATIve AND NOT THE TRANSLATION THEREOF.] CONTENTS {Tel Series, Vol. XXXV, Eleventh Session, 1994/1916 (Saka)] ~, 21, Tuesday, August 23, 1994/Bhadra 1, 1916 (Saka) CoLUMNS Oral Answers t , 'J;tions: *Starred Ques J Nos.: 401 to 404 1-40 Written Answers to Questions: *Starred Questions Nos.: 405 to 420 41-98 Unstarred Questions Nos.: 3950 to 4130 98-340 Acute crisis in Wagon Industry 340-370 Shri Somnath Chatterjee 340 Shri Indrajit Gupta 347 Prof. Prem Dhumal 350 Dr. Debi Prosad Pal 351 Shri Chitta Basu 353 Shri Sharad Yadav 354 Shri Nitish Kumar 355 Shri Basudeb Acharia 356 Shrimati Geeta Mukherjee 358 Shrimati Malini Bhattacharya 359 Shri ,Rajveer Singh 359 Shri Cx. Jaffar Sharief 360 Re: Reported move to allow entry of 371-381 Foreign Media into India Papers Laid on the Table 401-405 Messages from Rajya Sabha 405-406 *The sign + marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. (ij (ii) CoLUMNS Railway Convention Committee 406-408 Seventh Report-Presented Standing Committee on Food, Civil Supplies and Public Distribution 408 Fourth Report and Minutes-Presented Business Advisory Committee- 409-418 Forty-Fifth Report-Adopted Motion to agree Shri Pawan Kumar Bansal 409 Shri George Fernandes 409 " Matters Under Rule 377 418-423 (i) Need to re-open Ispat-dolomite mines at Baradwar in Madhya Pradesh Shri Bhawani Lal Verma 418 (i~ Need for allocation of funds for repairing and renovation of National Highway No. 23 particularly between Rourkela and Lathikata in Orissa Kumari Frida Topno 419 (iii) Need to get up an Electronic TeleptJone Exchange at Bareilly in Uttar Pradesh Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar 419 (Iv) Need to convert telephone exchange at Hathras into electronic exchange Cr. I -:1 Bahadur Rawal 420 (v) Need to set up a Navodaya Vidyalaya and a Central School in Rc _,as district, Bihar Shri Ram Prasad Singh 421 (vi) Need to provide manned railway level crossing near Vivekanand Ashram, Sahudangi, Jalpaiguri, West Bengal Shri Jitendra Nath Das 421 (iii) Cot..UMNS (viO Need to allow weavers of Uttar Pradesh to produce Janata cloth as per old Textile Policy of Government of India Shri Ramsagar 422 Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill 423-488 As passed by the Rajya Sabha Motion to consider Shri Rajnath Sonkar Shastri 423 Shri Anand Ratna Maurya 431 Shri Bolla Bulli Ramaiah 436 Shri K.V.R. Chowdary 439 Shri Anna Joshi 442 Dr. Mumtaz Ansari 447 Shri Nirmal Kanti Chatterjee 449 Shri Sriballav Panigrahi 456 Shri Mohan Singh (Deoria) 461 Shri P.C. Thomas 463 Dr. Viswanatham Kanithi 469 Shri R. Naidu Ramasamy 471 Shri Jagdish Tytler 473 Clauses 2 to 64 and 1 Motion to pass Shri Jagdish Tytler 488 Motion Re: Consideration of Twenty-Eighth and Twenty-Ninth Reports of Erstwhile Commissioner for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Reports of National Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 48B-508 Shri K.V. Thangka Balu 488 Shri Ram Singh 491 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA ENERGY SbUR9ES AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI S. KRISHNA Tuesday, August 23, 19941 KUMAR): (a) to (d). A Statement is laid Bhadra 1, 1916 (Saka) on the Table of the House. The Lok Sabha met at STATEMENT Eleven of the Clock (a) Yes, Sir. (b) Research work is undertaken by [MR. SPEAKER in the Chai~ the ICAR Research System for development of new agricultural implements through the following ICAR Institutes/All India ORAL ANSWERS TO Coordinated Research Project QUESTIONS (AICRP): [Translation] 1. Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal. Agricultural Implements 2. Indian Institute of Sugarcane *401 SHRI CHHEDI PASWAN: Will Research, Lucknow. the Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to state: 3. Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack. (a) whether the progress in experimental work being done to develop 4. Central Potato Research new agricultural implements has been Institute, Shimla. found satisfactory; 5. Central Research Institute for (b) if so, the details thereof; Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad. (c) if not, the reasons therefor; and 6. India Agricultural Research (d) the names of the new agricultural Institute, New Delhi. ill plernents tieveloped during the last three years as a result thereof? 7. AICRP on "Farm Imple.ments and Machinery". [English] 8. AICRP on "Intensive Testing TF'E MINISTER OF STATE IN THE of Power Tillers and Research MINISTRY OF NON-CONVENTIONAL and Development New 3 Oral Answem AUGUST 23,1994 Oral Answem 4 Machines to Make them 2. Seed cum fertilizer drill for versatile" . small seeds like mustard, pearl millet. 9. AICRP on "Utilization of Animal Energy with Enhanced System 3. Bullock and tractor drawn cup Efficiency" . type seed-cum-fertilizer drill for paddy, sorghum. (c) Does not arise. 4. CRIDA Bullock drawn Seed- cum-fertilizer drill attachment (d) The Indian Council of Agricultural for country plough. Research lays great emphasis on the development of agricultural 5. Manual Rice transplanter, implements through its AICRPs in Power Tiller operated rice the field of Agricultural transplanter and self propelled Engineering. Agricultural imple- rice transplanter. ments/equipments developed during the past three years from tilling to tHreshing operation are 6. Tractor drawn sugarcane sett summarised below. cutting machine-cum-planter. Tillage: 7. - Power tiller operated potato planter. 1. Hydro Tiller for puddling Interculture: operation. 1. Manual hoe weeder. 2. CIAE multipurpose tool frame with attachments for tillage, bund forming, interculture, 2. Wheel hoe weeder-cum- groundnut planting. seeder. Spraying: 3. Tractor drawn P.T.O. driven harrow. 1. Self propelled sprayer for cotton crops. 4. Tractor drawn no till planter. 2. Battery operated low volume 5. Disc harrow-cum-puddler sprayer. bullock drawn. HaNesting: 6. Tractor drawn clod breaker. 1. Self propelled reaper harvester. Sowing: 2. Groundnut cum-potato digger. 1. Bullock drawn seed cum fertilizer drill. 3. Power tiller operated harvester. 5 Oral Answers BHADRA 1,1916 (SAKA) Ora/ Answers 6 Threshing: express~d its dissatisfaction over it even then the hon. Minister is expressing his 1. Multlcrop thresher. satisfation thereon. Since the hon. Minister calls himself a son of a farmer he may 2. Sunflower thresher. be well aware of the fact that how the farmers are making use of the agricultural 3. Groundnut stripper. equipments. The hon. Minister must know this also that it is imperative to. have new technical equipments Others: in order to have an increased production and for the farmers to be facilitated in their work with more Improved Yokes and Harness vigour and .inclination. These institutions for Draught Animals. have been entrusted with the work of modemising agricultural equipments in [Trans/ation] the country and the research work in making equipments conducive to the SHRI CHHEDI PASWAN: Mr. Indian conditions. Though the number of Speaker, Sir, I had asked in the part (a) these institutions has increased, but they of my question as to whether the progress have not done any outstanding work. As in experimental work being done to a result thereof an amount to the tune develop new agricultural implements has of Rs. 16 crores given every year in the been found satisfactory. The hon. Minister name, of farmers is going waste. These has replied in the affirmative, though this funds are being misused by the officers was a misleading answer. You are aware sitting in air-conditioned offices. I would that Parliamentary Committee on like to know from the han. Minister as Agriculture has expressed dis-satisfaction to whether any official has been held in its report. I would like to know, through responsible during the review undertaken you, from the hon. Minister as to whether in regard to the Institutions involved in this report is correct though he has the work of developing and moderinising termed it satisfactory. I would like to agricultural equipments? If yes, what know the reaction of the Government action has been taken against him? and the hon. Minister thereon. Besides, I would like to ask whether the Government have held talks with the THE MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE Ministry of Finance to maintain a cheaper (SHRI BALRAM JAKHAR): Mr. Speaker, price of agricultural equipments to enable Sir, first of all an experiment is done for the farmers to get these at cheaper everything then only it is put on trial and rates. then it is implemented. According to the results of trial further progress and modifications are made. We have given [Eng/ish] you a list of all fhe works undertaken by our institutions over the years. If there SHRI S. KRISHNA KUMAR: Sir, in is any scope for improvement, that is answer to the main question itself, we alBo undertaken. have detailed out the research work being done for the improvement of SHRI CHHEDI PASWAN: Mr. agricultural implements in the country as Speaker, Sir, the Parliamentary well as the break through we have made. Committee constituted by you has These are the more important of them. 7 Oral Answers AUGUST 23, 1994 Oral Answers 8 The policy of the Ministry is to rice research institutes are working nicely. understand the actual situation in our But, in view of' the maximum export of country. Even now, the. agricultural grapes and onion from Maharashtra, the operations in 5 per cent of the holdings hon. Minister has declared in the House is done by manual applications such as that there will be two national institutes; in the North-Easti about 50 per cent is one for the research of onion and garlic still done by animal power and about 30- at Nasik and another for the research of 35 per cent is done by mechanised or grapes in Manjri.
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