SCANT M O N KUHN, LOEB CO. Scene Of Economic Parley And Its Hosts SEC. HULL OF VOTES PUTS IS NEXT B A M S TOWNJNTOSUIT TO B O O B E D FROMI , • ^ M ost« ( American Ddegatn Manchester Made a Party in Senate Invesdgators Also to Washington Is Silent Away from Today’s Seo- Taxpayers’ Rate Case by Examine the Financing rioD— War Drills Di^ Majority of 13— Good Methods of DiDon, Read On The Debt Situation cassed DespBe Fact S i^ Sized Vote in Eyeniiig. and Co. This Sommer. With toe London govemmect ap­ already turned down an offer of ject b d Been Barred parently nutating between de­ ten per cent payment, presumably By tie margin of 13 votei, the Washington, June 18.—(AP)— fault and partial payment on because It was not ..urrounded 1^ Senate investigatoi* decided to­ Thursday’s^ war debt Installment, satisfactory conditions. Rnmor That Earopon Town of ManchooUr yeiterday Thus it appeared that whatever voted to conduct a rate caie agalnit day to open toe investigation of Ambassador Sir Ronald Undsay called first thing today upon Act­ suggestion toe ambassador made it the Mancbeeter Electric Company. Kuhn, Loeb and Company and Dil­ took one of two lines, either a new Blocs Are Being Fermd lon, Read and Company, June 26. ing Secretary ctollHps at toe State Tbe election, deeplte Department. offer of partial payment iiuder con­ the temperature wae in the tKKfc all Tbe Senate banking sub-com^t- Phillips said later that toelr dis­ ditions more suitable to toe Presi­ to Force Hand of 0. S. - day, brought out a large vote, tbe tee in charge o f toe InvestlgmtiOT cussion bad been < purely informal dent or a warning that default was tow number caet being 2,227. decided to continue hearings tWs conversation and that no formal imminent. Early Vote light month instead >4 waiting unttl fall offer was made. Sir Ronald de­ Ambassador May of Belgium also called upon Acting Secretary Etoil- London, June 18.—(AP) — 156* Voting in ^ early boure mm- when toe inquiry Into J. P. Morgan clined to comment. cated that but a email part of the and Company will be resumed. Whether a new proposal was ten­ lips but would not say whether he world economic conference today SuT regleUred voure of toe town Ferdinand Pecora, committee tatively and Informally suggested brought formal notification of Bel­ ended Ite lecond dasr's seseion, dur- ^ would 3 a t toelr vote on toe ieeue gium's previously annoxmced inten­ counsel, reported to t^ could not be ascerta.'*ed. Ing/wbicb Secretary of State HJffl forced by toe Taxpwere' u«. be was ready to proried with . toe tion to default. Tbe conchjslon generally drawn and moot of toe American deloga* proponwte of toe l & t tor tower^ other two private banking bouses from Sir Ronald’s visit was that Tbe Belgium Installment totals Ugbting echedulee and abolltom of at any time and would socm wt following last night’s surprise ses­ 16326,000. The country defaulted UoD absented themselves, with two tS t ^ e a charge" of tbe 1 ^ utU* ready to go ahead with scrutiny of on a Myment of 82,126,000 last major crU.es bolllhg up. both Itv company. Due to toe not sion of toe British Cabinet, be bad the C h u S National Bank of actually made some Jew Informal DecemMr. them Involving toe United Statap weatoer.^many voters waited until Minister Davila of Rumania con­ after sundown to cast toelr vote. York. propo^, but what It was could not ferred with Assistant Secretary I a point of attack by other The committee agreed to Include be determined. Although one of toe simplest elec­ Moley, tlons. ^ . tions to7e placed on the v o ^ ma­ the Chase National Investigation Administration advisors tave emphasized that acceptance of a Rumania, owing $1,000,000, has The first storm revolved about chines, necessitatli^ only tbe mov- along with toe others in toe hear- announced that she will follow toe palpal payment depends entirely the war debte, which wae predM- iMdownward cf either toe •‘yea” » mgs beginning June 20 lead of Great Britain with refer­ tated into toe x>nference by toe “no" counter, 80 voters evidently Pecora said the investigation upon toe conditions attached to it. Reports from London were to en t to payment or default addresaea of delegatee deeplte tihe were of the opinion ^e would open with fact that toe rubject wae barred counter should be pushed back ^ t- p^jjy gg June 26, and that whether from toe agenda. Tbe otoer iyn. er voting, for that number o* votM ___________Read inquiryInoulry followed broglio concerned monetary nii^ ware lost on the question, altojmgh immediately depended upon the toe record of that number having ters. • cumstances. the weather, the «w - D A L A D e OFFERS Delegates and observers, ae toe attempted, unsuccessfully to vote mlttee and "the 'mdurance of toe BOYD AND PALS was i^ e ! Of this number 64 were day procMded, voiced toe view counsel." „ , that it was obvious that European men and 26 women. Date Uncertain Men’s Vote Responsible Although toe committee deter­ ARRIVE IN HAITI 3 POINT PROGRAM blocs were being formed to foiga The vote on the women's ma- toe band of toe United Statea iip , mined definitely to go into toe those questions so ae to get Im i^ cl^ 268 "Yes," 410 o Chase bank and its security afflll- m ajority o f *67 votes in o p p c ^ ^ j dlate settlement ol tbe war dew ate, toe Chase Securities Corpora­ problem and to bring the American to ooowcting toe rate case. The tion, now ordered divorced, Pecora French Premier at World 1 Forced Down Before They monetary viewpoint around to ttu tt last machine turned toe vote in said toe date was uncertain. favor of tbe proponents of t^ ra^ Otto H. Kahn, one of toe leading George. Delegates from 60 or more nations assembled, toelr dossiers packed with problems and Issues perti o f Europe. case. A majority of 121 votes rf members of Kuhn, Loeb and Com­ nent to a solution of the world’s vexatious problems., Reach Port4ihFr«ce, Ob­ Parley Ontlines His Plan Secretary HoO Abaent those opposed to too rate w e fight pany, will be toe first witness. Mr. Hull, scheduled aa tbe flrf( was reiJrtePBd on toe firrt two "The Investigation is designed to to KiD Depression. speaker to^y, did not appear a ^ men's machines to bo counted, toe show toe general activities of these jective of Long F i i ^ It was stated that preparation,. 134 majority on the 'aat mMhtoe houses and toelr naetoods of doing bis speech had bera delayed, turning the vote in favor of toe KWOFUnCHELl business," Pecora said, n e w : YORK OFFICIALS toat be couM not apesde before to- Taxpayers' League case. “We will study the flotation « ] >jH«ri>A«rPrlnce, Haiti, June 1 8 -- -----------London, June 18.— (A P )—, tA The total vote cast yesterday w m securities and toelr methods of H^AP> —Captain J. Errol Boyd and.-three-potot program-to piffl-. deJegatesT however, ex­ within 1,000 votes <d in toe primaries JjMt Septem^ banVdng." ___ J A S B E U I i n J two coippiuttlonz landed safely today worUNout of its Mump was pi pressed toe view that toe BrltiMi - »Sntai.or.Airri votM were . r«IVm m Wlttfhp _ OUlZ-kRS. COLUNOS 1^,'Fremieir Daladier-of France war debt crisis might have had BUon, a member of the jg port-eiu-Prince from St. Marc, ■4>; ‘ cm T S o t o faction s .w orked aU day today's session of the world eeb- something to do with toe delay, ^es- Dillon, Read firm, will be^he fi^ Haiti, where they were forced dowu Bomic conference; pedally In vlW of the eagerly trying to bring out the vote, and last nlgM-after flying .2,471 muis cSSderteb toe weather, each s ^ and leading witness in the- tnvesti- Brother of Banker’s Wife He'mdled for currency stabiliza­ awaited announcement by Chs^ oeeded as well as could be ex- gation of that House. Want to Hare Definite State­ MAHERN STARTS non-stbp from New York. tion, economic accords, and huge cellor o f tbe Ebeebequer Nevule Albert H. W lggln, form er <toalr- Boyd. Robert G. Lyon, the co- pubUC w orks schem es. The French Chamberlain oo tbe debts before of the Chase bank, already is Stricken Wh3e iir Confer­ pUot, and H. P. Davis, observer, remier and Viscount Klkujlro of the House of Commons late this Town Now a Party ment That Bridgeport By yesterday's vote, toe town w under subpoena for July 14, FOR NOME. ALASKA Japan were the only two major afternoon. precipitated into the fight Pecora said the Kuhn, Loeb firm ence with Max D. Stener. (Oonttnoed On Page Two) speakers of- the morning session As the conference- proceeded to­ the italic Utility company wHhto is a co-partnership like J. P, Mm^ Suspect Is the Man In- who did not discuss toe war debts. day,no less than three speakers fol­ was Instigated by the Taxpaywtf gan and Company, but that the “1 have the duty in tbe name of lowed Prime Mtoister Ramsay League nearly two years ago. '^ e Dillon, Read firm is a “joint mem­ the French delegation to say a few MacDonald’s lead of yesterday and controversy regarding efforts of toe bership corporation" which he de­ Tolred in Murder.
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