IN THIS ISSUE IN THE NEW S Check out Augie Today’s M iner Kids SERVING ABERDEEN, HAZLET, HOLMDEL, garden KEYPORT, MATAWAN AND MIDDLETOW N P a g e 2 9 P a g e 3 JUNE 4, 1997 4 0 C E N T S VOLUME 27, NUMBER 23 H o l m d e l f i l e s s u i t f o r t a x e s Township asserts that Arts Center privatization negates tax-free status __________ BY LINDA D eNICOLA__________ Staff W riter T he Holmdel Township Committee has autho­ rized its special counsel to file a lawsuit against the N.J. Highway Authority, the oper­ ator of the Garden State Parkway. According to Mayor Mollie Giamanco, Frederick W. Rose, of Cooper, Rose & English in Rumson, has filed suit in the N.J. Tax Court seeking the right to collect real estate taxes on those portions of the PNC Bank Arts Center — formerly the Garden State Arts Center — complex which Holmdel contends are not tax exempt. N.J. Highway Authority Spokesman Dennis Ingoglia said the authority has received a copy of the suit, but “it is the authority’s policy not to comment Jennifer Casaletto, 9, of Keyport looks a bit surprised as magician Doug Keller shows off a magic trick at a carnival on pending legal matters.” held in Fireman’s Park in Keyport last Sunday. He added that the authority is comfortable with (Jerry W olkowitz/Greater Media) Continued on page 53 Tow nship & C hances are, if you live in New Jer­ sey, you either PB A reach accord have had Lyme disease or you know someone who 'Global settlement' reached; U.S. Attorney for New Jersey Jonathan L. d o e s . Goldstein, Newark, both sides — including Klatsky, T h i s w eek G r e a t e r Holmes Gormerley to step representing the PBA, and attorney Linda B. M edia Newspapers ex­ down as police chief Friday Kenney, the township — were able to hammer out the agreement. amines how Lyme disease BY MARY DEMPSEY “It was a negotiation process between the PBA has touched the lives of and the township. We came to an agreement on all thousands of New Jer­ Staff W riter terms,” said PBA President Art Lynch. se y a n s . A fter several years of discord, Hazlet “The agreement is a combination of everyone W hile health officials Township and the Hazlet Policemen’s working together, trying to mediate an impossible say that it is im possible to Benevolent Association (PBA) have appar­ situation,” Hazlet Municipal Administrator ently worked out their differences. Margaret J. Margiotta added. com pletely eradicate the Mayor John Bradshaw, Margiotta, Gormerley carriers of this debilitat­ On May 14, the township and PBA approved what PBA Attorney Fred Klatsky termed a “global and Lynch were among the participants. i n g disease, t h e r e a r e settlement,” covering everything from pending law­ The township and PBA have had a rocky rela­ steps you can take to pro­ A bull’s-eye rash is a tell-tale suits to a new PBA contract to a retirement package tionship over the last few years over control and the tect yourself and your sign of Lyme disease. for outgoing Police Chief Holmes Gormerley, a organization of the Police Department. (Photo courtesy Lym e D isease family. See pages 7-13. Foundation Inc.) member of the PBA. With the help of an impartial mediator, former Continued on page 56 2 INDEPENDENT, JUNE 4, 1997 M I & C A R » I N S H 0 W P L A C E N u r s e r y DELIVERY AVAILABLE BURNING BUSH 9 9 G l o r i o r i 2/2-3’.................... SCOTTS LAWN PRO JUNIPER STRICTA. 19 LAWN GLOBE ARBORVITAE Large Spread $ O C 15,000 W EED & FEED & GOLDEN BIOTTA VA-2" FERTILIZER S Q . FT. 1 7 " S - j 2 9 9 Big 20,000 Good Landscape Size... MUGHO P IN E ............. 2 f o r SCOTTS LAWN PRO Sq. Ft, Bag 2 7 " White Flowering ^ 4 f t 9 9 W EEPING $ Q Q 9 9 WEED & FEED GLORION 4 ............................. \ £ m Kills over 50 broad leaf 15,000 NORWAY................... DOGWOOD 5 SUMMER GREEN weeds plus Fertilizer. S Q . FT. 2 6 " NORWAY SPRUCE $Q Q 99 SCOTTS LAWN FERTILIZER BLUE ATLAS For Safe, Slow Growth 15,000 CEDAR 6-7’ ........... *89" Extra Heavy 4’-5’................... i # w GRUB-EX during Summer SQ. FT. " 1 1 Natural 10or Kills White Grubs before 5.000 PURPLE LEAF $ 2 g 9 9 $ O Q 9 9 the d am ag e is visible SQ.FT. 2 3 " PLUM 5-6’ ....... WHITE PINES .......... more.$25 SCOTTS SUPER Jonathan Green 15.000 Golden 6’-7’ $ O Q 9 9 TURF BUILDER 35-3-5 0099 L A W N & LAWN L W EEPING SQ. FT. 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