M NI GAZETTE OF THE COLLEGE OF WILLIAM & MARY IN VIRGINIA VOL. I. WILLIAMSBURG, VIRGINIA, MONDAY, APRIL 30, 1934 NUMBER 8 FIFTEEN YEARS OF PROGRESS SHOW ALUMNI DAY CELEBRATION JUNE 9th PHENOMENAL DEVELOPMENT AT W.&.M TO HONOR DR. J. A. C. CHANDLER Physical Plant Now Valued at ^^^„^„n„ His Fifteenth Anniversary As $4,500 000 Not Including the PROGRESS IN SCIENCES ATHLETICS AT W&M KEEP President of William and Wren Budding, Brafferton and .T Tnr rniir-r nPi™n Mary To Be Appropriately] AT THE COLLEGE REACHES PACE WITH DEVELOPMENT Observed. 1200 ACRES IN CAMPUS HIGH POINT SINCE 1919 DURING PAST 15 YEARS ASHTON DOVELL ORATOR Curriculum Broadened and Ac- William Barton Rogers Hall Classes From '20 to '33, Class of ademic Standards Have Stead- Teams in Major Sports Have ily Advanced. i Named for Famous Alumnus Won 61 Per Cent of All Con- '92 and Class of '09, To Hold of William and Mary and tests Played. Reunions. Founder of M. I. T. Dr. J. A. C. Chandler came to June 9th will mark another mile-> William and Mary as president on The first football team at William The teaching of the Sciences at stone in the long and honorable his- July 1, 1919. This article will out- and Mary was organized in 1893 William and Mary has received a tory of William and Mary. On this line the development of the College with H. G. Humphreys, '94, now a re- great deal of attention by Dr. Chand- Alumni Day will be celebrated the during his administration of 15 years tired Army Surgeon living in Phila- ler during his administration and it delphia, as its captain. Both foot- 15th anniversary of Dr. Chandler's which will be appropriately celebra- is not too much to say that these de-. presidency at the College. The al-i ted here on Alumni Day, June 9th. ball and baseball struggled along at partments, Physics, Biology and the College through the 90's but it umni of the College will express Three new buildings had been erec- Chemistry, have shown greater im- was not until 1900 that both became their appreciation and gratitude to' ted on the campus since he had gra- DR. J. A, C. CHANDLER provement during the past fifteen firmly established. For the next 19 Dr. Chandler for his monumental la- duated here in 1892. They were a Whose 15th Anniversary as presi- years than any other departments in years our teams met the enemy bors during the past 15 years. gymnasium, a library and a science dent of William and Mary will be the College. whenever they could, did the best The program for the day, printed hall. These buildings plus the Wren celebrated June 9. Dr. R. C. Young in physics, Dr. they could, and while they won quite elsewhere in the Gazette, provides- Building, the President's house and Donald W. Davis in biology, Dr. R. a few victories, they took more lick- for the annual meeting of the Alum-i the Brafferton and a few others er- |G. Robb and Dr. W. G. Guy in chem- ings than anything else. Oscar L. ni Association when officers for the! ected during the past seventy-five TO INAUGURATE CUSTOM istry, are outstanding in their fields Shewmake, '04, scored the first Wil- ensuing year will be elected and gen-< years comprised the physical plant and we present herewith an account liam and Mary touchdown ever made eral business transacted. at William and Mary. OF ENCIRCLING WREN of the departments represented by on Richmond College. This was in At 11:30 A. M., will be held the' Dr. Chandler started on his new them. BUILDING ALUMNI DAY 1901 and next year Shewmake broke meeting to honor Dr. Chandler* work with characteristic energy and The William Barton Rogers Science his leg and the 1902 game with Rich- Ashton Dovell, '08, will deliver the a vision of what could be done here. Hall which houses the departments of Traditions and History of Wil- mond College was cancelled. Three alumni address and his ability as- ant He had three specific things in mind physics and chemistry was complet- liam and Mary Are Centered baseball games in 1902 went hay-wire orator and his intimate knowledge of —First, to build up the College phys- ed in 1927. It is a memorial to the In This Ancient Building. as follows: William and Mary 0 - Dr. Chandler's administration insure* ically—second, to bring a learned and alumnus of the College who founded Washington and Lee 40; William and an interesting and enjoyable address* hightype faculty to the new College the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- Many colleges much younger thaa Mary 3-Randolph Macon 18; William Immediately after Mr. Dovell's ad- 1 and third, to select students for the nology. The building is a three-story William and Mary have some custom and Mary 1-University of Virginia dress the faculty of the College will,, College who would fit into the at- fireproof structure which combines based on tradition that is carried out 27. By 19.04 William and Mary was take part on the program to be fol- mosphere here and who- could assim- usefulness and architectural beauty on Alumni or Homecoming Day and hitting her stride in baseball and has lowed by representatives of the stu-» ulate the traditions at William and in an unusual way. The inside is of cherished by both alumni and stu- had good teams ever since. dent body. Mary. hard brick finish with red tile floors. dents. In spite of the great age of All honor is due to the athletes at After this meeting memorial exer- The Physical Development Each of the three stories has ap- William and Mary and the many tra- William and Mary from 1893 to 1919. cises will be held at Col. Ewell'3 The physical property at William, proximately 13,500 square feet of ditions of her history no such custom They were nearly always up against grave, to Col. Ewell and to the alum-i and Mary is today valued at $4,500,- floor space. The walls of the build- is practiced here except the one of overwhelming odds but fought vali- ni who have died since last year. 000. The Wren Building, the Presi- ing are so constructed that they are presenting Latin verses each year to antly for their Alma Mater. At 1 P. M. a dinner will be serv-t dent's House and the Brafferton are, poor conductors of heat. This makes the Governor of Virginia in payment With Dr. Chandler's coming to Wil- ed on the campus to the alumni and of course, priceless, and only the cost the building easy to heat in winter of quit-rents as provided for in the liam and Mary in 1919 athletics took their friends, the faculty and stu-< of restoring them, $740,000 is included and tends to keep it cool in^summer. ancient Charter of the College. on new life along with everything dents. in the above valuation. In twelve It was considered better to have Much thought has been given by else at the College. He was sympa- At 2:30 P. "M. class reunion meet-* months $650,000, granted by the Fed- one large building for the teaching of interested alumni on the matter of thetic with the aspirations of the al- ings will be held in rooms in the* eral Government, will be spent in er- physics and chemistry, rather than establishing some custom here to be umni and students to put athletics on Wren Building and in the Braffer-t ecting the new Taliaferro dormitory two small buildings, as is the case observed each Alumni Day or Home- a more successful and permanent ba- ton. f for men, the Marshall-Wythe Hall for in many colleges. The chief object- coming Day in the fall so that it sis. His interest and sympathy to- After the class reunions opportune classes and for administration offices, ion to having one building for phys- gether with large enrollments at the (Continued on Page 3) ity will be given to visit places of a student's activity building ,and an ics and chemistry is that the chemi- College produced entirely different interest in Williamsburg, chief of athletic stadium. For this entire cal fumes are likely to damage the results. William and Mary became a which will be the Governor's Palace^ TO ALUMNI OF DR. building program during Dr. Chand- delicate physics apparatus. This dif- power in intercollegiate athletics the Capitol and the Raleigh Tavern!* ler's administration the State of Vir- ficulty was obviated by making the CHANDLER'S PERIOD both in the State of Virginia and At 5 P. M. the alumni will gatheO ginia has appropriated around $2,- first floor, which is occupied by the outside. Dr. -Chandler rarely ever in front of the Wren Building for at 000,000. The remainder, $3,150,000 physics department, entirely separ- You represent one of the -most misses an athletic contest at the program of songs and music to be* has been secured by Dr. Chandler ate from the rest of the building, important eras in William and College, attends many away, knows given by the Music Department un- from other sources. with separate entrance. Mary's history. In your day the every man on every team at the Col- der Professor Small. At the conclu- The buildings erected or shortly to Rogers Hall, as it is usually called, College that was loved and cher- lege and urges them always to high- sion of this program alumni will be erected during his administration cost $300,000 completely equipped ished by those who were here be- er scholastic endeavors.
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