: H ALL THE NEWS 7^ ALL THE NEWS OF GLENGARRY OF GLENGARRY FOR GLENGARRIANS FOR GLENGARRIANS The News THE FINEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN EASTERN ONTARIO $2.00 A YE A3. Alexandria, Ont., Friday, July 30, 1943. VOL. LI—No. 31. Premier Nixon Promises ‘Floor Prices Devaux, MacGillivray And Walter Nominated To Contest Glengarry Riding File Papers To Run In Glengarry For Agriculture In Post-War Era ■ i *. Liberal Leader Pledges Party’s Continued ; C Three-Cornered .Contest Assured, Wednesday Interest In Lot Of Farmer — Addressed —Nomination Day Meeting Attracted Enthusiastic Meeting In Alexander Hall, Tuesday. Overflow Crowd—Many Speakers. ’Floor’ prices for farm products will Glengarry electors will go to the j be set in times of postwar depression polls on'Wednesday next, with a choice Mrs. Neil McPhee to ensure that the farmer will never of three candidates: Lionel Devaux, of Claude Legroulx again have to return to the days of Township of Char lot ten bun.Mi, Farmer; Widely Mourned 9% cheese and 12 cent eggs, FYemier H Edmund A. MacGillivray of the Town Reported Missing C. Nixon pledged In the name of the At her late residénoe, 28-3rd Lochiel, Ontario Liberal party at an enthusi- of Alexandria, Insurance Agent; and Sgt. Wlreless-Alr Gunner Claude Kenneth L. Walter, of the Town of the death occurred on Monday, July 26 astic rally held in Alexander Hall, here. Oscar Legroulx, son of Mr and Mrs of Mrs. Nell MePhee, following a final Tuesday afternoon. Premier Nixon Alexandria, Accountant. Representing W. J. Legroulx, 32-2nd Lochiel, is the Progressve Conservative, Liberal illness of only ten days’ duration. made the promise of a good basic price missing following a training flight on The deceased whose maiden name while reviewing the Liberal adminis- and C. C. F. parties, respectively, the July 29th, according to a message re- three candidates; filed nomination was Jane McDougall was a daughter trations many successful efforts to aid ceived Tueusday by his parents from of the late Duncan Ban McDougall and the farmer since 1934. papers, here, Wednesday, with Donald the Cnunanding Officer,*». R.A.F., J. Macdonsll, Returning Officer. his wife Isabella McDonald being, ‘As long as I am In public office Dehert.N.S. No other details were born on lot 30 in the 2nd Lochiel, 79 Wednesday evening In Alexander the prices of farm products will never given but It is surmised Sgt. Legroulx years and 4 months ago She married again be permitted to go back to those Hall, the joint Nomination! Day meet- was on a plane missing off the Atlantic Mr Nell McPhee who predeceased her. | levels from which agriculture has never ing always a popular affair, drew an coast. They spent several years In Michigan 1 recovered ” he said. overflow crowd, estimated at 500. Those CGJF. The message read: PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE LIBERAL and In 1900 returned to Lochiel town- j 1,, . , who were unable to get Into the Hall, KENNETH L. WALTER, Alexandria, ,, ; If It is necessary In wartime to Regret to Inform you that your LIONEL DEVAUX, WlMamstowni E. A. MaoGILLIVRAY} Alexandria ship, settling on lot 28 In the 3rd Lo- _ , __ ,, . , listened to the various speakers over- son, R 149406 Sgt. Claude Oscar Le- ■ | set ceilings, therefore it is Just as ne- a loud speaker system on the adjoining _. cessary In the time4 after the war to groulx.is missing from a training flight Mrs McPhee was held In high re-1 , ,, . , . grounds. 5 , ,, , , 6 , establish floor prices to prevent prices on' 26th July.. Letter follows. Any. gard and affection by all who knew i, „ , . , , I from going down to these devastatingly W. J. Major, North' Lancaster, and further Information received will be Many Mourn | Anniversary Mass Deputy Returning her. To her family she gave a life of law levels. Never again should small L. Cameron Kennedy of wilUamstown Immediately communicated to you. self-saoriflcing devotion and to her exportable surpluses be permitted to Presidents respectively of the Glen- Please accept my snlcere sympathy in Hugh A. Legault For Late Bishop OfficersJJarned friends kindly solieitudfe. arry Liberal and Progressive Conser- Following is the official list of de- drivé prices down. ’Sfi « this period of great anxety. - jj A widely known resident of Apple In the presence of a large repre- To mourn her passing she leaves vative Associations, presided ’ jointly. Twenty years of age, Sgt. Legroulx sentation of the clergy of the diocese puty returning officers in the forthepm four sons and one daughter, Rev. D. A. Hie Premier directed his speech lar* .The three candidates were given fifteen , Hill, died Friday, July 23rd, In the per- ] joined the R-.C.A.F. In July 1942. He and many parlshonera,. His Excellency ing provincial election in Glengarry, McPhee, P.P., Lancaster; Annabel and gely to agricultural subjects. He de- minutes’ speaking time, then followed son' of Mr. Hugh A. Legault whose fined the farm program in the Opposi- won his ‘sparks’ at Gueljph in April Most Rev ' Rosario prodeur D.D., August 4th, 1943, as announced by thé Thomas H., at home. Gunner A. L. addresses by their supporting speakers i death, occurred In Hotel Dieu Hospi- I tion platform as “regimentation,” and 1943 and completed his training as an tal, Cornwall. A native of Moose Bishop of Alexandria, on Tuesday Returning Officer, Donald J, Mac- MtePhee, Petawawa and William In and the meeting closed with brief Air Gunner at Mossbank, Sask., May donell : said he was doubtful if Ontario wished i Creek, Mr. Legault had been a resld-f morning, in St. Finnan’s Cathedral, Port Arthur, also one sister ,M!rs J. appeals by the cendldates for the sup- 28th. Following a visit to his home, to be regimented as in Great Britain, dent of Apple Hill for 32 years and pontificated at a Solemn Anniversary LANCASTER TOWNSHIP St James of Ottawa port of the electors. here, he proceeded to the East Coast obviously the pattern of Progressive in his passing, the village loses one oft Mass for the repose of„6he soul of His POLL NO. NAME The funeral, which was very largely E. A. MacGillivray, the Liberal can- where he was attached to a Royal Air Conservative Leader Drew’s plan. its most prominent and popular citi- Excellency, the late Bishop Couturier. 1— attended, took place yesterday morning John A. MacArthur didate ,was supproted on the platform Force station. His mother had received The day marked the second anniver- at 9.30 to St. Finnan’s Cathedral, He quoted Lord Beaverbrook as con- zens. He was in his 73rd year. 2— Leonard Osborne and T. J. Quinn by Horace Marjerlson, Apple HUI, Dr. a letter from him on Saturday'. sary of the late Bishop’s death. where her son Rev. D. A. McPhee demning the British plan on the W. B. MacDlarmld, M.P., Maxvllle, A brother, Lawrence, also In the R. I Mr. Legault for many years was 3— ground that farmers ‘“had to spend Murdie A. MacLennan engaged In the cheese business and ' Assisting His Excellency the Bishop celebrated the Solemn Mass with Rev. and Donald A. Macdonald, K.C., Alex- C.A.F., is stationed at Yarmouth N.S. 4— half their time filling out forms In- Alex. R. McDonald | operated numerous factories in this j! were Rev. J. A. Wylte, assistant priest; A. L. McDonald and Rev. A. L. andria, , who also gave the French ad- ;—0 stead of farming.” , district. Some yeans ago he developed | Revs. C. F. Gauthier, and A. L. 5— Cameron as deacon and subdeacon, James A. Macdonell dress gi"So I am not enamored by the sug- ! a large agency In machinery and in Cameron, deacons of honor; Rev. J. A. 6— respectively and Rev. Rolland Rouleau Armand Froulx The Progressive Conservative cand- Death of Spr. gestions from Mr. Drew,” said the late years had operated as well, a Goulet and J. H. Oulmet, deacon and 7— master of ceremonies of thé Mass. Herve Duimet didate, Lionel Devaux, had as speakers fuel wood business. He was bom at sub-deacon of the Massj and Rev. Rol- 8— His ExceUegopy Bjahop Brodeur was Premier. Albert Lacombe T. R. Howes of Ottawa, in English, McRae First Break land Rouleau, Master of Ceremonies. on the throne with Revs. J. A. Wÿlie He declared it was-no secret that he and Henri St Jacques, Ottawa In Moose Crepk, a son of the late Eldward LOCHIEL TOWNSHIP Other members of thé clrgy present 1— and R. J. MacDonald, assistants. intended to extend the utmost in co- Laurent Decoste French. The following Township boys serving Legault and his wife Octave La- overseas have written to acknowledge framboise. were; Msgr. JJ. R. Macdonald, Msgr, 2— The pallbearers. were Messrs John operation to the King» Government In Altonie Menard -and Charles Stuart R. L. Calder, K.O.-,- prominent1 Chisholm, John D. MacDonald, Jas. gift parcels eem them recently by the W. ~J. Smith, D.CiL^, Revs J. A. 3— the Interest of the war effort. Hugh Dewar .. Montreal lawyer, spoke both in English Possessed of a very jovial and chari- ' A. MacDonald, W. McCarthy, Jos Mc- Lochiel Twp., Soldier’s Fund. Each BruneUe, A. D. Lalonde, M. J. OBrien 4_ciifford Campbell “If The Globe and Mall and Mr. and French in support of the G.O.F. table nature, Mr. Legault made and Donell and Arch. McPhee. one expressed Ids appreciation for the B. Gulndon, Father Murphy, C.S.B., 5— Drew wish to say I am a puppet of the J. McNab Campbell candidate, Kenneth L. Walter. Mr. kept many friends, and news of his Besides the clergy already mentioned generosity of the Lochiel people .
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