YEAR BOOK of the' Seventh-day Adventist Denomination The Official Directories 1931 Published by the REVIEW & HERALD PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION TAKOMA PARK, WASHINGTON, D. C. Printed in the U. S. A. Missionary Volunteer Reading Courses for 1931 HESE nine books bring a great inspiration to Tthe young people of this denomination. They are carefully selected, both as to manuscripts and complete books, selected for their helpfulness as well as their interest. The three courses are as follows: SENIOR Messages to Young People $2.00 Sindiga the Savage 1.75 Verdure Valley 1.50 Bible, Is It a True Book. .25 Course Price, postpaid, $4.65 JUNIOR Boy's Life of the Wright Brothers $2.00 Henry Martyn, Apostle to the Moham- medans .75 Three Young Crows 1.75 Course Price, postpaid, $3.85 PRIMARY Men of Might $1.50 Redstreak and Dickey 1.00 Course Price, postpaid, $1.85 Order of your Book and Bible House 1931 YEAR BOOK OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST DENOMINATION Comprising a Complete Directory of the General Conference, all Union and Local Conferences, Mission Fields, Educational Institutions, Publishing Houses, Periodicals, and Sanitariums. PREPARED BY H. E. RoGggs, Statistical Secretary of the General Conference. PUBLISHED BY REVIEW AND HERALD PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION WASHINGTON. D. C. Printed in the U. S. A. NW. :ligigclar;AAA. AlikatkliliA*VM. FAREWELL THERE'S a place where the trail of men -divides, Through the mist of earth-born days; Where the infinite mind of God decides, And directs who goes, who stays. Somewhere we meet, in this earthly span, For a purpose that Heaven knows; And then again in Heaven's plan One stays and another goes. We meet each other and learn to love In the way that the Master told. Together we strive to live above The way that is lone and cold. Sword to sword and shield to shield We meet with a haughty foe; Till the trumpet calls to another field, And some of us have to go. We never may guess when we part below How soon till the journey ends; But it helps a lot for us each to know When we part that we part as friends. And though the path of duty lies Through many a changeful fate, 4 We'll hope to meet 'neath fairer skies At heaven's beautiful gate! —Selected. YAWWWVFVF.kWOMIWWVWW9 PREFACE The following pages present a directory of the conferences, missions, and institutions connected with the Seventh-day Adventist denomina- tion. The territory is divided into the following Division Conferences, each of which has the evangelistic organizations, churches, and mem- bership indicated below: Confer- Total Mem- Division Unions ences Missions Orgs. Churches berahip North America 12 58 5 75 2,239 123,169 Africa 6 3 77 86 125 15,166 Australasia 1 9 15 25 288 11,490 Central European 7 24 20 51 1,163 43,720 China 6 24 30 150 9,010 Far East 4 1 21 26 272 17,125 Inter-America 5 4 25 34 346 14,891 Northern Europe 7 19 23 49 515 25,465 0 South America 4 5 20 29 203 18,695 Southern Asia 6 22 28 85 3,051 Southern Europe 7 14 12 33 637 17,928 Soviet 4 17 6 27 677 13,709 Totals 69 154 270 493 6,700 313,413 Evangelistic Laborers Total Ordained Licensed Missionary Col- Evangelistic Division Ministers Ministers Licentiates porteurs Laborers North America 905 366 558 710 2,761 Africa 101 68 148 27 364 Australasia 92 123 324 105 644 Central European 215 75 230 604 1,228 Far Eastern 164 241 635 321 1,969 Inter-American 81 52 210 130 482 Northern European 127 51 138 270 623. South American 76 47 123 217 651 Southern Asia 60 53 143 21 569 Southern European 96 64 107 274 585 Soviet 70 30 50 175 Totals 1,987 1,170 2,666 2,679 10,051 15-. To find matter readily, use the Index. PREFACE Institutional Laborers Primary Advanced Total ln- School School Publishing Sanitarium stitutional Division Teachers Teachers Employees Employees Laborers North America 966 945 486 2,922 5,339 Africa 399 45 11 124 619 Australasia 135 42 73 139 788 Central European 46 46 150 167 459 Far Eastern 216 227 173 279 945 inter-American 56 39 .. .. 95 Northern European 459 69 90 . 478 1,096 South American 168 64 49 57 338 Southern Asia 193 87 40 78 398 Southern European 2 32 42 73 150 Soviet Total 2,640 1,596 1,114 4,317 10,227 Total evangelistic laborers 10,051. Total institutional laborers 10,227 Grand Total, December 31, 1929 20,278 CONTENTS General Conference and 1 )epa rtm en t s 5-20 Divisions: North American 21 -100 African 101 Australasian 125 Central European 135 China 11;1 Far Eastern 180 Inter-American 195 -Northern European 210 South American 233 Southern Asia 246 Southern European 258 U. S. S. R. 276 institutions: Educational 277 Publishing, Houses 319 Periodicals Issued 333 Sanitariums 350 Treatment Rooms 361 Statistical Tables 366 Fundamental Reliefs 377 Constitution of General Conference 381 Ministerial Directory 389 Obituary Record 453 Directory of the Seventh-day Adventist Denomination GENERAL CONFERENCE Organized May 21, 1863 Territory: The following-named Di- Auditor: J. J. Ireland; Asst., W. E. vision Conferences: North Amer- Phillips. ica, African, Australasian, Central Statistical Secretary : H. E. Rogers. European, China, Far Eastern, Inter-American, Northern Euro- Appointed Assistant pean, South American, Southern Office Secretary: T. E. Bowen. Asia, Southern European, Union of Socialist Soviet Republics. Secretaries of Departments Cable Address: Adventist, Wash- Bureau of Home Missions: M. N. ington. (A B C Code, fifth Campbell; Associates: German, edition.) W. B. Ochs; Danish -Norwe- Telegraphic Address: General Con- gian, N. R. Nelson; Swedish, ference, Washington, D. C. H. 0. Olson; Miscellaneous Lan- (NOT Takoma Park.) guage Work, Western Division, Express and Freight Address: J. J. Reiswig; Eastern Division, General Conference, Takoma M. N. Campbell. Park, D. C. (Not Washington.) Educational: C. W. Irwin; Asso- Consign freight via B. & 0. Ry. ciates, W. I. Smith, C. P. Crager, Postal Address: Takoma Park, C. A. Russell. Washington, District of Co- Home Missionary: J. A. Stevens; lumbia, U. S. A. Associates, E. F. Hackman, L. Officers E. Christman. President: C. H. Watson. Medical: A. W. Truman, M. D.; Vice-Presidents: I. H. Evans, 0. Associates, L. A. Hansen, C. E. Montgomery, W. H. Branson, J. Rice, Kathryn L. Jensen. L. McElhany, J. F. Wright, W. Ministerial Association: A. G. Dan! G. Turner, H. F. Schuberth, H. fells; Associates, L. E. Froom, W. Miller, M. D., Frederick Meade MacGuire. • Griggs, E. E. Andross, L. H. North American Negro: F. L. Christian, N. P. Neilsen, A. W. Peterson. Cormack, A. V. Olson, H. J. Publishing: H. H. Hall; Associ- Lobsack. ates, C. E. Weaks, J. A. P. Secretary: C. K. Meyers. Green, E. E. Franklin. Associate Secretaries: E. Kotz, M. Religious Liberty: C S. Longacre; E. Kern. Associates, H. H. Votaw, M. C. Treasurer: J. L. Shaw. Taft. Assistant Treasurers: H. H: Cob- Sabbath School: Mrs. L. Flora ban, Claude Conard, W. H. Wil- Plummer; Associates, S. A. liams. Wellman, J. C. Thompson. General Field Secretaries: MT. A. Young People's Missionary Volun- Spicer, L. R. Conradi, W. W teer: H. T. Elliott; Associates, Prescott, F. C. Gilbert, G. W. C. L. Bond, D. A. Ochs. Schubert, G. W. Wells, J. W. Home Commission: A. W. Spald- Westphal. ing. 5 MEMBERS OF GENERAL CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Members at Headquarters Religious Liberty: C. S. Longacre; President:%C. H. Watson. Associates, H. H. Votaw, M. C. Taft. General Vice-Presidents: *I. H. Evans,*"0. Montgomery,.'W. H. Sabbath School: Mrs. L. Flora Branson. Plummer; Associates, S. A. Well- Secretary: C. K. Meyers. man, J. C. Thompson. Young People's Missionary Volun- Associate Secretaries: E. Kotz, M. teer: H. T. Elliott; Associates, E. Kern. C. L. Bond, D. A. Ochs. Treasurer: J. L. Shaw. Home Commission: A. W. Spald- Assistant Treasurers: H. H. Cob- ing.' ban, Claude Cunard, W. H. Wil- • liams. General Field Secretaries: W. A. OTHER MEMBERS BY Spicer, L. R. Conradi, W. W. Prescott, F. C. Gilbert, G. W. DIVISIONS Schubert, G. W. Wells, J. W. North America Westphal. Vice-President: J. L. McElhany Statistical Secretary: H. E. Rogers. Union Conference Presidents: Secretaries of General Atlantic: E. K. Slade. Departments Central: J. J. Nethery. Bureau of Home Missions: M. N. Columbia: F. H. Robbins. Campbell; Associates, German, Eastern Canadian: W. C. Moffett. PW. B. Ochs; Danish-Norwe- Lake: W. H. Holden. gian, ir N. R. Nelson; Swedish, Northern: Chas. Thompson. ra 0. Olson; Miscellaneous Lan- North Pacific: M. Lukens. guage Work, Western Division, Pacific: J. E. Fulton. 1.J. J. Reiswig; Eastern Division, Southeastern: W. H. Heckman. M. N. Campbell. Southern: N. S. Ashton. K."""'^^"-71: M 713 Van Kirk. "C. W.irwin; Asso- Western Canadian: S. A. Ruskjer. siates,wiV. I. Smith'C. P. Crager, lo'C. A. Russell. African Home Missionary: J. A. Stevens; Associates,*E. F. Ilackman,i'L. Vice-President: J. F. Wright. E. Christman. Secretary and Treasurer: A. E. Medical:' A. W. Truman, M. D.; Nelson. Associatesn. A. HansenrC. E. Field: E. D. Dick. Rice,PKathryn L. Jensen. Departmental Secretaries: Ministerial AssociatnrA. G. Dan- iells; Associates, L. E. Froom, Educational: E. D. Dick. teMeade MacGuire. Medical: A. N. T.onge, M. D. North American Negro: F. „L. Publishing and Home Missionary: Peterson. L. A. Vixie. Publishing: H. H. Hall; Associ- Sabbath School: W. B. Commin. ates, C. E. Weaks, J. A. P. Young People's Missionary Volun- Green, E.
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