DIRECTORY. J SCSSEX. BRIGHTON AND HOVE. 179 Evans Mrs. g Ranelagh villas, Hove Fensom Reginald Robert, 3 Chancton- Flowers Arth. 18 Bove Park vils.Hove Evans Mrs. 5 St. James's avenue bury Toad, Hove Flowers Charles Percy, 1 East ·drive, Evans Mrs. I York villas Fenton Mrs. 13 Langdale gdns. Hove Kemp town Evans W. F. 7 Palmeira. sq. Hove Fenwick Fredk. Chas. 9 York villas Flowers George Arthur, 8 Sali::;bary Evans Woodbridge Freke, 13 First Ferguson Mrs. 172 Freshfield road, road, Hove avenue, Hove Kemp town Floyd Herbert, 19 Glendale rd. H:1t'"e Evans-Meire Mrs. 32 Tisbury rd.Hove Ferguson Mrs. 35 Walsingham road, Flynn Rev. John Stephen M.A., B.D. Everest Clare Aug. 24 Buckingham pl Hove (incumbent of St. John the Bap- Everett Herbert, 9 Buckingham placp Fern Robt. 46 Cleveland rd. Preston tist, Hove), 22 Salisbury rd. Hove Everett Nathaniel, 6o Lyndhurstl rd. Ferrers Mrs. 140 Marine parade Flynn Rev. William Shuckford Hove Ferriman Arthur John, 59 Boundary A.K.C.L. (curate of A.ll Saints', Everett Saml. Chas. 13 Devonshire pi road, Hove Hove), 28 Wilbury villas, Hove .Evershed Frederick J. 44 Florence Field Arth. 26 Westbourn.e vils. Hov<' Flynn Waiter, 228 Ditchling road road, Preston Field Basil K. r6 Chatsworth Toad Foley Nathaniel, 28 Regency square Evershed Herbert, 5 r Fre.shfield road. Field Edward Maclaine, 2 Cromwell Foli Mrs. 7 Old Steine 1 Kemp town road, Hove· Folkard George Mantell, 54 Tisbury Evershed Miss, 22 Bristol ro'Sd, Field Miss, 61 Fresh:field Td.Kemp tn road, Hove " Kemp town Field Miss, 'r6 Norfollr terrace Folkard Miss, 6g Prudential build- .• Evershed Mrs.r7 Walsingham Td.Hove Field Miss, 52 Rugby road, Preston ings, North street "Eves Mrs. Washington, 27 Salisbury Field Miss, 6 Ventnor 'Villas, Hove Fonteneau Joseph, 19 St. Leonard's road, Hove Field Misses, 35 Lancaster rood road, Portslade Eves Perey Stanhope M.D. Io Stan­ Field Mrs.3o Bloomsbury pl.Kemp twn Fooks Henry Symes Shorland, 12 ford avenue Field Mrs. 25 St. Aubyn's, Hove Highcroft villas, Dyke Road drive Ewen Misses, Woodford house, Wal- Field William Alfred, 51 Brunswick Foord Mrs. to Medina 'villas, Hove- pole terrace, Kemp town ' , • square, Hove Foot Mis'ses, 50 Portland road, Hove Ewer George Wm. 26 Addison rd.HvP Fielding Maurice D.2 Richmond placp Forbes Duncan M.D., D.P.H. 4 Gold· Eyles Frank, 3 Clermont rd. Preston Fife Mrs. 27 Seafield road, Hove smid road · Ezekiel Marcus D.47 Tisbury Td.Hovp Figgins Mrs. 63 The Drive, Hove Forbes George, ·s St. Peter's place .Ezekiel Mrs. 55 ·Cromwell rd. Hove Figgis Rev. Jn. B., M.A. (incumbent Forbes Miss, 8 Lawrence road, Hove Ezekiel Samuel D. 89 St. Leonard'!' of Emmanuel's Reformed Epis- Forbes Misses, rr Paimeira court. road, Portslade · copal), 38 Comptou avenue Palmeira square, Rove Fair Misses, 3S Vernon terrace Figgis S. Bradley M.D. 3 Beaconsfield Ford William, 167 Preston road Fairbridge Alfred George, 6o St villas, Preston Foreman Mrs. 20 Wellington road Leonard's road, Portslade Fillmer Horatio Butter, 22 Harring- Forfar George, 67 Hova villas, Hove Pairbrother Chas. 7 York aven. Hove ton road, Preston Forrestier-Walker Edmund, 6 Sack- Fairfield Percy, 202 Preston road Fillmer Mrs. .A.. B. ~2o Harrington ville gardens, Hove Paith Ernest, 49 Westbourne gar- road, Preston Forshaw John Howard, Oakdene, New dens, Hove · Finch Maj.-Gen. Alex. Urquhart Church road, Portslade ' Paithfull Errrest,gHove Park -vils.Hove Hamilton R.E. 20 Salisbury road. Forster Miss, 8 Powis villas Fanshaw Mrs. 34 Vermm terrace Hove Forster-Carter Mrs. 4 Evelyn terrace; Farey Mts.-28 Gwydyr mansions,Hove Finch1 Charles, 33 Westbourne gar· Kemp town , Fargus Mrs. 7 Park crescent dens, Hove Forward Charles, 17 Waldegrave rd. Farmer Wm.Alfd.2sCromwell rd.Hove Fincher Arthur, r Clarendon man- Preston Farncombe Isaac, 38 Beaconsfield sions, East street Forward Robert GeGrge, 88 Rugby villas, Preston · Finnegan Geo. x8o Sackville rd. Hove r~ad, Preston Farney-Brown Charles, 4 Colbourne Finney Thos. r6 Hove Park viis. Hove Foskett W. J. 26 Adelaide ores. Hove road, Hove Finnigan William,64 Fonthill rd.Hove Fossett Misses, 2_:; Davigdor rd. Hove Faro Alfd. Wm. 20 Addison rd. Hove Firmin Mrs. 47 Marine avenue, HovP Foster Edmund Dean,ro4 Stanford av Farquharson Mrs.62Lansdowne pl.Hve Firmin Richard D. 44 Park crescent Foster Francis W. Rock house, St. Farr Miss, 6 Leicester vils. Portslade Firmstone Mrs. 34 Albany viis. Hove James's street Farr Mrs .64Beaconsfield villas,Preston Firth Mrs. 84 Montpelier road Foster James Aaron, 8 Stafford road Farr Thomas Knight, 88 Highdown li'irth-Kettle Mrs. 17 Clermont road, Foster Miss, 2 Langdale grdns. Hove road, Hove Prest·on . Foster Miss, 59 Wilbury road, Hove Farrant Frank, 6o Southdown avenue, Fisher Harry, 77 Denmark villas,Hovp Foster Mrs. 39 Florence rd. Preston Preston " Fisher Henry T. 7 Old Steine Foster Mrs. I Modena road, Hove Farrant Wm. Jn. 55 Queen's Pk. ter Fisher James George, 4 Leopold road Foster William, 70 Wilbury rd. Hove Farrell Miss, 4 St.Aubyn's gdns.Hove Fisher Mrs. 32 Cam bridge rd. Hove · Fothergill Ern est Rowland, x6 Bruns- Farrington Col. Frank, 29 Palmeira Fisher Mn. 36 Lawrence road, Hove wick place, Hove mansions, Church road, Hove Fisher Mrs. 2S Ventnor villas, Hove Fowkes John, The Gables, Old Farrington John Thomas Vanner, 41 Fisher William Baldwin, 83 Freshfield Shareham road, Hove Sillwood road road, Kemp town Fowle Mrs. 156 Waldegrave rd.Prestn Farrington Sidney Vanner, 41 Sill- Fisk Miss, 48 St. Leonard's road, Fowler Charles, 348 Ditchling 'J'oad wood road Portslade Fowler George H. M. 3 Russell cres Farthing Mrs. 20 Clerrnont ter.Prestn Fisk Mrs. 32 Addison road, Hove Fowler James, Iver lodge, Portland Fawcett Hy. 3 Wiibnry villas, Hove Fisk Mrs. 42 Florence road, Preston road, Hove Fawkes Mrs.I8 Wilbury gardens,Hove Fisk Mrs. 8 Wellington road Fowler Mrs. 17 Blatchington rd. Hove "Fay Mrs. 37 Clarendon villas, Hov.e Fison Bernard, so Carlisle road, Hove Fowler Mrs. r86 Ditchling road Fay Mrs. 9 Lawrence road, Hove Fitch John, 48 Brunswick place, Hove Fowler Mrs. 28 Montpelier crescent Fearn Miss, 24 Belle Vue gardens, Fitzgerald Mrs. 28 Highcroft terrace. F·owler T. Holmes,t2 Seafield rd.Hove Kemp town · · Dyke Road drive Fowler Thomas H. 14 Clifton road Featherstone Mrs.2gCissbury rd.Hove Flanders Miss, to D'Aubigny road Fowler Wm. 21 Lower Rock gardens Feavearyean Geo. 354 Ditchling road Flatman Frederkk John, 27 Osmund Fowler William Strode, II Dyke r--lad Feidwicke John, 56 West street road, Hove Fownes EdwinK.6 Lansdowne sq.Hove Feldwicke Richard Comfort, 9 South- Flecker Rev. Eliezer M.A. r8 'Mel- Fox Charles, 18' BeacQnsfield villas,' down avenue, Preston ville road, Hove Preston Felgate William, Binstead; Lyndhurst Flegg Reginald, 29 Richmond r<Jad Fox Octavius A. 32 De M<mtfort road road, Hove Fleming · Walter A.mbrose, 3· Grand Fox William John,· 4i Waldegrave Fellingham Thos. 4 Addison rd. Hove avenue, Hove road, Preston Fells Percy Wm. 97 Addison :rd. Hove Fletcher Arthur T. 83a, Lansdowne Fox-Hawes Jn.r8 Clermont ter.Prestn Feltham Robt. E. 7 Hova villas, Hove place, Hove . Fox-Pitt Mrs. z Palmeira square,Hove Fendall James M.A. 34 Sussex sq. Fletcher Hugh Nethersole M.D. 45 Fox-Reeve Lieut.-Col. Ellis Philip, 31 Kemp town Brunswick square, Hove First avenue, Hove Fenn Mrs. 88 Springfield rd. Preston Fletcher Mrs. A. I Palmeira av. llL'vt> Foxall Frank, 84 Rugby road, Pre5ton Fenner Louis Marchant, 26 Rugby rd. Flinn Frederick Faulkner, Io Wilbury Foxall Herbert, Beckenham, Silver- Prest~:m ' avenue, Hove dale road, Hove Penner Mrs. :36 Beaconsfield villas, Flinn Joseph, Glebe lodge, New Foxall William Joseph, 40 Highd,Jwn Preston Church road, Portslade road, Hove Fenner Mu. 51 Cleveland rd. Preston Flint Miss, 42 Clarendon villas, Hovtt Franc Chas. Alex.6g Addison rd.Hove Fennings Arthur Alien M.D. 50 Flint Waiter Robert, ta,D'Aubigny rd France Louis, 38 Russell square Marine parade Floersheim Louis, 5 Qu~en's gardens, Francis Jn. Edwd. 55 Buckil'lgham pl Fenoulhet Henri Louis, 12 Coibourne Hove Francis John Henry, 93 Prince's cres road, Hove Flower Alfd. 24 Marine sq.Kemp twn Francis Misses, 49 Buckingham road Sl'SSEX 12* .
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