EC COMPLIANCE (APRIL TO SEPTEMBER 2017) FOR EXPNASION OF CEMENT PLANT (15,000 TPA TO 45,000 TPA) AT VILLAGE PATTI NATHA SINGH, TEHSIL PAONTA SAHIB, DISTRICT SRIMOUR, HIMACHAL PRADESH DECEMBER, 20 17 (Issue 1, Rev 0, December 2017) Submitted by: M/s AMBASSADOR CEMENT LTD. COMPLIANCE (APRIL TO SEPTEMBER 2017) TO ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE FOR EXPANSION OF CEMENT PLANT (15,000 TPA to 45,000 TPA) AT VILLAGE PATTI NATHA SINGH, TEHSIL PAONTA SAHIB, DISTRICT SRIMOUR, HIMACHAL PRADESH OF M/s AMBASSADOR CEMENT LTD. RECEIVED VIDE LETTER NO. J-11011/569/2010-IA II(I) DATED 14.10.2015 Sl. Conditions Stipulated in Environmental Clearance Compliance to the Conditions No. A. Specific Condition: i. The project proponent should install 24x7 air monitoring The project is a small scale project. The installation and devices to monitor air emission and submit report to maintenance of 24x7 air monitoring device to monitor air Ministry and its Regional Office. emission is not economically feasible. Hence, the ambient air quality in the project is monitored periodically along with the monitoring around the project. The reports of the same is given in Annexure-2 ii. Prior clearance from the Standing Committee of the As per the Himalayan Surveying Services, Ambassador National Board for Wildlife shall be obtained due to Cements Ltd. Is situated at 77°39’39.04” E, 30°27’21.349” N location of the plant within 10 km radius from Kalesar which is observed by us using GPS and found that it is 11.5 National Park (as prior clearance of NBWL is required for km away from Kalesar National Park (as er boundary marked a project if it is located in 10 km of a Protected on Survey of India Toposheet). So, it is not applicable. The Area/Sanctuary of Eco Sensitive Zone as per the Hon’ble certificate from Himalayan Surveying Services is given in Supreme Court order dated. 4.12.2006 in W.O. Annexure-1. 460/2004), before commencing any activity relating to the project at site. All the conditions stipulated by the Standing Committee shall be effectively implemented in the project. It shall be noted that this clearance does not necessarily implies that wildlife clearance shall be granted to the project and that your proposal for wildlife clearance shall be considered by the competent authorities on its merit and decision taken. The investment made in the project, if any based on environmental clearance granted to the project, in [1] Sl. Conditions Stipulated in Environmental Clearance Compliance to the Conditions No. anticipation of the clearance from wildlife clearance shall be entirely at the cost and risk of the project proponent and Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change shall not be responsible in this regard, in any manner. iii. The National Ambient Air Quality Standards issued by the The National Ambient Air Quality Standards issued by the Ministry vide G.S.R. No. 826(E) dated 16th November, Ministry vide G.S.R. No. 826(E) dated 16th November, 2009 is 2009 shall be followed. being followed. The Ambient Air Quality has been monitored on 5 location including the project site. The reports of the same is given in Annexure-2. The summary is as follows Location PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NO2 Project Area 89.8 53.7 14.8 21.3 Shivpur Akalgad 66.3 39.1 8.1 12.5 Nawada 71.3 42.9 13.2 17.5 Nihalgad 64.3 38.7 8.7 12.1 Bhugrai 75.6 45.4 11.2 15.9 NAAQS 100 60 80 80 iv. The project shall comply with the new MoEF&CC The Emission from the stack has been monitored for the kiln. Standards issued vide GSR 612 (E) dated 25.08.2014 The report of the same is given in Annexure-8 and the with respect to particulate matter, SO2, NOx for Cement summary is as follows: sector. Parameter Results GSR 612 (E) PM, mg/Nm3 17.67 50 3 SO2, mg/Nm 68.57 200 3 NOx, mg/Nm 24.11 500 [2] Sl. Conditions Stipulated in Environmental Clearance Compliance to the Conditions No. v. Two Layers of plantation should be provided all along the Single layer of plantation has already been planted and periphery of the plant second layer is under plantation. The photographs of the same is given in Annexure-3 vi. Stack height should be as per CPCB formula H = 14(q) The EC letter states the coke breeze consumption as 23 TPD. 0.3 (q=SO2 Emission load in Kg/Hr) The maximum sulfur content will be 0.5%, hence, the sulfur emission will be 115 kg/day. This translate to 230 kg/day of SO2 or 9.58 kg/hr. Thus, the stack height calculation is as follows: H=14*(9.58)^0.3 = 27.6 m The stack height provided is 33.5m vii. Appropriate width of green belt shall be developed in and Proper plantation is provided along the periphery of the project around the cement plant to mitigate the effects of air site. About 100 trees has already been planted in first layer. emissions. Second layer is under plantation. viii. All the commitments made to the public during the Public The issue raised during the public hearing has been complied. Hearing/Public Consultation meeting shall be And the copy of the same is given in Annexure-4. Other satisfactorily implemented and a separate budget for facilities provided to nearby peoples are: implementing the same shall be allocated and information Water Supply submitted to the Ministry’s Regional Office. Cement provided for the development Education Awareness Employment to Local people Funds allocation for the development Financial helps in case of emergency ix. Regular Health check-up of the employees should be Regular health check of the employees has been carried out conducted and report should be submitted to the Ministry and the report of the same is given in Annexure-9 along with the 6 monthly compliance report. x. Provision shall be made for the housing of construction Not applicable as construction has been already completed. [3] Sl. Conditions Stipulated in Environmental Clearance Compliance to the Conditions No. labour within the site with all necessary infrastructure and Most of the operation labour are from nearby villages but still facilities such as fuel for cooking, mobile toilets, safe few rooms has been provided and the photos of the same is drinking water, medical health care, crèche etc. the given in Annexure-3 housing may be in the form of temporary structures to be removed after the completion of the project. B. General Conditions: i. The project authorities must strictly adhere to the The project obtained the consent to operate from Himachal stipulations made by the Himachal Pradesh Pollution Pradesh State Pollution Control Board vide letter no Control Board and the State Government. HPSPCB/10089/S26-30 dated 13.04.2017 and compliance to the condition stipulated is given in Annexure-7 ii. No further expansion or modifications in the plant shall be Agreed. No expansion or modification will be carried out carried out without prior approval of the Ministry of without prior approval of the Ministry of Environment Forests Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEFCC). and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) iii. At least four ambient air quality monitoring stations The downwind direction is south east and river Yamuna should be established in the downward direction as well occupies a major part of the south east quadrant. Hence, the as where maximum ground level concentration of PM10, station are placed in different directions around the project. PM2.5, SO2 and NOx are anticipated in consultation with The Ambient Air Quality Monitoring reports of the same is the SPCB. Data on ambient air quality and stack given in Annexure-2 emission shall be regularly submitted to this Ministry including its Regional Office at Dehradun and the SPCB/CPCB once in six months. iv. Industrial wastewater shall be properly collected, treated There is no industrial waste water discharge from the project. so as to conform to the standards prescribed under GSR Water is only consumed in kiln, discharge from which is being 422 (E) dated 19th May, 1993 and 31st December, 1993 completely reused. The test result of the kiln discharge water or as amended form time to time. The treated wastewater prior to reuse is given in Annexure-10. The comparison of the shall be utilized for plantation purpose. result has been done with GSR 422 (E) as well as GSR 612 (E) as follows: [4] Sl. Conditions Stipulated in Environmental Clearance Compliance to the Conditions No. Parameters Results GSR 422 (E) GSR 612 (E) pH 7.6 5.5-9.0 5.5-9.0 TSS, mg/l 94 100 100 Oil & Grease, mg/l 6 10 10 BOD, mg/l 5 - - COD, mg/l 16 - - The domestic waste water generated from labors is directed to septic tank. v. The overall noise levels in and around the plant area shall The noise monitoring is carried out at 5 locations in and be kept well within the standards (85 dBA) by providing around the project and the results are given in Annexure-5 noise control measures including acoustic hoods, silencers, enclosures etc. on all sources of noise Location Day time Leq. Night time Leq. generation. The ambient noise levels should conform to Project Area 66.91 62.46 the standards prescribed under EPA Rules, 1989 viz. 75 dBA (daytime) and 70 dBA (nightime). Shivpur Akalgad 53.74 42.78 Nawada 57.7 47.79 Nihalgarh 53.68 42.97 Borotiwala 60.25 54.3 Ambient Air Quality Standards in respect of Noise in db(A) Industrial area 75 65 Commercial Area 65 55 Residential Area 55 45 Silence Zone 50 40 vi.
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