State CollegeA LIBERAL COLLE6I I BLICATION Times SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA. THURSDAY. JULY 21. 1932. SUMMER SESSION NO. 4 StateIts LINDSAY'S Girt is in Olympic Games convalescents,weddings, TEACHERS H for sympathyor I T Dead; Horning in Noted Poet Will AS SALARIES Margaret Jenkins to Hospital as Read Groups At ARE CUT TO .kii) Result of Tea On July 27 Throw Discus at Los cA1,1F. itumET Automobile Collision. ELLEN ELLIOTT WILL BE Angeles in Olympics CUT ARRANGED ON SLIDING GUEST OF HONOR A MERCILESSSTATIONERY DRIVER, SCALE; LARGE SALARIES believed to be an auto.1 AT MEETING mobile thief IT'S TRUE! HIT MOST was early Monday morning responsible for a Ellen 1 /.E.SantaClara Coit Elliott, poet and art- San Jose State will be represented in the Olympic - - head on collision near Galt in which Miss Edith Wallace, 1st, win read a group of original 20, lost Games. A "voluntary salary cut" taken her life; while John Horning, former student body by all employees of the State of it’ll’,71’48rn’ut:1,7nnoPn0ertri3i, Our representative will be Miss Margaret Jenkins president, loved and respected by the entire College, lies California will eut from seven to :1,t;ssiman51.0,41-elosine Making Building. of the class of '24, remembered by. all as on a cot in a Sacramento hospital, outstanding twenty five percent from the sal- with a broken shoulder and student of the women's physical education department aries of SIII1 Jose State teachers, possible internal Injuries al/ a nesday afterntaootne efrolimegethrneeWetde, of the and by her athletic prowess. professors. janitors, and execu- Henry O'Brien Iresult creels Both Miss 'five, July 27. Wallace and Horning were attend- , A regular tomboy in physical prowess, Miss Jen- tives, and will withdraw approxi- Mrs. Elliott, who is the wife of tag the summer session at San kins was out on the field throw- mately 75,000 dollars from circu- Takes First In Or. Orrin Leslie Elliott Registrar State. ing a baseball against male com- lation in San Jose next year. Esieritus of Stanford L7niversity, History Of S. J. Olympic frials1Jose petitors, as well as the javelin The cut is made necessary by Authorities are searching for has long been a leader in literary - -- and discus. She led all women in the economic depression. which the drtver of the other car who and artistic circles of the Univer- State Is Reduced; Riding a beautiful race from disappeared decathlon events being able to run has affected the budget of Cali- following the crash. ,ity life. She organized and led for start to finish, Henry -CockY" and swim as well as possessing fornia, as well as that of other They believe the car was stolen a number of years, The Poetry Is Dollar And Half O'Brien, San Jose star, qualified skill on the parallel bars. States. The cut is on a sliding from Bakersfield. Club, a group of twenty five ur easily for the American Olympics From time to time you have Miss Jenkins stale, which aranged as follows With Mother, Sister thirty residents of Palo Alto and ha.s been training ,:,eling team yesterday. heard of "The Story of An In- pre- 1,, on the first 5$ dollars. Miss Wallace, daughter of An- Stanford University who met two diligently for several months Living up to all advance notices, spiring Past." Perhaps you do not 4,; on the next 50 dollars. drew M. Wallace, manager of a times a month for the study and paring herself for the tryouts for reBrien set a dizzy pace from the know just what this story is or the women's 12,: on the next 59 dollars. Sacramento box factory, was re- discussion of modern poetry. Her Olympic team held start and led the field of 17 con- what it may mean to you. "The last week at 12,, nn the next 50 dollars. turtling to San Jose State College own work won the recognition of Northwestern Uni- te,tants Story of An Inspiring Past". is versity, wherein she on the next 600 dollars. with her sister, Winifred, Horning the Poetry Society of London. vindicated His time of 2 hours 29 minutes the history of San Jose Normal the 25,, on all salaries over $50 and Mrs. Wallace. "A Poets Fellowship" Book of faith held in her by many and rio seconds overshadowed the School and State Teachers Col- former school mates and friends. dollars monthly. The two girls and Herning were Five Poets, brought out by this field, and was better by almost lege from 11462 to June 1928. She placed second in the discus ha', of the State employees re- attending the college summer ses- society included a number of her two minutes than that of Frenk It is your story. It is you who throw, exceeded only by the world ceive $200 per month, or Isss. sion. poems. Dirs. Elliott is a member Connell of Jersey City, who fin have helped to give this institu- shattering reeord toss of 133 feet Salaries of San Jose State teach- of the California Writers Club and i-hrel second. State traffic officers v.dio inves- tion the prestige it holds today. 1., inches by Ruth Osborn of MiN- ers range from POO to 4500 dol- has contributed occa.sional poems She ts'ee With hold 011t of San tigated the accident said the No matter how fine a president souri. who won first in the event lars yearly. to the Lyric West and other maga Ft aseises, driver of the second car crashed it may have, or how capable a It was a meet sines. "Rosy Thor" a small volume in which the finest The ride earned O'Brien his head-on into the Wallace machine faculty, unless the graduate girl athletes LC the United of exquisite verse was privately States second spot on an American in trying to pass a third automo- makes good the college can competed. .printed for distribution among her John Hopkins Olynipis team. He was a bile. achieve no fame. friends. This artist excels in the The position on the team will member (a 192h squad that Hurled Through Glass President reading of humorous and dialect Would you like to know of some mark Miss Jenkins' second wear- Univ. competed in Antsteidain. The machine responsible for ths verse; and has often delighted tier of the farnous men and women ing of the shield for Uncle Sam. Aside from leading the quali- Blames Congress crash wa.s telescoped. In it offi- friends on the Campus with her vho are proud of being graduates She v.as a member of the Ameri- fiers. O'Brien won himself another cers found several live chickens, 'literary At Ho nes. Mrs. FAliott is of San Jose Normal school and of can Olympic team that competed crown. the national bicycle roae Baltimore, Md. .11', - weapons and golf clubs. The car 'also a member of the Palo Alto State Teachers College? Vl'ould in Amsterdam in 1928. race championship. inasmuch as Taking Congress to task tor is registered to the King Lumber Art Club and is loaning her large you like to know some of the In- San Jose State joins with the he defeated the best riders in "vacillations and factional bicker- company, Bakersfield. and original collection of very ar- teresting events which have con- City of San Jose and the State of the United States. Ile i4 already ings" while confronted vsith a Miss Wallace was thrown thru tistic photographs to the Art De- tributed to the upbuilding of this California in wishing her the best California State champion. grave national crises, a communi- the windshield and nearly decapi- partment of the San Jose State school? Would you like to know of luck in the big garnes at Los cation signed by President Joseph tated. The Wallare machine turn- College for an educational exhibi- something of the faculty history? Angeles where the entire faith of S. Ames of John Hopkins Univer- ed over. Mrs. Wallace, her daugh- tion. These unusual photographs Would you like to recall the a nation reets on the shoulders of sity. Dr. William H. Wel, h Poise Basis Of ter, Winifred, and Horning, were vill be on thelplay until July 28. names of the fine rind noted men one of her finest daughters. university and some 60 ottet cut and bruised. Reservations for Mrs. Elliott's and women who have stool on Successful Life and have gone out members of the fasulty i sent Horning accompanied the Wal- reading and zifternoon tea, on the platform Miss Joy, e See kus librarian at to uphold the principles and ideals last week to Senator Gold hor New York 111' Poise. laees to Sacramento last week-end July 27 by those who desire to San Jose State college was called ough of aNiryland. attend should be made at once. maintained here? se, "Ming to Professor Harry A. according to Dr. Karl Hazeltine, to Tacoma last week by the death Other members of the aNtryland Tickets may he seeured from Mrs. These am some of the things Overstreet of City College, is the of her father, Clyde head of the college natural science you will find in "The Story of An Baskus, Ta- delegation in Congress were sent basis of a successful life. Snyder in the office of the Dean department, with whom he is Inspiring Past", and while all this coma postmaster copies of the letter. The successful person, he soya, of Women. from Dr. Carl Holliday will intrigue your interest. it will The writers and signers of the IA one who has spiritual, psychol- and from Miss Elizabeth Jenks.
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