COUNCIL AGENDA Date: Monday, 10th December, 2012 Time: 7.00 pm Venue: Council Chamber, Guildhall COUNCIL Members of the Council:- Chairman: The Mayor Councillor Patricia Agar (L) Councillor Matthew Lamb (L) Councillor Alan Amos (L) Councillor Neil Laurenson (G) Councillor Marc Bayliss (C) Councillor Chris Mitchell (C) Councillor Roger Berry (L) Councillor Derek Prodger MBE (C) Councillor Richard Boorn (L) Councillor Jabba Riaz (C) Councillor Ken Carpenter (LD) Councillor Andrew Roberts (C) Councillor Chris Cawthorne (L) Councillor Robert Rowden (C) Councillor Simon Cronin (L) Councillor Mrs. Liz Smith (LD) Councillor Lynn Denham (L) Councillor Joy Squires (L) Councillor Paul Denham (L) Councillor George Squires (L) Councillor Allah Ditta (C) Councillor Aubrey Tarbuck (C) Councillor Simon Geraghty (C) Councillor Dr. David Tibbutt (C) Councillor Adrian Gregson (L) Councillor Richard Udall (LCo) Councillor Jo Hodges (L) Councillor Mike Whitehouse (C) Councillor Mrs. Lucy Hodgson (C) Councillor David Wilkinson (C) Councillor Stephen Hodgson (C) Councillor Douglas Wilkinson (C) Councillor Gareth Jones (C) Councillor Geoff Williams (L) Councillor Roger Knight (C) C = Conservative L = Labour LD = Liberal Democrat G = Green Information for Members of the Public Access to the Guildhall is via the front entrance in the High Street. The nearest car park is Copenhagen Street (pay and display). A fuller explanation of procedures and the provisions of the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 is available at the meeting or on application at the Guildhall. Part I of the Agenda includes items for discussion in public. You have the right to inspect copies of minutes and reports on this part of the Agenda as well as background documents used in the preparation of these reports. Details of the background papers appear at the foot of each report. See 'For Further Information' below. Part II of the Agenda (if applicable) deals with items of 'Exempt or Confidential Information' for which the public are excluded from the meeting and neither reports nor background papers are open to public inspection. At the start of the meeting under the item 'Public Participation' up to fifteen minutes in total is allowed for members of the public to present a petition, ask a question or comment on any matter on the Agenda. Participants need to indicate that they wish to speak by 4.30 p.m. on the last working day before the meeting by writing, faxing, telephoning or E-Mailing the officer mentioned below . The taking of photographs, film, video or sound recording is prohibited unless with the express prior consent of the person presiding at the meeting. For Further Information If you have any general enquires or queries about this Agenda or require any details of background papers, further documents or information please contact the Lead Officer, Claire Chaplin, Democratic Services Team Leader, Legal and Democratic Services, Guildhall, Worcester WR1 2EY. Telephone: 01905 722005 (direct line) fax 01905 721120; TypeTalk 18001 01905 722233. E-Mail Address: [email protected]. This agenda can be made available in large print, braille, on PC disk, tape or in a number of ethnic minority languages. Please contact the above named officer for further information. Agendas and minutes relating to all City Council Committees, Cabinet and Council Meetings are also available electronically, click on the option “Committee Minutes and Documents”, Website Address: worcester.gov.uk 2 Council Monday, 10 December 2012 AGENDA Part 1 (ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION AND DECISION IN PUBLIC) 1. Apologies for Absence 2. Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest. 3. Public Participation Up to a total of fifteen minutes can be allowed, each speaker being allocated a maximum of five minutes, for members of the public to present a petition, ask a question or comment on any matter on the Agenda or within the remit of the Council in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10. 3 4. South Worcestershire The purpose of this report is to: Development Plan: Significant Changes Consultation and SWDP 1. Update Council on the outcome of the Pre-Submission Document 6 August -14 September 2012 South Page(s): 1 - 308 Worcestershire Development Plan Ward(s): All Wards Significant Changes consultation. Contact Officer: Ann Cooper, 2. Provide a summary of the key changes Planning Policy recommended to the South Team Leader Worcestershire Authorities by the South Worcestershire Joint Advisory Panel (15 – 16 November 2012); 3. Seek approval for the changes made as a result of the Significant Changes Consultation and note the schedule of additional minor changes. 4. Inform Council of the outcome of the Integrated Assessment on the Pre- Submission document. 5. Advise Council on the progress of the Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) and to approve the Infrastructure Delivery Plan and Appendix Y. 6. Report on the findings of the South Worcestershire Overall Viability Study. 7. Apprise members of the SWDP consultation statement and arrangements for the proposed pre- submission publicity. 8. Seek approval of the revised LDS / Project Plan for production of the SWDP. 9. Seek Council’s approval for the Pre- Submission document for further technical consultation prior to the submission of the plan to the Secretary of State. 10. Note that delegated approval for any further minor changes arising from the technical consultation and work to complete the submission document is given to the Lead Officers in consultation with the Leaders, Portfolio leads and Managing Directors of the 3 Councils along with the decision to submit the final version of the South Worcestershire Local Plan to the Secretary of State. 4 Page 1 Agenda Item 4 Report to: Council, 10 th December 2012 Report of: Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Economic Prosperity ________________________________________________________________________ Subject: SOUTH WORCESTERSHIRE DEVELOPMENT PLAN: SIGNIFICANT CHANGES CONSULTATION AND SWDP PRE-SUBMISSION DOCUMENT 1. Decisions Required and Purpose of Report 1.1 See attached. 2. Background 2.1 The South Worcestershire councils of Worcester, Malvern Hills and Wychavon consulted on the Significant Changes arising from the Preferred Options for growth in the area up to 2030. This report summarises the key issues and changes arising from the consultation and additional work that has been completed in relation to the Plan and presents a Pre-submission version of the South Worcestershire Local Plan to go out for a final technical consultation on soundness and legal tests prior to a final version of the Plan being produced for submission to the Secretary of State. 3. Body of the Report 3.1 See attached. 4. Policy, Legal, Financial, Equalities, HR and Risk Management Implications 4.1 See attached. 5. Comments of Regeneration and Business Engagement Manager: 5.1 The South Worcestershire Development Plan Pre-Submission Document is based on a comprehensive review of up-to-date local evidence. It represents a clear change away from regionally determined housing and employment targets and focuses on the following priority outcomes: - Economic Prosperity across South Worcestershire through the creation of jobs, improving the competitiveness of the sub-region and ensuring a balanced portfolio of available land for employment generating uses. - Delivering housing which first supports economic prosperity, reflects local housing aspirations and addresses affordable housing needs. - The delivery of essential strategic infrastructure, including transport improvements - Sustainable development which respects the environmental qualities and capacity of South Worcestershire. 5.2 The publication of the Pre Submission Document is a significant step in the preparation of the South Worcestershire Local Plan. By approving the Pre- Submission Document for technical consultation and submission to the secretary of state, members are taking an important decision to shape the future of the south Worcestershire area. Page 2 6. THE DEPUTY LEADER AND CABINET MEMBER FOR ECONOMIC PROSPERITY COUNCILLOR MARC BAYLISS RECOMMENDS THAT FULL COUNCIL: 6.1 Notes the representations received in response to the Significant Changes consultation (Appendix 2 – Schedule of Issues and Responses) and approves the associated officer’s recommendation related to the comments received. 6.2 Notes the schedule of minor changes made since the Preferred Options and Significant Changes stages. 6.3 In relation to the SWDP Pre submission document: • Endorses the contents of the document and appendices as being sound and deliverable. • Delegates authority to the relevant Heads of Service in the three districts in consultation with the Planning Portfolio holders (Executive Member in Wychavon) to make further essential revisions relating to formatting and presentation to the Pre submission documentation prior to its publication for consultation. • Approves the pre-submission document (Appendix 1) for technical consultation purposes and subsequent formal submission to the Secretary of State. • Prior to the submission of the plan to the Secretary of State delegates authority to the relevant Heads of Service in the three districts in consultation with the Leaders and Planning Portfolio holders (Executive Member in Wychavon) to make further minor changes via a schedule of changes to the Pre-Submission document as a result of the responses received from the technical consultation and any further changes deemed necessary to ensure that the
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