Qtyp Slop! Cfetfr and (Stolmttfit Bathj INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (Established 1828) and THE BERMUDA COLONIST (Established 1866) VOL. 20—NO. 182 HAMILTON. BERMUDA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1940 3D PER COPY—40/- PER ANNUM ITAIN CHANGES DEFENCE TACTICS FREEDOM WOVEN THROUGH QUESTIONS ON HEALTH OF AIMS AT MOBILITY OF DEFENDERS: ALL BRITISH HISTORY BERMUDA CATTLE ASKED VICTORY FOR ST. GEORGE'S OR Miss Rose Gosling's Plea For Control Divided Between The DRAW IN THE CUP MATCH? RUSSIAN FOREIGN POLICY STATED: Children At War Meeting Health & Agriculture Depts. A plea for protection of Beimuda's At Wednesday's meeting of the Hard-fought Game Predicted In Today's TWO MORE ITALIAN U-BOATS SUNK children from the psychological ef­ select committee of the Assembly fects of war was made by Miss Rose enquiring into the activities of the Gosling on Wednesday night at the Board and Department of Agricul­ Encounter At Somerset Whitney Institute. Speaking at the ture many questions affecting the BRITAIN PREPARING FOR RUSSIA WILL STAY OUT 2 MORE ITALIAN U-BOATS war lecture which was given for the health of the community were asked people of Smith's Parish, she alluded of Mr. T. A. Russell, Director of By ALMA HUNT OF WAR SAYS MOLOTOFF SUNK IN MEDITERRANEAN to the great heritage of freedom which Agriculture. Following are some "OFFENSIVE DEFENCE" has been Britain's through the agos, further points from the proceedings. Neither of the two Cup Match teams has played a match since and of the immediato need to equip Mr. Russell had mentioned that the teams were selected a week ago. In the meantime both ends Road Barriers Moved To Aid Defines Soviets' Foreign Both Destroyed By Bombers the young peoplo for the task of the Department of Health had a have been putting in as much practice as possible in preparation rebuilding the world when the wai vote for testing cattle against dis­ for the struggle which begins this morning. We eagerly antici­ Mobility Of Defenders Policy; Criticises U.S.A. On Patrol Duties is over by keeping their minds free ease, th© idea being that while dis­ pate (in hope rather than in complete confidence) for one of from fear and thoughts of hate. eases affected th© health of the those nerve-wrecking matches that excite our pleasure and leave us tired and tottering at the finish. The two teams are fit in LONDON. Aug. 1. (CP & Reu- MOSCOW, Aug. 1. (CP).—For­ LONDON, Aug. 1 (BOP)—A press Showing how freedom has played animal they also affected tho pur­ wind and limb, and are, in turn, confident of a smashing victory. icrs).—Britain has so strength­ eign Commissar Molotoff told message from Cairo gives an account a major part in British history, Miss ity of milk. It was brought out that "~ = The;, will go hard at it from tho ened herself for defence against the Supreme Soviet Council to­ which has just been made public of Gosling traced some aspocts of the the House of Assembly had cut that invasion that tonight she is pre- day that Kussia "is not partak­ two highly successful attacks last Empire's course of colonisation a'nd vote very seriously when considering list ball, and neither team will month by R.A.F. aircraft on two expansion. She wove her talk around the estimates, and that tho amount for a whims parm "or "offensive defence." ing in war" and predicted an Alcantara Hit 3 Times u decide 2d the removal of early intensification of the wari enemy submarines in the Mediter­ such figures as Sir George Somers, appropriated had run out. issue. The i produce This ranean. e counted vipon to with Britain, "assisted by the Sir Humphrey Gilbert, and other Mr. Misick asked: "When did ! By Raider She Damaged a enemy who might United States" on one side fight- On cne occasion an aircraft on explorers and adventurers, and then thai vote run out?" "Last week," re­ old on British soil, ing German and Italy on the i patrol sighted a submarine on the pointed out how Britain has always plied .Mr. Russell. "Is it customarv other. He said Germany had surface and the pilot immediately recognized her duty in championing to wait until a vote is completely RIO DE JANEIRO, Aug. 1 have now been cast (Routers).—The aimed mer­ failed as yet to achieve her prin-1 attacked. His first salvo of bombs the cause of freedom, even of thesj dry before action is taken? Might one hand cap to the mobility chant cruiser Alcantara, whieh cipal objective, "termination of exploded so close to the submarine whom sho has fought. it not be well to anticipate that a serve cielen ding troops, the war on terms she considers that in all probability the screw The text of Miss Gosling's talk vote is running out?" questioned engaged and damaged a Ger­ Gener sir Alan Brooke, the man merchant raider eailiei desirable." He also accused and hydroplane were damaged. The follows: Mr. Misick. "I should say so, yes," lew commander-in-chief of the this week, entered tho bi>., Britain of attempting "to scare | submarine tried to subm.erge stern When thinking over what I should answered Mr. Russell. "W hose func­ it. George's. Home Forces, has given an order here I is morning ard has us" with the prospect of a clash first but the damage was evidently say tonight, these words camo to tion is that?" was the next ques­ (or the removal of many steel gone to a dockyard for le- STEADIER BA" IN G SIDE with the Germans, but added j severe, for she manoeuvred in an my mind—words that we teach our tion. "That is the Health Depart­ and concrete traps and road pairs. xtremely clumsy manner. children in the schools every year ment's" was tho reply. Winn <me loo blocks from the roadways, and that the appointment of Sir Staf-1 Sho sustained three hits : at it cold;,* it can from the Empire Catechism—Re­ Mr. Misick continued interrogat­ I be scui that S thus announced a shift in ford Cripps as Ambassador to I Pressing home, his attack the in tho funnel, on the wa 11- George's has ihe sponsibility, Duty, Sympathy, Self- ing Mr. Russell. "Do you think ii advantage in si strategy which marks a return Moscow "reflects England's de­ squadron leader in charge of the air­ line and amidships. The seven / spin bowling and Continued on Page 2 Continued on Page 3 I batting, and if to the theory that attack is the sire to improve an understand- craft dropped a salvo when the sub­ men w ho wero wounded have the team is man- aged judiciously they should not best defence, provided that men- ing." marine was at conning tower depth, been taken to a hospital ashore. lose eve n if they can't w in. Thej, have and machine-power are sufficient and direct hits were registered abaft (The official German news NAVAL WEDDING AT ST. GIRL'S SOLO EFFORT FOR a much steadier batting sido than to execute it. MOSCOW, Aug. 1 (Reuters)—M. i the conning tower. agency said yesterday that the the West Enders who aie reputed Molotoff, Foreign Commissar and By this time the submarine was "BULLETS, UNLIMITED" raider had resumed operations Simultaneously the Ministry of MARY'S CHURCH, WARWICK for rapid scoring. The Somerset Premier of the Soviets, in a speech j completely submerged, but tbe at­ against merchant shipping. Home Security ordered the with­ team behoves in attack in batting before the Supreme Soviet (Parlia-j tack was kept up and a final slavo of British warships are making drawal of civilians from areas in and bowling, and if the East Enders ment) today defined Russia's foreign bombs crashed into the water at the Miss Phyllis Ingham Bride Sells Cedar Bags And Raises a wide search for her, and East Anglia and north-east of Lon­ can but check the onslaught the,y policy in particular relation to the estimated position of the enemy. more news may soon be forth­ don, as well as on the south-east rnay have a chance to force a vic- war. He said that Germ.any had The aircraft cruised over the spot of Lt-Commdr. R. C. Taylor Sum of £1. 0. 1 For Fund coming. ) coast, in order to tighten defences. Itory. achieved great successes but had not for som.e tim.e and air bubbles con­ The Brazilian Government a areas were formally declared On paper and in actual fact the yet won her principal objective- tinued to come to the surface, while St. Mary's Church, Warwick, was Another instance of individual has given permission for the evacuation areas, and the declaration two teams are well matched. Theie means that people who have been peace on her own terms. He referred a large oil patch form.ed. the scene of a brilliant naval wedding initiative connected with the cam­ Alcantara to remain more to Hitler's latest peace offer and said on Wednesday afternoon at five paign for "Bullets, Unlimited" was are no surprise selections on the told to leave these areas m.ay now gst In the other action fought three than 48 hours in port for re­ Somerset team, and the selection the benefit of the regulations pro­ the British Governm.ent had inter­ days previously, a British aircraft o'clock when Miss Phyllis Mary revealed yesterday. pairs if necessary. preted it as a demand for England Ingham, daughter of Mrs.
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