T l F u m p WS' I ______________________. G ood: 1m orning Eagle3 m u ll Sh(lootouit prol)be Today’s fprec*ecast: w elcom Sunny with pcpossible morning fog. H ighs 25-30. Lowiows 5-15. Awaiting the arrl'ir r lv a t P ^ A 2 o f C S I’s n a tlo i foecuses ion oflficials championshipp v o l- '^Aasocistedted'Press been going on for 1months, led by the dcpan- te y b a ll te a m , TVT w in m e n t’s OITice o}f f PrdfessiondlP Responsibility Falls, youngs)g s t e r W ASHINGTGTON — A federal investigtigation with the coopcratiorItion o f th e FBI. Russell said hc RIggen Gredre d n e into a bloodyly 1992I confrontaiion ih nororth em w as unable to provi<ovidc details. Chose toys cacarefully ‘ stands> oor n a Idaho has begurgun to reach the highest offlciicials in The New Yorkk TimesTi said the probe is one o f ! Magic Valley/ SafeS Kids Coalition rc- g u a r d r a il n e ai r t h e th e FBI and the Justice Department in thele Bush Ihc largest and "most'‘mt wrenching" the dcpart- m inds p arents thatlat innocent looking toys Perrine BHdH d g e an, the New York Tildes repsported ment has ever condumducted. Thursday. may be dangcrourous - deadly even - to ____ -Thursday.nigIl i g h t .. T h e new spaper)cr 1said investigators plan to kids. - Thc'Justicee DC epartm ent ahd FBI are lot question ion former■mer ofTicials including former' P a ^ B I Story, Pagoe DE I . into possiblee ofhcial6 misconduct Semi i ; ---------- ---------- attom ey general WWiilliam B arr and former FBI from a shootoutout and standoff that lefl three director William SesSessions., A boat buildeder for Saudis MMESMABURV^ m niiri pie dead, a depaepartm ent spokesman said^ Please see PR0BE/A3 F o n n er F ile r majman builds jet boats to be _____I— I Spokesmann J<John Russell said the probi>be has u sed b y Saudi Aralunbian military for train- • ing and rcscuc opcjpcntions.in the Arabian . G ulf. Thanks fe<»ast P ^ B I (Sgiving ~ C laans to | Burrau changnges' role m e«;et on T he c h ie f o f the Bureau of Reclama- tion's Snake Rivciver operations has seen the agcncy groww ond changc over 30 S o ninaUa years. PageBS lopes gathering pur full-fledged ciliation meeting Eagles travelii edP ress The College oof f: Southem Idaho men play their first bosl<losketball road gomes of , iTON - U.S. ofricials arc eyc- the season today an<and tomonow iA4Jagcr- • g nexl week in Ethiopia as a stow n. M d. ming point in determining P«9*D1 I alia will live in peacc o r return ry o fth e past. t? He did what? rican and o th e r officials offet;- Miami edged DalDallas in a bizarre finish nnent from the sidelines, lead- for a gom e p lay edd irin b izarre weather. lalia’s various rival clans will P»ge Dl . lis A baba to talk about'resolv- rcnccs...................... ..........— - ' ' lercJs-that a successful meet- d to a full-fledged reconcilia- » in S om alia itself, B e r a u s e - H e id i E s^sterbi^l^^A ^ m ritingI tthe holiday, sh e and htisbaridht J a so n ate Thaih a n k s g i v i n g d in n e r a t th< make a start toward peaceful • Acid test-for*t<’•toys'--;. - ......- • - U-S-Hd spark renewed warfare, luis- Jerom o Cafe/Suee LLewl^*ron/eslhe m ialBl as A shlleW se bringsgs d eissert Dig deep; Momn and« D ad. 77?e Times- y when'the intemaiional com- L. News p an el o f exp<Xpert kid.toy tcsu« fa- will’spuup on S om alia as a lost cause, vors comp'uter gam<unes ond'big-tickM bat- reconcilibvious s ig n existing weari* tery'powered gomesnesforC hrisU nas. r " m n e sfldiferitu irl^ y nalia was Preftklent Clinton’s Pao«C1 * - T he Associateduonth P to e n d the U.S: mjlitary ire by M arch 31 • jusi four WASHINGTCnow. T h ere are aboui 16.000 Fireworks shobow talces off ing a meetingiiher m in Mogadishu or on war- Jack Wright or f "Twin t Falls thought he nimjg2$ - f b r h neediijc c. trimi ree if n potential turnii was just sponsorinring a fireworks show Iis can’t m o v e toward national ^ Mick Noimingtonn surere a lot of the people whoho w an ted to who woriced(cd o t the dinner. ■ w hether Somalia when hc began bibis Christmas in. the - to the savagery. 'Sve ol re ally .are headed inioTi. Times-News writer com<me didn’t," D avis said. Behiehind him the Costco) etemployecs.orrived at St. Nighttime Skies flvfive years ago, but it's With Americaiiion,” soid 5“ senior State Do-: SalviIvation Army's dinning rooroom wos full word's Sou|!oup Kitchen in Twin Falls exploded into sometlnothing more. ing cncourageme:cial, asking not to be idcnti- JEROME - Moree ppoor ond homeless andd in another room chlidrerren ond teen- Wednesdayay afternoon with donated fc PageCI ers from Somalit M agic Volley people: thithis y eor got Thanks- agenn s played o n th e floorw ithh ddenoted toys They s ta y ^ to h elp church yoluntcers | gather in Addis\mericans ^ depart, most of the giving meals fix>m thele SSolvotion Army, lo- andi games.| pare and senserve the m eal., • ........ ing their differenc.N .,forces representing 28 cal churches and at least» s t one restourant MiVlany o f the people w ho cairame olso took St. Hdwowords‘has operated the s( - The hope here)ably 'will follow suit. Coniin- ., “Last year we Mivecved everything." said extran plates to bring to.familyly im enibers o r kiichcn a littllittle m ore'than five yeors. ing could leadnal-assistance tc fiows hinge on Earl Wise, owiier 6f the Jerom e Cafe. “W c fnemmds who couldn’t come but}ut needed the The Jcromrome Cafe hos been serving ( tion conferencealis ir a% able to live in pcace were about to throwJW a w a y th e turkey- food,>d, he said. Among those w;who cdm e to. mcols on ThiThanksgiving since Wise Don’t delay agagain he Failure to makier. scraps when a guy cameune in th e door. So we theI SalvationS Army’s Thanksgksgiving feast the restauronirant three years ago. dialogue couldrlord sp Mohamed Farah Aidid The Legislaturee shouldn’ts lei another leovier this yeor. It’s 'werere three Twin Falls flmiilies:s \who are liv- ■ Back then.icn, officials with his food su p stocked up 0 little heo' ' tening the daywill wl attend the meeting in y e a r go b y w ith o uIt t g iv b g counties a sen- doubled in attendcncee eieveiy year.” ' ' ingii; in their cars.' er, Sysco GeGeneral Food Scrviccs, told 1 ' immity gives upi is 0 unclear w hciher hc will be eible alternative to5 ththeir cuiicnt stnicnire. id his family and staff Sasalvation Army volunteersers also took their companpany w ould donate tho food if Thursday, W ise ohd I J T The most obvii/c branch. today’s e ditorial say:ay s. > 60 people and made mealials to shut-ins. would stayy 0open and give out the food setvcd free meals to 6G r e ness with'So'mJ.S. ali ofTicial said the possibili- PageAB. ; that were brought to ‘While it’s a Ipppy timc for some peo- Thanksgiving/ing. u p another 16 nieals thi decision last monnay be more interested in vic- eir homes. pie,, Iit’s not for oihers. So theyqf 1get to see 0 H e agreed.«d. people confincd to their presence theresconciliation 1 cannot be ruled Jerome County SheJherifT G e o rg e “ Pee happ;)py face and som ebody to> tatalk to when Now morelore and more people show nfionihs fro m snov militia is perhaps Somalia’s _ . Wee” Silvers 111 and1 hihis family delivered somenebody giv« them a meal.I. 1" ^ c f o ^ is each year.. A:And Wise said he pays for I U.S. troopsJ m pst.fcarsom eilhci e, ______ ________ the mcal^ td the' shut-ins.iiis. .................... seco'r6hdary,’'^Davrs said. growing gro<jroceiy lists nccded and stgff e ships offshore.^baba meeting will occur on lurch h eld its prepare the fc In Twin FallSr Aehe Salvation Army St.U. E dw ard’s C atholic C hur Ifth c Somalis1 international c donors confer- dnesday nigjjt .‘.‘The Mealleals on Wheols.doesn't run EducationiQ histoiyhi: , served 172 people, alsoilso m ore than turned Than!uiksgiving d inner on Wedne P . reconciliation,:gin 'Sv on Monday, also in the out the same day, whichh is one o f the main reasons Fighting off coulougors, stocking the o ut last year, said Capt.pt. 1R oger Davis. , and] tserved 175 people, aboui : difficult sitUBiiontal. nber as last year, said Paullul R eynolds, do this,” WVise ia said. W004 stove, contactactin g the lum ber mill “It’j such a miserablytbiy cold day that I’m ' num t / P partment d flicadministration ia l has promised at the first sign of)f cdiscipline problems. fied . donation “if and only if So- It’s all in a n e w book»ok chronicling the his- ® P™ ' When the Ame; tojcach o political settle- tpry of education inin IIdaho.
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