rfUCdifroznca Reaction To Sunday School Board Page 16 Intercultural Youth Congress Southern Page 3 News From Other Conventions Baptist Pages 8-9 VOL. 30 FRESNO, CALIF., DECEMBER 9, 1971 NO. 4d Eula Stotts Plans Retirement PAGE 2 DECEMBER 9, 1971 THE CALIFORNIA SOUTHERN BAPT|ST First Spanish Baptist From The Entertains Internationals First Spanish Baptist Church of Tracy, Sal B. MAILBAG Lopez, pastor, recently had a successful "first" in its history and it could be a first in the 7<£e People Sfie*6 association. The church hosted five international students The Jesus Movement has come to Okinawa! from Japan, China, the Philippines, India and On Sunday morning, 3 October 1971, a Brazil. Though space was limited there were 30 special announcement was made in the Young young people in total attendance. People's Sunday School Department (7th Grade Lopez gives credit for success of the occasion and up) that they would be known as "Jesus to Mrs. Lopez and Calvin Faircloth, Baptist People." They would from now on, occupy the Student Union director at Delta Campus in front seats in the church auditorium for each Stockton. He also reports that the young people Lord's Day morning and evening worship service, of the church were cooperative as well as some of at the midweek prayer meeting and during the ladies of the congregation. revivals. Mrs. Lopez and Eddie Brooks are youth LICENSED TO PREACH - First Back, There is a youth choir every Sunday evening leaders in the church. Church, Cucamonga, recently licensed James E Florence (left) and Edward W. Meads to thp with young people at the piano, organ, two gospel ministry. Standing between Florence and guitars and one set of drums. "Tell It Like It Is" Meads is their pastor, John I.Sturgeon. Florence was faithfully practiced and recently given in a California Baptist College student, is musicand Hanford, Calvary Licenses youth director of the church and Meads serves as Okinawa's military chapels and at open air church outreach director and elementary || "Sing-Ins." Two to Preach Gospel leader. Earl B. Crawford, metropolitan Sunday morning October 31 grades 10, 11 missionary, Calvary-Arrowhead Association Calvary Baptist Church, Hanford, Bennett and 12 and young military men met together for brought the morning message before Haman, pastor, recently licensed two young men presentation of the certificates to the two young a dialogue of problems faced today and bringing to preach the gospel. men. in of God's Holy Spirit with the Lord Jesus They are Allen Estes, son of Sunday School Christ's answer. That same evening all young director and Mrs. Jim Estes, and Gary Hubble, people led Okinawa's Central Baptist Church son of Deacon and Mrs. John Hubble. worship service. On The Cover Haman reports that the entire church is Young people of Okinawa's Central Baptist Moments in the life of Eula Stotts - At left, revived as a result of two week end youth-led Church have truly received God's Holy Spirit and June Tate of Orange County waits as a revivals. After the revivals eight of the youth as "Jesus People" have occupied the once presentation is made to Miss Stotts by Mrs. Paul asked the pastor if they could attend one of the upfront empty pews since October 3. Parker of Artesia. Upper right, Eva Bridges, WIN schools in Fresno and they attended every Pastors, deacons and all of the church's secretary in the Woman's Missionary Union night except one, Wednesday, when they were in leadership are awakening and beginning to be department, embraces her boss. Lower right, their own church holding a youth prayer meeting sure that youth are not despised nor forsaken. Miss Stotts, right, admires a floral arrangement which, Haman says, "outlasted the prayer Young people on Okinawa are accepting the prepared by Montella Freeland, left, for the meeting of the adults." Lord Jesus Christ and His teachings for real into WMU tea and convention. The other photos were their everyday lives. They are making this The evangelistic team used by the church was made during a luncheon. decision in ever greater numbers, growing in from Golden Gate Seminary and was composed stature and in favor with God and man. These of Becky and Jess Smith, Joe Caldwell and Bob "Jesus People" only require - from older Lewis. LTfee Caufoinia Christian believers - more time, tithes, talents, telephones, tires and the front pews of the Southern church, dedicated to God for their "turned on VISTA REPORTS REVIVAL with Jesus" lives. Baptist Vista, Buena Vista reports a revival with the Published 48 weeks each year omitting one week in the Prayers are needed for our witnessing efforts pastor, J. L. Thomas, preaching. Don Howell of months of March, August, November and December, by on Okinawa during this period before and after San Diego led the music. There were nine The Southern Baptist Genera! Convention of California, reversion to Japan. Give generously to the Lottie professions of faith, all of whom were children P.O. Box 5168, Fresno, California 93755 Moon Christmas Offering. Southern Baptist DONALD T. McGREGOR, Editor and youth. Eight of those making professions Polly Anna McNabb, Associate Editor causes on Okinawa benefit tremendously every were baptized. Thomas, who began his pastorate The California Southern Baptist is a member of the Bap­ year from this fund. Our Central Baptist Church, last February, writes "These eight months have tist Press News Service of The Southern Baptist Conven­ tion. which averages about 280 in Sunday School has a been the most exciting months of my life as I Individual Subscription—$3.00 per year goal of $15 00. This willbe exceeded. have watched God at work. I can hardly wait to Church Budgets—$2.28 per year It is with deep gratitude to God that I can Printed by see what He will do next." California Baptist Press, Fresno, California work in the Federal Civil Service for the United States Army and be able, with my family, to Second-class Postage Paid at Fresno, California witness to Americans and Okinawans on the • CHAPLAIN MERRILL Leonard, former DIRECTORY foreign mission field. California pastor, has been transferred from San THE SOUTHERN BAPTIST GENERAL CONVENTION OF CALIFORNIA P.O. Box 5168 • 678 E. Shaw, Fresno, California 93755 God is Love, Louis Edward Burgess Diego to the Coast Guard Training Center, Phone Area Code 209 • 229-9533 ROBERT D, HUGHES Executive SeereWry-Tr«J 2nd Log Comd, DSO/SP&CO Petaluma. This is a former army station taken RALPH E. LONGSHORE... .Cooperative Missions ui APO San Francisco 96248 over by the Coast Guard for schools which are in RICHARD KAY Church Services Div DAVID C. 0GLESBV Business Manw the process of moving from the East Coast. At W. R. OUNAWAY California Bap USt WENDELL FOSS Baptist Stude»! U" PALMS REPORTS REVIVAL present the Commissarymen School and E. J. COMBS : LM9"*l Sol Storekeeper School are operating with others to R. L. PATTILL0, JR. s«?« ^ Palms Baptist Church, Twenty-nine Palms, WALT G. CRABTREE Sunday School Asso reports a revival with Floyd Looney as evangelist. be opened during next year. Chaplain Leonard JACK °'NEAL Chorch TraW.9 VALT0N L. PRINCE •• ,Ldf Emphasis was on senior citizens and "old time has begun Sunday School, morning worship and JERRY 8RUMBEL0W Church Trainino »ss evening worship services. He and his wife and EUW STOTTS Woman's «*«££,„,,)# religion." Floyd Yeats, pastor, led the music. WILLIAM H. BELL ••»f™ 6Mro FLOYD LOONEY . *.rMod There were five professions of faith and four three sons have moved their membership to First wn DUANE BARRETT Church *s'» ' .i!B additions by letter and statement. Southern Baptist Church, Petaluma. HARRY D. WILLIAMS, JR .....••••• •••*" ^ j 000 Baptist Students Attend Intercultural Youth Congress fflixed ethnic group of more than 1,000 t;st students heard two speakers, one a " P __ one white — plead for the students llow their lives to be controlled by the Hoiy Ghost. -j^gy were attending the Intercultural youth Congress in Los Angeles the two days following Thanksgiving. It was spon- red by five conventions and is the only 0ne that has been planned. The sponsoring groups were the American Baptist Convention, the California Baptist State Convention, the California State Bap­ tist Convention, the Constitutional Baptist State Convention, and the Southern Baptist General Convention of California. Anthony Campolo, vice president of the American Baptist Convention said, "What do you get out of being controlled by the Holy Ghost? Get? You begin to live." He declared that "we are called to be agents of God's revolution in the world—to give our all for the cause." BOX SUPPER — Anthony Campolo, vice E. V. Hill, pastor of Mt. Zion Baptist president of the American Baptist Convention Church in Los Angeles, pointed out that and a progam personality at the Intercultural the Holy Ghost has the power to increase Youth Congress, finishes his box supper while his son Bart, who has already finished, PROGRAM PERSONALITY — Edna Tatum, the believer's vision, his understanding, his waits. left, a student at the University of Southern will to do, and his power to get it done. California, was on the program for the Inter­ He told the young people, "If you let us cultural Youth Congress. She chats with California Southern Baptists, was involved Joan Avery, a Southern Baptist student at down, we have no hope." in a great deal of general arrangements for Fresno City College. The students gathered at the Shrine Aud­ the congress. itorium in Los Angeles on Friday afternoon The meeting closed on an inter-racial During the program there was special and stayed for an evening session following theme when Hill asked each person in the music by Southern Baptist students.
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