TATEYAMA-KUROBE ALPINE ROUTE & GOKAYAMA PAGE 1/ 4 PG-402 TATEYAMA-KUROBE ALPINE ROUTE & GOKAYAMA Tateyama-Kurobe Alpine Route (立山黒部アルペンルート) work is operated only from late Apr. to late Nov. The peak peri- The route for crossing the Northern Japan Alps by various od are summer and the season of autumnal leaves (late Sep. thru means of transportation between Shinano-Omachi and Toyama late Oct.). See www.alpen-route.com for more information. takes 8 hrs. to look around. You can enjoy the alpine nature Gokayama (五箇山) without heavy climbing equipment. Sneakers, an umbrella and a Nestled along the deep gorge of Sho River, 33 Gassho-zukuri houses have been cold weather outfit are necessary. The whole transportation net- preserved in the historic villages of Gokayama including Taira and Ainokura. TToo Nagaoka Japan Sea 長岡へ Kurobe IC 黒部 IC 05 km 日本海 Toyama Chiho Railways Asahi-Unazuki Line Uozu Sta. 富山地方鉄道朝日宇奈月線 Mt. Asahidake 魚津駅 Unazuki Onsen Sta. 朝日岳 Tateyama-Kurobe & Toyama Uozu IC 宇奈月温泉駅 Namerikawa Sta. 魚津 IC Kurobe Kyokoku Railways Kuronagi Sta. Kurobe Gorge 滑川駅 黒薙駅 黒部渓谷 8 Iwasehama Sta. TToo Osaka 岩瀬浜駅 黒 大阪へ Namerikawa IC 部 Kamiichi Sta. 滑川 IC 峡 Kanetsuri Sta. 谷 Takaoka Sta. 上市駅 鉄 鐘釣駅 高岡駅 道 JR Hokuriku線 Line 陸本 JR北 Toyama Sta. Terada Sta. Keyakidaira Sta. Oiwayunomiko 富山駅 寺田駅 Mt. Tateyama 欅平駅 TToo Hakuba 大岩湯神子 立山 白馬へ Hokuriku Expressway Mt. Oyama Tateyama Museum 北陸自動車道 雄山 Mt. Tsurugi 富山県立山博物館 Asohara Toyama Chiho Railways 剱岳 阿曽原 Kurobedaira Tateyama Line 黒部平 Tateyama Rd Daikanbo 富山地方鉄道立山線 立山道路 大観峰 Mikurigaike Kurobe Dam JR Takayama Line Iwakura Sta. みくりが池 雄山 黒部ダム JR Oito Line JR 岩峅駅 Tateyama Sta. Ogisawa JR大糸線 高山本線 扇沢 立山駅 Midagahara 156 弥陀ヶ原 Murodo Mt. Akazawa Johana Sta. Arimine Rd 赤沢岳 大町 室堂 アルペンライン Shinano 城端駅 Toga 利賀 有峰林道 Lake Kurobe Omachi Sta. 304 黒部湖 信濃大町駅 Arimine Dam 有峰ダム Taira 平 Lake Arimine 有峰湖 Ainokura 相倉 Gokayama Area Suganuma 菅沼 五箇山 Kamitaira 上平 Tateyama-Kurobe Alpine Route 立山・黒部アルペンルート To Matsumoto Shirakawago 松本へ 白川郷 Access: Shinano-Omachi and Toyama are gateways to the Tateyama-Kurobe Alpine Route To Shinano-Omachi: (Reserved-seat) Fare Destination Type of transportation Time required Daily runs one-way(¥) Shinjuku Sta.→Shinano-Omachi JR Limited Express “Super Azusa” 3 hrs. 10 min. 2 7,440 (Tokyo) Express “Alps” 5 hrs. 15 min. 1 5,880 (non-reserved) Shinjuku Sta.→Matsumoto Limited Express “Azusa” “Super Azusa” 2 hrs. 30 min.-3 hrs. 15 min. 17 6,710 Shinjuku Bus Stop→Matsumoto Express bus 3 hrs. 10 min. 16 3,400 Matsumoto Sta.→Shinano-Omachi JR local train (Oito Line) 1hr. 20 650 Shinjuku→Shinano-Omachi Express bus 3 hrs. 55 min. 2 4,100 Tokyo Sta.→Nagano JR Nagano Shinkansen “Asama” 1 hr. 20 min.-1 hr. 50 min. 27 7,970 Nagano BT→Shinano-Omachi Express bus 1 hr. 00 min. 6 1,800 Osaka Sta.→Matsumoto JR Limited Express “Wide View Shinano” 4 hrs. 00 min. 1 9,120 Nagoya Sta.→Matsumoto JR Limited Express “Wide View Shinano” 1 hr. 55 min.-2 hrs. 10 min. 13 5,870 Hankyu-Umeda BT→Matsumoto Express bus 5 hrs. 30 min. (Osaka) 2 5,710 PAGE 2/ 4 TATEYAMA-KUROBE ALPINE ROUTE & GOKAYAMA To Toyama: (Reserved-seat) Fare Destination Type of transportation Time required Daily runs one-way(¥) Tokyo Sta.→Nagaoka Sta. JR Joetsu Shinkansen “Asahi” 1 hr. 30 min.–2 hrs. 36 8,700 Nagaoka Sta.→Toyama Sta. JR Limited Express 2 hrs.-2 hrs. 15 min. 6 5,870 “Furusato Raicho” “Hokuetsu” Ueno Sta.(Tokyo)→Toyama Sta. JR Sleeping train “Hokuriku” 6 hrs. 30 min. 1 16,270 (Berth B) Haneda Airport→Toyama Sta. Airplane (ANA, JAL) 1 hr. 8 18,500 (Tokyo) Ikebukuro East BT→Toyama. Sta. Express bus 6 hrs. 50 min. 3 7,340 Osaka Sta.→Toyama Sta. JR Limited Express “Furusato Raicho” “Thunder Bird” 3 hrs. 10 min.-3 hrs. 35 min. 15 8,490 Tateyama-Kurobe Alpine Route Mt. Tateyama (3,015 m) 立山 Mt. Akazawa (2,678 m) To Nagaoka 赤沢岳 To Hakuba 長岡へ Daikanbo Sta. 白馬へ (大観峰) Murodo 室堂 Raiden 雷殿 Ogisawa 線 Tengudaira Kurobedaira 扇沢 本 天狗平 黒部平 陸 Terada Sta. Midagahara 北 寺田駅 弥陀ヶ原 大糸線 JR Hokuriku Line JR Kurobeko Bijodaira Kurobe Dam JR Oito Line JR 黒部湖 Tateyama Sta. 美女平 黒部ダム Toyama Sta. 立山駅 Shinano-Omachi Sta. 富山駅 信濃大町駅(信濃大町) To Matsumoto 松本へ To Kyoto 京都へ Toyama- Tateyama Chiho Railway Tateyama Tateyama-Kogen Tateyama Ropeway Kanden Tateyama Line Cablecar Sightseeing Bus Trolley Bus 立山ロープ Kurobe Cablecar Trolley Bus Local Bus 富山地方鉄道立山線 立山ケーブルカー 立山高原バス 立山トロリーバス ウェイ 黒部ケーブルカー 関電トロリーバス 路線バス ¥1,170 ¥700 ¥1,660 ¥2,100 ¥1,260 ¥840 Walk ¥1,260 ¥1,330 60 min. 7 min. 50 min. 10 min. 7 min. 5 min. 20 min. 16 min. 40 min. * Through ticket is available at Toyama Sta. (¥10,320 for adult, one way) Accommodations: (Most are open Apr. through Nov.) Room rate Room rate Name of facilities Tel. (¥) Name of facilities Tel. (¥) Tateyama: Murodo: Seiryuso(R) (0764)81-1006 10,000 Hotel Tateyama(H*) (0764)65-3333 19,000 Senzanso(R) (0764)82-1726 7,000 Raicho Onsen Raicho-so(R) (0764)65-5777 9,000 Midagahara: Mikurigaike Onsen(R) (0764)65-3303 10,500 People’s Lodge Tateyama-so(PE) (0764)42-3535 10,000 Kurobe Dam: Lodge Kuroyon(R) (0764)82-1516 9,000 Accommodation rates are due to change by season or days. Please check the correct rates before you visit. Remarks:Remarks: StandardStandard rates ratesare quoted. are quoted. H* = H*Hotel=HotelRate per Rate person per person including including 2 meals. 2 meals. R = RRyokan=RyokanRate per Rate person per person including including 2 meals, 2 meals, tax and tax service and service charge. charge. PE =PEPeople’s=People’s Lodge LodgeRate per Rate person per person with 2with meals. 2 meals. TATEYAMA-KUROBE ALPINE ROUTE & GOKAYAMA PAGE 3/ 4 Recommended Walking Route Nature guides of Toyama Prefecture offer voluntary tours on Murododaira Hiking Route (A 2-hour hike) nature in the following areas. This hiking tour takes about 2 hrs., starting from Murodo Terminal - Mikurigaike pond - Jigokudani valley - Raicho-so lodge Murododaira Surroundings - Rindoike pond - Midorigaike pond - Tateyama Murodo Sanso Duration: 1-3 hrs. lodge, and coming back to Murodo Terminal. Period: Jul. 22nd-Oct. 10th. (Everyday) Jigokudani is still an active hot spring and water vapor also Starting Time: 9:00 and 13:00. spouts out, therefore it is very dangerous to walk off-course. As Meeting Place: In front of the counter of Tateyama Nature already mentioned, this tour takes about 2 hrs., but only if you Preservation Center 3F. don’t stop on the way. Please keep in mind that you need at least 3 hrs. to join this hiking tour because there are many places to Midagahara Surroundings see. Duration: 1-2 hrs. Period: May 2nd-Jul. 19th (Sat., Sun., national holidays, and days Midagahara Hiking Route (A 1 or 2-hour hike) before national holidays only). Jul. 20th-Aug. 31st. (Everyday) Midagahara is an area of highlands and is 2,000 meters above sea Sep. 1st-Oct. 10th. (Sat., Sun., national holidays, and days before level. Even the marsh is maintained as a promenade. A short national holidays only) course will take about 1 hr., and the long course will take about Starting Time: 9:40 and 13:30. 2 hrs. Meeting Place: In front of the counter of Tateyama Nature Various wild flowers of the highlands can be seen in Jul. and Aug. Preservation Center 3F. You can enjoy the fall foliage in Oct. Please note that these tours may be called off due to the weath- er and other reasons. Temperature around Murodo (ºC) Late-Apr. Mid-May Mid-Jun. Mid-Jul. Mid-Aug. Mid-Sep. Mid-Oct. Early Nov. 4月下旬 5月中旬 6月中旬 7月中旬 8月中旬 9月中旬 10月中旬 11月上旬 Highest 10 10 13 15 16 12 8 5 最 高 Lowest -5 4 7 11 14 10 2 0 最 低 Murododaira Hiking Route (室堂平周辺散策コース) Jigokudani 地獄谷 Raicho-so Mikurigaike Onsen 雷鳥荘 Rindoike りんどう池 みくりが池 温泉 ChinoikChinoikee 血の池 Midorigaike MikurigaikMikurigaikee Mikurigaike みどりが池 TToo Tengudaira みくりが池 Midorigaike Playground 至天狗平 Playground みくりが池広場 みどりが池広場 Tateyama Murodo Murodo Terminal Sanso Lodge 室堂ターミナル 立山室堂山荘 Tateyama Nature TToo Tengudaira Highway Bus Road Preservation Center MurMurodoodo Shed 至天狗平 室堂小屋 高原バス道路 立山自然保護センター To Mt. Oyama TToo Mt. MurMurodoodo 至室堂山 至雄山 Midagahara Hiking Route (弥陀ヶ原周辺散策コース) Ichinotani Road To Tengudaira To Murodo 至天狗平 一の谷道 Midagahara Promenade 至室堂 弥陀ヶ原遊歩道 Midagahara Hotel Bimatsuzaka Pass 美松坂道 弥陀ヶ原ホテル RokkRokkoo Gakuin To Bijodaira Hut 至美女平 To Caldera Viewpoint Oiwake Toll Gate カルデラ展望台 Caldera Sabo 追分料金所 People’s Lodge Tateyama-so カルデラ砂防 Highway Bus Road 国民宿舎立山荘 高速バス道路 Tateyama Caldera Matsuo Pass 立山カルデラ 松尾峠 PAGE 4/ 4 TATEYAMA-KUROBE ALPINE ROUTE & GOKAYAMA Other Places of Interest: Accommodations: Kurobe Gorge (黒部峡谷) This is the route of the tramcar going through Kurobe Gorge Room rate Name of facilities Tel. (¥) from Unazuki Onsen to Keyakidaira.⦆Along the line there are many places specializing in open-air baths (rotenburo) such as Unazuki Onsen: Kuronagi and Kanetsuri. From the tramcar called Kurobe Unazuki Entaijiso(R) (0765)62-1234 15,000~ Unazuki Grand Hotel(R) (0765)62-1111 15,000~ Kyokoku Railways you can enjoy the panorama of the Northern Unazuki New Otani Hotel(R) (0765)62-1041 18,000~ Japan Alps. Kanetsuri Onsen: Kanetsuri Miyamaso(R) (0765)62-1634 12,000 Access: 1 hr. 30 min. from Toyama Sta. to Unazuki Onsen by (open May through Nov.) Toyama Chiho Railways (once an hour). Fare: ¥1,790 (one- Toyama: Toyama Youth Hostel(YH) W (0764)37-9010 3,940~ way). New Grand Inn Toyama(BH) W (0764)44-1122 7,350~ 5-min.
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