h. VOL. Z. NO.6 Published Exclusively in the Interests of the Personnel of Drew Field Friday, April 16, 1943 The ~~Cistern Twin" PRETTY TAPSTERS! Latin American Boys Finally Found at Add Pan American To Intensify Bradenton Base Touch to Orew Field War Bond Drive Among Civilians THE ECHOES April 16, 1943 · Staternen·t of the Ow.ne•ts'hip and Management ·of Ill t=ightet<Command i-he Air Bose Bus Li,ne, 1nc. By Pte: Roy ·s-wai:l z After many tiresome • ilOi.trs of triangulations and dry runs, the L :1;.t week's -editorial dealt in general \\' ith the subject of rumors company fired 0 n the range last anu O( ossip, w ith relation to military efficiency. It was stressed that week. T he results were very ·good. acccp·:.ance and t·epealing of rumor a nd gosstp was not only unmtlt- '·Merriment'' was the keyword tal·_; .. , ly un-Ame rican. In order to ansWET spectftc rumors a t the Company's . party, where but definite 1 n~ga ,;· Jing the ownership and management ~£ the An· Base Bus Lme. everyone drank beer, sang, or {t Inc.,. .,,.hich operates the buses r unnmg lo and from Drew Fteld, the played cards. Cpl. Camporille was· .folll)':·; ing facts are submitted. The mformatwn was gtven by Mr. A. in his prime, pounding out swing Pickens Cole, promine nt Tampa attorney, who IS' prestdent of the music on the piano as Eal'l Rush cunHl'Jny. provided the floor show with his T here are only five stockholders in the Air Base Bus Line, Inc., jig dance. Sgt. Polk kept busy whjc!:. is a Florida cor!)oration, with offices in the Tampa Thea tre all evening · filling up that gallon Bui1d:.ng. 'I'hey are A. Pickens Cok 2603 Jetton Street, president; jug, whi·le J . D. High watched J . A . vVhiting, Davis Island. vice-president and general manager, his new partner lose money. The \','h<) ;·; also president of T:llniami T ;·aihvays, 1nc.; F. H. Forbe~· . tre;1s- best saying at the party: Pfc. tHel·, ·.vho lives at 100.3 E. Ottawa Street and is treasurer of Tamiami Kolky to Capt. Snow:. ·'Hey, Sir; TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY Traihvays, Inc.; W. H. Whiting, of 1105 32nd Avenue, who is operqt- if you've got time, fill up our SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ing n :..anage1·; and Miss Elizabeth Donovan, 800 Patterson Street, ·who cups!" is Sl!·<';:e:ary. There are only 100 shares of no-par stock. representing It is reported that Sykes a nd I 2:30 to 5 the .:." tire ownership of this corporation. All shares of stock were Svvoboda completed t heir fur­ :satisf.:.tctorily accounted fol'. Iough trips· in Maranville's car Every Night . According to Mr. A. Pickens Cole, p!·esident. no member oL the without a scratch .. · . vVe w ish to mlli1<a·y personnel, either an officer or e nlisted man, owns any s-'ock announce that, in add ition to his 8 till 11 jn t'h~s corp01·at10n. or has <my mte rest in it, c!Jrectly or indirectly. other du! ies, Sgt. L ynch w ill con­ EXCEPT MONDAY No o·,,ne!· of this stock 1s a relative of, 01 acting for, any member of tinue to , carry on as compa ny the tdlita1·y personnel of eithe t· Drew or lVIaclJill Field. No oflice r I chaplain ... Losee says the beds -ur e !1.l isted man profits. directly or indirectly, through any conces- in B-8 at·e so close together that I 5c F a r e .sion... :-:estaUJ·ant, or any othe t· means of making n10ney through this there is_ not a chat~ce to roll off hus ta1e. · . on the floor ... Ma1l Orderly Cpl. Ti 1. r~ Air Base Line . Inc., opcr<\t es unde r a license from the ·war K uchie was giving his new little I On Davis Island luses Devudment in vVashing·t on, giv ing it the right to serve both Drew friend qui te a· twirl at the carni­ and NlacDill Fields. The license is rene wable from year to year. It val last Saturday . "Moon" LEAVING GRANT'S.. CORNER lis .st!'i.ctly a private corporation. · and n o office rs or enlisted men are Mullens has- not yet recovered I FRANKLIN AND CASS STREETS i.ntet ·''-' :~ted financially in it. fully from his recent furlough, 1 It r:an readily be understood, from the above facts obtained di-j w hile McGuckin is back in fine, a·ectly from the _books of the Air Base Bus Line, Inc., that the a bsurd sh ape again ... Gobe r takes over ntmu :·s pertammg to the plll·ported ownership of the company · by / h1 s new JOb as K :P. chaser. 7:15 -- 7:45 -- 8:15 Drew officers or enlisted m e n are en' irely false . .. M <:' n who circulate such rumors. either sipcerely or unwittingly, help to c~·eate confusion which will ultimately do harm to our war . effoct . Loyal Drew soldiers will squelch any rumors the m inute they J1ea~ · ~. hem, by asking, "\'!hat facts do you base the story on'l" G iV-E THE AXIS THE AXE. AND KEEP MUM, CHUM. AIR CONDITIONED THE QUEEN OF C.4MELLJAS Hotel FLORIDAN • Complete BARBER Da rbe r Service • E:qiert Barbers SHOP • Manicurists H. 0. LEvVIS, Mgr. AIR CONDITIONED ~i\4iil&iWiGl!QWE:=t~~~!li!!!mmHBlSRRI!Dilll!l_lll&_ anhattan Cafe 210 E. Lafayei±e St. - Tampa Good Food - Reasonable Prices Try Our Sunday Roast Turk~y Dinner Served From 11 A ;M. to 9 P.M. ALA CARTE SERVICE AT ALL HOUR$ OPEN DAY AND ·NIGHT , ,1'-TI·ss Charlotte . Cook, of ·winter Haven, ·selected as Quee n by 1 nrolJbing with WE USE STRICTLY WESTERN MEATS ~am.!l' Bartow -soldie·rs, when they were . £::;Ii:eriained ai Cypress (;a;rd:eL!.s. · Emotion Beyond 'vVords! 1f You Haven't-·Aiready =-DOlT NOW ! l,!. Cook, of Winter ~ Miss Chai:lotte DINE and Startling as the s u d d e n MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT THE Haven, was unanimously picked shadovv of t he conqueror! a:;;-Qu.e '~~ when Camp Bat·tow sol­ 1 diers Liked to. · Cypres ~· Gardens ,DAN ' C :~ ~ohn .S t.einbeck's 1 -SARATOGA ·RAR ·. .. · -a:·ecenti.:;r. Tt was <J. 1ong, ·dusty AT -~h ike, o r' aboLLt 12 m iles, but when Corner Fortune and Franklin :they g -:.jt there, they found some S~ANG:Rl -- LA'S · "THE MOON to p.leasad stu:prises waiting. A good &]n Dancing E very Night in the Blue Room iun ch a water show featudng ~ni:m~ " rof the local 'beauties, _the GA ~Ro-E · N 1s oow·N" "South~s Best Negro Rhythm" decti•.;n of a queen, and finally a Sir Cedric Harclwicke cool.in;,; S\vim in Lake E loise pu1' 1212 Grand Central BEER - WINES LIQUORS n p len ty· of pep into all of them. 1 Dorris Bovvdo . :A D:·ew Field Public Rel at ion ~ · 'Se1ected Food ;for pimtn g .~-a ph e r , Pvt. Albert De­ Sun ay ~Matinee Dancing Phone 7988 :Fini.-!, ;.;. guest of the Camp Barto·w Those I, - - ------------ Cqmm;..1nding Officer, ~-napped thE . 11 I .a'bove p tize-winning picture oJ Who· Know ·Food 1Hi'ss Cook. '0 THE 'ca.mf' Bartow is occupied en­ * Western Stea'ks t ir e-ly hy troops from Drew Field *Chicken CHATTERBOX nnd VIi.il eventually be function­ Air-Conditioned Ph. 3290 jng :>.ii an independent Army a ir Chicken and Steaks base .· ·* Seo·food 9c --· - 2Bc Real Italian Spaghetti --------~-------- * Barbecued Ribs SUNDAY AND MONDAY. SANDWICHES - DRINKS Drew t-.,~ine Beats .* S.paghetti Star Spangled LIQUORS ,. Loke·!and, 9-2 ATT~ND · OU :R Rhythm Abba Dabba EurLirtg superb ball, Vito T a· Bob Hope, Bing Crosby And Band Nightly mj..d:is, !'ol·mer major league star GARDEN PARTY Dorothy Lamou r and ·/ .'l e t lhr:: F{)od Machinery nine o 14 oth er stars! 707 S. HOWARD A VENUE Lakei,::wd down with seven hitf SATURDAY, APRlt 17 PHONE H 3757 in L<•. k'·~ l and last Saturday as thf Drew fnten:eotot·s won 9-2. 8:30 P. M. i¥ Ir. eight inn.ings, Tan'lulis struck out 1-1, m:>n anti is<:ued t wo basE For Servicemen Who <ln lnfL>, besides collecting t w r Printing and Stationery Needs . hits f •J •: a.> many nms. The game Make Reservation For All Your 'Was CJ.Hed at the end of the eighth 20 Yc, Discount Tampa a nd Zack rlue t,, d.m·kness. Phone 3003-9c. 22c CALL ..H-J;l'~:t · Johnson poled out ;; J.ong ti.< Jmc run in the seventh ,., Saturday and Sunday w.ith H: ~. ~ bases empty fo r llw In· tet-ce 2rt.- n·s. H was tbe longes-t hi' M·ONEY LOANED ., . ,of ..tit.:- · day. 1 Marine Feature R. ROSS, Owner :"'Fw,t:;' ' Norris, veteran right­ i GLENN ih<itnde<·; :;ta:rte'd on the mound tm .TAMPA LOANVCO. ----HIT NO. 2 ---­ .t he Tt...-::!t:ers, but ·h is <::onit'l)[ '\vc nl ·. "TAMPA'S OLDEST AND bad am1 was r eli eved in the thirc' j MOST LIBERAL" . Publishers of Tampa Army Newspapers hy Rei Gartrell. , 908 'J';RANK,LIN. STREET . Get Hep .to Love · s~w<! b y innings: Gloria J ean , Jane Frazee . 1113-15 FLORIDA AVE. PHONES:· 2126 and 2177 Dre1"· .Field __ ____ 101 ll2 12 ~ BUY MORE WAR BONDS .
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