Connecticut Daily Campus Serving Stom Since 1896 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 93 STORRS. CONNECTICUT WEDNESDAY, APRIL I. 1964 Johnathan VI: IFC Fines Two Frats For Hazing Violations (Action taken against two fraterni- an infringment of hazing regulations. Caroll said that if precedent were ties by the Interfratcrnity Council The decision was immediately ap- followed. Dean of Men John Dun- Judiciary Board was appealed Mon- pealed by the fraternity. Neither the lop would take the place of the two day nigh;. decision nor the house to which it faculty advisors in their absence. Robert Carroll, chairman of the applies has as yet been made public Newly- elected Administrative board, said that fines totaling $75 by the IFC. Vice-President Leni Miller, was ap- were imposed upon Tau Epsilon Phi According to the Judiciary Board pointed as nead of a committee to and Alpha Sigma Phi for failure to Constitution, an appeal board con- suggest possible faculty advisors by register a pre-initiation week. TEP sists of the IFC President, the Chair- Monday of next week. According to was fined $25 and Alpha Sigma Phi man of the Judiciary Board, and the Constitution, one of the advisors was fined $50. The $25 fine was ap- two faculity advisers. must be a faculty member, and the pealed by TEP for further consid- No Advisors other must come from an adminis- HEIR APPARENT: Jonathan VI meets some of his new funs. The eration. four month old puppy was welcomed by President Babbidge, freshmen class President Jim Tomchick pointed trative office. An additional penalty was placed president Lee Grief and freshmen class representative Karen Fromkin. The out to the IFC. however, that at the Precedent Would Follow Class of '67 was in charge of obtaining the pup from the University of against one of these fraternities for present time there are no advisors. Alaska. Tomchik said yesterday that if It is hoped that the pup will be trained and ready for :he Yale-UConn the IFC fails to choose advisors on football battle this fall. Monday, then he would rule that pre- iAfter meeting Jonathan VI. President Babbidge remarked that his Ger- Computer Dance Pairs cedent follow and Dunlop take their man shephard presented '.he family with 10 puppies this weekend and he place. is interested in new homes for them when they are old enough. The lack of advisors gave rise to (Campus Photo - Pholopool) Couples By Personality new difficulty for the IFC yesterday when Activities Co-ordinator Don- On Friday night, April 24. a new but others, such as incomplete ques- ald McCullough informed Tomchik idea in dances will be introduced tionaires. have been dealt with for that unless his office received the Dr. Nolan Appointed To to the University. Each of the stu- the UConn Computer Dance. names of advisors within two weeks, dents attending the dance will have Because of the limited number of the organization's right to meet in to fill out a qucstionairc in advance. the Student Union Building would A computer will then match the questionaires. it is essential that be cancelled. Succeed Dean E. E. May questionaires so that everyone will everyone who takes a quest ionaire Amendment Proposed Dr. Francena L. Nolan, an as- Since 1951 Dr. Nolan has served have their ideal dance partner. fills it out and returns it. It would sistant dean at West Virginia Uni- sion of Home Economics and as- Any student wishing to attend of course be appreciated if every- Following discussion concerning versity, has been appointed Dean sistant dean in the College of Agri- the dance must fill out a question- the ruling of the Judiciary Board, of the University of Connecticut's one who was supposed to attended. culture, Forestry and Home Eco- aire. in which he is asked to de- the fraternity upon which the addi- School of Home Economics. Presi- nomics at West Virginia. Raring in Two Areas scribe himself and his tastes. The tional fine was imposed moved to dent Homer D. Babbidge, Jr. an- She received her bachelor's de- amend the present constitution so nounced today. forms are now available at the The questionaire rates people in gree and master's degree from Cor- HUB control desk. Since the at- that the IFC body would have the The new UConn dean replaces nell University in 1942 and 1949. two general areas, their evaluation final decision in judiciary delibera- tendance will be limited to 600 of what they are, and their evalu- Dr. Elizabeth Eckhardt May who respectively, and her Ph.D. from students, equally divided between tions. ation of what they want their date •According to the present constitu- retires as head of the Connecticut Pennsylvania State University in boys and girls, any students in- School in September after 12 years 1952. to be. People are paired so that tion, the Judiciary Board holds this of service. terested in attending are advised to their interests, backgrounds, phys- power. The motion was tabled for Before joining the West Virginia pick up their forms as soon as pos- ical characteristics, and personality faculty she had been an instructor, one week according to policy. sible. traits are matched. In the event that In commenting upon the present assistant professor and associate the machine makes a mistake in Library Annex professor at Pennsylvania State. Idea Originated In Iowa situation. IFC President Tomchik evaluating the pairs, each person said. "The IFC is a a turning point. Her field of specialization at Penn- The idea for the Computer dance will change partners two times dur- sylvania had been home manage- This is the point where the Inter- was first originated at the Univer- ing the evening. This will prac- To Stay Open ment and rural sociology, as well fraternity Council must become as housing research. sity of Iowa earlier this year. Ac- tically guarantee that everyone will either an effective or an ineffective cording to officials at the univer- find at least one person suited for organization. We have had the rule, For Late Study Noted Authoress them. and it has been enforced . " The author of a score of publi- sity, the dance was an overwhelm- The Sophomore Class Council ing success. Approximately a thous- has succeeded in getting a quiet and students are said to have at- place for students to study in the tended, and from all available late evening hours. comment the dance was tremen- The Bcanery (Library Annex) dously successful. will be open during the popular Officials of the university said study hours when the Library is closed. The hours will be 10 p.m. to that some problems had occured but that the next dance, planned 1 a.m. on Sunday through Thurs- day, and will open on Sunday morn- for next year would eliminate ings at 11 a.m. and close when the some of these. The problems of Library opens at 2 p.m. people who do not show up is in- soluble, and can not be eliminated. This arrangement, which siarts tonight, will continue under student supervision until the Beanery is turned into an Art Gallery later Student Senate Agenda this semester. State of Associated Student When the beanery is no longer Government Address — available the Sophomore Class will President McKinnon seek to open a comfortable class- Steering Committee: room as a study room. The Coun- Steering Committee policy cil's project was approved by Dean Committee appointments Arwood Northby; Head Librarian Brancher Committee Report John McDonald and Chairman of DR. FRANCENA NOLAN Class Council Reports the Student Welfare Committee of THRhE REPUBLICAN MEMBERS of the U. S. House of Reproenta- cations in professional bulletins and lives accept a lantern lymbollc of Paul Reveres famous ride, from Young the Faculty Senate Harold Beal. journals, Dr. Nolan has conducted Republican National Federation co-chairman. Mrs. Nancy W. Merrill, as Student Voice research in the areas of consumer they prepare for their speaking tour. Left to right they are. Repres-ntat-ves About the project. Dinnimcn behavior, family and management. Shakespeare Trip Arch A. Moore Jr.. of West Virginia: Steven B. Derounian of New York: said, "The opening of the Library Her major emphasis in these stud- and Robert F. Ellsworth of Kansas. Annex for late studying is an ex- Mr. Weil of the English Depart- ies has been on social — psychol- Three Republican Congressmen as he brought an important mes- ample of the successful application ogical factors. ment. will he leading a discussion of the student voice." At West Virginia. Dr. Nolan has about "Much Ado About Nothing" travelling the country during the sage to Massachusetts towns, the) bring important news of the coun- Sympathetic To Needs been a member of the University Friday. April 3 at 3:00 p.m. in room Congressional Easter recess will Head Librarian McDonald said Planning Committee. She has also 303 of the student Union, the ne\t visit UConn this Thursday alter- try's position today. Foreign policy. he "is sympathetic to needs of stu- day. Saturday, he will lead a trip noon at 3 p.m. Calling ihemseKts the state of the economy, scandals reviewed the home economics re- in Washington, and the record and dents" and was glad to work with search program of the U.S. De- to Stratford to sec the play per- the "Paul Revere" team the three the Sophomore Class Council in partment of Agriculture research formed at the Shakespeare Festival will present a searching Republican performance of President Johnson, are the topics 1 he UConn Young ubtaining a study facility. He is in family, community and con- I h:ater.
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