World Championship Fencing Team Results by George Masin This report shows the team event medallists at every FIE World Championship (cadet, junior, senior, and veteran). Fencing World Championship Team Medalists 1929 European Championships (Naples, ITA - 1929.IV.10-17) 13 nations competed in the individual or team events: Austria, Belgium, Czechoslovalia, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, and Switzerland. Men's Foil Team (1929.IV.10) A European Championship team event was held for the first time. It was in men's foil and only 5 countries competed. Italy beat Belgium 12-4, Hungary 16-0, and Austria 16-0. Belgium beat Austria 10-6 and Hungary 9-7. Hungary beat Austria 9-7. 1 Italy Carniel, Dante (*1890 - †1958) Gaudini, Giulio (*1904-09-28 - †1948-01-06) Girace, Nicola (*1907-07-30 - †1970-08-30) Guaragna, Gioacchino (*1908-06-14 - †1971-04-19) Marzi, Gustavo (*1908-11-25 - †1966-11-14) Pignotti, Ugo (*1898-11-19 - †1989-01-07) Puliti, Oreste (*1891-02-18 - †1958-02-05) Verratti, Ciro (*1907-08-17 - †1971-07-06) 2 Belgium Bru, Raymond Jean (*1906-03-30 - †1989-12) De Beuckelaer, (Balthazar Philippe François) Xavier (*1902-09-27) Debeur, Charles T. G. (*1906-03-24 - †1981) T'Sas, Robert L. (*1903-03-11) 3 Hungary Hajdú, János I. (*1904-09-10 - †1981-07-12) Hátszeghy (Hatz-), Ottó (*1902-05-26 - †1977-07-21) Kálniczky, Gusztáv (Gyula) (*1896 - †1964) Piller (Jekelfalussy), György (*1899-06-19 - †1960-09-06) Rozgonyi, György (*1890 - †1967-06-30) 1930 European Championships (Liege, BEL - 1930.V.23-31) European Championships in men’s epee team and men’s sabre team were held for the first time. Men's Epee Team 1 Belgium Barbier, Émile Edmond Gustave (*1902) De Beuckelaer, (Balthazar Philippe François) Xavier (*1902-09-27) Debeur, Charles T. G. (*1906-03-24 - †1981) Delporte, Charles Jules (*1893-03-11 - †1960) Osterrieth, Willy (*1908-10-27 - †1931-03-08) Tom, Léon (*1888-10-25) 2 Italy Agostoni Faini, Carlo (*1909-03-23 - †1972-06-25) Cornaggia-Medici Peterbelli, Giancarlo (*1904-12-16 - †1970-11-23) Minoli, Renzo (*1904-05-06 - †1965-04-18) Pezzana, Alfredo (*1893-03-31 - †1986-05-07) Ragno, Saverio (*1902-12-06 - †1969-04-22) Riccardi, Franco (*1905-06-13 - †1968-05-24) Tuesday, October 6, 2015 World Championship Database Page 1 of 166 Fencing World Championship Team Medalists 3 France Baur, André Cattiau, Philippe Louis Eugène (*1892-07-28 - †1962-02-18) Labatut, André (*1891-07-18 - †1977-09-30) Lacroix (Parizot), Jean (*1884-12-02 - †1971-10-26) Rossignol, André Schmetz, Bernard Jules Robert (*1904-03-21 - †1966-06-11) Men's Foil Team 1 Italy Gaudini, Giulio (*1904-09-28 - †1948-01-06) Guaragna, Gioacchino (*1908-06-14 - †1971-04-19) Marzi, Gustavo (*1908-11-25 - †1966-11-14) Pignotti, Ugo (*1898-11-19 - †1989-01-07) Ragno, Saverio (*1902-12-06 - †1969-04-22) Terlizzi, Rodolfo (*1896-10-17 - †1971-07-11) 2 France Bougnol, René (*1911-01-07 - †1956-06-20) Cattiau, Philippe Louis Eugène (*1892-07-28 - †1962-02-18) Coutrot, Jacques (*1898-04-10 - †1965-09-17) Gardère, Edward (*1909-02-25 - †1997-07-24) Lemoine, René Alphonse (*1905-12-29 - †1995-12-19) 3 Belgium Bru, Raymond Jean (*1906-03-30 - †1989-12) De Bourguignon, Georges Camille Marcel (*1910-02-15) Janlet, Maximilien Gustave Berthold Marie "Max" (*1903 - †1976-12-08) Pêcher, Pierre T'Sas, Robert L. (*1903-03-11) Yves, Édouard Émile Gustave (*1907-10-26) Men's Sabre Team 7 nations competed. 1 Hungary Garay, János (*1889-02-23 - †1945-05-03) Glykais, Gyula (*1893-04-09 - †1948-06-12) Gombos, Sándor (*1895-12-04 - †1968-01-27) Petschauer, Attila (*1904-12-14 - †1943-01-20) Piller (Jekelfalussy), György (*1899-06-19 - †1960-09-06) Rády, József (*1884-09-22 - †1957-10-11) 2 Italy Anselmi, Renato (*1891-10-26 - †1973-10-03) De Vecchi, Arturo (*1898-04-30 - †1988-01-06) Gaudini, Giulio (*1904-09-28 - †1948-01-06) Marzi, Gustavo (*1908-11-25 - †1966-11-14) Pezzana, Alfredo (*1893-03-31 - †1986-05-07) Salafia, Emilio (*1910-10-10 - †1969-05-24) Tuesday, October 6, 2015 World Championship Database Page 2 of 166 Fencing World Championship Team Medalists 3 Poland Friedrich, Tadeusz (*1903-07-07 - †1976-10-10) Laskowski, Kazimierz (*1899-11-07 - †1961-10-20) Lubicz-Nycz, Leszek Władysław (*1899-08-20 - †1939-09-22) Papée, Adam Stanisław (*1895-07-21 - †1990-03-06) Segda, Władysław Hipolit (*1895-05-23 - †1994) Szempliński, Kazimierz Włodzimierz (*1899-01-07 - †1971-02-12) 1931 European Championships (Vienna, AUT - 1931.V.27-VI.4) Men's Epee Team 7 nations competed. 1 Italy Agostoni Faini, Carlo (*1909-03-23 - †1972-06-25) Bertolaia, Nino (*1905-01-19 - †1975) Cornaggia-Medici Peterbelli, Giancarlo (*1904-12-16 - †1970-11-23) Minoli, Renzo (*1904-05-06 - †1965-04-18) Ragno, Saverio (*1902-12-06 - †1969-04-22) Riccardi, Franco (*1905-06-13 - †1968-05-24) 2 France Coutrot, Jacques (*1898-04-10 - †1965-09-17) Jourdant, Fernand (*1903-02-03 - †1956-01-02) Prat, Louis Rousset, Paul Schmetz, Bernard Jules Robert (*1904-03-21 - †1966-06-11) 3 Sweden Dahlgren, Curt (*1892-07-28 - †1964-04-11) Dyrssen, Gustaf Peder Wilhelm (*1891-11-24 - †1981-05-13) Granfelt, Hans Olof Clemens (*1897-10-26 - †1963-09-05) Gripenstedt, Carl (*1893-02-23 - †1981-04-30) Hellsten, Nils Erik (*1886-02-19 - †1962-04-12) Thofelt, Sven Alfred (*1904-05-19 - †1993-02-01) Men's Foil Team 7 nations competed. 1 Italy Chiavacci, Giorgio (*1899-07-03 - †1969-03-04) Gaudini, Giulio (*1904-09-28 - †1948-01-06) Guaragna, Gioacchino (*1908-06-14 - †1971-04-19) Marzi, Gustavo (*1908-11-25 - †1966-11-14) Pignotti, Ugo (*1898-11-19 - †1989-01-07) Ragno, Saverio (*1902-12-06 - †1969-04-22) 2 Hungary Hajdú, János I. (*1904-09-10 - †1981-07-12) Hátszeghy (Hatz-), Ottó (*1902-05-26 - †1977-07-21) Kálniczky, Gusztáv (Gyula) (*1896 - †1964) Piller (Jekelfalussy), György (*1899-06-19 - †1960-09-06) Rády, József (*1884-09-22 - †1957-10-11) Tóth, Péter (*1882-07-12 - †1967-02-28) Tuesday, October 6, 2015 World Championship Database Page 3 of 166 Fencing World Championship Team Medalists 3 Austria Baylon, Ernst (*1903-10-21) Brünner, Richard (*1889) Ettinger, Kurt Erich Marie (Curtis Thomas) (*1901-11-19 - †1982-01-06) Hanisch, Karl (*1900-01-20 - †1957) Lion, Hans (*1904-05-11) Men's Sabre Team 9 nations competed. 1 Hungary Gerevich (-Gerei), Aladár (*1910-03-16 - †1991-05-14) Glykais, Gyula (*1893-04-09 - †1948-06-12) Gombos, Sándor (*1895-12-04 - †1968-01-27) Kabos, Endre (*1906-11-05 - †1944-11-04) Petschauer, Attila (*1904-12-14 - †1943-01-20) Piller (Jekelfalussy), György (*1899-06-19 - †1960-09-06) 2 Italy Anselmi, Renato (*1891-10-26 - †1973-10-03) De Vecchi, Arturo (*1898-04-30 - †1988-01-06) Gaudini, Giulio (*1904-09-28 - †1948-01-06) Marzi, Gustavo (*1908-11-25 - †1966-11-14) Pignotti, Ugo (*1898-11-19 - †1989-01-07) Salafia, Emilio (*1910-10-10 - †1969-05-24) 3 Germany Casmir, Erwin (*1895-12-02 - †1982-04-19) Eisenecker, Julius (*1903-03-21 - †1981-10-12) Heim, August (*1904-03-13 - †1976-05-08) Moos, Heinrich (*1895-03-27 - †1976-06) 1932 European Championships (Copenhagen, DEN - 1932.V.5) Women's Foil Team (1932.V.5) The only event was women’s foil team because it was not on the program of the 1932 Olympic Games in Los Angeles. This was also the first time that a women’s foil team championship was held. Teams consisted of 4 fencers. 5 nations competed with Netherlands and Sweden not medaling. 1 Denmark Barding-Poulsen, Ulla (*1912-07-01 - †2000-08-15) Holgersen, Aase (*1906-05-31) Klint (Naur-), Inger Elisabeth Ellen (*1890-11-20 - †1967-01-07) Munck (Høpfner-), Gerda Agnete (*1901-01-02 - †1986-12-24) Olsen, Grete (*1912-02-18 - †2010-04-06) With, Mitzi 2 Austria Friedmann, Grete (*1899 - †1934-07-21) Grasser, Elisabeth (*1904-05-07 - †2002) Müller-Preis, Ellen S. (*1912-05-06 - †2007-11-18) von Gregurisch, Frieda Wenisch-Filz, Friedrieke "Fritzi" (*1907-08-27) Tuesday, October 6, 2015 World Championship Database Page 4 of 166 Fencing World Championship Team Medalists 3 Germany Lindinger, Roething Merz, Tilly Sondheim (-Glück), (Anna Maria Ernestine) "Erna" (*1904-02-17 - †2008-01-09) von Wachter, Rotraud 1933 European Championships (Budapest, HUN - 1933.VI.9-18) Men's Epee Team (1933.VI.12-13) 1 Italy Brusati, Giancarlo (*1910-03-06 - †2001-06-30) Cornaggia-Medici Peterbelli, Giancarlo (*1904-12-16 - †1970-11-23) Minoli, Renzo (*1904-05-06 - †1965-04-18) Ragno, Saverio (*1902-12-06 - †1969-04-22) Riccardi, Franco (*1905-06-13 - †1968-05-24) Visconti, Mario (*1907-10-14 - †1972) 2 France Buchard, Georges Eugène William "Géo" (*1893-12-21 - †1987-01-22) Coutrot, Jacques (*1898-04-10 - †1965-09-17) Prat, Louis Rousset, Paul Schmetz, Bernard Jules Robert (*1904-03-21 - †1966-06-11) 3 Sweden Årmann, Raul (*1895-11-29 - †1975-03-29) Dahlgren, Curt (*1892-07-28 - †1964-04-11) Drakenberg, Hans (*1901-02-04 - †1982-11-01) Dyrssen, Gustaf Peder Wilhelm (*1891-11-24 - †1981-05-13) Lindman, Bo Sigfrid Gabriel (*1899-02-08 - †1992-07-30) Thofelt, Sven Alfred (*1904-05-19 - †1993-02-01) Men's Foil Team (1933.VI.9-10) 1 Italy Bocchino, Giorgio (*1913-07-14 - †1995-12-04) Di Rosa, Manlio (*1914-09-14 - †1989-03-15) Guaragna, Gioacchino (*1908-06-14 - †1971-04-19) Macerata, Giorgio (*1913-05-12) Nostini, Giuliano (*1912-10-03 - †1983-08-16) Ragno, Saverio (*1902-12-06 - †1969-04-22) 2 Austria Baylon, Ernst (*1903-10-21) Brünner, Richard (*1889) Ettinger, Kurt Erich Marie (Curtis Thomas) (*1901-11-19 - †1982-01-06) Lion, Hans (*1904-05-11) Losert, Josef "Pepi" (*1908-02-04) Tuesday, October 6, 2015 World Championship Database Page 5 of 166 Fencing World Championship Team Medalists 3 Hungary Gözsy, Sándor Hajdú, János I.
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