D 0 fntroducln8 o New Prlcln8 Structure 0/ DISCOUNT 5 /0 TO MEMBERS As a member of Beebug we don't lose interest in you after a sale. We offer full maintenance back-up and technical support services as well as providing all the other membership benefits. No idea what to buy a Beeb I Master enthusiast? We are pleased to announce that from November 1at we are able to offer gift vouchers, which may be used to purchase absolutely any Item of software or equipment offered for sale by Beebug, including membership subscription itself. The vouchers are available In units of £1.00, £5.00 and £10.00 but may be purchased in any combination. There is no surcharge for our vouchers, which are sold at face value, there is also no expiry date. There is, however, a SOp post and pocking charge when ordering the vouchers unless ordered with other items. 0410A Colour Cart PJ1080A 9.99 9.49 COMPUTERS 04134ALX SO Ribbon 4.60 4.37 Mcm 0414A lbico Ink Roller 4.60 4.37 Code Dacrlptlon Price Price 0415A Epson JXSO Ribbon 16.!1!1 15.40 0196G Compact+Col. Monitor 688.15 654.40 0418A Juki 6100 S/S Ribbon 1.55 1.47 0197G Compact+Mono Monitor 539.35 51!1.31 0406D 11" •9.5" Paper 2000 14.03 13.33 0198G Compact TV System 458.15 435.90 0453G 2-part NCR Paper !13.00 !11.15 0199G Compact Entry System 44!1. 75 4!10.61 0407C 3.5" •1 7/16" Labels 5.63 5.35 0200G Master 128 419.00 464.55 0416A Dust Cover KP810 5.45 5.11 0202G Master ET 361.00 349.60 0419C Fontaid ROM+Disc 40T 30.00 !11.50 0230C 65C102 6502 "Turbo" 119.00 113.05 0420C Fontaid ROM+ Disc SOT 30.00 !11.50 0231 D S0186 Co-Proc 395.00 375.!15 0421B Fontaid Disc "A" 40T 15.00 14.!15 0232D 32016 Co-Proc 1!111.00 1!1!13.60 04228 Fontaid Disc "A" SOT 15.00 14.!15 02348 M128 Econet Module 41.17 46.43 04328 TCS26 Printer Sharer !13.9!1 !1!1.7!1 0235B M128 Eprom Cartridge 15.11 14.4!1 0435C MXSO Printhead 4!1.15 40.04 0240C M128 Manual 1 ADJ22 14.95 14.!10 0436C FXS0/85 Printhead 53.14 50.41 0241C M128 Manual 2 ADJ23 14.95 14.!10 0437C RXSO/SOFT Printhead 4!1.15 40.04 0242C M128 Aav Ref Manual 19.00 18.05 0438C FX1 00/1 OS Printhead 56.99 54.14 0203F '6502' 2nd Processor !107.00 196.65 0439C LXBOO Printhead 41.00 31.95 0204F 'ZSO' 2nd Processor 335.10 319.01 0205F Acorn Prestel Adapt 138.00 131.10 MONITORS 0206F Acorn Teletext Adapt 141.35 140.93 0237F Acorn IEEE Interface 3!1!1.00 305.90 Mcm 0217B 1770 Disc Interface 49.39 46.cn Code ~rlption Price Price 0218A ADFS Upgrade 1770 !19.33 !17.86 0501H Kaga KX1202 Monitor 116.00 11 0.!10 0209A 1.2 DNFS Rom 19.71 18.79 0502H Kaga KX1203 Monitor 116.00 11 0.!10 0207A Basic II Rom !11.15 !10.76 0556A Taxan 1201/2/3 BNC 3.90 3.70 0208A 1.2 Operating System 6.90 6.55 0571 D Stand for KX Series !19.00 !17.55 0210A A to B Upgrade Kit 69.00 65.55 0503G Zenith 123 12" Green 83.00 78.85 0212A Acorn Speech Upgrade 46.00 43.70 0504G Zenith 122 12" Amber 87.00 8!1.65 0225B Econet Upgrade BBC 48.00 45.60 0530H Microvitec 1431 Mon. !11 !1. 75 !10!1.11 0226B 64K Upgrade Kit B+ 39.00 37.05 0531H Microvitec 1451 Mon. !169 .1 0 !155.65 0550A 1.0m Mon. lead RGB 5.75 5.46 0535H Supervision Ill RGB 379.50 360.5!1 PRINTERS 0536H Supervision II RGB 318.55 30!1.6!1 Mcm 0555A Supervision Mon. lead 7.00 6.65 Code Description Price Price 0570D Stand f<;>r Supervision !19.00 !17.55 0299G Panasonic KX-P1080 170.!10 161.69 0551 E Single Master Plinth 16.10 15.30 0311G Ke~ga KPS10 !151.15 !139.!16 0552E Single Plinth 1!1.65 1!1.0!1 0316G Taxan KP910 15" 410.37 389.85 0553F Double Plinth !13.00 !11.85 0319G Epson FX85 NlQ 361.00 349.60 0554A Memorex VDU Cleaner 4.65 4.41 0320D FX85 Tractor Feed 3!1.!10 30.59 0321 D FX85 Sheet Feeder 130.00 1!13.50 DISC DRIVES 0300G Brother HR15Xl Para 350.75 333.!11 0301G Brother HR15Xl Ser. 350.75 333.!11 0310G Juki 6100 Daisywheel 36!1.!15 344.14 Code Dacr!ptlon 0309F lbico l TR1 NlQ 105.16 99.90 0600F Cumana CSX100 40T 106.95 101.60 0303G Canon PJ10SOA col. 5!10.00 494.00 0610F Cumana CS100 40T 1!16.50 1!10.18 0308G Epson JX 80 colour 5!10.00 494.00 0601G Cumana CDX200 40T !115.00 !104.!15 0318G Epson HI SO Plotter 361.00 349.60 0602F Cumana CSX400 40/80T 14!1.60 135.47 0355A System Software Rom 40.00 31.00 0603F Cumana CS400 40/SOT 16!1.15 154.04 0400A Platten Cleaner Kit 6.44 6.1!1 0604G Cumana CDBOOS 40/SOT !186.35 !17!1.03 0401 A 2M Printer lead 1.00 7.60 0614F Cumana CS100E 118.45 11!1.53 0402A Epson FX/RXSO Ribbon 4.00 3.10 0615F Cumana CS400E 155.00 147.!15 0403A Epson FX/RX100 Ribbon 5.00 4.75 0222F Disc Starter Pack 163.00 154.85 0408A Canon/Taxan Ribbon 5.63 5.35 0611A Cumana Disk Guide 1.90 1.10 0409A Black Cart PJ10SOA 7.19 6.83 0622G Acorn 10MB Drive 1!150.00 1117.50 ISO-PASCAL Members £48.18 ISO•Pascal is a programming language that compiles to a compact intermediate code which is then interpreted and gives a performance superior to Basic without the need for the complexities of machine code. STAND ALONE GENERATOR Members £31.14 The Stand Alone Generator is a utility for use with the !SO-Pascal system. It enables you to pass your !SO-Pascal finished programs to users who do not have the language themselves. LOGO Members £48.18 Designed to introduce students to elementary programming techniques using a programmed screen "turtle" to create graphics displays. This is a full implementation of Logo. BCPL Members £47.52 An easy-to-learn, modern and highly structured language which provides the programmer with direct access to machine addresses and operators. Ideal tor low-level and system programming. Supplied on Rom and disc with 450 page manual. BCPL CALCULATIONS PACKAGE Members £32.78 Additional routines to add floating & fixed point mathematics to BCPL. BCPL STAND ALONE GENERATOR Members £41.39 A package to enable your BCPL programs to be used by others without the BCPL Rom. COMAL Members £39.88 A block-structured program similar to Pascal, but which is interpreted to facilitate fast program development. Comal assists structured programming techniques and it is therefore easier to maintain and debug your programs. MICRO PROLOG Members £71.01 A unique language where problems are expressed as a set of facts and rules that relate to those facts, rather than as a sequence of steps. Especially suitable for problem solving where the route to the solution is not clear. LISP Members £39.33 The fundamental list-processing language of artificial intelligence research. Its simple structure allows more flexibility in data and control structures. FORTH Members £36.60 A compiled language whose programs run up to five times faster than Basic. One the key featur:es of Forth is the ability to define new keywords, allowing you to create new Forth-based languages. FURTHER INFORMATION Send a large SAE for Acorn's colour catalogue describing these products in more detail. Panasonic KX-P1080 Only £170.20 Members £161.70 We are pleased to add a new dot matrix printer to our range, the KX-P1080 from Panasonic. It is a robust mid-range printer oHering a remarkable list of features at an amazing price. The printer is Epson compatible and features NLQ, High Resolution Graphics, Friction and Tractor Feed, Proportional Spacing, a 1K Built in BuHer, 40 User Definable Characters and has a print speed (bi-directional logic seeking) of 100 characters per second (24 cps NLQ). Supervision II Price £318.55 Members £302.62 This is an outstanding high resolution full colour monitor which Is competitively priced. It offers excellent resolution (635 x 312 lines) and is completely clear even In 80 column modes. Other features include on interlace on/oH facility which gives a steady screen even in mode 7 and a swltchoble text colour option which enables text to also be displayed In any of the following sto11d colours: green, amber, white on blue or inverse white. These ~ol11tor I E•trCI features ore particularly usefut for wordprocessing. ~ The Master _TURBO Members £ l13.05 The 65C102 "Tu-rbo" co-proce11sor is a highly desirable extension for serious users of the Master 128. It is available ex-stock and very easy to fit, simply plugging into your computer, no soldering is necessary. The effect upon your machine is an increase in memory and a boost in processing speed of up to 50% .
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