Top Ten Salesmen for the April 14 issue were 1) Kaaren Walling, 2) Mary Swee­ ney, 3) Nancy Keller , 4) Nancy Nemeth, 5) Sharon Null, 6) Nancy Singer, 7) Delia McKnight, 8) Vol. XXXIII, No. 23 James Whitcomb Riley High School, South Bend, Indiana Friday, April 21, 1961 Anne Messerly, 9) Andie Shuff, 10) Jan Starrett, Diane Reader, Peggy Wilson. Student Council votingbegins after assembly For!y ,s!udents make Top Attendance The six candidates for next her church youth group, and Rain- the float for the Riley-Washington all As totop honor These are the top five rooms in year's Student Council offices will bow. football game. She is also active II f d• • d percentage of attendance this pe­ present their views to the school Dick has been a member of the in her church youth group and in ro O gra 1ng per10 riod. 1. 303-lOth-97.65%; 2. 301 in an assembly this morning. The Council for two semesters. In ad- Rainbow. The end of the first nine weeks -9th-97.47%; 3. 106-9th- voting will begin immediately af- dition to his active participation in Secretary opponents of the second semester brings a 96.88%; 4. 317-12th-96.67%; 5. ter the assembly . various Student Council proJ·ects, Judy has been in the Council for new honor roll listing. In our sys ­ 108-12th-96.57%. The six candidates are Sharon he spends a great deal of time two semesters and has been the tem, an "A" is worth 4 points; a Csernits and Dick Wadsworth for worrking with the Audio-Visual chairman of several of its activi­ "B", 3 points; a "C", 2 points; and Jane Eyre president; Curt Wooley and Janet Club. Another of Dick's interests ties. She is a home room officer a "D", 1 point. Persons taking is the Drama Club, with which he and a Booster Club representative. four solids must have fourteen Next Thursd ay, April 27, Jane Burkholder for vice -president; and has helped in the production of Judy is also a member of her points, those taking five solids Eyre by Charlotte Bronte will be . Judy Arch and Nita Hawley for many plays. church youth group and choir and must have eighteen points , and presented on "Family Classics." secretary- treasurer. Vice-presiden t candidates is the Worthy Advisor elect of her those taking six solids must have This program will be seen locally The follow ing is a brief sum ­ Curt Wooley, candidate for vice­ Rainbow assembly. twenty-one points in order to on WSBT _-TV, Channel 22 from mary of the activities of each of president, has been in the Council make the honor roll. 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. Nita has been in the Council for the office-seekers. for two semest ers. Besides his in­ three years and has worked on the Listed below are the students who earned straight "A's". The Three-year D1e1Dber terest in Student Council work, Riley-Washington Roundup plans rest of the honor roll may be found Social Secudty Sharon 'h as been a member of Cur t is an officer in DeMolay, and and the AFS drive among other on third page. Each year as graduation ap­ the Council for three years, hav­ he is active in his church youth things. She is a member of the 24 POINTS proaches, many hundreds of stu­ ing served as secretary-treasurer group. He also is a member of the Booster Club board, a home room dents in this area will be seeking last year and presently serving as track and cross-country teams. officer, and a member of the Heo­ David Means and · David Rodi­ baugh. employment, many for the first vice-president. She has been ac­ Curt' s, opponent, Janet Burkhol­ sier Poet staff. time, and all will need a social se­ io POINTS tive in many of the Council's acti­ der, has been a member of the All of the candidates will tell curity account n um b e r card. Judy Areen, Mike Bayman , vities and has acted as chairman Student Council for two semesters. you more about themselves and Whether a student takes a summer Bruce BonDurant, Michon Eber­ for several of them. She also at­ During these two semesters, Janet their views in the assembly this job or a full or part-time regular hard, Michael Gallagher , Pam tended the Student Council Con­ has taken an active part in many morning. If your home room is not job, employers require the appli­ Hankinson , Pam Hutson, Dick vention this past year. In addition of the Council 's projects. Among going to the assembly, be sure and cant to have a social security ac­ Mahoney, Linda Mikel, Pat Miller, she is active in Hoosier Poet work, these are the AFS assembly, and have it piped into your room. count number. Any person apply­ Judy Martin, Becky Newhard, ing for the first time or needing a Georgia Polovina, Beverly Price, duplicate, should come to the dis­ Don Roelke, Rowland Rose , Rob­ trict office, 335 N. Lafayette Blvd ., Debatorswin honors Top regional winners European dancers do erta Shapiro, Cheryl Stahl, Nancy South Bend, Ind. Singer, Gordon Tolle, and Sharon inrounds ofcontests; loparticipate instate folk dance assembl y Van Der Hayden. 16 POINTS "Becoming a Student!" Mary Beth Allen, Mary Ann Dave Puterbaugh, Riley Class of final. roundscoming Achievement Contest for language classes Anderson , Ch rist ine B alough, '57 and senior at Pu rdue ) ha s an he first round of th P St. Joseph F o.llow;ng r Peill11al te!';ts hel d r.e­ Yesterday d-,.u.-ing :home room, Chei:y BoJle nbl'I Bru,.,.e~"..a"',,,_-o..,._'-' "' article in the Janua ry issue of the County Forensic Association's con­ cently, at Central, several Riley language students saw Bob and Carol Burkle , Johnette Frick , Ka- Purdue Engineer entitled "Becom­ test was held at Mishawaka High students have earned the right to Carlyn Galati perform European thy Krider, Mai Mark, Jim Nie - ing a Student." It would be worth School several weeks ago. This participate in the State Achieve­ folk dances representing a variety mann, Michael Olden, Steve Pal- your time to read this article in was an extemporaneous speaking ment Contests to be held at Indi­ of countries. mer, Steve Roberts, Connie Rich- the library. ana University on April 29. ards, Bill Scott, Russell Sparks, contest, in which Bruce Bon Dur ­ The Galatis wore native cos­ Th e studen ts will leave Friday, Sandy Vander Hagen, and Robert ant took first place. tu m es and danced to recorded mu­ Did you notice spend that evening in the dorms, Zakowski. sic of the various lan ds. The st ory that three Riley alumnae took April 12, the discussion part of and r eturn Satur day. of each danc e was t old beforehand, the first, second, and third place this contest was held at Washing ­ To qualify to go to the State thus giving the audience a better honors in the recent "Miss Safety BoosterDay, May 2, ton-Clay High School, and Steve Contests, the student had to score insight into foreign folk customs. Check" contest? They are Jeaif Coffman took first place. Last above a certain cut-off point. Such dances usually need to be Baichley , Sheryl Royer, and Ber­ Wednesday at ,Central High School Miss Elizabeth Murphy has an­ toba ck baseball and performed by specialists, but Bob nice Kerchaert, respectively. the third round of the debate took nounced that Pat Miller, Wayne Sieron, Judy: Areen, and David became interested in the art while place with varsity debators Steve he was traveling in Europe. He track teams,Hi-Times Coffman and Dave Rodibaugh, af­ Means will be eligible to partici­ The Senior Booster Club is plan­ pate in the Junior and Senior received much of his technique JuniorClass to hold firmative; and Bob Lerman and from the native dancers them­ ning a Booster Day, to boost the Burce BonDurant, negative; par­ Comprehensive Math, and Mike baseball team, the track team , and Gallagher , in the Algebra Section. selves.'Shangri-la' onticipating. the HI-TIMES. This Day will be Miss Edith Steele has announced Both Galatis are graduates of held on Tuesday, May 2, announce April 26, the next round of this that all eight seniors who took the the University of Minnesota, where the chairmen, Dee Goldberg and May6, inRiley gym debate series will be held at Cen­ regional English tests are qualified Bob was awarded his B.S. ·and Andie Shuff. tral, and the final round, the after­ to take the State tests. Going to Masters Degrees and where Carlyn Working with Dee and Andie Junior Class president, Dave received her B.A. The couple has Hendrix, announces that final dinner speaking contest, will be Indiana University next Saturday are the Booster Club officers, Nan­ will be Kathy Behrenbruch, Bruce performed for over 2,000 audi­ cy Shinneman, president; Dave plans are now being made for the held at the Sunny Italy Cafe on ences. Junior Prom. This year's Prom, May 3. Immediately after this BonDurant, Sara Leopold, David Simmons, vice-president; Trudy "Shangri-la," will be held Satur­ event, awards will be given to the Mossman, Kathy Krider, Georgia This assembly is being planned Kirkley, secretary; Judy Areen, day evening, May 6, from 9:00 to winning team and to the indivi­ Polovina, Nancy Singer, and Linda and arranged by Miss Edith Steele treasurer; and Kathy Hojnacki and 12:00 p.m.
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