Sunday, May 24 B = LIVE SPORTS MOVIES MOVIE PREMIERE EASTERN 4AM 4:30 5AM 5:30 6AM 6:30 7AM 7:30 8AM 8:30 9AM 9:30 10AM 10:30 11AM 11:30 CENTRAL 3AM 3:30 4AM 4:30 5AM 5:30 6AM 6:30 7AM 7:30 8AM 8:30 9AM 9:30 10AM 10:30 MOUNTAIN 2AM 2:30 3AM 3:30 4AM 4:30 5AM 5:30 6AM 6:30 7AM 7:30 8AM 8:30 9AM 9:30 PACIFIC 1AM 1:30 2AM 2:30 3AM 3:30 4AM 4:30 5AM 5:30 6AM 6:30 7AM 7:30 8AM 8:30 PREMIUM MOVIES ¨Penny VICE Desus & Beauty Shop ((6 (’05, (:15) Meet the Browns (( (’08, Comedy- Michael Jackson’s This Is It ((( (’09, Green Book (’18, SHO-E 318 Dreadful Mero Comedy) Queen Latifah ‘PG-13’ Drama) Tyler Perry, Angela Bassett ‘PG-13’ Documentary) Michael Jackson, Orianthi ‘PG’ Comedy-Drama) ‘PG-13’ SHO-W 319 ¨Billions Billions Billions Beg, Bribe, Bully Penny Dreadful: City VICE Desus Beauty Shop ((6 (’05) ‘PG-13’ (:15) Meet the Browns (’08) Tyler Perry ‘PG-13’ (:15) Sleepless in Seattle (((6 (’93, Anaconda ( (’97, Suspense) The Sixth Sense ((( (’99, Suspense) (:20) Rudy ((( (’93, Drama) (:15) Clear and Present SHO2-E 320 Romance-Comedy) Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan ‘PG’ Jennifer Lopez, Ice Cube ‘PG-13’ Bruce Willis, Haley Joel Osment ‘PG-13’ Sean Astin, Ned Beatty ‘PG’ Danger (’94) ‘PG-13’ ¨The Sixth (:35) Dan in Real Life ((( (:15) Ophelia (’18, Drama) Daisy Ridley, (:15) Chicago (((6 (’02, Musical) Catherine (:15) Basketball (:15) Varsity Blues (’99, SHOS-E 321 Sense (’99) (’07, Romance-Comedy) ‘PG-13’ Naomi Watts ‘PG-13’ Zeta-Jones, Renée Zellweger ‘PG-13’ County: In the Water Comedy-Drama) ‘R’ ¨ (( (((( ((( ((( SHOWTIME The Punisher (’04, Action) Rocky (’76, Drama) Sylvester Bull Durham (’88, Romance- Charlie’s Angels (’00, (:10) Charlie’s Angels: SHOX-E 322 Thomas Jane, John Travolta ‘R’ Stallone, Talia Shire ‘PG’ Comedy) Kevin Costner, Susan Sarandon ‘R’ Action) Cameron Diaz ‘PG-13’ Full Throttle (’03) SHOB 323 ¨Primal Rage (’18, Horror) ‘R’ Last Seen in Idaho (’18, Crime Drama) ‘NR’ SuperGrid (’18, Action) ‘NR’ (:15) The Isle (’18, Horror) Conleth Hill ‘PG-13’ The Rocketeer (’91) TMC-E 327 ¨Species II (:45) Bran Nue Dae (’09) ‘PG-13’ (:10) New Order: Decades (:40) David Bowie: Finding Fame (:15) Phil (’19, Comedy-Drama) Greg Kinnear ‘R’ Bridget Jones’s Diary TMCX-E 328 ¨The Appearance (’18, Horror) ‘NR’ (:25) Jenny’s Wedding (( (’15) Anywhere With You (’18) ‘NR’ Bran Nue Dae (’09) ‘PG-13’ The Prince & Me (’04, Romance-Comedy) ‘PG’ FLIX-E 333 ¨S.W.A.T. You Better Watch Out (’80) ‘R’ (:15) The Heart Specialist (’06) Wood Harris ‘R’ Samuel A. Christie Election ((( (’99, Comedy) ‘R’ (:45) Peggy Sue Got Married (’86) ¨Scent of a Woman (((6 (:35) Forrest Gump (((( (’94, Comedy-Drama) Tom Dad ((( (’89, Comedy-Drama) Jack Dances With Wolves (((( (’90, Historical ENCR-E 340 (’92, Drama) Al Pacino ‘R’ Hanks, Robin Wright ‘PG-13’ Lemmon, Ted Danson ‘PG’ Drama) Kevin Costner, Mary McDonnell ‘PG-13’ ¨Black and Blue (4:59) The Place Beyond the Pines ((( (’12, Crime (:21) Holmes & Watson (6 (’18, (8:53) Legally Blonde 2: Red, (:29) Black and Blue ((6 (’19, STARZ-E 350 (’19, Suspense) ‘R’ Drama) Ryan Gosling, Bradley Cooper ‘R’ Comedy) Will Ferrell ‘PG-13’ White & Blonde (’03) ‘PG-13’ Suspense) Naomie Harris ‘R’ STARZ-W 351 ¨Vida (:36) The Forgotten (’04) ‘PG-13’ (:09) Black and Blue ((6 (’19, Suspense) ‘R’ (7:59) The Place Beyond the Pines (’12, Crime Drama) ‘R’ (:21) Holmes & Watson (6 (’18) (:05) Outlander Dragonfly in (:36) Outlander The (:33) Outlander (:31) Outlander All (:32) Outlander Of Lost (:34) Outlander (:31) Outlander A. Malcolm Jamie STRZED 352 Amber Battle Joined Surrender Debts Paid Things Freedom & Whisky and Claire finally reunite. STARZ ¨The Constant Gardener ((( (’05, (:05) A Beautiful Mind (((6 (’01, Biography) Russell (:23) Coraline (’09, Children’s) (:06) Ferrari: Race to Immortality (:39) The STRZCI 353 Drama) Ralph Fiennes, Rachel Weisz ‘R’ Crowe, Ed Harris ‘PG-13’ Voices of Dakota Fanning ‘PG’ (’17, Documentary) ‘NR’ Seagull STRZCO 354 ¨All About Steve ( (’09) ‘PG-13’ (:40) Mamma Mia! (’08) Meryl Streep ‘PG-13’ (:31) Night at the Museum ((6 (’06) ‘PG’ Night at the Museum Napoleon Dynamite STRZIB 355 ¨Escape Room (’19, Horror) ‘PG-13’ (:36) The Walking Dead (’95) ‘R’ (:07) The Bounce Back (’16) ‘PG-13’ (8:53) Another 48 HRS. (’90) ‘R’ Amistad (’97, Historical Drama) ‘R’ STRZKF 356 ¨The Sorcerer’s Apprentice (’10) (:44) Nanny McPhee Returns ((6 (’10) ‘PG’ (:35) My Fair Madeline (8:51) Bears (’14) ‘G’ American Girl: Isabelle Dances ¨Like (:35) America (:15) Air Strike (’18, War) Bruce Willis, (6:55) Elvis (:45) Transformers: Dark of the Moon (( (’11, Action) Shia (:25) (:15) Warrior (’11, EPIX 380 Crazy (’11) Divided Ye Liu Goes There LaBeouf, Josh Duhamel Belgravia Action) Joel Edgerton EPIX2 381 ¨Peanut Butter Tom Papa: HM (:05) Love & Mercy ((( (’14, Biography) Personal (:40) Rocketman (’19, Musical) Taron Egerton (:45) Creed II ((( (’18, Drama) EPIXH 382 ¨Foxfire (’96, Drama) (:15) The Whistle Blower (’87, Suspense) Deck the Halls (’11, Mystery) The Hustle (6 (’19, Comedy) (:05) What Men Want (’19, Romance-Comedy) ¨Molly (’99, Drama) (:10) Strategic Air Command (’55, Adventure) (:05) Mortdecai (’15, Comedy) Johnny Depp (8:55) Up in the Air (’09, Comedy-Drama) League-Own EPIXDREPIX 292 AMERICA’S TOP PROGRAMMING A&E 118 Paid Programs Hoarders Hoarders Hoarders Hoarders Hoarders AHC 195 Mafia’s Greatest Hits The Mob’s Assassin Project Nazi Project Nazi Project Nazi Project Nazi Project Nazi Project Nazi AMC 131 ¨Cocktail (’88, Romance) (:05) Line of Duty Cocktail ((6 (’88, Romance) Tom Cruise The Godfather, Part III (((6 (’90, Crime Drama) Al Pacino, Diane Keaton APL 184 The Zoo: Bronx Tales The Zoo Northwest Law Northwest Law Northwest Law Northwest Law North Woods Law North Woods Law AXSTV 167 ¨Legends Legends Paid Programs A Life on the Road Legends 50Plus The Big Interview Van Morrison: San Francisco Jazz Center BBCA 135 Planet Earth: Blue Planet Earth: Blue Hidden Planet Earth: Blue Planet Earth: Blue Planet Earth: Blue Knowing (( (’09, Science Fiction) Nicolas Cage BET 124 Paid Programs BET Inspiration Payne Payne Payne Payne Martin Martin Martin Martin BOUNCE 359 ¨The Cookout (’04) Off-Chain Off-Chain OJ25 OJ25 One/One One/One Bernie Mac Bernie Mac In the Cut Family The Game The Game BRAVO 129 Paid Programs TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA BUZZR 245 Body Lang. Body Lang. Sharks Sharks Paid Programs Rescue Press Luck Press Luck Match Gm. CIHD 249 Crime 360 Full House Crime 360 Paid Programs City Confidential City Confidential City Confidential City Confidential CMT 166 CMT Music CMT Music CMT Music CMT Music CMT Music Hot 20 Countdown CNBC 208 Jay Leno’s Garage Jay Leno’s Garage Options Paid Programs Paid Prog. CNN 200 CNN Newsroom Live (N) CNN Newsroom Live (N) New Day Weekend New Day Weekend Inside Politics (N) State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS (N) Reliable Source COM 107 South Park South Park Paid Programs Parks Parks The Office The Office The Office (:45) The Office The Office The Office The Office COMET 289 Paid Programs Paid Programs Mystery Science Theater 3000 Eegah! COOK 113 Paid Programs Unique Unique Unique Unique Unique Unique Man, Food Man, Food Man, Food Man, Food DISC 182 Moonshiners Moonshiners Seasons Saltwater Local Know Into Saltwater Sportsman Naked and Afraid XL Naked and Afraid XL Naked and Afraid XL DFC 179 Pictureka! Scrabble Blazing GI Joe Hanazuki Transform Transform Littlest Pet Puppies Pirata Monsters Pac-Man LittlePony LittlePony My Little Pony: Rainbow DISN-E 172 Liv-Mad. Raven Raven Big City Ladybug Ladybug Owl Hse. Owl Hse. Big City Big City Big City Big City Raven Raven Raven Raven DIY 111 Paid Prog. Landscapes Paid Programs Building Off the Grid Building Off the Grid Building Off the Grid Building Off the Grid Building Off the Grid ENCR-W 341 ¨Showgirls ( (’95, Drama) ‘NC-17’ (5:56) Scent of a Woman (’92, Drama) Al Pacino ‘R’ (:35) Forrest Gump (’94, Comedy-Drama) Tom Hanks ‘PG-13’ Dad ((( (’89) ‘PG’ EWESTN 342 ¨A Fistful of Dollars ‘R’ (4:56) Rustlers’ Valley (5:58) For a Few Dollars More (’65, Western) ‘R’ Marshal of Gunsmoke (:12) Renegade Trail (:11) Gun Fever (’58, Western) ‘NR’ HiredHnd EACTN 343 ¨Tank (’84, Comedy-Drama) ‘PG’ (:44) The Grey (’12, Adventure) Liam Neeson ‘R’ (:44) The Dark (’05, Horror) Maria Bello ‘R’ Master and Commander: The Far Side The Jackal ESUSP 344 Drag Me to Hell (’09) ‘PG-13’ (:40) Dressed to Kill (’46) ‘NR’ (6:53) Into the Grizzly Maze (’14) (:24) Sicario: Day of the Soldado (’18) ‘R’ (:28) They Live (’88) Roddy Piper ‘R’ EBLACK 345 ¨Hard Target (’93) ‘R’ (:05) Hotel Rwanda (’04, Drama) ‘PG-13’ (:09) Boomerang (( (’92, Comedy) ‘R’ (:08) Bulworth ((( (’98, Comedy-Drama) ‘R’ (10:58) Talk to Me (’07) ECLASS 346 ¨Virus (6 (’99) ‘R’ (4:50) The Favor (( (’94) ‘R’ (:32) Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (’10) (:29) Definitely, Maybe ((( (’08) ‘PG-13’ (:23) Coogan’s Bluff (’68) ‘R’ EFAMLY 347 ¨Zookeeper (:36) Inspector Gadget’s Last Case (5:50) Snowtime! (’15) (:13) Robots (’05, Children’s) ‘PG’ (:44) Zookeeper (’11, Comedy) Kevin James ‘PG’ (:27) The Frog Prince (’86) ‘NR’ EWTN 261 EWTN Live 05/20/20 Prophesy Decision R. Caeli Messiah St. Michael Rosary Sunday Mass Bookmark Pro-Life At Home Vaticano Rosary FETV 82 Sergeant Sergeant Lassie Worship Perry Stone Love Worth Truths That Jeremiah Perry Stone In Touch Tombstone Tombstone Tombstone Tombstone Tombstone Masterson FNC 205 The Greg Gutfeld Show Fox Report FOX and Friends Sunday (L) Maria Bartiromo MediaBuzz (L) FOOD 110 Paid Programs Giada Brunch at Contessa Valerie’s Pioneer Pioneer Pioneer Pioneer Girl-Farm Valerie’s 140 ¨ = Program already in progress; (N) = New program/episode; # = Letterbox Format; 5 = Critique.
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