15, 1917« PAGE TWO the JEFFERSONIAN Thursday, March Pope's law, enforced by Inquisitors, “History of Ancient Mr. Dague quotes from Mrs. Child: The In my slew these innocent people. to I went over all that (replying AVindle) Lydia Maria Child, in her “History of Women,” the Lutherans and Calvinists, demonstrated how the Roman It is true that ground, and says: been reared and educated as Roman- deposed Woman from her were in deep disgrace; it was* every- who had Catholic Church “Women its, could not at once free themselves from, estate, and kept her down for centuries. where reiterated from the pulpit that woman high expulsion Paradise, and ought which they had grown up; booklet, in caused man’s from all the beliefs in In that advertised elsewhere by Christians as one of the greatest why they per- cited, and to be shunned and hence we can understand this paper, my authorities are book temptations of Satan.” delusion. me are the sisted in the witchcraft page: and the authorities used by that recognized standard historians. Lydia Maria was referring to the Dark Besides, the Old Testament does teach uses words, ’’Woman un- Roman Catholic pulpits. there are —or were —'-witches and wizards. Where Leckey the Ages, and to familiar ex- der Christianity.*' he means Roman Catholic The Romanist priests who preached that (The witch of Endor is a Christianity. doctrine are named in my booklet, ’’Ancient ample.) Protestantism made no laws against Wo- Civilization.’’ And the Old Testament say, “Thou man: bm. on the contrary, beginning with the Nobody ever heard such rot uttered in a shalt stiffer no witch to live.” jelease of nuns from convents (one of whom Protestant pulpit. Men are slow to disbelieve any of the state-* Luther married) and with Womans right to Mr. Dague quotes again: ments made by the Jews in their Old I esta- Divorce. Protestantism Legau the Emancipa- ment, even though said statements almost The whole church, both Catholic and Protest- tion, II Oman. raise the roof. of ant, was fired with a holy zeal to destroy the cling to Mr. Hague further says: kingdom of the devil. All over Europe myriads Lots of Protestants still fondly of perished in the most excruciating Samson's Jonah's lish, Christianity passed laws under which women noble women Balaam's ass, foxes, the clergy said that they were, no property; she could not control agonies because and similar stories. could own agents of' In Germany, thef, body. She was not allowed to give testi- witches or Satan. “Extraordinary Popular Delusions” is the her own had 7,000 women burned at Treves. Sixj mony in courts; she was to all intents and pur- Church hundred were by a single bishop at Bam-, name of a standard work by Dr. Charles poses an abject slave. The church taught that burned berg. Wuerzburg, were put to death in a of the highest standing, no sin, and as they 7 taught At 800 Mackay, scholar j riests could commit Italy, burned alive had no souls, they became grossly one year. In the Church whose book came out in 1892. mat women 1,000 in one year. In Geneva, 500 were jcentious. The historian says that the peasants, women i He deals fully with “The Witch Mania.” burned in three months. In France, one judge i.,r protection of their wives and daughters, ¦ “Bamberg, Treves, the Nancy sentenced to death 800 witches in six- ' He says, on page 159, that 5 nally compelled the clergy to keep concubines, of teen years. At Toulouse, 400 women —wives, Cologne, Paderborn, and Wurzburg were the ;nd nunneries were established. Women were i mothers, daughters—were taken out into a pub- Catholic) commis- awarded as the legitimate prey of priests, and ¦ chief seats of the (Roman lie square, chained to stakes and burned to ashes ; VII.) who, i < h men especially. sioners (named by Pope Innocent in a single execution, by order of the Christian to the (so-called.) The jzeal to burn women during their lives alone, condemned ’ church What brand of “Christianity did all that? witches raged with fearful intensity, in Protestant stake, on a very moderate calculation, upwards The very words of the text show that it was Scotland and England. A historian says: ‘The of 3,000 victims.” were, if possible, more intensely /. '>utan Catholicism. Protestants Dreadful enough, God knows, but very far earnest than the Catholics in searching for vic- Mr. Dague. i'he Protestant churches had to combat the tims.’ Martin Luther said: ‘I would have no short of the statements quoted by i rejudices, the education, and the environ- compassion on these witches. I would burn them Dr. Mackay does not say that “7,000 nt made by Popery: hence the legislative all.’ The Rev. John Wesley, the father of the women were burned in Treves and I would was and Methodist Church, said: ‘The giving up a belief respectable author, ogress of the Reformation arduous ” really like to know what in witchcraft is in effect giving up the Bible.’ * <.\v, but every privilege and right that names that incredible number. uman now enjoys she owes to the Protestant Did Mr. Dague go to the trouble to investi- The Protestant Elector of Brandenburg was 1- formation. gate any of these charges ? the first ruler to forbid torture, and to de- dr. Dague quotes again: If so, which ones? nounce the witch delusion. The Protestant state Geneva was the government to dr. Gauvin says: “The Protestant Reforma- Is he in the habit of accepting statements of first a religious murders. t < i effected little or no improvement in the con- because he sees them in a book? prut stop to these , to ion of women. It found her an ignorant, de- ‘’AH over Europe myriads of noble women The Roman Catholic church still clings ; slave, and left her where she was. The tided perished in the most excruciating agonies be- the delusion, and there is a record of one of . formers held inflexibly to the Christian doctrine her victims, done to death in her Italian dun- < essential inferiority. cause the clergy said they were witches.” woman’s Protestantism the 18th cen- nd the women of England suffering under the Does Mr. Dague believe that? geons, in the closing years of st odious burdens of wretchedness and slavery. “Myriads," means, batches of ten thousands. tury. - Dry VIII., founded the Episcopal Church, of who Does Mr. Dague believe that groups con- I refer to Cagliostro, the Mason, accused . used a law to be enacted forbidding women to “black magic,” by the Pope's Inquisition at icad the Bible,” sisting of 10.000 women “all over Europe,” were tortured and killed, in the word of the Rome. him in 1791. If Protestantism did not emancipate AVo- clergy ? The Jesuits buried alive (See “Cagliostro,” by AV. R. H. Trowbridge, i :-n. how did she gain what she now holds? The truth in this case, is bad enough, with- & London, 1910.)- Who did it. if Protestants did not? out exaggeration: and the truth can be found publishers, Chapman Hall, Rome’s law forbids her to divorce the in any of the Standard Encyclopedias. Mr. Dague continues to quote: drunken, licentious brute who may be mak- For convenience, I will cite the well-known Editors The witchcraft craze extended to America, and i; g her home a hell on earth. “United Encyclopedia and Dic- many women were executed here as witches. The Rome's law forbids her to exercise her own tionary." clergy of all Europe and America were the last to x ill in the education of her child. ATI. 40, treats the subject of ITitchcraft, yield to the voice of reason and to the voice of Rome's law compels her to allow a vile and traces it. not only to the old Mosaic Law, humanity. It has been estimated by historians that about nine millions of women were put to i ichelor priest to defile her, as often as he but. to the Roman law of the Twelve Tables. death, mostly by burning, by sanction of and at j leases, with the lewd questions of “Saint’’ It was Pope Innocent VIII. who in 1484, the command of the Catholic and Protestant I fonso Liguori. loosed the bloodhounds of the Roman Cath- Churches. Mr. Gauvin says: “So frequent were Does Rome's law improve on the Apostle olic Inquisition against the so-called witches, the executions that for centuries it was a rare event in some parts of Europe for an old woman ? and torture to compel i'aul’s used confessions. to die in*bed. Thousands of women in trembling Do the Catholic women speak out in the The Papal edict of 1484 was afterwards fear of accusation lost their reason, and tens of ; ‘atholic cuurehes ? strengthened and enforced by Pope Alexan- thousands Committed suicide.” Do thm/ rote for pastor? der VI. in 1494. and by Leo X. in 1521, four Can they have a Bible, at their home, to years after Lather had started the Reforma- Really, I feel my mind beginning to ooze *ai(l for themselves? tion. away. Gauvin says that Henry VIII. forbade “The results were dreadful,” says the En- “Rare event for an old woman to die in '.omen to read the Scriptures: doesn’t he cyclopedia : “a panic fear of witchcraft took bed!” 1 now that Henry VIII. lived and died a strict possession of society; every one was at the Good Lord! Does Brother Dague swallow, ( 'atholic ? mercy of his neighbor.” lumps that big, without stopping to masti- The Roman Church bitterly opposed But where? cate? Does he bolt his literature? Bible in English; and bitterly opposed the Tn the Papal courts, where the Roman In- Seems so.
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