The Planning Act 2008 (as amended) South Hook Combined Heat and Power Plant Examining Authority’s Report of Findings and Conclusions and Recommendation to the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change Jonathan Green Examining Authority Report to the Secretary of State on the South Hook Combined Heat and Power Plant 1 This page intentionally left blank Report to the Secretary of State on the South Hook Combined Heat and Power Plant 1 Examining Authority’s findings and conclusions and recommendation in respect of South Hook Combined Heat and Power Plant File Ref E010054 This application for a development consent order by QPI Global Ventures Limited, dated 31 May 2013, was made under section 37 of the Planning Act 2008 and was received by The Planning Inspectorate on 31 May 2013. The proposed development comprises a combined heat and power plant burning natural gas with a maximum output of 500 MWe. Heat generated in the plant would be used in the neighbouring liquid natural gas (LNG) terminal to vaporise LNG. The application was accepted for examination on 26 June 2013 and the Preliminary Meeting was held on 23 October 2103. The Examination of the application was completed on 23 April 2014. Summary of Recommendation: The Examining Authority recommends that the Secretary of State should make the Order in the form attached as Appendix 4. Report to the Secretary of State on the South Hook Combined Heat and Power Plant 1 Section Contents 1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................... 3 2 MAIN FEATURES OF THE PROPOSAL AND SITE ................................. 6 3 LEGAL AND POLICY CONTEXT ...................................................... 15 4 FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS IN RELATION TO POLICY AND FACTUAL ISSUES .................................................................................... 24 PRINCIPAL ISSUES IN THE EXAMINATION ....................................... 24 EMISSIONS .......................................................................... 28 NOISE ................................................................................ 32 TERRESTRIAL ECOLOGY ............................................................ 35 HEALTH AND SAFETY ............................................................... 37 TRANSPORT .......................................................................... 39 SOCIO-ECONOMIC IMPACTS ....................................................... 43 SEASCAPE, LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL IMPACT ................................... 46 MAJOR DEVELOPMENT IN A NATIONAL PARK .................................... 57 CARBON CAPTURE AND STORAGE ................................................. 65 5 FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS IN RELATION TO HABITATS REGULATIONS .......................................................................... 70 6 DRAFT DEVELOPMENT CONSENT ORDER ...................................... 84 7 SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................. 94 Appendices Contents APPENDIX 1: EXAMINATION LIBRARY ............................................... 1 APPENDIX 2: EVENTS IN THE EXAMINATION ................................... 10 APPENDIX 3: LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .......................................... 15 APPENDIX 4: RECOMMENDED DEVELOPMENT CONSENT ORDER ........ 20 Report to the Secretary of State on the South Hook Combined Heat and Power Plant 2 ERRATA SHEET – South Hook Combined Heat & Power Station - Ref. EN010054 Examining authority’s Report of Findings and Conclusions and Recommendation to the Secretary of State for the Department of Energy and Climate Change, dated 23 July 2014. Corrections agreed by the Examining Authority prior to a decision being made Page No. Paragraph Error Correction 18 3.7 The Carbon Capture The Carbon Capture Readiness (Electricity Readiness (Electricity Generating Stations) Generating Stations) Regulations 2013 (the CCR Regulations 2013 (the CCR Regulations) provide that Regulations) provide that the Secretary of State may the Secretary of State may not grant a DCO for not grant a DCO for combustion plant with a combustion plant with a rated output of 300 MW or rated output of 300 MW or more unless he determines more unless he has that the CCR conditions are determined whether the met. CCR conditions are met. 67 4.191 The CCR Regulations The CCR Regulations provide that the Secretary provide that the Secretary of State may not grant a of State may not grant a DCO for a combustion plant DCO for a combustion plant with a rated output of 300 with a rated output of 300 MW or more unless he MW or more unless he has determines that the 'CCR determined whether the conditions' are met. 'CCR conditions' are met. 89 6.25 Requirement 15 Requirement 16 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 This application for a development consent order (DCO) for the South Hook Combined Heat and Power Plant was submitted by QPI Global Ventures Limited (the applicant) on 31 May 2013. The application was formally accepted on 26 June 2013 under the provisions of section 55 of the Planning Act 2008 (as amended) (PA 2008). 1.2 The application is for a Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plant (the CHP plant) burning natural gas with a maximum output of 500 MWe. As such it is a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) as defined in section 14(1)a and section 15 of PA 2008. Heat generated in the plant would be used in the neighbouring Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) Terminal to vaporise LNG. A connection to the national electricity grid would be necessary to export electricity generated but that would be the subject of a separate application. 1.3 The application is Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) development as defined by Regulation 2(1) of The Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2009 (as amended). It was accompanied by an Environmental Statement (ES) which in my view complies with these Regulations. The ES (APP-018 - APP-064) was compiled following consultation on an earlier Scoping Report (PD-004) and takes into account the views of the Secretary of State set out in a Scoping Opinion published in July 2012 (PD-003).1 1.4 Following acceptance of the application I, an Examining Inspector with the Planning Inspectorate, was appointed as Examining Authority (ExA) on 28 August 2013 to carry out the Examination of the application. 1.5 The application has been examined under the provisions of PA 2008 and The Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010 (as amended) (EPR). The accepted application was advertised by the applicant and 32 relevant representations were received from interested parties (IP). 1.6 On 26 September 2013 I gave notice of the Preliminary Meeting to be held in Milford Haven on 23 October 2013 and issued an initial assessment of principal issues that I expected to consider during the Examination with a draft timetable for the Examination (DEC- 004). On 30 October 2013 I issued the timetable for the Examination, a revised list of issues to be addressed and my first set of written questions and requests for information (DEC-005). 1 References such as APP-018 and PD-003 are to documents submitted by the applicant, statutory bodies and interested parties. These are listed in full in the Examination Library set out at Appendix 1. Report to the Secretary of State on the South Hook Combined Heat and Power Plant 3 A second round of questions was issued later in the Examination (DEC-006)and a number of additional questions and requests for information were also issued (DEC-007, 008, 011). 1.7 Local Impact Reports (LIR) were received from the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority (PCNPA) (REP-018) and Pembrokeshire County Council (PCC) (REP-019). 1.8 On 15 January 2014 I held an Issue Specific Hearing (ISH) on local environmental issues. An Open Floor Hearing (OFH) was requested and was held on 5 March 2014 and a further ISH on the draft DCO and LIR issues was held on 6 March 2014. 1.9 I carried out an accompanied site visit on 14 January 2014 during which I visited the application site, a number of locations in the vicinity from which the proposed development would be visible and local roads that would be used by construction traffic. I also made unaccompanied site visits to other locations from where the application site is visible. A full list of events in the Examination is set out in Appendix 2. 1.10 In addition to the DCO the proposed development will require an environmental permit controlling emissions to air and water. An application for this permit was submitted to Natural Resources Wales (NRW) by the applicant on 22 October 2013 and was deemed by NRW to be 'duly made' on 12 November 2013 (REP- 009). 1.11 The proposed development would be likely to have a significant effect on a number of European sites as defined in Regulation 3 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 (the Habitats Regulations 2010) and therefore an appropriate assessment of the implications for any European sites will need to be carried out by the Secretary of State.2 To assist the Secretary of State a Report on the Implications for European Sites (RIES) has been prepared (REP-047). 1.12 As noted above the development would require a connection to the national grid in order to export electricity. This does not form part of the current application and would be the subject of separate consenting procedures depending on the nature of the proposed connection. Nonetheless consideration is given to the grid connection in this report in so far as this is relevant to the assessment of environmental issues
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