W H E N M O T H E R L E T S U S C O O K A BOOK OF SIMPLE RECEIPTS FOR LITTLE FOLK WITH IMPORTAN T COOKIN G RULES IN RHY ME TOGETHER WITH HAN DY LISTS OF THE MATERIALS AN D U N SI S N EEDED FOR THE P EP TE L , R ARATION OF EACH DISH B y CON STAN CE $ OH N SON ILLUS TRATED NEW Y ORK F AT ARD PA MO F , Y COM NY 1919 Co p yrig ht. 1908. by N EW Y ORK All rig i d$ reserved Published. Sep tember. 1908 e rmted a 1909 R p , M y, Re rint ed ecember 1 909 p , D , ourth Printin N ove mber 1910 F g, , n n ar h 1 1 5 N i nth Pri ti g, M c , 9 Tenth Printin ebruar 1916 g, F y, le venth n E Pu ting. May, 1 917 1 9 1 9 e nig ma TABLE OF CON TEN TS RE CE IPTS $ For chafing- dish or saucep an) BOILED EGGS BOILED RICE $ ELLY WARM -O$ ER CREAM SAUCE SCRAM BLED E GGS APPLE SAUCE STEWED FRUITS CURLYLOCKS PUDDING SWEET OM ELET CEREAL CAKES PAN CAKES BAKED STEWED PEARS BAK IN G RECEIPTS BAKED P OTATOES BAKED APPLES N EST EGGS TAPIOCA PUDDING SCALLOPED FISH RICE PUDDING CUP CUSTARD CH ICKEN CUSTARD BROWN BETTY TABLE OF CON TENTS MEAT LOAF BIRTH DAY CAK E ’ HILDA S JOHNNY CAK E BLUEBERRY MUFFINS ’ KATY S GINGERBREAD GINGERBREAD PUDDING TEA- PARTY BISCUIT SATURDAY COOKIES USEFUL ODDS AN D ENDS SCHOOL SAN DWICHES FAIRY SALAD LEM ONADE COTTAGE CHEESE CLAM BROTH BEEF TEA MILK TOAST BLACKBERRY BREAD ANGEL HAS H MOCK WINE JELLY TEA COCOA POPCORN BALLS POPCORN PATTIES CANDIED ORANGE-PEEL RAINY-DAY FUDGE MOLASSES CANDY PEPPERMINTS TABLE OF CONTENTS RULE S THINGS TO HA$ E ’ WITCH S TES T READY RULE THINGS TO REM EM BER WAITIN G RULE SPOONF ULS AND CUPFULS S TRAW TEST WETS AND DRYS O$ EN DOORS SIFTING AN D STIRRING BREAD AN D BUTTER RULE PS AND OS SIM M ERING RULE RULE FOR SER$ ING COLD BOILING RULE CANDY RULE MEAT LOAF BIRTH DAY CAK E ’ HILDA S JOHNN Y CAKE BLUEBERRY MUFFINS ’ KATY S GINGERBREAD GINGERBREAD PUDDING TEA- PARTY BISCUIT SATURDAY COOKI ES USEFUL ODDS AN D ENDS UUN KET SCHOOL SAN DWI CHES FAIRY SALAD LEM ONADE COTTAGE CHEESE CLAM BROTH BEEF TEA MILK TOAST BLACKBERRY BREAD MOCK WINE JELLY TEA COCOA POPCORN BALLS POPCORN PATTIES CANDIED ORANGE-PEEL RAINY-DAY FUDGE MOLASSES CANDY TABLE OF CONTENTS RULE S THINGS TO HA$ E ’ WITCH S TES T READY RULE THINGS TO REMEM BER WAITING RULE SPOONFULS AND CUPFULS S TRAW TEST WETS AND DRYS O$ E N DOORS SIFTING AND STIRRING BREAD AND BUTTER RULE PS AND OS SIM M ERING RULE RULE FOR SER$ ING COLD BOILING RULE CANDY RULE PRE FACE To make something that we can ea t $ S urely it is wa s de h fu to do s and ne e al y lig t l thi , v r quite so nice $ a s when is s o rm da and one is $ it a t y y, well ten or l M twelve years o d. y a im ha s been to give in this e ok few s m e ru es and rece s w c ma littl bo a i pl l ipt , hi h y er e a s e nnin and e sm ks s v a b gi g, h lp all fol to have th eir fun witho ut troubling mother and the cook too much $ yet I trust that these directions may p rove u seful to them even when they are grown-up house kee ers p . The selection is made with a $ iew to economy and ’ s e a child di t . WHEN M OTHER LETS Us COOK 1 THINGS TO HA$ E T ablespoons, teaspoons, measuring cup, Bowls , plates , knives, all polished up . E - i i i gg beater, lift ng kn fe, bak ng tin, - - - in Sauce pans, bread board, rolling p $ A - i chafin - i double bo ler, a g d sh, ' ’ A S i wooden poon I know you ll w sh . S A flour ifter, a cutter, too $ ’ S i s A clock to how when the cook ng through . An apron to do the cooking in, And hands scrubbed clean before you begin $ 2 WHEN MOTHER LETS U S COOK THE WITCH’S TEST Put eggs in cold water to test them for food . if S If they float they are bad, they ink they are good . And some people say that an egg is all right If you hold it up close to a flame that is bright And look through it endwise and still see a light . WHEN MOTHER LETS Us COOK 3 BOILED EGGS Fresh eggs Saucepan Boiling water N ever boil eggs that are not perfectly fresh $ cook them some other way . S i Put your fresh eggs, with their hells on, nto a deep saucepan . Fill the saucepan with water that is actually li boi ng, and see that the eggs are covered . Take the pan from the stove and cover it . It ma y be brought to the dining room table, and the eggs will cook until you are ready to eat them . Boiled eggs are better cooked in water that does not continue to boil $ but be sure that the is il n fi water bo i g hard, when rst poured over the eggs . Three minutes will be enough for soft boiled fi . eggs , fteen for hard Serve at once in a covered dish, or wrapped in i a clean table napk n . 4 WHEN MOTHER LETS U S COOK BOILED RICE 1 cup ri ce Measuring cup 3 quarts boiling Sieve water Teaspoon 1 teaspoonful salt Deep saucepan Fork Measure 1 CUp Of rice . Pick it over care fully S O that there will be no yellow grains or in Specks of dirt left it . Then put the ri ce into a sieve or strainer and wash it . You can do this under the kitchen fau cet or by pouring a pitcherful of cold water over i the r ce . Put 3 quarts of hot water into a deep sauce .pan on the stove $ the pan should have a cover) and when the water boils pour in the rice very s 1 lowly, and add teaspoonful of salt Stir it a few times with a fork and then put i the cover on the pan , and let the r ce boil hard for about twenty minutes , or until it is soft . Try a little with a fork when you think it is done . Drain the water Off by pouring rice and all into your sieve . i e This is the best way to cook r c . WHEN MOTHER LETS U S COOK MILK RULE For cookin g milk two rules I tell S O Milk quickly burns, stir it well $ Or cook it in a double pot dl It cur es where the stove s too hot . WHEN MOTHER LETS U s COOK 7 CREAM SAUCE FOR ALL SORTS OF THINGS 1 tablespoonful flour Saucepan or chafing 1 tablespoonful but dish ter Spoon 1 cupful milk Measuring cup 1 teaspoonful salt teaspoonful pep per P 1 ut tablespoonful of butter into a saucepan, and put the saucepan on the stove . When the butter is melted add 1 tablespoonful Of flour . Stir every minute, for it burns easily . When the butter and flour are frothy and well 1 Of mi mixed, pour in cup lk or cream, drop by i drop , stirring w th the other hand . D O no this quickly, but be very careful t to let i any lumps form $ the stirring is to prevent th s, and also to keep the sauce from burning . t 1 tea Cook it ill it boils up , and then stir in 1 spoonful Of salt and 4 teaspoonful of pepper . The sauce is now ready for use . This is enough for a dish for three people . It - fish can be used with warmed over meats , , toast, - or sliced hard boiled eggs . 8 WHEN MOTHER LETS U S COOK SCRAMBLED EGGS FOR THREE 5 eggs Egg beater 1 cup mi lk Saucepan or chafing 1 tablespoonful but di sh ter Teaspoon 1 teaspoonful salt Tablespoons teaspoonful pep per 5 i in ul Break eggs nto a bowl, be g caref not to drop in any shells . Add 1 teaspoonful of salt and of pepper . i - Beat for a m nute with an egg beater . 1 mi Add cup of lk and beat a little longer . Have a saucepan $ you can also use a chafing dish) on a hot part of the stove $ put into it 1 O tablespoonful f butter and let it melt . ur in i Po the m xture and stir slowly . Pretty s oon the egg will begin to stick to the bottom Of the pan $ keep scraping it Off as you stir . f mi t is i When most O the x ure th ck and lumpy, the scramble is done . DO not let it get hard . ‘ Serve right away on hot plates $ it is very nice to have some hot slices of toast ready and pour he t mixture over them . WHEN MOTHER LETS U S COOK 9 APPLE SAUCE Saucepan Sharp knife Apple - corer Strainer or sieve Bowl i Choose some n ce hard cooking apples , core them, and peel them with a sharp knife .
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