' I.J- ' Four Page Colored The Price of This Paper is 3 cents everywhere—Pay no more Comic Section CARTERET,PRESS TmSedms CAUTRRRT, N.J>, FRIDAt, SEPTEMBER 23, 1932 PRICE THBER Carter** Women Win Prise* In ^Compton Would Gurb Leading Republican Yard And Garden Conteat Director Tells Of Relief Th<> County Republican Women'1) Against Wage Cut Organisations held a luncheon yes- Atfer Short Illness Mandatory Expenses terday hfternoon.. They were guests N. A. Jacoby In A Letter Set* of the Perth Amboy Women^j He- Long A Resident Of Carteret Work Done By County Middleaex Director Telia Democrat* At Jarneaburf Rally That _ . „ ,.„ .. _ 'publican Club. The luncheon waa Forth Reasons Why He Doe* held in Perth Amboy Republican ' And Very Prominent In Hun- Lewi* Compton Say* That Freeholder* Carried Out Great Pro- State Law Protect* Many Needlettty High SfclarW-And «S Not Agree With Views Cer- Club headquarters^ Those attending garian Circle* — End Fol- gram For Benefit Of Unemployed — Much Care Taken Perpetuate* Unnecetsary Position* — County Cotttrol* from the Carteret Women's Repub- tain G. O. P. Members Or lican Club were: Mrs. John H. Ne- low* Operation At Private In Malring Fund* Do Greatest Good — State Regu- , 6nly $48,000 Of Big County Payroll.. ville, Mrs. Jervia Neville^, Mm. John School Board. Dunne, Mrs, Peter Lewer, Mrs. Joa- Hospital. lation* Followed Carefully In Middlesex. Approximately 10,000 Democrat* eph Trefinko, Mrs. Lillian Kava- wie five counties comprising the Under the title of a Republican's nausrh, Mrs. George Bensutak, Mrs.I Louis Kovfccs, aged 49 years, one At the adjourned meeting of the ceivrd from tho Suit- Highway Com- find fifth Congressional Dis- View, Recorder N. A. Jacoby pre-| Walter Vonah, P&tor Goderstadt, of 'he leading Hungarians of Carter Retard of Freeholders held In the mission which arc in addition to the trict* assembled at Jamesburr Sat- dents many interesting thoughts in Mrs. Joseph Mittuch. Mr?. Helen Ha *t, of 68 Carteret avenue, died about County Record Building y«<rt*rday,' u«ual and normal aui^Unce received day, in one of the biggest political a letter to the PRESS. le« and Mrs. Genevieve Lilesci(r. j 5 p. m. Wednesday in Dr. Klein'* a report wa» submitted by Treehold-' f i om this source for new constrne- Hies ever held in the Htate. The latter follows: private hospital in Perth Amfcoy er Klemmmr Kalteimien, Chairman tmn and road mnintrn*nce work. •.There was speaking by Governor where he underwent an operation on oi the Department of Highways and These special griint.i worr in excea •A. Harry Moore, Frederick, M. Dear Editor: Monday. Mr. Kovncs ig .survived by Bridges, in regard to th« emergency 'of I30.noo.on. '• «*l*8, candidate for congress. Unit- relief made work program, which "This report also includes th* .••id States Senator TydlngS, Congreai- There appears to be considerable a willow, Rose; three sons, Attorney ; discussion flnd agitation in this Bor- Daughters Of America i Louis T. Kovaca, Walter and Emil, waa R*rt?d by the Board on Oc-projects financed entirely in»of»r a* 'man William H. Sutphin and other ough concerning the reduction of 'all of Carteret; a brother, Alex, of tober 1, ljJSl and has now been payroll U concerned by mon^rs re- atate and county candidates. salaries of school employees and McKeesport, Pa., two sisters, Mrs. practically completed. The Btoard ceived from tre Middlesex County The speakers atBacked the Hoover school teachers. It is my humble op- In Busy Session • Verona Adamowics, of Psssaie, wnd in receiving this report ordered that Employees' Salary Allotment Tru»i administration and urged the elec- inion that the solution of a matter | Julia who is in Europe. it be published for the information Account, This account was sub- tion of the entire Democratic ticket which vitally concerns the- interests Reports Received On Conven- Kovncs waa a resident of Car- - of the public. Director Compton jected to the thorough and complete as a relief from present economic and welfare of our tax-payers on the made the following statement in audit of the auditing committee ap- condition?. .- j n j f J teret.for the pasjt thirty two yeprs connection with the t«eipt of this pointed by Judge Adrian Lyon and one hand, nnd th# livelihood of school report: Dilfcctor Lewis Compton of the teachers on the other, should be ap- tion and farade —. Card iann dtll workee d thirty years of thtat time the Middlesex County Civil S<<rvic« Middlesex Board of Freeholders con- pronrhed freei from the passions and Party Planned — Diatrict '-ifbig plant as general fore- "The effort made by this Board Association. A copy of this audit, ilned most of his remarks to affairs prejudices which naturally nriae un- ~ . _, ,. • -s . .. , . man. He was a member and honor- U> do their full share in assisting indirfcting that the fund wns admin- in this county, explaining thjat he is der prevailing circumstances. T)io Ueputy la Ctfest At Meeting. &ry lay curator of the Free Magyar to m^et the unemployment program istered in absolute compliance with more familiar with county affairs members of the school board, upon Mil i Church, president of the Hungarian In this County should be given wide the policies pi,,mi-ted has lewntll than with those of the state and na- whom rest the burden of solving this , nighMuct h business was transacted last s'clt B«nefit Society, president of the publicity through the publication of been filed with the Board of Free- tion* - _ lf> ,,..,„,-ight at (i largely attended meeting Uunirnnun Reformed Session, and a this report becaus* the nummary of holders over the signatures of tho Mr. Compton'n remsrkR follow: problem, cannot do so with justice of Pride of Puritan Council No. 32, director of the Hungarian Aid Asso- this report indicates that from all members of the auditing committee, This outpouring of the Democracy aml equality to all concerned, unless ' Daughters of America, held in Odd cla(i°n. of Bridgeport, sources there was involved in this "Your attention is further Invited of Centra] New Jersey is nnt. only they check their passions, and nn'bellows halt. After the business meet- work a very large sum of public to the item in this report, which gratifying but inspiring. It ia a frain from the desire, of political ad-j >ng n social hour was held.and re- Carteret Women Are Guests money amounting U> a total of $602,- involved the acquisition and dis- Trery definite indication of. the repu-j vantage which is apt to arise in thu ' freahmentu were served. There^wero , A* i- t f f\ o t v. U30.B1! of which $S32,352.fl2 rep- tribution of firewood to needy un» diawon by the people of Morria, midst of a political campaign. This' four visitors present from Loyal * County ij.U.r. Luncheon resented payroll dollars which gavo employed families in thiB County, Somerset, Middlesex, Monmouth and p>rohk;n m chti be equitably solved only! Council No. 1, of Perth Amboy, and some measures of employment to and fimanwHi by 4 special grant from 1 Ocean of the unfair and unsports- !>y giving due consideration to the' District Deputy Mrs. Iiertha Oxen.- ll,4i>3 registered unemployed peo-' th• L.A.e O*~»Stat~ e t Kmerprenc. _ __y rT* Relieir • f • Admtai • - A recent personal study which I relativ... ..:..:_e position_ ..... s of •th. e school teach- n-'-"ford, o' f Woodbridge'i—'- »« . "--"-- "•• - Mrs. Oscar Stein and Mrs, Frank Jnan like "gerrymander" foisted am making in Middlesex reveals the ers and (if our tax payers. An advance roport was given by 01 the annuawere l thyare dwinner and gardes thisn conyea-r ple in this County. I would partic- istration. A total of 4,41*6 familiea upon- the people by th© discredited tftfLsLstt starting fsct that the responsiblpnible We must not forget, that when Philiilip "R'B. Cohen off thethl! st-attte conven- - coducted by the Herald Tribune ularly invite the attention of the were served with much needed fire- leadership of the Republican party governing officials of this county :letiling with school teachers, we are tion held in Asbury Park on Tuesday °* New "grk. Mrs. Stein, received public to the fact that this report wood from this source. Thi* iiUte- In this State. The American peo- ftn nrat rize covers only the period from Octo- ment and the report, however, does ple have always insisted on a square only directly control $48,300 of sal-dealing with a highly intelligent d Wednesday of thin week. A for- P which was a silver medal, her 1, 1931 to September 15, li»32 not include the 2(1,000 barrels of aries out of a total annual payroll group of individuals who are at all 'i"1' complete report will 'be ready 8n*' ™ra- Andres second, a bronze <leal; Their voices will be heard in of $398,500. Of the remaining bal- and does not include tiny of the made wood made available by the Depart- November, when Bill Sutphin and times respected and Admired by the tor the next meeting. Those who at- medal room, Th eo tawards were made in tho w»rk projects which were financed rticnt of Public Welfare, under Free- 3 pan ran are both sent to Con ance $110,(175, is mandatory by general public for their unselfish tended tho convention from the local ™" - the Hotel Pennsylvania ntirely by the Board of Freeholders holder Wicoff from wood cut and p state statute and $23i>,f>2il i» undei antl self-sacrificing churnrtorifltic) council ar«.
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